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Everything posted by Paoletta

  1. penso sia vecchia perchè ha scritto solo su twitter
  2. @crazyaboutmikafigurati ho pensato di avvisarvi ha iniziato ad avere problemi verso le 17.30 così...e fino ad ora nulla speriamo bene....magari anche Mika ha problemi con i social...
  3. Amici e amiche vi segnalo che instagram è in down..ci sono problemi di rete..ciao
  4. che gente cattiva pero che c'è in giro .. spacciarsi per Mika mah
  5. @crazyaboutmika ok bene ho fatto cosi infatti non ci ho pensato di fare screen ma lo bloccato appunto perchè so che Mika non messaggia privatamente
  6. ciao a tutti scusate, ma volevo solo chiedere conferma.. Mika non messaggia privatamente coi fan vero? no perchè ieri sera mi è arrivato un messaggio nella mia direct di instagram appunto scritto in francese di un utente che si spacciava per Mika.... Io gli ho detto che non era il vero Mika.. e sto qui mi ha assicurato che era Mika... ma io non mi sono fidata e lho bloccato.. ho fatto bene secondo voi? perchè appunto so che Mika non manda messaggi ai fans quindi mi sono cautelata bloccandolo
  7. @Kumazzz here is the reason for the dinner last night with louboutin.. to discuss the fashion show.. in my opinion in the inerwiew with rtl he was referring to Louboutin when he said he hoped to spend an evening with a nice person here i think that nice person was his friend Louboutin... in fact they had dinner together last night.. maybe he had eat a onion soup...
  8. @holdingyourdrink i 'll be with you with my mind and my heart as always post photos and tell me please...
  9. Hello my friends.. pinch and a punch first of the month.. :bye:

  10. @Herohe like the song "La Bamba" he had included it in his playlist of favorite songs on sportifi.. yes maybe he sing this song with Mickey hears
  11. @Raluca Trancau Hello, Hi.. welcome Raluca , yes i'm agree Mika is he is special he colors your life with his positivity and will to live .. I discovered him about five years ago .. and yes you are right he is a good and very kind guy .. even if I have never met him he gives me the impression of a very sweet person ... on stage he has a life changing energy .. I saw him in concert and it was wonderful ... then yes, I love his songs too, they are all poems finally he is able to put you in a good mood with his music .. at least for me it is so
  12. yes here in italy there are also pizza with onion and cheese
  13. yes.. tonight he drink beer, eat rice with onion? maybe ..
  14. @TinyLove_CJ he have a breakfast with coffee and milk.. Mika please..realease a new song please..
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