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Everything posted by Paoletta

  1. Good Weekend my friends


  2. Mika my Love!!!! @Prisca good thanks
  3. @Priscayes i agree with you also me think he was not in a good mood .. maybe also because for him it was his first birthday without his mother, maybe he misses him a lot and it may happen that a few days he doesn't want to be seen... in fact, if we look closely, his gaze is a bit sad.. he is not a beautiful smiling he has a veil of melancholy poor Mika
  4. @NaoMika and @mellody thank you so much for details.. !!! also me i would like to meet Mikaaa 100% because Mika is better than a cake Mika is he a sweet cake!!!

  6. Buon Compleaanno dolcissimo Mika!!! ovunque tu sia... trascorri questo giorno meraviglioso con il tuo fidato patner Andreas e tutta la tua fantastica famigliaa
  7. Miguel..Mika,Micheal penniman...party...
  8. @Gabry74presente spero...il boss diventa grande...
  9. ciaoo Anna BUON COMPLEANNO!!! Visualizza immagine di origine

  10. che bravo Mika ci fa conoscere tutte le tradizioni greche..
  11. giovedì 19 agosto.. i giudici si raccontano su skyuno
  12. Happy Mid AAuguri di buon Ferragosto 2021: frasi e immagini da inviare con WhatsApp -  Prima Vercelliugust my friends...

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