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Everything posted by Paoletta

  1. yes Daniel is a Dita's friend is Danielle is woman Mika was wrong to write and Danielle not Daniel
  2. great idea unfortunately I will not be there .. but I will be there with you as always with the mind and heart .. then tell me how it was, both the boat ride and the symphonic ..
  3. good start of a new week my friends.. :hug:

  4. @TinyLove_CJ yes.. i agree with you... I hope they are safe
  5. thanks again you of this forum you always know how to update me where Mika is and what he is up to, you are formidable detectives!! especially Prisca you are super magicalif I had not discovered this forum, I would not know how to thank you from the bottom of my heart
  6. @Gabry74 non c'è problema,,, è anche comprensibile è super preso dal lavoro, x factor, The voice , l'album.. vabbe dai quando potrà si collegherà lo sa che gli vogliamo bene e siamo sempre pronte ad accoglierlo si è sempre stra benvenuto..
  7. @Gabry74 ma Mika si potrebbe collegare stasera? se si poi postate quando si collega con Deb è sempre festa!!! dai Mik su join with Deb
  8. @holdingyourdrink, @Prisca, @Anna Ko Kolkowska, @lormare73 thanks always girls .. you are always very attentive to everything .. thank you very much .. that you update on where he is and what our beloved Mika is doing, very special detective.. fantastic.. my friends
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