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Posts posted by TinyLove_CJ

  1. Lasts night's dream was a little unusual. 


       It started with me at home practicing dance moves because I was part of a large dance group. My mum was there and also stayed with me throughout the whole dream. I then went to a TV studio where I had a job on a new talent show (I wasn't a contestant, my dance group were just there for entertainment), I did a rehearsal on stage for the producer who was really happy with the dancing and I remember signing the job contract there and then. 
       Straight after this I got a phone call from Mika! Apparently he'd seen a video of me dancing and wanted to meet me so he could see my dancing in person. Mika was in Australia and asked if it would be a problem getting there, my mum was a little concerned but I said I'd be there straight away. Me and my mum then went to a tram station to get a tram all the way to Australia! I remember the trams were quite old but very brightly coloured with lots of fairy lights too. Once on the tram my mum was still concerned that we wouldn't get to Australia because we could see that the track ahead was badly flooded, it wasn't a problem though because the tram just carried on through the water and once we were past it the tram soon came into the station and we got off safe and sound.
       I said to my mum that we should go straight to our apartment here (I do not have an Australian apartment irl, I've never even been!). Not sure if at this point I contacted Mika but when we got to the apartment he was already there inside waiting for me.
       I was really nervous meeting him but my mum was cool about it and just sat down to read a book. He was really eager to see me dance but my nerves just kept getting the better of me and so I kept making excuses. I was wearing a Mika t-shirt and thought he might be embarrassed by it, he said he was! 😭. But he still wanted to see me dance and insisted I change clothes! The only thing I could find was a pajama top, I didn't want to change infront of him so I put it on over my Mika t-shirt. I still said I didn't really want to dance because the room was too small, Mika said I could knock a wall down for more space. I turned to a wall behind me, gave it a push and it came down! Couldn't really get out of dancing then so I put on some music (Britney Spears - Toxic) and performed a dance routine. Mika loved my dancing so much he offered me a job as a backing dancer for the whole of his next WORLD TOUR! Of course I accepted and I still got to work on the talent show too 😀.


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  2.    From time to time we all know that Mika takes a well deserved break from social media. Sometimes it's a very loooooong break resulting in a 'Mika Drought'. As Mika fans, of course we want to know where he is and what he's up to during these breaks. That's why I created this thread so that we can share our own fun theories whenever Mika disappears again! 


       When Mika goes "missing" we can share and debate our thoughts here, the more imaginative and outlandish the better!


    This is just for fun and making each other laugh until Mika reappears again. 
    (probably with another cooking video, either that or him just saying hello in a dozen languages 😅)


    So where do you all think Mika is now and what is he up to?




    As of 16/01/2022 this thread reached 101 pages! :yay:


    Thank you Mika for keeping us guessing! And to our resident Mika Whisperer @Prisca!  :fairy:

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  3. Hi Mindy :welcomeani: 


    10 hours ago, Mindy Johnson said:

     I went on a road trip with my husband when we began dating, and I knew he was the one when his playlist included Mika. 

    Clearly a keeper! And I love that your daughter has great confidence thanks to Mika, that's awesome! 

    • Like 2
  4. I had two Mika dreams in a row!


    However the first one is not so great.


    Tuesday night:

    Mika only appeared briefly at the start of my dream. He was choosing different costume heads to wear, mainly large animal masks. I think I was the one selling them and Mika had a hard time choosing which one to go with. He eventually got a dog head that looked a bit like a husky and as he walked away he kept putting it on and taking it off again. Once he was gone my dream turned into a nightmare about dogs, which I won't go into, it was very dark and grim 😬.


    Wednesday night:

       This dream started with me in a large waiting room, and I was waiting for Mika! I wasn't alone in the room, it was an MFC exclusive area and other members were sat around with me and we were all excited to see him. A lot of us had brought special pictures of Mika for him to sign and I couldn't decide which of mine to use. To pass the time until Mika came a young lady started handing out the recent Tele 7 magazine, I decided then that I would get Mika to sign the cover of it! (I still really want that magazine irl by the way)
    Mika then came into the waiting room with a team of people and sat down at the far end of the room behind a desk. His team didn't want us to all rush at once to meet him so we all had to wait our turn and queue up. I was really nervous because I've never met him before but everyone around me was really reassuring and said I'll be fine, but when it was my turn to meet him I couldn't talk because I was so nervous! At least I got my magazine signed! Also in the dream Mika was a bit younger and had much shorter hair. 
      After this meet and greet it was time to see him on stage. Mika and his team went through to another room and after a little while all the fans followed. It was a small theatre room and I managed to sit near the front! It wasn't really a full on Mika concert, it was similar to his Stasera Casa Mika show instead. He talked a little about himself and projects he's part of and then started inviting fans onto the stage with him. He asked me to join him too and again I was so nervous I couldn't stop shaking and found it really hard to talk. When he realised how I was feeling he gave me a big hug and said I could sit at the edge of the stage to watch his next performance. He went on to sing Stardust. The one thing I remember really vividly is that after he signed my magazine throughout the rest of the dream I kept holding onto its so tightly and refused to put it down anywhere 😅.

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  5. 4 hours ago, jajinka5 said:

    And have you seen this 😱


    I was watching this too! Absolutely gutted it went over my budget 😭 


    (little suspicious that all the bidders were 'private listing' though 🤔)


    I did buy the Kukulakuku Swatch watch though (not on eBay), so all in all not a bad Mika collection day!

    • Like 4
  6. Hi Ashley :welcomeani:  


    I'm C.J from the UK 😊


    If I ever get married the theme would just be 'Mika' 😅, it sounds so lovely to have Mika's music played at the ceremony! 


    We're all certainly looking forward to when Mika's back on stage again, hopefully soon! 

    • Like 1
  7. They are all so beautiful! As well as prints maybe a little art zine could be released too to include all the artists! 🤔

    The museum Mika is collaborating with does have an online shop, it's only a little expensive... €300+ for prints, posters and paintings isn't too bad right? :uhno:


    Mika's reminds me of his Swatch watch designs with the bright colours, naked man and the beetles! 

    • Like 4
  8. I love this project too! Mika and his sister really are amazing artists. I love the poster they've created, I wonder if they'll be a chance to buy prints? Would totally put this on my wall! 


    Also with the picture above (Mika in pink looking at the camera), I may be over thinking this but I wonder if the Symphonic poster and the Songs for Sorrow EP could be a little clue to his future musical projects? Or is this just wishful thinking from me? 😁

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