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Status Updates posted by Serendipity

  1. Camillina is full of love :fangurl::wub2:🥰



    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Mikasister


      I know this feeling very well @Serendipity @Starlight :emot-sad:

    3. Serendipity


      @Mikasister @Starlight well it's a mixed feeling: I feel disoriented because my head is still there dancing and singing but my body is at work; I feel melancholic as I don't know when I will be able to see him again; and I feel sososo exalted because everything has been so amazing and I knew a lot of new fantastic people so.. anyway it's freaking fantastic!!! :hypo: :crybaby: :fangurl: 

    4. Londonmikafan


      You know I had the tickets for the 10th November gig in London last year for my birthday in July but I figured out in May that I will have them. So I waited 6 months for this concert!!!! After the AMAZING show (it seemed so unreal, I was incredible), I was in strong P.M.D for 2 months... I totally understand how you feel @Starlight and @Serendipity, I’m totally the same! I think everyone is...

  2. Hellllooooo everybody!!! 

    This is just a test... is this the famous "status update"? :excite:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Starlight
    3. Dominika


      Nice background pic by the way :das:

    4. Serendipity


      That's my second favourite picture of Mika.. the first one is your user pic :hypo:

  3. Buongiorno MikaFanClubbers 

    Have a nice week!!! :lg:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Anna-is-golden


      Have a nice week too☺️☺️

    3. Paoletta


      i hope is a nice week but without mika is not nice week😥

    4. Mikasister


      You have his music  @Paoletta


      You need to find something that makes you happy. And not depend only on Mika to be happy. :hug:

  4. Ready for Padovaaaaaa!!!!!! :woot_jump::woot_jump:

  5. My father tonight on the telephone, worried about Coronavirus: - please Camy be safe, avoid big crowd, like these Mika things.- :floor::floor:D5Br.gif

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Serendipity


      He is lucky that there are no "Mika things" untill the summer 🤣🤣🤣

    3. Starlight
    4. Paoletta


      D5Br.gif Oh my poor Mika mika things the same for me my father is equal oh the father that don't understand our love for Mika :lmfao:

  6. Hahahahaha!!!! 🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊


  7. And Perugia ticket bought.........

    Please Mikaddiction, leave my body!!!




    1. Starlight


      Don't say that, it's something to live for. :no:

    2. Starlight
    3. Mikasister


      Not possible :naughty:

  8. Just bought a ticket for Verona!!!



    1. Starlight


      Waaaaaah next Mika gig to come :kachinga::cheerful_h4h:

    2. Londonmikafan


      Ooooooohhhhhhh so coooooool!!!!!!:glasses3:

  9. missing him.

    1. Paoletta


      😭 @Serendipity speriamo bene magari ha solo voglia di riposarsi un po' anche lui :dunno:sicuramente se fosse ricoverato da qualche parte per il virus cosa che spero di no qualcuno del suo staff lo direbbe

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