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Everything posted by holdingyourdrink

  1. Oh man, I can only imagine. If he has to learn to play a new piece on the organ within a few days... that’s quite something!
  2. I really love this suit. It suits him so well. Anyone knows what designer it is? Didn’t he wear it to the Viktor and Rolf show?
  3. I was wondering if they did that on purpose, so he only had to remember one line for the entire song when it concerned his part 🙈 but no!
  4. I have been researching „Hallelujah“ and I will from now on listen to this song very very differently. HOW COULD I BE THIS NAIVE 🙈🙈🙈
  5. I agree, more form fitting would suit him much better. I guess that’s called fashion, but since when does Mika follow the trend? 🙈
  6. I will cry with you 😭 (I would have been surprised though, does Mika ever release material so soon?)
  7. Mika could work with the @Subtitling Teamwith how fast he gets those videos subtitled 😆 Think it’s great he does that to share with his fans. He’s proud of his work and wants everyone to see what he does and understand him. I feel that this is much more interesting for him than all the talent shows he did combined! I am very curious for the show, but also what he will come up with next week, how can he top this!?!
  8. It’s exactly like that. I compare it to dancing.. you have to show your emotions, otherwise the performance becomes flat, technical and interchangeable by anyone. So you magnify your emotions beyond their normal bounds *just* on the very borders of your physical ability and find the extremes to make a clear contrast between movements... and to make the transitions interesting. It’s like a caricature of yourself, but still staying true to yourself. HOWEVER In real life I don’t extend my arm with brute force everytime someone says something that hits a nerve (although I sometimes really would like to 🤣, but I respond within my physical and mental bounds 🤪)
  9. I saw the clip and I was amazed!! Now it’s going to be fireworks!! I hope he doesn’t set someone on fire 🙈
  10. I agree, you saw a clear improvement over the course of those two hours. Sometimes I think it’s a handicap to not know French in the Mika fandom 😅, but watching the workshop he did and only being able to listen and “feel” the conversation and emotion improving with the contestants was extremely powerful to witness. So I have good hopes for Sunday ☺️
  11. I’m 100% sure it did. I actually had a similar situation where a superior said those words to me. It paralyzed me and I did not do as good and confidently as I normally would have, because I was questioning EVERYTHING. I can only imagine it’s the same for them.. and they are also being filmed! Very true, especially in Showbusiness the stakes are very high! Look at this show, I’m so very curious how Sunday is going to be!
  12. Oh my, but could also just be editing to make it more entertaining for the viewers, who knows. That is very true! Didn’t he once say he felt bad for the people working with/for him? Because he can be an a**hole? 😆
  13. I haven’t seen it yet, unfortunately I will have to wait for the subs team to understand the clip, but I’m very curious as to how I would interpret this particular segment. Which contestant was that? I’ve seen the workshop video and there were many times I could see the frustration with the contestants (multiple ones) - which is understandable, because Mika knows exactly what he wants and finds a way to get it out of them, but like Greg mentioned it’s not immediate and that is a frustrating feeling. However, I hope they won’t take it as Greg criticizing Mika and therefore give them a reason to not give it their all, but that Greg was just assessing the situation and giving words to their feelings. That’s easier said than done though, especially when you’re right in the middle of it like the contestants are.
  14. Very possible, because it’s not unlikely that we will be socially distancing and wearing masks for a little while to come... In a way let’s hope that the next time it’s possible to see him again, we’re still wearing masks. Because that would then mean relatively soon ☺️
  15. Okay, I do not understand much French, but I am watching the replay now and I understand perfectly well what feeling Mika wants to convey. I am amazed how the language of music transcends throughout 🌸
  16. To be honest, French is a beautiful language, but I don’t understand one bit 🤣 so it’s all Alien to me!
  17. It has been downloaded so often, the quota for today seems to have been reached, haha. I will try again tomorrow.
  18. Just like Mika did when he was younger, I would spend my days at the music store and would browse through the albums, ask to listen to them, read the booklet and then listen to the next one. This put listening to music in a whole unique atmosphere and experience. BUT, I don’t agree that we are missing context. If you truly want to know more about the artist and their music these days, you have many platforms to know more about them. That’s how I stumbled on this forum in the first place ☺️ And it’s much more extensive than the booklet. I do agree that we are being overwhelmed with what is out there, but only within the context that is presented and calculated by the algorithm of any streaming platform. Is this very different from browsing through the music store? I think not, because I would be overwhelmed by the many CDs that were there. I would only pick up an album where the artwork intrigued me. Which still means I would base my choice on the “algorithm” my brain would produce. Clearly not based on anything other than my taste for shape and colours. What the algorithm produces on steaming platforms is however incredibly fast paced. This is true, which doesn’t leave much room for wanting to get to know the artist more and the rest of their music. And which ultimately means you get stuck in some kind of artificial loop of similar music. We do need to break out of that, that is true. I can’t wait for Mika’s resistance.
  19. Remember when I told you to take your vitamins a while back? I felt like my grandmum for saying this. Maybe he’s like my grandmum as well! 🤣 think we’ve reached the age where you can sense a notable difference 🙈 and are therefore taking it to heart more seriously. Doesn’t he ski? He should know this 🙈 guess his grandmum never told him to put tanning lotion on 😆
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