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Prisca last won the day on February 2

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About Prisca

  • Birthday 04/02/1986


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    The Mika Whisperer and Crazy Camel Lady

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    Prisca Derungs

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  1. Switzerland has just kicked France out of the European Football Championship. :jawdrop:

    1. Mikasister


      Are you a football fan?

    2. Prisca


      This is a difficult question to answer. :lol3:


      Until I was about twelve/thirteen, we only had one TV at home. And when the Swiss national team was playing, my father and brother actually always watched the game. So I had a choice: either watch the game or read or do something else. That was in the 90s and we didn't have a computer at home yet (otherwise I might have done something with that :original:).


      I had phases where I watched more and phases where I watched less, also with reporting etc. But only the national team, clubs have never really interested me. :dunno_grin:


      My brother has been playing at a club for 27 years now and when he was a kid we sometimes went to watch his games as a family. Now, I haven't seen him play for several years. Shame on me. :teehee:

      Actually, I wanted to watch one of his games with my sister-in-law and the kids last year, but then it started thundering and we changed our minds.


      Last night, the Swiss team beat France in the round of 16 and nobody actually expected it. This is Switzerland's first appearance in a European Championship quarter-final since 1954 and the Swiss are just going crazy. :lmfao:


      Luckily, I only heard the scores on the radio yesterday, otherwise I probably would have had a heart attack. :lmfao:


      I haven't watched a single game so far at this European Championship, which is actually kind of weird because at least at the European Championships and World Cups I've always watched a few games, even if I don't watch any other games. :dunno_grin:And now that they've got a bit further in the European Championship for once, I haven't watched it. :doh::lol3:



      Me watching football: All of a sudden I start screaming and scare myself. :lmfao:


      I should actually always found out how good the Swiss defence is at the moment to avoid the likelihood of having a heart attack in front of the TV. :lmfao:


      By the way, Switzerland will play against Spain :spain: on Friday, again as a total underdog. :lmfao:

      Ok, I still haven't answered your question. :lmfao:


      I'm not really a fan, but football matches are definitely a part of my past. :wink2:



    3. Mikasister


      I'm not  a football fan but I'm glad when Barcelona wins and don't worry about the next game between Switzerland and Spain, I do not care at all if Spain loses. :soccer_h4h:

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