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Everything posted by Prisca

  1. My booking doesn't say where I'll be seated or what I'll be eating. But for this price, I assume they can cater to the individual and offer vegetarian and so on. I can imagine that I will get e-mails later.
  2. Yes, she is in a nursing home. Every time a nurse comes in the room every few hours at night, she hears it (she knows exactly what times someone comes in, it's always the same times). She can't see well, she needs the magnifying glass to read. But if she leaves a little light on, she doesn't see any camels. 😅
  3. I asked her but she doesn't know. 😅 Yes, maybe a shadow of something. 😅
  4. There are cowbells in different sizes. Traditionally, the older cows have the largest bells. From that point of view, this cowbell is appropriate for the camel (a small cowbell would probably have looked funny ). What I also wanted to get rid of: I went to visit my grandma at the beginning of last May. And she (I swear I have talked with her before nothing that has anything remotely to do with camels): At night I have to leave a small light on, otherwise I see camels . And I had always changing pictures (every day a new one) until the day that I had camels on the screen: That was February 22 last year. That day I had a problem with my laptop and reset it (first time ever I reset a laptop 😅). Since then, every day I have these camels or sometimes black as background on my laptop. When I came home from America after a month, I thought: Still these camels? 🙈 However, I decided to leave these camels as background until the movie is released and even didn't update my laptop to Windows 11 because of that. But now has passed over a month since the movie premiere and I think it's time to say goodbye to the camels on my background and finally do the update, which is strange after more than a year. 🥲😅
  5. Yes, I have heard of them being virtually forced to speak French.
  6. I don't know, but I would have to park my car somewhere. They'll let me in, it doesn't say anywhere that you have to have an appropriate car for the dinner concert. 😅
  7. DE German and CH German are the same languages and yet many Germans do not understand the Swiss. Sorry, sorry!
  8. I understood enough in Spanish to understand that he was telling the same stories before the songs as he usually did during the summer. With Catalan it was different, I don't think he told something that he usually told all summer. I think I didn't understand much there. But I don't think Spanish and Catalan are actually that different.
  9. He asked a woman (not Alba ) to come on stage to help him speak Catalan.
  10. The view was as well really bad on the left end. However, as Alba said, as everyone ran to the front that wasn't a problem anymore. Yes, that's right, but Mika told the security guards not to stop the fans if they run to the stage (well, that's what I heard). Don't know if they will allow it this year as well.
  11. He also keeps it simple if he goes to a place he had just been. And it would also be easier for me to organise.
  12. I'm more than fine with him performing there again this year. I am just sceptical.
  13. I really hope it's true. Yes, but usually not again the following year, right?
  14. Well, I was there and I don't understand how they're going to make two episodes next week.
  15. We just saw the concert and clips of the finalists where they were introduced.
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