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Everything posted by SusanT

  1. I had seen the interview below on social media but only today did I find a video with French subtitles, which is always a help for fans like me who are still learning French. If the subtitled version has already been posted somewhere, I can delete this post. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8ray8 One more thing, at 1.47 Mika's talking about "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", isn't he? I read it the first time when my daughter got it as a present. It's also been translated into Italian.
  2. No, I haven't bought a ticket. I think it's likely I would be able to sell it if I had a good seat, but having to fly from southern Italy further complicates the picture. Anyway, I'm glad I'll see Mika in Lucca (though it's a different kind of show).
  3. Unfortunately I won't know until June 17, the day when Italian high school exam commissions begin their work.
  4. Ils veulent encore Que nous bougions Même presque morts Que nous bougions Ils eurent souhaité Que nous bougeassions Maybe "bougeassions" ( past subjunctive) is used because it's introduced by "ils eurent souhaité," which is a past tense ( don't remember which ). Google Translator gave me "had wished" as a translation. So could the words be "they had wished/wished we would move"? Maybe "ils eurent souhaité" was chosen because it had the right number of syllables for the line.
  5. The questions reported in NaoMika's post above might also help readers to follow Mika's answers more easily.
  6. The French subtitles help although they are not always accurate. There are other languages but I wasn't able to click on English subtitles (I couldn''t get past the languages that start with "A", like Arabic)
  7. Hope Mika makes it to North America this year for all of you fans there
  8. https://www.pressreader.com/italy/corriere-della-sera/20231217/281917367874216 Questo numero del Corriere ha un articolo sul trend dei pianoforti nelle stazioni britanniche che accenna a The Piano con Mika e Lang Lang. Se non riuscite a leggere l'articolo cliccando sul link, lo posso pubblicare.
  9. Looks like the first season of The Piano will soon be available on Sky UK. https://www.sky.com/watch/title/series/43c3efdc-a786-465e-aee1-3797498a9ae8/the-piano-43c3efdc-a786-465e-aee1-3797498a9ae8/episodes/season-1/episode-3
  10. Buon Natale a tutti! 😊🎄🥂
  11. Singing Jingle Bells in French . . . what a lovely way to end the interview!
  12. Mika annuncia che ci sono sorprese per l'Italia!
  13. It's funny how Mika digresses into talking about his aunt 😄
  14. Thank you. But there's so much I didn't understand. Maybe I'll give it another go during the holidays at . . . a . . . slower . . . speed.
  15. Ora che ho seguito un po' il programma non sono sicura che si voti da casa
  16. The 65 musicians ( at least in part) for Je sais que je t'aime?
  17. Domani, 19 novembre, si terrà Sanremo Giovani per scegliere i 3 cantanti che partecipareranno al Festival di Sanremo a febbraio. Tra di loro si trova Fellow, il giovane cantante che faceva parte del roster di Mika a X Factor nel 2021. Credo che ci sarà anche il televoto per il pubblico a casa. Se volete, sostenete Fellow. Anche lui segue Mika su Instagram.
  18. How I wish I could go! But on June 24th it is about 95% certain that I'll be involved in school-leaving exams.
  19. I imagine painting the coffin was also therapeutic for them, it helped lessen their pain.
  20. Mika changes expression when Crespo-Mara announces they are going to watch a clip; it makes me wonder if he was expecting it. A sensitive interviewer should ask for permission to show a video of a deceased loved one. Whatever the case, in the end it apparently was ok with Mika to show it.
  21. I had been looking for this video because I came across it a few days ago and wanted to watch it again. I liked Mika's description of what "maison" (home) means to him. He said it's inside his head and includes, among other things, the stage, his dogs, preparing a big concert, a supermarket, a discussion with his sister, choosing fabric (I guess for his outfits), preparing meatballs and . . . tomato sauce (my favorite). 😊 Mika also said that it truly warmed his heart that venues for a show promoted with a French title sold out so fast in the UK (and Ireland, I would add).
  22. I'm not on TikTok but I admit this version is easier to read than the Instagram video
  23. Proprio oggi ho dato uno sguardo alla classifica dei top 30 album ascoltati in Italia su Spotify e iTunes. Spotify aveva solo 5 album stranieri, mi pare Buble', Travis Scott, Mariah Carey, Swift e Peter Gabriel. ITunes ne aveva un po' di più ( per es Pink Floyd) ma erano sempre pochi e in lingua inglese. Credo che in Italia non si ascolti molta musica in francese ( forse giusto Stromae?) però qualcuno che ascolta più musica di me dovrebbe rispondere. Appena e' uscito il nuovo album di Mika è apparso in classifica di iTunes Italia in una buona posizione ( 14°) ma poi è sparito. Immagino che le radio potrebbero fare di più se volessero. Spero tanto che a Lucca Mika ci canti molte delle sue nuove canzoni. ❤
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