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I was wondering what drew you guys into liking Mika first: his music or his looks?




For me it was definetly his music. When I went to his myspace and saw his picture I didn't really make anything of it, but I would listen to his songs repeatedly. I think most people will say the same thing, because you don't become attracted to a person (celeb) until you've become a fan of their work and "get to know them." You know what I mean? You later become attracted to their personality through their music. Does anyone even understand what I'm saying? haha

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wow, his music at first but very soon after it was his looks and just the whole shebang of mika appeal. i loved grace kelly but after i saw the video i was hooked i'm usually drawn to quirky things. i was really drawn to it also because my sister didn't like it. hmm i guess that's somewhat strange.

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His music. A friend was telling me how much she hated Grace Kelly and I had to hear "this absolutely horrible song" for myself and ended up falling in love with it. I downloaded a few more then looked Mika up on the internet and that's when I saw him for the first time.

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I'd never heard of him until I was sitting in a movie theatre waiting for my flick to start. They played the entire Grace Kelly video, and I distinctly remember watching it thinking "my God this is weird..." As the vid progressed, I sort of started thinking "yes, this is weird...but, strangely, I quite like it!" - this was at the point where he's sitting on the couch and they're sort of bopping their ankles in time to the beat, lol. At that point, I didn't really think of Mika's looks, other than the fact that he resembles my ex.


I basically forgot about Mika, though, till the following weekend when a friend played "Grace Kelly" at a houseparty. After that, I went home and downloaded it off iTunes. I then went to YouTube to watch that bizarro video again. That was the turning point; I ended up watching a bunch of live performances. Then, I ended up listening to all the other tracks on LICM, which I bought a few days later.


Then, I graduated from watching live performances to watching interviews...and that's when I realized how totally smitten I was. He is SO smart and SO likeable and SO articulate...the way he carries himself and the way he talks is just amazing.


Anyhow I'm getting verbose (again), so to summarize, for me, it went:


Who is this weird guy -> Hey this song is catchy -> Oh wow he's amazing live -> Oh wow he's freaking adorable -> Oh hells yeah, the whole CD is amazing -> OMG he's talented AND smart AND wonderful...swoon :wub2:

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I liked his music first.


I remember hearing a 30 second clip of Grace Kelly on iTunes and thinking it was really bizarre, but then deciding that I liked it. I downloaded it onto my iPod and listened to it incessantly on vacation (ironically, the same weekend Mika played at SXSW :sneaky2::doh:). Anyway, after that I downloaded Love Today (which I had previously passed over because I didn't know if I'd like the entire song) and absolutely LOVED it. After that, I started watching live performances and basically anything Mika-related on YouTube, and that's when I realized he wasn't exactly lacking in the looks department! :wub2:

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What? Music? You mean this Mika guy makes music? :blink:


First I find out that people on here actually like the guy, and now this? I don't know what the world is coming to!


Seriously though, I found out about Mika when I asked for recommendations of songs that sound like 70s Queen, and my sister linked me to the Grace Kelly video. My first reaction, as immortalized on my blog, was this:


"Oooooooh. He's gorgeous, the song is fun, the video features an eerie little girl. Great all around."


And then I said some stuff about how I wished he had more Queen influence (haha, I didn't think he was Queen-influenced enough--I must have been the only one!) and went to listen to it again. And then I posted about the video, telling my friends to listen to it because "the song is sugary and fun and catchy, and he's very pretty and cheekily swishy," but I wasn't certain at the time whether I'd like his music on repeated listening. Ha, again. And then I was hooked.


So I guess both at once really.


Though I'm surprised at how many of you thought he was "weird" at first. The "weirdness" is what made me instantly like him!



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*Music first, but it could've been a tie with the looks. My little sister kept on talking about the song "Grace Kelly" so I watched the video on YouTube. I liked the song but was a little scared by the quirkiness. The next morning, I turned on the T.V. and he was being interviewed on Good Morning America. "So this is Mika." And it's history from there.

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Definitely music! I had a friend who had Love Today on her myspace and I'd listen to it and I liked how upbeat it was. Eventually I decided to put it on my list of songs to download before I forgot about it and before she took it off. After that a friend of mine had his CD and that's when I fell in love with it.



I under stand what you're saying Fmbm. I got hooked onto his music and then I found him and his personality very attractive after I did some more research about him and listened to his songs more and more.


Like I had mentioned in the Night Owl's thread tonight, it takes a lot for me to get hooked on a band/artist, but with Mika it just seemed to happen instantly.

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For me, I watched Grace Kelly on TV. At first, I didn't pay much attention in it, me and my sister were laughing at Mika's dance...:roftl:

After several of time, I attracted by him. I thought Grace Kely was good. This guy is amazing! So was his curly hair.:fisch:

Then I searched for him and listened to the other songs. Some weeks later, I bought Life In Cartoon Motion.:wub2:


So, which come first? I think it should come in the same time. If Grace Kelly wasn't good, I wouldn't pay attention to his dance!

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Deffinetley the music


I had heard Grace Kelly and had no idea who sang it...to tell the truth I kinda forgot his name too at the beginning..I was like "it`s smth with an M,right?"


so anyway,I then saw an ad where they played Relax,but wll,it was written "music by...." so I went on to serch for Relax and was hit.


and after a week or so listening to Grace Kelly I accidentally was the vid.First I thaught it sounded familiar and then got it it was GK and the yes...the moment of truth,I saw Mika

Man I was laughing my ass off when I first saw him :lol3: I mean it`s not like you see a curly guy in tight red trousers everyday in music videos,right? :lol3:

and he had his trademark moves,wich agaibn made me burst.I actually remember reading an interwiev he said he didn`t have a date on Valentines Day and the evil part in me was "...and ya wonder? " (I gotta go confess this to Holy johnny asap) :lmfao:

but then I got curious and went on to read some more interviews and I was like...wow,this guy is smart! then I switched to youtube and I after some interviews I was so impressed with how he is and how he acts

It actually all began with his personality,and then I started to loook for some photos,and on the basis of that great personality came the fact that I started finding him so very gorgeus :bleh:


complex,huh? :lol3:

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Deffinetley the music


I had heard Grace Kelly and had no idea who sang it...to tell the truth I kinda forgot his name too at the beginning..I was like "it`s smth with an M,right?"


so anyway,I then saw an ad where they played Relax,but wll,it was written "music by...." so I went on to serch for Relax and was hit.


and after a week or so listening to Grace Kelly I accidentally was the vid.First I thaught it sounded familiar and then got it it was GK and the yes...the moment of truth,I saw Mika

Man I was laughing my ass off when I first saw him :lol3: I mean it`s not like you see a curly guy in tight red trousers everyday in music videos,right? :lol3:

and he had his trademark moves,wich agaibn made me burst.I actually remember reading an interwiev he said he didn`t have a date on Valentines Day and the evil part in me was "...and ya wonder? " (I gotta go confess this to Holy johnny asap) :lmfao:

but then I got curious and went on to read some more interviews and I was like...wow,this guy is smart! then I switched to youtube and I after some interviews I was so impressed with how he is and how he acts

It actually all began with his personality,and then I started to loook for some photos,and on the basis of that great personality came the fact that I started finding him so very gorgeus :bleh:


complex,huh? :lol3:



What is the Valentine's Day thing from again? I've heard it before but I don't remember where.

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I was wondering what drew you guys into liking Mika first: his music or his looks?



For me it was definetly his music. When I went to his myspace and saw his picture I didn't really make anything of it, but I would listen to his songs repeatedly. I think most people will say the same thing, because you don't become attracted to a person (celeb) until you've become a fan of their work and "get to know them." You know what I mean? You later become attracted to their personality through their music. Does anyone even understand what I'm saying? haha


I've heard first his voice(and I thought: this man is a miracle of Nature!), then saw his look.

So, the answer is obvious.:wub2:

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It was when I first heard GK and I initially thought it was a singer doing a mickey take. Then after another listen I loved it and when straight on to iTunes but didn't know who sang it. I thought it was the Macabees but after a little hunting I bought the song and then when on the tinternet to find out more about the man they called Mika and, hey presto, my obsession began

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The chicken came first!:blink:



No, kidding. His music ofcourse. I was bored as usual when I was watching tv and I was watching Jensen, a late night show. Apart from all his usual talk he announced that he had a very special guest on the show and he played some of the Grace Kelly video. I kinda liked it so I kept watching until Mika came on. I thought he was quite adorable and cute and very funny too. He performed GK all by himself with only the keyboard and I really fell in love with him. So I downloaded Grace Kelly and I listened to it and I adored it. So I downloaded more and decided to buy his album. So I dragged a friend to the store (I had to travel 8 km, because my local shop didn't sell it, the bastards:mf_rosetinted: ) but it was worth it! And that's how I ended up exploring the web and I came here:naughty:

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What is the Valentine's Day thing from again? I've heard it before but I don't remember where.




I really can`t remember,I just found an article on the internet when i was searching for Mika at the beginning

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His music alone - unless you count that tiny little sepia pic of his head, the one on the album cover and on the top left corner of the mikasounds homepage!


I'd only ever read about Mika (this was early January) and needed to know what the fuss was about so never having even seen a pic of him I googled him and got mikasounds, and of course, that hits you in the eye (ear?) with an album sampler thing straight away, AND THE REST IS HISTORY!!


Only after I'd been blown away by the sampler did I peek at the Grace Kelly vid, and even then I thought he was just a bit 'interesting' looking...


I didn't start to really fancy him until the Radio 2 Music Club thing was on a loop on BBCi for a week in February, and one day I realised the extent of his gorgeousness/charisma and well need I say more?


But it's his voice and his music which do it for me most of all. Honest.


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It was a cold November evening....


Driving home from work with hubby and Grace Kelly started playing on the radio (didn't know anything 'bout the song) and instantly I turned to my husband and said: "I like this song". After a moment or so, I said, "I really like this song! - I wonder who sings this? Hope they say who it is after the song...

WOW - I never like a song on the first listen - but I really like this song!"


I loved the lyrics! 'why don't you like me, why don't you like me? walk out the door!'


I loved the melody.


But I didn't get to hear who sang the song when it finished! We were only 2 minutes from home and I said " All I can remember 'bout the song is something about 'Grace Kelly' (who woulda thunk I'd get the exact titel of the song!) - But I thought - how am i going to Google 'Grace Kelly' on the internet without getting all the info about them actual 'Grace Kelly'?

And I don't know if this ALWAYS happens to you, but, EVERYTIME i tell myself that once I'm home I will 'Google' something, I ALWAYS FORGET what I'm supposed to 'Google'!


But for some strange reason - I didn't forget this time!


I must of entered the key words "Grace Kelly song" because I instantly started getting all the information about MIKA! First, in 'Wikipedia" (which we all know by now is NOT the most reliable site!) I was impressed by his musical background! I was impressed that he was able to overcome so many obstacles as a child (dyslexia, bullying, father being away, opera as a child, orbit ad, etc...) so most of it was accurate at the time.


Then, I saw the VIDEO! WHOAH! What a CUTIE-PATOOTIE! (Not the little girl...)


Then I listened to interviews! OMIGOD! Can this guy impress me even more?!!!


Then I bugged radio stations and music shops about when I could get access to more MIKA music! This was only November...in CANADA, where it seemed NOBODY knew who he was! :no: I was MIKA deprived! So I downloaded everything possible! i had to buy songs from UK iTunes!


I finally found the MFC Forum in JANUARY!!!! YAAAAAY! :groupwave:


But it still seemed no one in CANADA knew MIKA...and I kinda gave up and thought, why is Europe so much more advanced when it comes to embracing great music?! North America is soooooo slow! So I thought I guess I'm gonna have to wait....but then Life in Cartoon Motion was released in CANADA before the US!!! I was at HMV in Toronto on the first day it was released and was sooooo excited and was the first person in the store (even though I already downloaded the whole album from iTunes!)


Then I discovered he was going to perform at the MOD Club in Toronto for MARCH 21!!! I just about fell off my chair! I bought 3 tickets straight away (didn't know who was coming with me, but the tickets were only $15!!)


God this is getting too long, sorry...I'm just reminiscing and reliving my whole MIKA history....


Anyways, MUSIC first, then his bio, then his Cutie-Patootieness, then his well-spoken manner, his confidence, his non-conformity, everything...


*sigh* I love Mika... :wub2:

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Music! I heard him in the radio and looooved his voice and all that.. Then I found all the songs on youtube (like, the videos where there's just music) I think I've maybe seen a little tiny clip from GK.. But not much.. I just remember him standing doing that face (..A little FreddieMMMM!)



I would never listen to someones music because of their looks (unless they were really talented and good looking)! Seriously, it's not like he's some kind of sexyness god(dess)

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Definitly the music: I was on holiday in Venice and we had this tiny tv in our appartement. We had no radio, so we used the tv to get access to some music. It was a very old tv, so you couldn't see very clear what was on the screen (you know, with a lot of snow)

One day, they played the Grace Kelly clip on it, I remember I was making the bed and hearing it. I went to the tiny tv, trying to read the name of the artist: Mika... I was fascinated by the song: it sounded familiar and new at the same time!


I thought: "man this is a crazy song ans this Mika-guy sings soooo high!"

I actually thought it was something Italian, since I was in Venice, but when I got home and turned on my tv, there it was again...


I got intrigued and did soms research on the internet... saw the live performance in KOKO and I was convinced: this guy is a keeper!


and now I'm here... on the MFC-forum...


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