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LONDON FANS... what's going on out there?


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No kidding - your family had luck on your side that day! I was in grade 12, and had skipped class that day - I didn't hear about it until like 4pm, and by then everything was on instant replay on every TV channel.


The 2005 London bombings were scary because my fiance has a lot of family in London, and coincedentally all but his favourite auntie were visiting us in Canada at the time - but we had a hard time getting ahold of her for quite a while. I'm sure there are many, many stories like that.


Things like the London attacks, 9/11, various wars - it's almost surreal. I was reading up on the Lebanese civil war (the one that caused Mika's family to end up in Paris) and I couldn't help but think how tough that must have been on Mika's family. I mean, in the early part of 1983 Mika's sisters would have been quite young, and then with another one on the way amidst all the turmoil. That must have been so challenging for his family (and countless others in that area).


Here's a the Wikipedia entry I was reading about it, in case anyone is interested:




Thanks so much for posting that - very informative!


What I find truly ironic about the whole situation is amid all the bedlam, chaos, trauma and tragedy a child is born who will someday grow up and change the world with his incredible talent and messages of universal love...

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Just on the aside, one thing I find so unbelievable is that my therapist told me that he has NEVER seen any of the footage, videotapes or transcripts of 9/11. Smart man! Did not want to traumatize himself! Wish I could say the same....


You know, it's always interesting to me to hear how people not directly involved were so traumatized by 9/11. I lived in DC when it happened, I have tons of family in NY, and I live in the NY area now, and... I really wasn't traumatized at all. I mean, it was horrible, certainly--but it was horrible for other people, on behalf of other people. To me, to be traumatized about it would almost be like making it about myself, when it so wasn't. I mean, what right would I have for that? Sure, it was a surreal day, and there were the frantic phone calls to relatives, and watching every plane over your head (I lived in an area where planes would fly by every few minutes) and wondering where it was headed, but in the end, no one I knew was hurt.


It was not the same for other people. All around me, people lost relatives, loved ones. One girl in my class lost both her parents on that day. Compared to that, how could I have any trauma? I think maybe even the fact that I was around people who were more affected than I helped me see that I was lucky enough to be outside of it all.


Mind you, I'm not trying to criticize anyone who was traumatized by it and was not directly involved, because trauma is trauma and you feel what you feel, but I always am puzzled when I hear people from entirely different areas of the US talking about how scared they were on that day. It's just interesting.



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I agree Jack, it was shocking and scary and you could just not believe what you were seeing. But try not to let yourself get too caught up in events if you are not actually caught up in events!

There are many unacceptable things which happen in the world and if they do not directly affect you, but you allow them to, you will be sad for the rest of your life! Not a happy prospect!


Instead, just try to do your own little bit to spread peace and happiness - that's the best and most productive thing you can do.


Well, that's the conclusion I have come to after years of worrying over any disaster I saw on TV, me worrying does not change things, so try to do somthing positive that will. :mf_rosetinted:


I am also very fatalistic, I think that if you are going to be involved in something like this, it is going to happen anyway, fate. So just go ahead and live your life, don't let things like this stop you, after all that's what the terrorists want anyway, and as I am an awkward bitch........

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You know, it's always interesting to me to hear how people not directly involved were so traumatized by 9/11. I lived in DC when it happened, I have tons of family in NY, and I live in the NY area now, and... I really wasn't traumatized at all. I mean, it was horrible, certainly--but it was horrible for other people, on behalf of other people. To me, to be traumatized about it would almost be like making it about myself, when it so wasn't. I mean, what right would I have for that? Sure, it was a surreal day, and there were the frantic phone calls to relatives, and watching every plane over your head (I lived in an area where planes would fly by every few minutes) and wondering where it was headed, but in the end, no one I knew was hurt.


It was not the same for other people. All around me, people lost relatives, loved ones. One girl in my class lost both her parents on that day. Compared to that, how could I have any trauma? I think maybe even the fact that I was around people who were more affected than I helped me see that I was lucky enough to be outside of it all.


Mind you, I'm not trying to criticize anyone who was traumatized by it and was not directly involved, because trauma is trauma and you feel what you feel, but I always am puzzled when I hear people from entirely different areas of the US talking about how scared they were on that day. It's just interesting.




You make excellent points. And OMG - your classmate lost BOTH HER PARENTS THAT DAY?!!?!! That is so unbelievably horrendous! You're right - anyone who hadn't lost someone that day couldn't possibly relate totally to that kind of trauma.


However, that is not to say that others were not traumatized that day. That was the largest act of terrorism on American soil ever. And speaking for myself I found it particularly difficult because I work in a profession which empathizes with and assists others. I also previously mentioned that one of my downfalls is my tendency to get too close, too involved at times. Bottom line: I care too much. Altruism is an asset but it is also a liability. I really feel pain - mine and others'.


When I watched the towers collapse that day I not only watched the demise of thousands of people, I symbolically witnessed my own undoing. That particular time was very difficult for me, both personally and professionally. I was extremely ill and my spirits were crashing. It was a horrible, horrible time. I have survived, but it was not easy.


Trauma is trauma is trauma. We all experience things differently. If a tree falls in the forest and you can't hear it does that mean it never happened?

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Trauma is trauma is trauma. We all experience things differently. If a tree falls in the forest and you can't hear it does that mean it never happened?


No, of course not, but I have found from experience that worrying about things I can't change makes me ill. You can't bear the weight of the world on your shoulders alone, you can only do your own little bit.

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No, of course not, but I have found from experience that worrying about things I can't change makes me ill. You can't bear the weight of the world on your shoulders alone, you can only do your own little bit.


Oh, I absolutely, totally agree with that!!! In the years post 9/11 I have learned a lot - letting a lot of things go, putting myself first, changing my outlook - and improving my health. You pass this way only once. Ya gotta make the most of it. :thumb_yello:


And if it's meant to be - it will be.

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Oh, I absolutely, totally agree with that!!! In the years post 9/11 I have learned a lot - letting a lot of things go, putting myself first, changing my outlook - and improving my health. You pass this way only once. Ya gotta make the most of it. :thumb_yello:


And if it's meant to be - it will be.


Oh! That's one of my favourite quotes, but I like to change the human being bit to 'any living thing' or something like that - got to include the animal kingdom here!


I shall pass this way but only once

any good therefore that i can do,

or kindness that i can show

to any human being let me do it now

let me not defer it nor neglect it

for i shall not pass this way again

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....Instead, just try to do your own little bit to spread peace and happiness - that's the best and most productive thing you can do.


...I am also very fatalistic, I think that if you are going to be involved in something like this, it is going to happen anyway, fate. So just go ahead and live your life, don't let things like this stop you, after all that's what the terrorists want anyway, and as I am an awkward bitch........



you are so right here!

all the purpose of terrorist action is attracting attention and spreading the fear at the expence of human lives... (brainwashed undereducated KIDS lives mostly...thats what the suicide bombers are)


...and related to a certain individual-if things are ment to happen....

...well, maybe I take things rather cynically, but I'm kinda immune (as an "insider")...




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ALL religions have extremistis that take it too far - in fact, every group does. in the middle agesm a group od christians in england thought it was the word of god to hunt down and kill anyone warinf white as it is the clolour of god, and only priests should wear it. they ransacked thousands of villages, and mkilled hundreds. thats religion for ou!

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its kinda inevitable. i just wish everyone could get along. im still of the opinion that we should play love today at full volume from evey roof top, until the whole world is dancing and singing " everybody's gonna love todaaaaaaay! anyway you want to, any way youve got to love love me!" it would bring a wonderful moment of global unity!



Yeah! World would be better place if everyone listened to Mika! :punk:

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What? About being an awkward bitch? :naughty: Well you would know, wife! Or are you my husband?:mf_rosetinted:


:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


(and that one too:biggrin2: !!!)



but seriously (though maybe not the best thing to speak about on Sat morning)....

...was about to go out with my bf (last summer, TLV, the very middle of all that sh***)...and then my teenage niece calls and says smth has fallen down in their town, (her parents were in Mw at that time and she was alone supervised by a family friend) and they r packing to go south (in fact everything in Israel is only a couple of hrs away... ).....and think there was even some warning for Tlv as well...


so I told my bf that maybe its better to cancel the plans, and he just said- "If I were to die I'd rather prefer it to happen in the bar:naughty: "


...dunno, maybe its quite sick, but again-living inside it all one gets to be

cynically immune in a certain way...

...but again, the black frontpages of the newspapers...

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you are so right here!

all the purpose of terrorist action is attracting attention and spreading the fear at the expence of human lives... (brainwashed undereducated KIDS lives mostly...thats what the suicide bombers are)


...and related to a certain individual-if things are ment to happen....

...well, maybe I take things rather cynically, but I'm kinda immune (as an "insider")...





"...and related to a certain individual - if things are meant to happen.....

...well, maybe I take things rather cynically, but I'm kinda immune (as an "insider")...."






Awoke to the news that a jeep driven by two men intentionally crashed into the Glasgow airport and exploded.... two men arrested trying to douse more accelerant on the flames; one man set himself on fire; there were no injuries. Airport evacuated, closed, all incoming and outgoing flights cancelled. Have not determined whether this incident is at all related to the ones in London yesterday.


Just reporting, Folks.

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[quote name=calicojasmine;337326



Awoke to the news that a jeep driven by two men intentionally crashed into the Glasgow airport and exploded.... two men arrested trying to douse more accelerant on the flames; one man set himself on fire; there were no injuries. Airport evacuated' date=' closed, all incoming and outgoing flights cancelled. Have not determined whether this incident is at all related to the ones in London yesterday.


Just reporting, Folks.[/quote]


Thanks CJ, I used to be a news junkie, now I am spending FAR too much time on here.

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Thanks CJ, I used to be a news junkie, now I am spending FAR too much time on here.


I know what you mean..... I do too.... but I do make sure to gooogle the news everyday - I have to get even a small fix of news on a daily basis! Or else my tiny brain goes into convulsions and shuts down.....:thumbdown:

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I'm hoping that anyone going to the ICA gig tomorrow night gets to and from it safe and sound (obviously that includes Mika and his entourage as well).

I have a run to the centre of London on Tuesday, so I'm going to take it steady and keep extra vigilant, anything weird and I'll be at the nearest police station (probably not a good idea to use the mobile). I was near Victoria station on 7/7 on my way back from Live8 in Edinburgh, and all mobile signals were blocked after the explosions, just in case there were anymore bombs in the vicinity.So at times like this I tend to get a bit over cautious.

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I only found out yesterday afternoon.


They said they exploded the bombs under contorlled conditions, right? Well, I wonder how they'd do that.


The July 7th bombings happened ages ago, but they feel like last year.


Not many people know about the car bombings where I live yet, and I only live about a 45 minute drive away.

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I only found out yesterday afternoon.


They said they exploded the bombs under contorlled conditions, right? Well, I wonder how they'd do that.


The July 7th bombings happened ages ago, but they feel like last year.


Not many people know about the car bombings where I live yet, and I only live about a 45 minute drive away.


I'm in Canada and I heard all about the car bombing that happened yesterday.


It was also HUGE news about the airline plot last summer - y'know the one that actually changed the protocol for carry-on luggage (no liquids allowed!)


The July bombings horrified the world. Yes, and they also seem like yesterday.


I know there are some in this forum who would probably prefer to not even dwell on any of this. To some degree they are right - you can't control these extremists' actions. However, we can exercise some vigilance, awareness and caution which could perhaps downgrade a major catastrophe to a serious but not fatal or injurious event. Knowledge is Power. Ignorance is not bliss.


I am of the school of thought that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Case in point: the Holocaust. We must never, ever forget that period of time, as ugly, horrendous and toxic as it was. Millions of people sacrificed their lives so that the rest of us could co-exist in peace and harmony. And yet Natzi venom has spawned the likes of the Skinheads; there are other groups like the KKK - and what do they all have in common? Racism, intolerance, Hatred, misinformation, discrimination, bigotry.... the list goes on.. And the worst part is that if you take any of these people on an individual basis they can't exist! At the Nazi war crime trials many of the junior ranking soldiers claimed they "were just carrying out orders". No joke. Pass the buck. No accountability. Isn't that always the way?


Well, the time is ripe for the rest of us to be accountable. I'm NOT talking about freaking out, increasing our levels of paranoia or building a bomb shelter! Not! I am saying that we should get our heads out of the sand piles we've buried them in , take a deep breath, look around and be realistic. Let's work together on this. What are the governments really doing? Are we really aware of that? How can we be involved? All of this should be a very HOT HOT TOPIC and we have every right to jump on the bandwagon......

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