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Mika the Bohemian


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Do you know the "We will rock you" Musical ? It plays in the future and there is no music anymore only computer music. Well there are the Bohemians the ones who try to bring back the real music and they call themselves after famous stars from the past. But they don't know the stars they only heard the names :wink2: The leader of the Bohemians for example calls himself Britney Spears ( he thinks that Britney was a male hard rocker :roftl: ) and there is also Ozzy, John Lennon and Meatloaf for example....


and now in Switzerland they changed one name of a Bohemian into





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Do you know the "We will rock you" Musical ? It plays in the future and there is no music anymore only computer music. Well there are the Bohemians the ones who try to bring back the real music and they call themselves after famous stars from the past. But they don't know the stars they only heard the names :wink2: The leader of the Bohemians for example calls himself Britney Spears ( he thinks that Britney was a male hard rocker :roftl: ) and there is also Ozzy, John Lennon and Meatloaf for example....


and now in Switzerland they changed one name of a Bohemian into






Aw thats so cute!

So now Mika is a penguin, and a Bohemian


World Domination is Near :mf_rosetinted:



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Aw thats so cute!

So now Mika is a penguin, and a Bohemian


World Domination is Near :mf_rosetinted:





Yes it's so cute when the Bohemians introduce themselves and the Bohemian says veeeeery proud


"Und ich bin MIKA !!!! :punk:"

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Do you know the "We will rock you" Musical ? It plays in the future and there is no music anymore only computer music. Well there are the Bohemians the ones who try to bring back the real music and they call themselves after famous stars from the past. But they don't know the stars they only heard the names :wink2: The leader of the Bohemians for example calls himself Britney Spears ( he thinks that Britney was a male hard rocker :roftl: ) and there is also Ozzy, John Lennon and Meatloaf for example....


and now in Switzerland they changed one name of a Bohemian into






Is Mika going to play in a Musical?

that will be awesome!!:blush-anim-cl:

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loooool...nice!!!If Mika is sooo famous now,can u imagine in 2009??2 years??

He will be the most famous...and this fanclub will have 200.000 members or more..looooooooool!!!:thumb_yello:

wowowwowowowowowowowow!!!I'm sooo happy for him!!:biggrin2:

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REALLY? That is so awesome!!

I LOVE that musical! I'm a HUGE musical & theater fan and it's the second best show i've ever seen! I saw it in London last year and i'm sooo going back when i have the chance. I thought it was really funny when the guy called himself Britney :roftl:

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Yep, seen this musical in Cologne about two years ago...of course back then none of the Bohemians was called "Mika" :mf_rosetinted:

I wonder whether they only changed it in Switzerland or also in Germany?? Does anybody know?

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Do you know the "We will rock you" Musical ? It plays in the future and there is no music anymore only computer music. Well there are the Bohemians the ones who try to bring back the real music and they call themselves after famous stars from the past. But they don't know the stars they only heard the names :wink2: The leader of the Bohemians for example calls himself Britney Spears ( he thinks that Britney was a male hard rocker :roftl: ) and there is also Ozzy, John Lennon and Meatloaf for example....


Is that the story of WWRY??? I have never heard that. I assumed it was half biographical...etc.. It actually sounds funny...

At the same it it shows how ignorant I have been to any 'new' Queen related stuff since the early 90s...

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Is that the story of WWRY??? I have never heard that. I assumed it was half biographical...etc.. It actually sounds funny...

At the same it it shows how ignorant I have been to any 'new' Queen related stuff since the early 90s...


No it's not a biographical thing it's a nice story :thumb_yello:

There is a boy called Galileo Figaro and a girl called Scaramouche and they know that they are different then all the others "gaga-boys and gaga-girls" So they found the Bohemians the ones who fight against this world and the killer queen, and they look for the last instrument which the Queen-members hided to safe it before they got killed... there was a very funny joke it was like


A very hairy man... I think his name was BRI-ANN... wanted to play a last guitar-solo before he got killed so we had to wait 2 days untill we could kill him :roftl: :roftl:


The musical is GREAT !!! I didn't want to see it either first. But then I went and I loved it !!! :wub2::mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:


Go and watch it if you have the chance ! It's worth it:punk:

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loooool...nice!!!If Mika is sooo famous now,can u imagine in 2009??2 years??

He will be the most famous...and this fanclub will have 200.000 members or more..looooooooool!!!:thumb_yello:

wowowwowowowowowowowow!!!I'm sooo happy for him!!:biggrin2:


Wow, I love the fact that Mika is getting more and more famous and appreciated! Really, he is someone too hard to ignore! :thumb_yello:


Even Mika said himself that it's amazing that some time ago he could sell very few tickets to his concerts, and now fans (almost) could kill for a bonus secret gig's ticket.

He said that he heard someone saying in a studio about a new artist to a producer or something like that: "Hey, you have to hear this boy, he will be the new Mika!"

... and now this musical...

yeah, he's taking over the world :punk:


It was unbearable for me when he cancelled his concert here, in Hungary, the tickets would have been my boyfriend's presents for me, and we would have gone together to see him live. So I was very-very sad and disappointed.

But I seriously believe that it will only take a few years to him, and he will come here too, but he won't need any music festivals, because he will be doing his own world-tour, with thousands and thousands screaming people and full stadions every single evening, and I will have to order my ticket 6 months in advance :thumb_yello::punk:

Maybe it's a bit scary, but I can easily imagine it as his potential (and very possible) future.

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No it's not a biographical thing it's a nice story.

There is a boy called Galileo Figaro and a girl called Scaramouche and they know that they are different then all the others "gaga-boys and gaga-girls" So they found the Bohemians the ones who fight against this world and the killer queen, and they look for the last instrument which the Queen-members hided to safe it before they got killed... there was a very funny joke it was like

A very hairy man... I think his name was BRI-ANN... wanted to play a last guitar-solo before he got killed so we had to wait 2 days untill we could kill him

The musical is GREAT !!! I didn't want to see it either first. But then I went and I loved it !!!

Go and watch it if you have the chance ! It's worth it:punk:


Based on your recommendations I went to see it on Saturday evening in London. :punk:

Summary in short:

1., No Mika the Bohemian has arrived in London yet...:thumbdown: I don't really think it would be fitting as he is not the kind of guy who would easily get under the influence of Killer Queen ..(catachresis:blink: ) ...altough Galileo Figaro or Scaramouche might be re-named as Mika one day... :naughty:

2., Strange humour... I was laughing because it was so 'unfunny' that I actually found it funny :blink:

3., Recommended for Queen fans only but for them it's a must... You know, the Marmite effect..:biggrin2:

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Based on your recommendations I went to see it on Saturday evening in London.

Summary in short:

1., No Mika the Bohemian has arrived in London yet... I don't really think it would be fitting as he is not the kind of guy who would easily get under the influence of Killer Queen ..(catachresis ) ...altough Galileo Figaro or Scaramouche might be re-named as Mika one day...

2., Strange humour... I was laughing because it was so 'unfunny' that I actually found it funny

3., Recommended for Queen fans only but for them it's a must... You know, the Marmite effect..


YAAAAY it's so cool that you went to see it :punk: I know a lot of queen fans who always refuses .. Yeah but I can understand...


the jokes are different in every country :wink2: I like the ones in switzerland and they change sometimes we have a really funny cast and sometimes they improvice that's cool haha because then the the cast laughs too :roftl: One of the bohemian asks galileo " do you want to see my boobs" ?? and once my friends and I screamed "YES" and he did it haha that was funny :roftl:

But I agree some jokes are strange :boxed:


I hope you doesn't regret it that you saw it :blush-anim-cl: if you do I'm sorry ....


one of my friends who really don't like queen was there too and she told me that she loved it so I think it's not only for queen fans :wink2:

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YAAAAY it's so cool that you went to see it. I know a lot of queen fans who always refuses .. Yeah but I can understand...


the jokes are different in every country. I like the ones in switzerland and they change sometimes we have a really funny cast and sometimes they improvice that's cool haha because then the the cast laughs too One of the bohemian asks galileo " do you want to see my boobs" ?? and once my friends and I screamed "YES" and he did it haha that was funny. But I agree some jokes are strange


I hope you doesn't regret it that you saw it . if you do I'm sorry ....


one of my friends who really don't like queen was there too and she told me that she loved it so I think it's not only for queen fans :wink2:


No, I don't regret seeing it. I went threre with a friend who heard and read bad reviews of the show but decided to join me, anyway. Even though she is not a Queen fan, she likes the music more or less, and from the 2 of us she was first to join the standing ovation...:biggrin2: So the music does help the show...

Ok, perhaps the humour is simply just 'British humour' that I usually like but I am sure most people don't... For example, there is a Boy George lookalike introducing himself as David Bowie, then the last introduction of the Bohemians goes: Hi I'm Robbie Williams - take that...You laugh because it's not really funny but it is supposed to be...:blink:

Of course it all makes sense when the 'neanderthal man' introduces himself as Britney Spears... (The sense is that there is no sense, I guess)...

But then why do they pretend to be on a mission to save music and find the hidden Red Special? Especially with the main character looking like David Beckham?:blink:

The end is the funniest part, though. After WWR and WETC, when the question gets asked on BoRhap...:biggrin2:

My overall impression was :thumb_yello: ... and I like Marmite, too:biggrin2:

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