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those dolphins are mad, aren't they?! hahaha


Does HollyD really go to malls to tell people about Mika??


I'm very interested to hear about these London shenanigans!! Who did you go with?



Ok, first of all, I apologise for the length of this! But just so much happened and I really can't summarise for the life of me, haha!


Anyway well I went with folk off the RB forum! Julia, who Debbie has met. We had 2nd row seats! We paid well for them :naughty: But seeing as it was for my birthday I said go on! And it turned out we couldn’t have chose a better gig to get 2nd row seats for, it was being filmed for his DVD! :mf_lustslow: Was really cool, plus after the show he asked us to hang on to be extras for his new movie he’s filming! It’s called Get Him to the Greek, if you’ve seen Forgetting Sarah Marshall, he’s playing his character from that again, Aldous Snow, but this time he’s the lead role! So while he went to change into his Aldous Snow gear, Jack Black and Jason Segel came out and performed one of the songs Jason did in FSM, Dracula’s lament! xD and Jack Black wasn’t in it but he stood there looking all serious and joined in at the chorus, was brill! Haha! Anyway next thing they asked us all to get on our feet and they played two songs Russell had recorded for Aldous Snow, Inside of You and a new one “I am Jesus” hahaha that song was amazing xDD and they filmed us all clapping and cheering and such! I can imagine it must look amazing cos there was 15,000 people there! Next thing Russell came out! Or Aldous Snow I should say, haha he looked amazing! :mf_lustslow: I am seriously in love with Aldous Snow *swoons* haha! And he performed those songs twice, well he mimed, but his performance was amazing, he had to act all drugged up like! It was so exciting being there though and actually being part of a Hollywood film! Was incredible, had the best time! :punk:


Anyway afterwards there was a vip party going on and so we and a couple of forumers waited outside the vip entrance door, we tried to get in but no good xD but we saw a few celebs walk in and out! Saw Matt Lucas, who looked a bit grumpy tbh xD then a while later David Walliams walked in! I saw him coming and I kind of approached him as he was walking in, I just walked up and said “David Walliams!” haha and he said “Yes, hello” and kept walking, but I didn’t want to leave it at that so I said to him “er.. I quite like you!” hahaha! Couldn’t believe I said that haha! :roftl: I was laughing though so it was quite funny xD He just kept walking haha! But there were glass doors and a kind of a waiting area before you got to the party area, and he just stood in there for ages looking right out! And there was us, just standing there in front of the door! I felt so self conscious haha! He was probably there thinking what a freak, haha! Every time I turned around he was there looking out! I wanted to take a photo but it wouldn’t be half obvious since I was there right in front of him haha! In the end I was gonna do it with my phone pretending to be texting someone but then he went in, aw well haha!


Anyway so after a while most people left so there was just three of us, and my friend asked one of the staff would Russell be coming out of here afterwards, and he said no they never come out of here and directed us to this door round the back. So we went back there, it was near the car park, but looked a bit stingey, not the kind of place Russell would be making his exit from! But we waited there for a while and this fella came out, we asked did he know if Russell would be coming out of here and he said he didn’t think so. I was like ooh I’ve come over from Ireland and I’ve been trying to meet him for ages and all this, and he said he was working on his film crew, not sure whether it was the crew for this documentary Russell’s doing of the Get him to the Greek film crew, I think it was both! He said he would give me his pass only he was working for a really strict American company. We didn’t ask for it or anything but he was talking away to us for a while and told me he was working with Baz atm, ye know Baz from How Low Can You Go? And I was like aah I really like him! He was so lovely, just chatting away to us and then after a while he just gave me his pass and told us where to go, I was so grateful! Bless him! :wub2:


So anyway we went through that door and tried to get through but there was a security guy there and he was like where are you going? We were like we want to get to the backstage area, we are the film crew! It would have been much easier to have gone in through the vip entrance where we’d been standing all night, but for that reason don’t think it would have worked xD Anyway to cut a long story short, we were directed back and over to a few different places, pretending we were vips but in the end we came back here again. Everyone seemed to believe us but we just couldn’t find the way in! In the end we went back to the original place and was like can you just let us through here we’ll find the way. He was like ok sign this so, but like I had no idea what to sign we needed to write company name and all this, and I didn’t want to get the guy who gave me the pass in trouble! I can’t remember how I talked my way out of that xD but anyway then he asked me my name and I just said Sheree, and he called up this guy and was like “I have Sheree here from the film crew, can I let her in this way” and I was like aagh, they’re not gonna know anyone called Sheree xD but then this guy came up! And he was like who are you. My friend Rebecca said we want to go back to the party to get her jacker, and her pass was on that, that’s why she didn’t have one (we were just praying they wouldn’t ask Julia xD) the man was like who is your manager, and I was like “eeeh, what’s his name guys?” :lmfao: it was awful haha! Next thing he told us ok he could let me through but only me, and I didn’t know what to do! I was so nervous the thought of going back there on my own! But at the same time I was being given the opportunity of going to the vip party could I really pass this off?! Literally just stood there for like a minute, in silence, just looking at my phone and thinking while everyone else waited for me to respond. In the end I was like, Ok, I’ll go back and I’ll see you guys back here later? Oh, I have butterflies even now reliving that moment! So I went through with the guy, so nervous! I followed him for a bit and he told me to go to this other entrance. I got there and the guys there had to ring up someone else saying we have this one with a crew pass, can we let her in and which is the quickest way, so then I was following this other guy for what seemed like ages til I was back inside the O2 and faced in front of the vip entrance door! I was finally in there! So I walked on up through, it was a blue room with cream furniture, but the room was clearing out, the party was obviously ending, and then this one said are you alright, and told me Russell had left about 20 mins ago. So that was it! I made it up there but no luck! But you know I was glad I'd tried!! As I was leaving I asked a few people how they got in, they said they were friends of Russell and that everyone was. I suppose so, they were about his age. Really nice they were!


So anyway I headed back out to where I said I’d meet the girls. And on the way I just happened to bump into Russell’s producer, Gareth! Now I actually really like Gareth, he’s always in the vids on Russell’s website and such, he’s so sweet! So I was really happy to meet him and told him how I’d been trying to find Russell and how I’ve come over to see him and all that, he really seemed like he genuinely cared! In the end he suggested I go to the TalkSport radio studio the next day, where Russell and Noel Gallagher will be going to record their pilot radio show, he gave me the address and time, he was so sweet! I didn’t know whether or not I could go, cos my flight home was 8.25 and Russell was to be recording from 6-9! But I said thanks anyway, and asked him would he tell Russell I was asking for him xD oh and I asked him to join twitter and he said he would xD haha, I’d already asked Russell on twitter would he get Gareth to join cos I’ve a soft spot for him xD Gareth said it nice to meet me then when he was going, I was so happy to have met him!


By the way, I’m sooo sorry this is so long! I did warn ye! xD I’m not even sure why I’m writing this anymore or why anyone would even care, It’s not like I even met him in the end. xD But oh well, I’ll continue for if anyone’s made it this far, and if you have Well Done! xD


Anyway so I met the girls again and we got the bus back to our hotel. On the bus I met Lindsay! Debbie will know Lindsay. She goes to practically every gig Russell ever does, literally. So he knows her and always stops and says hello, she’s met him about 100 times, no exaggeration! So I was telling her what happened and let slip that Gareth had told me that I should go along to TalkSport the next day, realising the instant that I said it that I shouldn’t have! Cos I kind of felt that Gareth told me that in confidence, cos I’ve never met Russell properly before and he was doing me a favour by telling me. Plus Russell may not appreciate a load of people showing up. Anyway Lindsay said to me then oh what time is it on, I’ll go with you! And I kind of pretended I didn’t remember and ran back to the girls, haha. But she still managed to find out and was there the next day when me and Rebecca arrived. It was just her and two of her friends, and a couple of others - guys who I think were working on the documentary or else paps. Russell didn’t stop though when he arrived, he just walked straight in. In retrospect, I should have tried walking in after him, haha! But oh well.

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I didn’t let it bother me cos I had a great weekend anyway and I knew there was no guarantee I’d see him then anyway. I was just as well to pop along while I was there and when Gareth had suggested it to me!


Only thing that annoys me is that Lindsay came back after and saw him when he came out, but I had my flight to catch so I couldn’t stay til then. Now I know it’s a free country, and this may sound selfish, but it was only cos I told her about it that she was even there in the first place, and I don’t even know why she bothered coming it’s not like she’s never met him before! Gareth gave me the address as a favour cos he seemed like he really did care and wanted to help. I kind of feel like that was my chance, and she just took advantage of it. I’m just a bit annoyed cos I used to think Lindsay was quite nice but I’m starting to see now how selfish she really is when it comes to Russell. She knows how much I come to see him and like when we were in Birmingham, Russell was stood talking to her and I was beside her, and she’d never say oh here’s my friend Sheree or anything. And she said she got to say goodbye to him after Talksport, but she’d never mention that I had been there waiting for him, even though I’d done her a favour by letting her know about it. And like I said it’s not like she’s never met him before! My friend Rebecca went back as well though and apparently he didn’t really stop then either, just gave hugs and left, cos Rebecca was going to try and get him to sign something for me but she couldn’t. If Lindsay and her friends hadn’t been there though I’m sure Rebecca would have had more time.


Anyway that’s about it! I really did have an amazing weekend! Just that stuff about Lindsay has annoyed me but I’ve not let it ruin my memory of the weekend! You probably didn’t need to know that stuff but it was just something I felt strongly about and just kind of came out, haha! And Friday night was absolutely amaaaazing! :mf_lustslow::wub2: I’m sooo sorry for the length of this! It wouldn’t even fit in one post! :roftl: I really cannot summarise for the life of me haha! If you have got this far I really think you deserve a prize. :naughty::huglove:

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Oh, poor thing Glad you're better!

Oh yeah, how's the commuting going? yeah it'd be a nice change to live there I bet


Commuting is harder than ever now that the year is nearly over. I more than ready to move now.:naughty:


How are you?




:lmfao: Sheree, did I ever tell you that I love you??:roftl: Your essays are so fun to read, I feel like we were there with you now!:naughty:

What an adventure you had though! So you are in a Hollywood Movie now?? :aah: and Jack Black was there?


You're so lucky you got to hear Russell/Aldous singing inside of you! I do love that song in spite of how blatently filthy it is. So funny though. I actually woke up from my sleep laughing at a particular line from that. Weird I know.

"Inside of you I could cross this desert plain" -Is that it? that line kills me:roftl:


Really sounds like you loved it! The VIP part is great,lol



Oh did anyone see the bull running around a SuperValu in Mayo?? :naughty:

I saw it on RTÉ but when I clicked the link in Mika's twitter I saw that under that video about the old ladies was the video about the bull in the supermaket. The sound is all messed up in it though, probably because BBC stole it from RTÉ.

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whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa DRAMA! That's amazing......Can't believe you blagged your way in backstage and then he was gone!! But that took balls, lol. You will get to meet him some day!!

I can understand that's annoying about that girl, especially since she's met him so many times.... But if it makes you feel any better, there probably was no point in her telling him that you'd been waiting..it wouldn't really have meant anything to him, and anyway, you'll get a chance to talk to him!

How exciting!!!! It's cool you got to meet his producer guy too...that's the way in! :wink2:


Commuting is harder than ever now that the year is nearly over. I more than ready to move now.

How are you?




:lmfao: Sheree, did I ever tell you that I love you??:roftl: Your essays are so fun to read, I feel like we were there with you now!:naughty:

What an adventure you had though! So you are in a Hollywood Movie now?? :aah: and Jack Black was there?


You're so lucky you got to hear Russell/Aldous singing inside of you! I do love that song in spite of how blatently filthy it is. So funny though. I actually woke up from my sleep laughing at a particular line from that. Weird I know.

"Inside of you I could cross this desert plain" -Is that it? that line kills me:roftl:


Really sounds like you loved it! The VIP part is great,lol



Oh did anyone see the bull running around a SuperValu in Mayo?? :naughty:

I saw it on RTÉ but when I clicked the link in Mika's twitter I saw that under that video about the old ladies was the video about the bull in the supermaket. The sound is all messed up in it though, probably because BBC stole it from RTÉ.


I can imagine it's tough...when do you finish for the year?


haha the bull thing, yeah I saw it on Ray Foley's blog:

So funny!

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Sheree, did I ever tell you that I love you?? Your essays are so fun to read, I feel like we were there with you now!

What an adventure you had though! So you are in a Hollywood Movie now?? and Jack Black was there?


You're so lucky you got to hear Russell/Aldous singing inside of you! I do love that song in spite of how blatently filthy it is. So funny though. I actually woke up from my sleep laughing at a particular line from that. Weird I know.

"Inside of you I could cross this desert plain" -Is that it? that line kills me


Really sounds like you loved it! The VIP part is great,lol



Oh did anyone see the bull running around a SuperValu in Mayo??

I saw it on RTÉ but when I clicked the link in Mika's twitter I saw that under that video about the old ladies was the video about the bull in the supermaket. The sound is all messed up in it though, probably because BBC stole it from RTÉ.


Haha :roftl: aaw thank you! I'm glad I managed to get you caught up in the adventure too x] Yes I could well be a Hollywood moviestar now haha! I asked the fella who gave me his pass if he sees me in editing to chuck me in haha! xD and yes Jack Black was there! Himself and Jason Segel were literally right in front of me cos they stood at my side of the stage! I saw so many celebrities that weekend haha! That reminds me I don't think I mentioned I saw Noel Gallagher the next day also, while I was at the Talksport studio he arrived and got out of his car and walked in, and I stood there and looked at him xD This fella with a camera goes "How are you love" and Noel just grumbled xD


Omg I actually so want to see Russell performing as Aldous Snow again! It was incredible! Aldous Snow is just so, I don't even know how to describe him! Think theatrical, over dramatic, but at the same time drugged up and a bit out of it. xD And he's got the whole sexy arrogance thing that Russell has going on, but this is a much more exaggerated arrogance :naughty: But by God, Aldous Snow is incredibly sexy! Much more so than Russell Brand! :bleh::naughty::wub2:


Ahaha how nice you dream of Russell singing Inside of you :das::lmfao:


Yes I saw that too! xDD I saw it on RTE news! Apparently it's put Mayo on the map internationally now lmao xD

Edited by Shaza!
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whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa DRAMA! That's amazing......Can't believe you blagged your way in backstage and then he was gone!! But that took balls, lol. You will get to meet him some day!!

I can understand that's annoying about that girl, especially since she's met him so many times.... But if it makes you feel any better, there probably was no point in her telling him that you'd been waiting..it wouldn't really have meant anything to him, and anyway, you'll get a chance to talk to him!

How exciting!!!! It's cool you got to meet his producer guy too...that's the way in! :wink2:


Haha, I really can't believe I did it either! I suprise myself sometimes! :naughty:


Aw thanks. I know what you mean but, I think it would have meant something to him cos it would have showed I'd made the effort to come over and see him and I know he does appreciate it. Plus I'd asked Gareth and Mick (Russell's driver) would they tell him I was asking for him :blush-anim-cl: It may seem weird but even just for Russell to acknowledge that there is a silly little girl from Ireland who loves to go and see him and supports him all the way, that means a lot to me! :blush-anim-cl: *runs away*


Oh hahaha! I so want to get in there with Gareth too, I may have always fancied him a bit :fisch::das::roftl:

Edited by Shaza!
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Haha, I really can't believe I did it either! I suprise myself sometimes! :naughty:


Aw thanks. I know what you mean but, I think it would have meant something to him cos it would have showed I'd made the effort to come over and see him and I know he does appreciate it. Plus I'd asked Gareth and Mick (Russell's driver) would they tell him I was asking for him :blush-anim-cl: It may seem weird but even just for Russell to acknowledge that there is a silly little girl from Ireland who loves to go and see him and supports him all the way, that means a lot to me! :blush-anim-cl: *runs away*


Oh hahaha! I so want to get in there with Gareth too, I may have always fancied him a bit :fisch::das::roftl:


haha brilliant!

Jason Segel is so cute!! Lucky you! I'll have to check out this Aldous Snow guy hehe :naughty:

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Next week tour dates should be announced...are we excited girls??! I'm a bit nervous!!!


I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!

Yeah, all hell is going to break loose isn't it? Whoa.. acoustic gigs, festivals... panic!!!

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I can imagine it's tough...when do you finish for the year?


haha the bull thing, yeah I saw it on Ray Foley's blog:

So funny!


It wasn't at the begginning, but now I'm a living zombie by the time college is finished. :naughty:

I'm finished classes next week, exams finish on...the 22rd of May! nice timing I say.

Any gigs better be after that date. hehe

How about you, are you finished May or June?



Haha aaw thank you! I'm glad I managed to get you caught up in the adventure too x] Yes I could well be a Hollywood moviestar now haha! I asked the fella who gave me his pass if he sees me in editing to chuck me in haha! xD and yes Jack Black was there! Himself and Jason Segel were literally right in front of me cos they stood at my side of the stage! I saw so many celebrities that weekend haha! That reminds me I don't think I mentioned I saw Noel Gallagher the next day also, while I was at the Talksport studio he arrived and got out of his car and walked in, and I stood there and looked at him xD This fella with a camera goes "How are you love" and Noel just grumbled xD


Omg I actually so want to see Russell performing as Aldous Snow again! It was incredible! Aldous Snow is just so, I don't even know how to describe him! Think theatrical, over dramatic, but at the same time drugged up and a bit out of it. xD And he's got the whole sexy arrogance thing that Russell has going on, but this is a much more exaggerated arrogance But by God, Aldous Snow is incredibly sexy! Much more so than Russell Brand!


Ahaha how nice you dream of Russell singing Inside of you


Yes I saw that too! xDD I saw it on RTE news! Apparently it's put Mayo on the map internationally now lmao xD


oh such craziness! It must have definitly been day to remember anyway!

Aldous does have a certain something, I have to say. I loved him in FSM!


That sounds so bad! I swear it was completely random, it was only shortly after I saw the film so it was in my head.:naughty:



Next week tour dates should be announced...are we excited girls??! I'm a bit nervous!!!


I'm both nervous and excited as well..



You know how in the Q article it says how he has some festivals penciled in? In the back of my mind I'm hoping theres nothing major like Oxegen, because at the last minute that would way too hard to get tickets...or would it..


I don't mind when he does shows in every other country in the world and I can't go, but if he does Ireland more than once I really want to be there.

It's like being so close but so far away........I mean Oxegen is in a field in Kildare!! If he does it..........how will we cope not going. :hair:



Other than that, Nach bhfuil an Lá go halann? :wub2: The sky hasn't a cloud where I am!

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It wasn't at the begginning, but now I'm a living zombie by the time college is finished.

I'm finished classes next week, exams finish on...the 22rd of May! nice timing I say.

Any gigs better be after that date. hehe

How about you, are you finished May or June?


You know how in the Q article it says how he has some festivals penciled in? In the back of my mind I'm hoping theres nothing major like Oxegen, because at the last minute that would way too hard to get tickets...or would it..


I don't mind when he does shows in every other country in the world and I can't go, but if he does Ireland more than once I really want to be there.

It's like being so close but so far away........I mean Oxegen is in a field in Kildare!! If he does it..........how will we cope not going. :hair:



Other than that, Nach bhfuil an Lá go halann? :wub2: The sky hasn't a cloud where I am!


Dia dhuit, conas atá sibh inniu?!

Yeah sure we're in May as of today, so you'll be finished before you know it!!

I finish at the end of June. Only 8 weeks of work left!!


Yeah that crossed my mind when they mentioned festivals...so I don't know...

I know what you mean, it's really hurt if he was here and we couldn't see him....


Oh ya it'd be really hard to get tickets to Oxegen especially this year!! We could always stand outside and try to listen??!


It's not sunny anymore it's horrible :(


anyone have any nice plans for the long weekend? :)


I think you're right....it'd be hard to get tickets.... we might just have to stalk him :roftl:


It was not very nice here during the week but as of today I think summer has arrived - it's supposed to be 23 tomorrow!! Here it's today that's the holiday, not Monday, so I think I might head to the beach!

How about you? I hope the weather gets better for ye - I'll try sending some sun over! :wink2:

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The beach!! so jealous :(

I'm heading home to Cork for the weekend-gonna try and stay in though, not really in the mood for more drinking!!


I'm reading New Moon at the moment it's AMAZING even better than Twilight!!

Have u read them? :)


Lol yeah a nice quiet weekend sounds good :wink2:


No I haven't read them....I enjoyed the film though, maybe I'll read them when I get a chance! I'd say I actually would like them...

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Oh ya it'd be really hard to get tickets to Oxegen especially this year!! We could always stand outside and try to listen??!

It's not sunny anymore it's horrible


anyone have any nice plans for the long weekend?


:roftl: I love that idea, haha can you imagine. If anyone asks we'd just act all cool, like we're not crazy fans:naughty:

I've no major plans...yet.

Dia dhuit, conas atá sibh inniu?!

Yeah sure we're in May as of today, so you'll be finished before you know it!!

I finish at the end of June. Only 8 weeks of work left!!


Yeah that crossed my mind when they mentioned festivals...so I don't know...

I know what you mean, it's really hurt if he was here and we couldn't see him....


Dia dhuit, Tá me ag damhsa agus ag canagh ar an gairdin. :roftl:

is it ar an gairdin, in the garden... ha, I can't remember but you get the jist I hope.:bleh:


You're lucky, The beach!!:mf_lustslow:

Our weather is so moody lately. It's warm and sunny for a few minutes, then it downpours rain then it gets really windy and cold.

That's no exageration. I think it needs medication.


ha, that rhymed slightly...

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:roftl: I love that idea, haha can you imagine. If anyone asks we'd just act all cool, like we're not crazy fans:naughty:

I've no major plans...yet.



Dia dhuit, Tá me ag damhsa agus ag canagh ar an gairdin. :roftl:

is it ar an gairdin, in the garden... ha, I can't remember but you get the jist I hope.:bleh:


You're lucky, The beach!!:mf_lustslow:

Our weather is so moody lately. It's warm and sunny for a few minutes, then it downpours rain then it gets really windy and cold.

That's no exageration. I think it needs medication.


ha, that rhymed slightly...


hehe it'd be fun! lol


Oh go h-iontach, ag cleachtadh an Ghaeilge! sa ghairdin, SA ghairdin! :roftl:


Beach was naahce! I hope it's nicer there now.....


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haha brilliant!

Jason Segel is so cute!! Lucky you! I'll have to check out this Aldous Snow guy hehe


Jason is so hot in I love you, man seriously, it's the hair I think, but I was like :mf_lustslow: every time he appeared on screen :roftl::blush-anim-cl:

I was feeling it for Paul Rudd too, I must admit he's cute!


I'll find you a video of Aldous Snow, you gotta see him :naughty:


oh such craziness! It must have definitly been day to remember anyway!

Aldous does have a certain something, I have to say. I loved him in FSM!


That sounds so bad! I swear it was completely random, it was only shortly after I saw the film so it was in my head.


I'm both nervous and excited as well..



You know how in the Q article it says how he has some festivals penciled in? In the back of my mind I'm hoping theres nothing major like Oxegen, because at the last minute that would way too hard to get tickets...or would it..


I don't mind when he does shows in every other country in the world and I can't go, but if he does Ireland more than once I really want to be there.

It's like being so close but so far away........I mean Oxegen is in a field in Kildare!! If he does it..........how will we cope not going.


Other than that, Nach bhfuil an Lá go halann? The sky hasn't a cloud where I am!


Hahaha it didn't sound great no :naughty:


I know what you mean about if he were to do Oxegen, we'd all be gutted! And it's so expensive too I don't think I'd be able to afford to go it if he did. I suppose ebay would be our only bet... I just had a look on there and a 3 day ticket with camping is 559 euro -.-


hehe it'd be fun! lol


Oh go h-iontach, ag cleachtadh an Ghaeilge! sa ghairdin, SA ghairdin!


Beach was naahce! I hope it's nicer there now.....



I thought it was sna gairdín... no?! haha :roftl:

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Jason is so hot in I love you, man seriously, it's the hair I think, but I was like :mf_lustslow: every time he appeared on screen

I was feeling it for Paul Rudd too, I must admit he's cute!


I'll find you a video of Aldous Snow, you gotta see him :naughty:


Hahaha it didn't sound great no :naughty:


I know what you mean about if he were to do Oxegen, we'd all be gutted! And it's so expensive too I don't think I'd be able to afford to go it if he did. I suppose ebay would be our only bet... I just had a look on there and a 3 day ticket with camping is 559 euro -.-


I thought it was sna gairdín... no?! haha


well, it'd be sna gairdini, in plural :thumb_yello: I have my facebook in Irish now, I love it! It's reminding me of a lot of vocab I'd forgotten!

Jason is funny in How I Met Your Mother too :naughty:

I know, it'd be horrible....there wouldn't be many MFCers there!


Introducing Aldous Snow:


*fangirl squeal*


lol I totally wasn't expecting him to be singing...lol. I can see what you mean.. maybe it's the tan? :das:



Debbie, today is Lorna's bday!!

Edited by neeve272
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well, it'd be sna gairdini, in plural :thumb_yello: I have my facebook in Irish now, I love it! It's reminding me of a lot of vocab I'd forgotten!

Jason is funny in How I Met Your Mother too :naughty:

I know, it'd be horrible....there wouldn't be many MFCers there!




lol I totally wasn't expecting him to be singing...lol. I can see what you mean.. maybe it's the tan? :das:



Debbie, today is Lorna's bday!!


Aaah sna is plural, of course! :doh: Oh cool, I'm sure that would really help any of us get in touch with the ol' Gaeilge again! It's always good to remember old vocab etc!

Oh I've never seen that, I'll keep an eye out for it cos I really think Jason is brilliant!

Haha, any event without MFCers would be a very sad event indeed...


Hahaha! He does look good with a tan, and without a tan too... :naughty: I think I love him cos he's like Russell's personality x10 :naughty:

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Hahaha it didn't sound great no


I know what you mean about if he were to do Oxegen, we'd all be gutted! And it's so expensive too I don't think I'd be able to afford to go it if he did. I suppose ebay would be our only bet... I just had a look on there and a 3 day ticket with camping is 559 euro -.-


Well we wouldn't need a 3 day ticket if it came to that, just a one day ticket...though even getting your hands on that might be heard at this stage.

I just hope now that it's just be an actual acoustic gig only...unless we all won the lotto or something.:naughty:


Debbie, today is Lorna's bday!!


It's okay, I knew. I sent her a lil message on msn.:wink2:


Oh yeah, it was sa!! I'm so out of touch with mo gaeilge...

We never use it though, that's the reason no one knows it.:boxed:

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Well we wouldn't need a 3 day ticket if it came to that, just a one day ticket...though even getting your hands on that might be heard at this stage.

I just hope now that it's just be an actual acoustic gig only...unless we all won the lotto or something.:naughty:


Yeah a one day ticket would be ideal, there's no way I'm camping. :naughty:


AAGH I so meant to buy myself a scratchcard or something on my bday, just cos it would be lucky, and I forgot -.- I bought one then a week later and it was no good -.- there's still hope for you though Debbie your birthday is yet to come!! :mf_lustslow::naughty:


I'd so love to be going to see Oasis this summer too, but alas, no money, and tickets are sold out so that makes it quite a bit harder to go :naughty:

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Aaah sna is plural, of course! :doh: Oh cool, I'm sure that would really help any of us get in touch with the ol' Gaeilge again! It's always good to remember old vocab etc!

Oh I've never seen that, I'll keep an eye out for it cos I really think Jason is brilliant!

Haha, any event without MFCers would be a very sad event indeed...


Hahaha! He does look good with a tan, and without a tan too... I think I love him cos he's like Russell's personality x10




Yeah, How I Met Your Mother is funny...though it took me a while to get into it, mainly because I think Alyson Hannigan is the worst actress I've ever seen and that used to annoy me, but I got over that because the other characters are so funny. I watch it online on surfthechannel, it's just finishing its 4th season, and I'm on the 3rd one.


can you imagine, a gig with no MFCers? Mika would be so lonely! lol.


haha an exaggerated version of Russell? lol. So, what's this thing with Russell thinking he's Jesus? :roftl:


Well we wouldn't need a 3 day ticket if it came to that, just a one day ticket...though even getting your hands on that might be heard at this stage.

I just hope now that it's just be an actual acoustic gig only...unless we all won the lotto or something.:naughty:


It's okay, I knew. I sent her a lil message on msn.:wink2:


Oh yeah, it was sa!! I'm so out of touch with mo gaeilge...

We never use it though, that's the reason no one knows it.:boxed:


I know, it's sad....they need to re-vamp the secondary school syllabus I think.. that really kills it for everyone!!

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Yeah, How I Met Your Mother is funny...though it took me a while to get into it, mainly because I think Alyson Hannigan is the worst actress I've ever seen and that used to annoy me, but I got over that because the other characters are so funny. I watch it online on surfthechannel, it's just finishing its 4th season, and I'm on the 3rd one.


can you imagine, a gig with no MFCers? Mika would be so lonely! lol.


haha an exaggerated version of Russell? lol. So, what's this thing with Russell thinking he's Jesus? :roftl:




I know, it's sad....they need to re-vamp the secondary school syllabus I think.. that really kills it for everyone!!


Oh it's a series?! I thought it was a movie.. haha! I'll definitely check that out so. Been meaning to try surf the channell for ages too, people are always mentioning it!


Oh, it's too sad to even think about! :naughty:


Oh :teehee: haha well it's not so much Russell thinking he's Jesus, it's Aldous Snow :naughty: wait til you hear his "I am Jesus" song (written by Jason Segel did I mention? He also wrote Inside of You, We Gotta do something, all of Aldous' songs!) It was on youtube from the O2 but it has since been removed cos it belongs to the movie people yet :naughty:

But emm.. yes! Haha well Russell has joked once or twice about being Jesus, people have called him Jesus cos of how he looks/dresses sometimes, and he is also 33 which he seems to think reinforces things haha!

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