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Selective Mutism


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Stuff like this absolutely breaks my heart. After college, I plan on becoming a child psychologist because I want to help kids that are having problems such as this. I know how it feels to be an outsider and I know how it feels to be picked on and feel like you can't do anything right because everything that you think is acceptable is somehow "wrong" to your peers.


I know what you mean. I would wanna help kids like this but I'm too personally affected by the kind of lifestories I'd hear I wouldn't be able to handle it.

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I know what you mean. I would wanna help kids like this but I'm too personally affected by the kind of lifestories I'd hear I wouldn't be able to handle it.


I'm sorry that you went through that. :( No one should have to. I was picked on, but not bullied that much. It was more like, I thought that I was "in" with the other kids. I felt like I could be just like them, I didn't think that I was any different, but I was always sort of pushed aside and made to be an outsider. I had really low self-esteem, and always felt intimidated about everything because I was afraid of what people would say about me. I was really shy, which is not some sort of thing where I feel like I'm too good to talk to other people---it was seriously a crippling thing! I'm still somewhat like that. I never really had any "real" friends, which caused me to turn to living my life being crazy over celebrities and music and movies and "imaginary" things---I never felt like I connected with people that I knew. I had friends, but not the type that I could say, "Oh, they are my soulmate best friend and I couldn't survive without them."

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I'm sorry that you went through that. No one should have to. I was picked on, but not bullied that much. It was more like, I thought that I was "in" with the other kids. I felt like I could be just like them, I didn't think that I was any different, but I was always sort of pushed aside and made to be an outsider. I had really low self-esteem, and always felt intimidated about everything because I was afraid of what people would say about me. I was really shy, which is not some sort of thing where I feel like I'm too good to talk to other people---it was seriously a crippling thing! I'm still somewhat like that. I never really had any "real" friends, which caused me to turn to living my life being crazy over celebrities and music and movies and "imaginary" things---I never felt like I connected with people that I knew. I had friends, but not the type that I could say, "Oh, they are my soulmate best friend and I couldn't survive without them."


I get that exactly. I mean not feeling accepted at school was just the tip of the iceberg for me. I went through an awful lot of stuff outside school that was so much worse, but it definitely didn't help that I wasn't accepted. I mean I just completely buried myself in things like Michael Jackson and now Mika, cos when you're completely on your own, you can just throw on a song and feel that little bit closer to someone, even if that closeness is just one sided. It's better than being completely cut off, and believe me, I get cut off from myself even, and its pretty awful. I never made any REAL friends until university, and even now I'm terrified that they're gonna betray me or abandon me - especially since some of them are the first people I've let in on everything thats happened to me.

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i understood it that way that he actually decided not to talk for a while, because everything he said would get turned against him anyway. and i so know what he means by that, that's exactly how you feel when you get bullied. i never stopped talking, but i also tried to say as little as possible at school, cause ppl would laugh about it anyway... and so i always had in my school reports that i say too little in classes, the teachers thought i wasn't interested in what they had to say although i just tried to build a wall around me to protect myself from the bullies. :boxed:


and hannah, i know what you mean, i think for me it's the same, that the getting bullied and feeling lonely is what got me into that whole being crazy about celebrities thing. what's strange though is that i thought i was over it, i wasn't interested in any celebrities for the last 8 years or so... and now it's starting all over again. :sneaky2:

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YESS well never stopped talking completely, but I stopped trusting talking to anyone from school and would totally shut up in class, I wouldnt even answer a question from the teachers, but there were the select few I talked to, amanda was one, I knew her since kindergarten, and then kristy who also got bullied and sought help in me, and of course my parents (this is only at my very first school, the first of 6 schools I have ever been to) does this count!

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Ah, so many people here who have experienced the same.

It has happened to me, 6-9th grade was one of the worst periods in my life. I didn't get along with kids in my class, I had only one friend. When I tried to speak to other kids they always pushed me off, as if I had done something wrong, and there were some terrible people who made very nasty comments about me. At one moment I remember myself reading aloud at home not to lose my voice, because I talked so little. Now nobody's bullying me but I can't say that I would have very close relationship with my class-mates, all my best friends are not from my class. I don't know which is the cause and which is the consequence, but I really don't like spending much time with people and often movie or book characters are closer to me than the real people. It's strange that I can feel completely satisfied and even happy reading/watching films/doing anything I like when I'm alone, but meeting people often brings me down.Maybe it is wrong, but I don't think I can change this. I also would like to be a psychologist, but I know it is very hard and I'm not sure I could really help those people.

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Ah, so many people here who have experienced the same.

It has happened to me, 6-9th grade was one of the worst periods in my life. I didn't get along with kids in my class, I had only one friend. When I tried to speak to other kids they always pushed me off, as if I had done something wrong, and there were some terrible people who made very nasty comments about me. At one moment I remember myself reading aloud at home not to lose my voice, because I talked so little. Now nobody's bullying me but I can't say that I would have very close relationship with my class-mates, all my best friends are not from my class. I don't know which is the cause and which is the consequence, but I really don't like spending much time with people and often movie or book characters are closer to me than the real people. It's strange that I can feel completely satisfied and even happy reading/watching films/doing anything I like when I'm alone, but meeting people often brings me down.Maybe it is wrong, but I don't think I can change this. I also would like to be a psychologist, but I know it is very hard and I'm not sure I could really help those people.


Reading and watching movies does feel more real when you've been in a situation like that. When you've been through something that awful, sometimes the little worlds you imagine when you're reading or whatever can feel more real than the world you're living in. I sometimes think that about Mika and his cartoons. Like how did he start drawing these little worlds and little people. They all have little stories and personalities, it is like a real little world.

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I was bullied pretty badly once. Ofcourse there was this one ringleader who would do anything to make me feel bad about myself and everything i did and others would follow. They were horrible and i would constantly make up sickness so i wouldn't have to go to school (or to get home from school). I sometimes got sick because i was so nervous to go. I moved from there after 8 awful years and in those 8 years i lived there i only had one real friend. She was amazing. I could always trust her and she'd help me a lot. She was the only thing i missed from there and when i moved to another town we'd call each other everyday.

When i started the new school (excited to maybe finally get accepted) it didn't get much better. I wasn't bullied, and they weren't exactly mean to me. They just did nothing. I went through a total ignorance the last 3 years of my high school and had no friends at the time because that one friend i had from my old town died in a horrible accident the year after i moved. I felt that i missed out on a lot of friends-stuff. I don't talk to any of my school- or classmates and i am definitely not going to a reunion unless i'm in a much better position in life then they are.


I haven't ever really talked about this.

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I was bullied pretty badly once. Ofcourse there was this one ringleader who would do anything to make me feel bad about myself and everything i did and others would follow. They were horrible and i would constantly make up sickness so i wouldn't have to go to school (or to get home from school). I sometimes got sick because i was so nervous to go. I moved from there after 8 awful years and in those 8 years i lived there i only had one real friend. She was amazing. I could always trust her and she'd help me a lot. She was the only thing i missed from there and when i moved to another town we'd call each other everyday.

When i started the new school (excited to maybe finally get accepted) it didn't get much better. I wasn't bullied, and they weren't exactly mean to me. They just did nothing. I went through a total ignorance the last 3 years of my high school and had no friends at the time because that one friend i had from my old town died in a horrible accident the year after i moved. I felt that i missed out on a lot of friends-stuff. I don't talk to any of my school- or classmates and i am definitely not going to a reunion unless i'm in a much better position in life then they are.


I haven't ever really talked about this.


I am so sorry. That is awful. I know if I went to your school I would have tried to be friends with you. You sound like a very nice person and I am very sorry that you didn't have many friends. Some people in this world are jerks and they do not deserve to be friends with people like you. If I could I'd hunt your bully down and have a good talking to them. I'm sorry that my words cannot help but I mean them with the sincerest sympathy. *gives you a hug*

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I was bullied pretty badly once. Ofcourse there was this one ringleader who would do anything to make me feel bad about myself and everything i did and others would follow. They were horrible and i would constantly make up sickness so i wouldn't have to go to school (or to get home from school). I sometimes got sick because i was so nervous to go. I moved from there after 8 awful years and in those 8 years i lived there i only had one real friend. She was amazing. I could always trust her and she'd help me a lot. She was the only thing i missed from there and when i moved to another town we'd call each other everyday.

When i started the new school (excited to maybe finally get accepted) it didn't get much better. I wasn't bullied, and they weren't exactly mean to me. They just did nothing. I went through a total ignorance the last 3 years of my high school and had no friends at the time because that one friend i had from my old town died in a horrible accident the year after i moved. I felt that i missed out on a lot of friends-stuff. I don't talk to any of my school- or classmates and i am definitely not going to a reunion unless i'm in a much better position in life then they are.


I haven't ever really talked about this.


Aw am sorry. It's disgusting how cruel people can be. Seeing how so many lovely people on here were treated, and how people bullied someone as fantastic as Mika just because he was different... it's sick. Can tell you one thing, though, all of us, all these people who've been bullied or abused or whatever, we're a million times better than all of them. Whenever I look back and think about the person who basically wrecked my life, I think about one thing my resident tutor said to me once - "I don't give a f*ck about the w*nker. He'll get his justice."

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I am so sorry. That is awful. I know if I went to your school I would have tried to be friends with you. You sound like a very nice person and I am very sorry that you didn't have many friends. Some people in this world are jerks and they do not deserve to be friends with people like you. If I could I'd hunt your bully down and have a good talking to them. I'm sorry that my words cannot help but I mean them with the sincerest sympathy. *gives you a hug*


Aww, thank you so much. Your words really do help. I guess there always have to be some jerks in the world, unfortunately. Thanks for being so nice, you seem like a VERY nice person too :) *hugs back*


Aw am sorry. It's disgusting how cruel people can be. Seeing how so many lovely people on here were treated, and how people bullied someone as fantastic as Mika just because he was different... it's sick. Can tell you one thing, though, all of us, all these people who've been bullied or abused or whatever, we're a million times better than all of them. Whenever I look back and think about the person who basically wrecked my life, I think about one thing my resident tutor said to me once - "I don't give a f*ck about the w*nker. He'll get his justice."


Thank you very much. I really believe that we are a million times better. And i'm so sorry to hear that someone treated you like that. I love that quote. These people will get their justice. I'm just thankful now that i didn't change myself a bit to try and fit in. I was always myself. That's what we gotta do :)


I can't believe how nice people are here! :)

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Thank you very much. I really believe that we are a million times better. And i'm so sorry to hear that someone treated you like that. I love that quote. These people will get their justice. I'm just thankful now that i didn't change myself a bit to try and fit in. I was always myself. That's what we gotta do


I can't believe how nice people are here!


It is a fantastic quote. I'll always love my resident tutor for that. He always said things as they were, to stop me blaming myself. Things like the previous quote, or things like really sudden "how do ten year olds think?" or "f*ck him, I don't give a sh*t about him if he treats you like that". He was really fantastic. I'm slowly learning now that it wasn't my fault, people had no right to do what they did, and I'm worth about a million of him. I don't even get angry about it (although my therapist doesn't feel thats a good thing). I just don't care what happens to him.

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It is a fantastic quote. I'll always love my resident tutor for that. He always said things as they were, to stop me blaming myself. Things like the previous quote, or things like really sudden "how do ten year olds think?" or "f*ck him, I don't give a sh*t about him if he treats you like that". He was really fantastic. I'm slowly learning now that it wasn't my fault, people had no right to do what they did, and I'm worth about a million of him. I don't even get angry about it (although my therapist doesn't feel thats a good thing). I just don't care what happens to him.


It really is. I'm so glad to hear that you're doing better. Ofcourse it's not your fault. I have once in my life wished someone death and that was the guy who was worst to me. Now i don't care, i'm learning to live with it and being proud of myself. I just pity people like those guys are. We are the real heroes and you're worth gazillions of him!. :)

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  • 9 months later...
I saw on his website that Mika was bullied so badly when he was a kid he stopped talking. I was wondering if anyone else had ever experiences this themselves, or in someone they know?


well my cousin stopped talking when his mom started going out w/ his best friend. i know its wierd. he went a whole year, no talking

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