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a big HI from connie ;O)


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hi everyone...

just wanted to introduce myself to all of you - since i became a member of this site yesterday. i went to one of the concerts mika gave during his current tour and so i decided to sign up... (as i think he is a great entertainer...)

too bad i don't remember exactly when i first heared of mika - i just know i got immediatly addicted to the song grace kelly when it aired on the radio stations... so far for now - hope to get in touch with some of you...

take care and rock on ;o)

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hi everyone...

just wanted to introduce myself to all of you - since i became a member of this site yesterday. i went to one of the concerts mika gave during his current tour and so i decided to sign up... (as i think he is a great entertainer...)

too bad i don't remember exactly when i first heared of mika - i just know i got immediatly addicted to the song grace kelly when it aired on the radio stations... so far for now - hope to get in touch with some of you...

take care and rock on ;o)


Hello Connie! Welcome to our world and have fun:biggrin2:

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*german&italy* Were you in Dusseldorf?..anyway, WELCOME TO MFC! :italia:


... thank you all so much for the warm welcome!!! i already like it here. and to answer the question: yes - i've been to one of mika's concerts in germany. i was in MUNICH 11/2... an amazing gig!!!

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hi connie, herzlich willkommen im MFC! :original: wenn du irgendwelche fragen hast, kannst du dich gern an mich wenden, ich bin die deutsche vertreterin des forums. :wink2: wenn du hier auf deutsch chatten und andere deutsche mitglieder kennenlernen möchtest, kannst du das hier tun: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2087&page=163 einen italienischen thread gibts auch irgendwo in demselben board. :wink2:

ich war auch auf dem münchen konzert, als roter vogel verkleidet. :biggrin2:

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