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I'll just point out that some people don't want gay marriage, they want a civil union with the same legal rights and recognition as a marriage but without emulating the heterosexual ceremony and traditions.


Whatever it is they want.. whether it be gay marriage or civil union..

They should be given the chance to make the choice themselves. :mf_rosetinted:

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Personally, I don't understand why people are against gay marriage. No offense to anyone, but i don't give a cr@p what the bible says about gay marriage. if the world went by the bible, it would most definitely be a diffent world. if two people love each other, they should be able to be together. i personally want to see some right wing conservative discover that theyre gay, someone who was campaigning against gay rights. i will laugh my @ss off at them.

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If I had my way the concept of traditional marriage, usually tied in with religion, would be discarded because it no longer reflects what 'marriage' means to people nowadays. That said, even though I may not agree with the concept of traditional marriage there are many who do therefore, like you've said, the ability to choose should exist. If the institution of marriage is to remain then the right needs to be extended to all.



It's not just the Bible and Christianity that's against it, for one there are 2 billion Muslims in the world and the Koran also prohibits homosexuality.


I think that the differences of opinion stem from the differing definitions of 'marriage'. In the traditional definition it's a union of a man and woman sanctioned by God. In religions/cultures which prohibit sex before marriage it's the only context in which sex is allowed to occur (which some people argue has advantages including limiting the spread of STD's/STI's and protects you from being "used"/"taken advantage of" by others just for sex since you make a commitment first). They also view it as the only context in which children can born (which some argue is best because the parents have made a binding commitment to each other and therefore offers the child a more secure family life). Many of these marriages are arranged in some form or another and 'love' is often viewed as something that develops in the marriage with time and isn't the basis of choosing a spouse (whether they're a 'good person', by the religion's/culture's definitions, is often given higher priority). It's also often viewed as a commitment for life (even in religions/cultures which make allowances for divorce it's still looked down upon).


In Western societies where 95% of people have sex before marriage, where it's commonplace to have children before marriage, where 50% of marriages end in divorce and people often have multiple relationships or multiple marriages in a lifespan the traditional concepts of marriage clearly don't apply. Marriage takes on a new meaning: the legal union of two people who love each other which affords them rights and recognition. In the latter definition of marriage gay marriage is equally valid as heterosexual marriage. But many people still cling to the traditional/religious view of marriage which makes no allowance for homosexuals. Gay marriage, as a context for starting a family, also challenges traditional family structure (mum-dad-child which some believe is the only healthy way to raise children) so that's an additional reason why people are against it.


Some people argue that other people's relationships don't directly affect us and that we should mind our own business and let other people do as they wish, which sounds reasonable enough except it ignores the fact that it doesn't need to directly affect a person who believes in the religious definition of marriage for them to fight against it - it goes against a belief which they believe applies to all people and they must defend their belief. In the end it's a struggle between two opposing belief systems who for the majority are incompatible. I think that with time we'll move further away from the traditional view of marriage (and therefore be more accommodating of gay marriage, de facto relationships, single parents and alternative family definitions) but it's going to be a struggle, and a very long fight.


This is what I hope for in the future!:thumb_yello:

If we look back on the history there are absolutely signs that points in that direction, at least I would like to think it is.

To be some kind of second class member of your own society only because of who you choose to love is just so wrong IMO!:thumbdown:

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Hello People! I`m in an euphoric mood right now cause I just got back home from a.. I could call it a Czech & Slovak MFC meet-up.. but as there were only three of us.. I will call it a super-cool asexual threesome :boat: There were three super-cool women: Barunka, Sunshine18, and the little me. I think I platonically fell in love with both of them :wub2::shocked: When oh when is the next :gathering: ??

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Back to the question if it is right or wrong to wish that your child will be gay: I don`t see anything bad in it as long as you will like it anyway. There are people that wish their child would be a girl or a boy but doesn`t matter what it really will be, they will love it the same. And why to wish a gay child if you know it will be discriminated.. well, women are discriminated too and still many people, men and women, sometimes simply wish a girl (like my sister`s husband did).


Back to the question of the gay marriage: I might have already said it before.. I don`t like the institution of marriage but I believe that first it should be accessible for every one, straight or gay, and then it might gradually dissapear from the human society, as a unfitting anachronism.. So yes, I am for an absolutely equal gay marriage though I myself would never want to live in it. I`m claustrophobic!!

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Back to the question if it is right or wrong to wish that your child will be gay: I don`t see anything bad in it as long as you will like it anyway. There are people that wish their child would be a girl or a boy but doesn`t matter what it really will be, they will love it the same. And why to wish a gay child if you know it will be discriminated.. well, women are discriminated too and still many people, men and women, sometimes simply wish a girl (like my sister`s husband did).


Makes sense to me :thumb_yello:

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some comments are absurdly horrible..like the Christians fundamentalists who write down their dogmas about sins and ..aaahh I really wanna rant :sneaky2:

Homosexuality is like Nature's answer to over population, it is always existed: you can find it in many animals, together with various other sexual forms not always finalized to reproduction.

Religion was invented in archaic societies as a response against collective fears and hence to obtain and conserve power with the minimum effort: there is only one truth, you've to follow it without questioning; the elite will tell you what is right=to do and what's is wrong=not to do:thumbdown:

Among culturally evolved thinking individuals who may bring inside the wrong instinct that anyone which is different from the dominant state represents a danger for the survivor of the human specie is a natural born killer finding excuses to spread hatred and destruction.:annoyed_h4h:


I don't wana get into an argument about religion (i'm so tired of them) but i don't agree and i think people should be free to choosewhat it is they want to believe as long as it's not harmful to others.. be it christianity or atheism.. and i think it's slgithly unfair to judge religions this way

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I don't wana get into an argument about religion (i'm so tired of them) but i don't agree and i think people should be free to choosewhat it is they want to believe as long as it's not harmful to others.. be it christianity or atheism.. and i think it's slgithly unfair to judge religions this way


sorry I was a bit harsh..If there's a God somewhere it's the only one who may judge in the end..but I can't respect those who are convinced of the supremacy of their beliefs and so they use religions dogma as justification to bring violence towards the supposed inferior infadels, or simply force to a conversion the "wrongs"


xBilly, Greta, though it seems that your views are the absolute opposites I think that in the end you 2 would agree on some agreement, or at least mutual respect, and wouldn`t start a war between yourselves. xBilly, I think that Greata was talking about the institution and not about common believers.. that`s what I do when I`m criticising the church, I`m not criticising all the catholics, I have many close people that are catholic and are very tolerant and don`t identify with all of the catholic ideology.., but then I wonder why they still call themselves catholics. I guess they like christmas and find wedding in church romantic? (-: I myself am not an atheist but what disgusts me is the arrogance of power that the religious leaders manifest (Jewish, Christian, Moslim) and that they limitate free will and a right of personal view of people, then I`m disgusted by the hierarchy on which these organisations are based, I`m disgusted that they spread sexistic and homophobic ideas among people, and often hatered among each other of the ideologies. And that they dare to say that what they say is the word of god. Well, that`s ridiculous.

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xBilly, Greta, though it seems that your views are the absolute opposites I think that in the end you 2 would agree on some agreement, or at least mutual respect, and wouldn`t start a war between yourselves. xBilly, I think that Greata was talking about the institution and not about common believers.. that`s what I do when I`m criticising the church, I`m not criticising all the catholics, I have many close people that are catholic and are very tolerant and don`t identify with all of the catholic ideology.., but then I wonder why they still call themselves catholics. I guess they like christmas and find wedding in church romantic? (-: I myself am not an atheist but what disgusts me is the arrogance of power that the religious leaders manifest (Jewish, Christian, Moslim) and that they limitate free will and a right of personal view of people, then I`m disgusted by the hierarchy on which these organisations are based, I`m disgusted that they spread sexistic and homophobic ideas among people, and often hatered among each other of the ideologies. And that they dare to say that what they say is the word of god. Well, that`s ridiculous.


I really agree on what you say, very well said!:thumb_yello:

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Makes sense to me :thumb_yello:


I really agree on what you say, very well said!:thumb_yello:


Thank you.

But I still struggle with the language barrier.. English is not my mother tongue you know..


Oh, and have I mentioned that I got a huge white rose from my neighbour (woman, lesbian)? :boat:

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Thank you.

But I still struggle with the language barrier.. English is not my mother tongue you know..


Oh, and have I mentioned that I got a huge white rose from my neighbour (woman, lesbian)? :boat:


Oh yes, I know the struggle!:thumb_yello:

You read so much interesting and you wish to tell your opinion but can't find the right words. A language has so many nuances and expressions and to be able to get all that I think the only way is to live in the country and be forced to use it every day!

I really envy those who has English as their first language, I mean the whole internet is based on English!

And to me I always feel that my own language is so small compared to the rest of the world.

Okay, I'll stop complaining, but that's how I feel!:cool:


Oh, a rose:wub2:


Do you know about the flower language?

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Oh, a rose:wub2:


Do you know about the flower language?


Flower language? What do you mean?


That`s rather pathetic with the rose, isn`t it? Especially when we know each other for years and we often meet in the tram on the way to work.. The funny thing is that I`m not in love with her now but I was few years ago, when she was with her girlfriend (also lives nearby, this is a dangerous area!) with which she was for many years and I think that she is still kind of emotionaly attached to her, to this ex. But the dinner in the sushi restaurant was fun.. Fun, that`s all.

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Never mind, as I said, I don`t love her neither. I guess we will stay friends. It`s also good.


It's just for fun and you should of course not take it seriously!

She gave you a flower and that means she wanted to make you happy, for whatever reason!

That was nice, wasn't it?:thumb_yello:


yeah..Institutions..I find myself often in contrast with these artificial constructs, especially when they're not warrant and only lead to deresponsabilizations.{brand new word woah I dunno what I'm writing instead of sleeping}:cool:

like that silly Victorian flower language.


but I love flowah:wub2::naughty:


Wasn't you supposed to be studying?:naughty:

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sorry I was a bit harsh..If there's a God somewhere it's the only one who may judge in the end..but I can't respect those who are convinced of the supremacy of their beliefs and so they use religions dogma as justification to bring violence towards the supposed inferior infadels, or simply force to a conversion the "wrongs"


xBilly, Greta, though it seems that your views are the absolute opposites I think that in the end you 2 would agree on some agreement, or at least mutual respect, and wouldn`t start a war between yourselves. xBilly, I think that Greata was talking about the institution and not about common believers.. that`s what I do when I`m criticising the church, I`m not criticising all the catholics, I have many close people that are catholic and are very tolerant and don`t identify with all of the catholic ideology.., but then I wonder why they still call themselves catholics. I guess they like christmas and find wedding in church romantic? (-: I myself am not an atheist but what disgusts me is the arrogance of power that the religious leaders manifest (Jewish, Christian, Moslim) and that they limitate free will and a right of personal view of people, then I`m disgusted by the hierarchy on which these organisations are based, I`m disgusted that they spread sexistic and homophobic ideas among people, and often hatered among each other of the ideologies. And that they dare to say that what they say is the word of god. Well, that`s ridiculous.


Well in that case I certainly agree and I'm sory if i sounded violent as well.. I simply believe that faith is and should remain a personal choice and that it's not for others to meddle with that..and i think that you should be free to choose what you want as long as you remain tolerant/respectful of others' rights, beliefs, choices and general personal space/individuality.

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Thank you.

But I still struggle with the language barrier.. English is not my mother tongue you know..


Oh, and have I mentioned that I got a huge white rose from my neighbour (woman, lesbian)? :boat:


Oh yes, I know the struggle!:thumb_yello:

You read so much interesting and you wish to tell your opinion but can't find the right words. A language has so many nuances and expressions and to be able to get all that I think the only way is to live in the country and be forced to use it every day!

I really envy those who has English as their first language, I mean the whole internet is based on English!

And to me I always feel that my own language is so small compared to the rest of the world.

Okay, I'll stop complaining, but that's how I feel!:cool:


Oh, a rose:wub2:


Do you know about the flower language?


You guys both speak MUCH better than me and English is my first language :blush-anim-cl: You both are so smart! I really admire anyone that can speak more than one language and especially those (like you) that speak the 2nd language so well :wub2:



That's so sweeeet!!! :wub2:

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You guys both speak MUCH better than me and English is my first language :blush-anim-cl: You both are so smart! I really admire anyone that can speak more than one language and especially those (like you) that speak the 2nd language so well :wub2:



That's so sweeeet!!! :wub2:


Oh, thank you!:blush-anim-cl:

That was a nice thing to say.


Isn't it mandatory in your school to study a second language?:wink2:

In Sweden we start with English at 9 years of age, and later you have to choose between German and French.

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Oh, thank you!:blush-anim-cl:

That was a nice thing to say.


Isn't it mandatory in your school to study a second language?:wink2:

In Sweden we start with English at 9 years of age, and later you have to choose between German and French.


It's true!

At around 12 we have to take French and then at 13 we have to take Spanish. We then get to choose which one we want to advance in or you can choose not to learn a second language. At least that's how it is in Iowa. I'm sure other places and other schools have different rules and a second language may be mandatory. I myself have chosen French because I want to go to Europe at some point :wub2:

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Oh, thank you!:blush-anim-cl:

That was a nice thing to say.


Isn't it mandatory in your school to study a second language?:wink2:

In Sweden we start with English at 9 years of age, and later you have to choose between German and French.

It's very similar here.... but as the second language, we can choose from german, french, spanish, russian, italian.... depends on the school :thumb_yello:

I'm just struggling with spanish, that is my third foreign language, which i study on my own :fisch: .. Not that I'm any good at it :naughty:

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It's true!

At around 12 we have to take French and then at 13 we have to take Spanish. We then get to choose which one we want to advance in or you can choose not to learn a second language. At least that's how it is in Iowa. I'm sure other places and other schools have different rules and a second language may be mandatory. I myself have chosen French because I want to go to Europe at some point :wub2:

Good decision! :thumb_yello:

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