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The Australian Thread: Seventh Heaven

Rainbow Sky

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I loved this story - you seem to be a very naughty girl - you'd better be careful you don't get told off here :naughty: :naughty:


I think I could easily be friends with you, I'd be singing right along beside you :thumb_yello:


For the record, I don't condone drinking, nor going on playground equipment whilst drunk. And the taking off the dress thing was because it was SO hot. And I was drunk. So please, all under-ages - don't follow my actions on drinking or undressing in hallways of apartment buildings!

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Oh what charming family members we both have!:sneaky2:


:naughty: :naughty:


For my friends I email out a weekend update (my life seems to be remarkably eventful). Here is my update from 2 weekends ago... you guys would at least appreciate the 'Over My Shoulder' part of the story... enjoy.


Saturday. 38 degrees. Went to friend’s birthday party at her house in Abbotsford. No air con. No fan. Decided it was a fabulous idea to re-visit 1992 and purchase a six-pack of West Coast Coolers from Vietnamese dodgy bottleshop (six-pack possibly in bottleshop since 1992). Consumed many Westies and also 4 smirnoffs and at least a bottle of wine from 7pm-11pm. Was trolleyed. Midnight: walked to tram stop. Admired orange knit dress in the Vinnies window whilst waiting for tram. Got off tram at Spencer St & walked rest of way home. Sang “Over My Shoulder” at the top of my voice whilst walking (lyrics changed to hot... drunk....late...tired) and stopped at docklands park for a go on the swings. Wobbled the rest of the way home, and it is very possible that I took my dress off after getting off the lift at home, before getting to my front door.


LOL @ the weekend update emails :roftl:

LOL @ your weekend :roftl:



My mother's poor grasp of the english language will never fail to amuse me.


Me: "Mum, have you had lunch? I'm making cheese toasties, want one?"

Mum: "No I haven't had LUN!" *LOL LOL!* "YOU FORGOT THE S"

(granted, I did say lun, but that's only because the fridge startled me by opening the wrong way - because I actually pulled on the freezer door by accident)

Me: "S?! Lunch is spelt with a C-H, you idiot!" *LOL*

Mum: "Yeah, it might be spelt with a CH, but you pronounce it S - luns!"

Me: "I seriously don't understand how you can be that bad at English"

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Me: "S?! Lunch is spelt with a C-H, you idiot!" *LOL*


Am I the only one who is seeing this not starred out? I wrote that simply expecting it to be starred out for me, because I couldn't be bothered trying to figure out how many stars I would have to put...


Edit: Actually, now I look like an abusive child, I am going to manually star it out.

Edit#2: Changed my mind, I still look like an abusive child. Changed it to something less harsh.

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Am I the only one who is seeing this not starred out? I wrote that simply expecting it to be starred out for me, because I couldn't be bothered trying to figure out how many stars I would have to put...


Edit: Actually, now I look like an abusive child, I am going to manually star it out.

Edit#2: Changed my mind, I still look like an abusive child. Changed it to something less harsh.


HAHAHAHAH!! you so crayzeee

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For my friends I email out a weekend update (my life seems to be remarkably eventful). Here is my update from 2 weekends ago... you guys would at least appreciate the 'Over My Shoulder' part of the story... enjoy.


Saturday. 38 degrees. Went to friend’s birthday party at her house in Abbotsford. No air con. No fan. Decided it was a fabulous idea to re-visit 1992 and purchase a six-pack of West Coast Coolers from Vietnamese dodgy bottleshop (six-pack possibly in bottleshop since 1992). Consumed many Westies and also 4 smirnoffs and at least a bottle of wine from 7pm-11pm. Was trolleyed. Midnight: walked to tram stop. Admired orange knit dress in the Vinnies window whilst waiting for tram. Got off tram at Spencer St & walked rest of way home. Sang “Over My Shoulder” at the top of my voice whilst walking (lyrics changed to hot... drunk....late...tired) and stopped at docklands park for a go on the swings. Wobbled the rest of the way home, and it is very possible that I took my dress off after getting off the lift at home, before getting to my front door.


So, seeing as how I've told the world about taking my dress off in my apartment building, I may as well give you part 2 to the story... the Sunday (a few hours after arriving home from part 1)


Sunday. 24 degrees. 8am. Sarah & I drove to Portsea for a day at the beach. Stopped at Starbucks for coffee in Port Melbourne before the journey began. Walked to Bakers Delights from Starbucks for a chocolate croissant. Walked back to Starbucks for a second coffee. Drove to Portsea. Croissant and coffee made me feel sick (by-product of hangover from Westies and the fact that I don't like Starbucks coffee). Arrived at beach. Windy and cold, yet I still swam and managed to get sun burnt. At beach car park realised I had a grain of sand stuck on my eye ball. Tried removing with finger. Tried pouring water in eye, much to the entertainment of me and others (including a Tarago full of Japanese tourists) passing by. Sand still in eye. Sat in the front of Sarah’s car (convertible with the roof down) and Sarah tried to remove sand. Sand still in eye. Had no tissues. Considered visiting emergency room. Decided was not an emergency. MacGyver instincts kicked in and decided in lieu of tissues, to use tampon to remove sand from eye. Didn’t work, so Sarah tried using the tampon to remove sand from my eye. Guy driving past thought we were pashing and nearly crashed his car cause he was gorking. Sand eventually safely removed from eye (with finger – note: tampons do not work in removing sand from eyes), and am so far not noticing any permanent damage to my vision. Made it home without further incident, listening to Mika all the way.

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So, seeing as how I've told the world about taking my dress off in my apartment building, I may as well give you part 2 to the story... the Sunday (a few hours after arriving home from part 1)


Sunday. 24 degrees. 8am. Sarah & I drove to Portsea for a day at the beach. Stopped at Starbucks for coffee in Port Melbourne before the journey began. Walked to Bakers Delights from Starbucks for a chocolate croissant. Walked back to Starbucks for a second coffee. Drove to Portsea. Croissant and coffee made me feel sick (by-product of hangover from Westies and the fact that I don't like Starbucks coffee). Arrived at beach. Windy and cold, yet I still swam and managed to get sun burnt. At beach car park realised I had a grain of sand stuck on my eye ball. Tried removing with finger. Tried pouring water in eye, much to the entertainment of me and others (including a Tarago full of Japanese tourists) passing by. Sand still in eye. Sat in the front of Sarah’s car (convertible with the roof down) and Sarah tried to remove sand. Sand still in eye. Had no tissues. Considered visiting emergency room. Decided was not an emergency. MacGyver instincts kicked in and decided in lieu of tissues, to use tampon to remove sand from eye. Didn’t work, so Sarah tried using the tampon to remove sand from my eye. Guy driving past thought we were pashing and nearly crashed his car cause he was gorking. Sand eventually safely removed from eye (with finger – note: tampons do not work in removing sand from eyes), and am so far not noticing any permanent damage to my vision. Made it home without further incident, listening to Mika all the way.


I love that you tried to get rid of sand in your eye with a tampon... :roftl:

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^^^^^ LOVED IT.


Have you considered writing a blog? You have a very humourous and effective way of telling stories :D


Maybe I should write an autobiography? That weekend was the tip of the iceburg!!! To be fair, my life is a series of misfortunes that for some reason I (and observers) find very amusing.


Other than last night *2am* convincing a complete stranger to drive me home on his boat (I was at New Quay and he was having drinks with his mates on his boat docked there - I live up the river a bit), this weekend was uneventful. Boat ride was fun, yet short, but I opportunistically by-passed walking through the park and having a go on the swings. Kept clothes on until well inside apartment (things are looking up).

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So, seeing as how I've told the world about taking my dress off in my apartment building, I may as well give you part 2 to the story... the Sunday (a few hours after arriving home from part 1)


That ... is ... hilarious :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


^^^^^ LOVED IT.


Have you considered writing a blog? You have a very humourous and effective way of telling stories :D


Yes, I agree. You would be a brillaint blog-writer. :thumb_yello:

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Maybe I should write an autobiography? That weekend was the tip of the iceburg!!! To be fair, my life is a series of misfortunes that for some reason I (and observers) find very amusing.


Other than last night *2am* convincing a complete stranger to drive me home on his boat (I was at New Quay and he was having drinks with his mates on his boat docked there - I live up the river a bit), this weekend was uneventful. Boat ride was fun, yet short, but I opportunistically by-passed walking through the park and having a go on the swings. Kept clothes on until well inside apartment (things are looking up).


LOLLLLL :naughty:

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:thumbdown: There's still a slight chance you can fix it though?

*steals one smilie so OD doesn't hog them*

Nope, no chance whatsoever. The reformating worked, but then it decided to not read the harddrive again, so I told dad to give up, removed the RAM and offered it to him, and also offered him the cd/dvd burner if it will fit in my sisters laptop.


I wish I could say I was typing these words from the lifeline v.2 but I'm not getting that until Wednesday (putting a deposit on it tomorrow) After scouring the swap meet and various stores both online and off, I settled for a new compaq from JB. It works out to be not much more than a second hand one with the features I want


Try being 27 and explaining to your mum why you have a Mika concert poster (framed) on your loungeroom wall. My explanation was that it added distinct colour to the room, not sure if she bought that though.


The joys of being 19. Dad just puts everything down to be being post adolesence nearly. I have some weird stuff on the walls of my room (which is a mess at the moment)


Hahaha! Thanks, I find great joy in taking stupid photos. My dad has even given in and does it too when we go out together (re; the Pemberton pics with scarecrows/metal kangaroos/metal cows/etc) :naughty::thumb_yello:




I like stupid photos as well. It describes a fair few of my photos (that and I'm a poser) I mean, my Woofie/Idog album is pure stupidty :naughty:


Trust me, you have many enjoyable weekends ahead. My advice though is to stay away from the West Coast Coolers. Oh, and alcohol in general, come to think of it.


West Coast Coolers are the devil. So i most alcohol. I have a habit of swearing off alcohol, lasting only until the next instance alcohol is offered to me, or a party comes up :naughty:

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*steals one smilie so OD doesn't hog them*

Nope, no chance whatsoever. The reformating worked, but then it decided to not read the harddrive again, so I told dad to give up, removed the RAM and offered it to him, and also offered him the cd/dvd burner if it will fit in my sisters laptop.


I wish I could say I was typing these words from the lifeline v.2 but I'm not getting that until Wednesday (putting a deposit on it tomorrow) After scouring the swap meet and various stores both online and off, I settled for a new compaq from JB. It works out to be not much more than a second hand one with the features I want


Ahhh, that's craaap. At least you get a new laptop :naughty:


*strokes laptop lovingly* Please don't die, please don't die.:wub2:


I like stupid photos as well. It describes a fair few of my photos (that and I'm a poser) I mean, my Woofie/Idog album is pure stupidty :naughty:


*goes to myspace-perve*

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Ahhh, that's craaap. At least you get a new laptop :naughty:


*strokes laptop lovingly* Please don't die, please don't die.:wub2:




*goes to myspace-perve*

Yeah except I have to pay for it



Please feel free to add me and comment on the pics (I like comments)

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Hello everyone!




Yeah except I have to pay for it



Please feel free to add me and comment on the pics (I like comments)


Lol, that's true.




What were you doing with the dog here? Some kind of treasure hunt?

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Lol, that's true.




What were you doing with the dog here? Some kind of treasure hunt?

Nah, we went to A'Maze'n things. They have this maze, and also a small little treasure thing where you have to get through things that aren't as the usually are (eg, the latch that normally slides out lifts up, doors open backwards etc) so thats the treasure part :naughty:

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Nah, we went to A'Maze'n things. They have this maze, and also a small little treasure thing where you have to get through things that aren't as the usually are (eg, the latch that normally slides out lifts up, doors open backwards etc) so thats the treasure part :naughty:


AWESOME! That is absolutely genius:mf_rosetinted:

*wants to go to that place*


Wow you can write messages in FRs now.



I just added someone.... was that you? :naughty:


:naughty: Yep, that was me. lol. That message thing is a pretty good idea, so you can tell people who you are. In hindsight ... I should probably have actually used it for that :naughty:

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AWESOME! That is absolutely genius:mf_rosetinted:

*wants to go to that place*




:naughty: Yep, that was me. lol. That message thing is a pretty good idea, so you can tell people who you are. In hindsight ... I should probably have actually used it for that :naughty:

The place is all about illusions and has a vertical slide. I love it.

My MS dp is from there


And you should have :naughty:

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The place is all about illusions and has a vertical slide. I love it.

My MS dp is from there


And you should have


Vertical slide? Can you go down it? :shocked:

That place is way too cool. Where is it?

*puts on list of places to go to before I die*


It's reminded me of when I last went to Scitech, and we got to make a DVD of all the stupid stuff we did, but I've never seen the DVD yet and it was like a year ago ... :crybaby:

*goes to myspace-abuse the person who has the DVD*


:biggrin2: HELLO .... I'm hot ....


Hello :naughty:


Hello again. My brain is fried. I've been doing maths for...5 hours :boxed:


Hello again.

Wow, 5 hours is much to long to spend on maths :thumbdown::bleh:

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