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that's odd. he's too mainstream for the indies and not enough mainstream for the mainstream... :blink: I guess we are just stuck in the middle, as usual.. :fisch:


Maybe that's part of the reason for his big success this year - he has his own niche, he's unique, stuck in the middle suits him just fine!

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Yes. I´m really sure he won´t be nominated, basically because they HATE him (as they did with The Darkness) and other bands.

There´s nothing to worry about.

If they don't like Mika they have my sympathy. They don't know what they are missing. Brixton is going to be WAY better than a night at their rubbish award ceremony!!!!!


Love today, from Marilyn

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I hate the NME because of the way they are always trying to stitch up Morrissey.


I love Morrissey and I know he can be a naive idiot sometimes with the way he says things, but that doesn't excuse the fact that the NME have been trying to make him sound like Adolf Hitler for the past 20 years. They are pathetic.

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