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The Heath Ledger Tribute thread


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I suppose it will do.


But at least theyre brilliant movies, that you can watch again and again. If they were all rubbish, then i'd feel sadder, but they're all amazing.


I'll never get bored of them.


Can't wait to watch a knights tale tonight. i havent seen it in so long.

They are brilliant movies :wub2: I'm looking forward to being able to watch them over and over still, even if he is no longer around.

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They are brilliant movies :wub2: I'm looking forward to being able to watch them over and over still, even if he is no longer around.


I can't help thinking that i'll probably sob through every second of them though!

I'm so stupid that i cry at movies that aren't even sob-movies, so imagine what i'll be like with this. Oh my days!


People dont care over here though. It was like, on the news the other day 'Winehouse does coke, the police go on a protest in london, there's life on mars, oh and by the way, Heath Ledger died'


Winehouse got the whole front cover of the sun on wednesday, with a little tiny picture of Heath in the bottom corner, she got a two page spread and he got half a page. Not right huh.


But i s'pose it's better than being forced a load of lies and rumours down our throats. more respectful to his family and stuff.

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I can't help thinking that i'll probably sob through every second of them though!

I'm so stupid that i cry at movies that aren't even sob-movies, so imagine what i'll be like with this. Oh my days!


People dont care over here though. It was like, on the news the other day 'Winehouse does coke, the police go on a protest in london, there's life on mars, oh and by the way, Heath Ledger died'


Winehouse got the whole front cover of the sun on wednesday, with a little tiny picture of Heath in the bottom corner, she got a two page spread and he got half a page. Not right huh.


But i s'pose it's better than being forced a load of lies and rumours down our throats. more respectful to his family and stuff.

That sucks, that Winehouse got more media attention there, but then she is english.


And at least you don't have to see that picture of the body bag in every magazine/newspaper.


Most of our newspapers had multiple articles, and so far one magazine brought out a tribute issue, with him on the cover.

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That sucks, that Winehouse got more media attention there, but then she is english.


And at least you don't have to see that picture of the body bag in every magazine/newspaper.


Most of our newspapers had multiple articles, and so far one magazine brought out a tribute issue, with him on the cover.


She don't deserve to be English though. I think they should deport her or something. It makes me sick how she can carry on living her life that she takes so badly for granted.


But yeah, i saw those pictures of that. *shudders* I covered my eyes though when it was on telly. i was shocked that people would stand around and take pictures of it on their phones and stuff.


I think, as long as the reporters and paparazzi remain respectful, its ok to have some coverage on the whole thing.

One thing I dont want to see is the pictures of them hounding Matilda and her mum. It doesnt seem right.

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Brandon lee is top left..

The Crow is one of my favourite movies that I can watch time after time.. and still cry.. there's so many similarites here.. :tears:

Have I posted this one yet?


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She don't deserve to be English though. I think they should deport her or something. It makes me sick how she can carry on living her life that she takes so badly for granted.


But yeah, i saw those pictures of that. *shudders* I covered my eyes though when it was on telly. i was shocked that people would stand around and take pictures of it on their phones and stuff.


I think, as long as the reporters and paparazzi remain respectful, its ok to have some coverage on the whole thing.

One thing I dont want to see is the pictures of them hounding Matilda and her mum. It doesnt seem right.

I agre. it's one thing for people to gather out his house to confirm, but they didn't need to film that. I ignore that picture now.


And his family deserve to grieve in piece. It's bad enough with religious organisations condemning him because of Brokeback mountain, they don't need their grief publiscised for the world to see.

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Have I posted this one yet?



I dont know, but he looks great on that one. :wub2:


I agre. it's one thing for people to gather out his house to confirm, but they didn't need to film that. I ignore that picture now.


And his family deserve to grieve in piece. It's bad enough with religious organisations condemning him because of Brokeback mountain, they don't need their grief publiscised for the world to see.


Oh, those idiots, well i wonder what it says in the bible about having respect for people's feelings?

It was just a film ffs. Straight out of somebody's imagination, and Heath was playing a character, reading lines that somebody wrote and being told what to do by a director.


Its rediculous!

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I'm still around!

How are you today?

How's the presentation going? I hope you are taking it easy.


Sorry this is late!


Im still a bit undecided on the presentation, thanks for all the photographs, they'll all be used, but i just can't figure what song to use.


I thought i'd decided on Any Other World, but im not sure. Any suggestions people?

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I remember way back when I first saw him in Home and Away (quite addictive show, been watching it for 13 years or so...), and when I then realised that he was one of the people in 10 things I hate about you, I was like 'awsome'. I can't really believe that he is gone. He was so talented. I really feel for his family. There's nothing more to say really....

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Just a quick post, has anyone else wrote a message on the rememberheathledger website?


I left a message too..

Can I suggest using the song Amazing Grace.. If you could sing it?

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I remember way back when I first saw him in Home and Away (quite addictive show, been watching it for 13 years or so...), and when I then realised that he was one of the people in 10 things I hate about you, I was like 'awsome'. I can't really believe that he is gone. He was so talented. I really feel for his family. There's nothing more to say really....


I swear, that show has me addicted. Everyone laughs at me, but i love Home and Away.


I left a message too..

Can I suggest using the song Amazing Grace.. If you could sing it?


I love that song. I don't think im going to sing, it wouldnt feel right. But you're right, that is a beautiful song. Do you know a good version of it? There's so many.

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haha, my friend that i havn't talked to for about two years contacted me, and told me that i was the first person she thought of after she heard heath ledger died


it's such a loss, he was a good actor and looked good, i loved A Knight's Tale, I must have watched it tens of times :sad:

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it's such a loss, he was a good actor and looked good, i loved A Knight's Tale, I must have watched it tens of times :sad:


Couldn't agree more.


Im still pretty sad about it to be honest.

It's just, when i laugh or smile or have fun i think about him, because i feel a bit (kinda guilty but i dont know the right word) that he's not doing the same, you know.

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I love that song. I don't think im going to sing, it wouldnt feel right. But you're right, that is a beautiful song. Do you know a good version of it? There's so many.


I'll prob end up in tear if it's the song... I almost always cry when I hear it... except when it's being played on the bagpipes... then it's just irritating...

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H & A isn't too bad...


Apparently Heath's character deflowered Sally...


They actually put it that way in the newspaper!


:naughty: Nice one! They don't seem to like it much over here, but i think its better than some of our British soaps. I like it.


I'll prob end up in tear if it's the song... I almost always cry when I hear it... except when it's being played on the bagpipes... then it's just irritating...


I know. When you get someone who can really sing it, it's beautiful.


This one is gorgeous :tears:


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