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Rock Werchter festival - Werchter: 7:10-8:10 pm (Belgium)


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Yeah, that keyboard is not loud enough:thumbdown:


Yeah exactly.. it's too soft...

It's one of the main instruments of Relax, and you can barely hear it..






Bwahh! Erm, I know this must sound above-prejudiced, BUT I totally don't like the changes they made for the keyboard for Relax. And no, I don't say or assume it might be because the new guy maybe is less capable (technically) than Luke; I don't know WHY they changed it. Sounds just wrong to me.

Would sound just as wrong to me if it was Mighty Mika himself playing it.

I hope they get that sorted until Tuesday.


Mika's voice doesn't sound soo odd all the time, yet in the beginning it's a bit of a Mickey Mouse feel. Don't think it's the voice itself, though.


I totally second that- I think the same, and it has nothing to do with prejudice, or Luke, or bieng critical, or anything. Just based on listening.


It does not sound right, and I go by the motto "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"


It was perfectly ok, and now it isn't. It's not brain surgery to come to the right conclusion.


In the beginning, and the first verse you can hear it, but after that it goes softer. In the solo I only can hear a bit of it, only if I really focus!:boxed:

He does a good job for the first time though


I don't think that this is good enough, to be frank. If he's not going to be better than the previous kboardist, why replace him?

First or last time, it's no excuse, he should be BETTER. Otherwise what is the freaking point of changing him?


IT's not only a matter of volume, it's also the speed, the way he does it, the sound of the actual keys...Just the whole feel is totally wrong.


Big mess up, I'm sorry, and bad, bad decision Mika, I am so sad to say.



Just listen to the Relax finale of Brixton, and then listen to this crap again.


Words are not required. It's just too bloody obvious.




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I think I have found the first photos of the gig....


SHOW THEM! Please:naughty:



@Oakie: I dunno. I heard that once on here. I dont know how they knew though...

Me too. And its only 2 songs.

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I adore those! love every bit of the clothes.


and i think i might like those bracelets better than mine! I really love it all. the pants too=]!


Return of the Braces!!!!

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The Braces are BACK!!!!!! :kachinga: :kachinga:


He looks pretty good :das: He's really tan.. and I love his pants. :wub2:

*faints as she realizes how good looking he is*


Thank You for the pictures!!

Oh wait.. The colorful part isn't of his pants.. it's the one half skirt/apron type thing that's attached to his pants. I never liked that.. Haha.

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Thanks for the pics! He looks fantastic.

I love the "relaxed" look with the jeans, and the tshirt,etc...

Very nice


Shame for the sound of that blooming keyboard:roftl:

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