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Priorities Changing as a Fan?


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Does anyone else feel this way?


I feel like (marked by the last Mika concert I went to in NY) my priorities as a fan are changing. I'm not necessarily less of a fan, just a different kind. Maybe my eyes were opened? Maybe we're evolving (with Mika)? I'll probably add more as the thread develops, but does anyone else agree/ had similar/ dissimilar feelings?


I don't even know if I want to be the Leb. Lollipop Girl anymore...


*I don't think I necessarily changed because of the concert, but I just realized it after witnessing the experiences firsthand (It wasn't my first show, either). It didn't have anything to do with the concert itself.

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I don't feel like I HAVE to meet him afterwards or anything now. The last few times I haven't even bothered waiting. that's mainly because of the annoying hysterical 'fans' who crowd around his car and stuff though more than anything :thumbdown: I'm quite happy to stand back and watch from afar.


Otherwise I'm not sure how different I am.

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I'm not like that yet because I've only seen him once and that was way back in June. I didn't get to meet him last time so right now I'm still like ' Oh my gosh I must meet Mika! :mf_lustslow: ' And I think I'll enjoy the concert more because I was like devastated he didn't come back this time :tears:

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Although I'm new to this forum I'm still an old Mika fan.. I've never seen Mika live so I'm not sure what it feels like yet. I can't say my feelings have changed or that I can consider myself as different. I do know, though, that after all the videos I've watched n the interviews I've read I'm more capable of seeing the human side of Mika - if that makes sense.. I guess i don't see him as just this amazing celebrity but as many other things too.. Also I think that being a fan for so long makes you adapt so that the person you're a fan of (in this case Mika) becomes part of your life (obviously not actively) rather than just this hto celebrity crush.


I don't noe.. :blink:

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I don't feel like my priorities are changing, because I never felt like having priorities as a fan. It's not mandatory for me to go to his gigs even if I'm a fan or whatever. If I can, I go. But that's because I want it, not because of my 'priorities':wink2:

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I had a bit of a dip between about August and November. I went days or even a week or more without listening to Mika or even going on here and it didn't bother me. Then November came and there were more gigs and well now I'm worse than ever.

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I just seem to have gotten worse since meeting him. :boxed: I want to meet him again so bad so I don't get jelly brain like I did last time. I know exactly what I want to say. I plan to write it down and memorize it. :blink:


Bellatrix, dere måtte dere ha legitimasjon for å slippe inn på Mika konserten på Sentrum Scene, ikke sant?

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Although I'm new to this forum I'm still an old Mika fan.. I've never seen Mika live so I'm not sure what it feels like yet. I can't say my feelings have changed or that I can consider myself as different. I do know, though, that after all the videos I've watched n the interviews I've read I'm more capable of seeing the human side of Mika - if that makes sense.. I guess i don't see him as just this amazing celebrity but as many other things too.. Also I think that being a fan for so long makes you adapt so that the person you're a fan of (in this case Mika) becomes part of your life (obviously not actively) rather than just this hto celebrity crush.


I don't noe.. :blink:


I couldn't have said it better! :wink2:

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I guess I feel like I grew up since the last concert?


For one thing, I forgot my camera so I didn’t take any pictures during the show. I think that helped me to focus a lot more on the music and stuff instead of getting a good picture. I was really able to look around, too.


And I feel like I was kind of stupid, too. And as dumb as it sounds, I think I act differently (at least a little more bouncy/self-focused) when I’m in my Leb. Lollipop Girl costume. :roftl: I didn’t get the chance to actually be the real Lollipop Girl like I was hoping, or get on stage. I really had the passion to (I know that also sounds stupid how I’ve worded it) be Lollipop Girl. It wasn't necessarily a let down, but...


I thought about sending my LG pictures into that email after the concert, because why not? Maybe they’d find them for the future. However, I don’t know if I want to be the her. Until now, I was alllways her, no matter what. Now, I don’t know if I’ll be able to enjoy the concert more as myself. I would, but I don’t know if I want to. So I don’t know if I really want to dress up as her anymore, or even try to be her (sending in the email). Do I want to be the super-fun superfan who gets all recognized and such? Or just myself, enjoying the show?

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Bellatrix, dere måtte dere ha legitimasjon for å slippe inn på Mika konserten på Sentrum Scene, ikke sant?


Jeg så ikke dette før idag. Ja, det måtte vi. Min 22 år gamle venninne hadde ikke og fikk ikke komme inn. Jeg tror all under 30 måtte vise leg.

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  • 1 month later...

I definately know where you are coming from Kate. And since I was at the same show - I REALLY know what you are talking about :naughty:


Terminal 5 WAS my first Mika show..... and it changed my life, in SO many ways! ....I too feel that my whole outlook and priorities have changed; but I went in the opposite direction!


I feel totally stronger in everyway. Not that I am any better or more a fan now, then I was before...it is just different! I was SO scared that meeting Mika would be a bad experience....well, not so much that - but just a 'let down' in general. I need to keep Mika overrated, and I thought perhaps after meeting him such a thing would not be possible.


BUT - Mika totally blew my mind! He was a million times more then I ever thought he would be. So my experience was not anything but positive to the 10th degree. Here it is 2 months later and I am still in awe!~


I think one reason it was so good....is because of everyone's behavior when Mika came out to meet us before the show. Everyone was so calm and conducted themself so well. I was suprised at myself I never thought I could contain all of the emotions - but I did SO WELL in his presence! ...and as anyone who was there knows....as soon as Mika went in to do sound check I busted out crying! :naughty: Better in front of the MFCers then in front of Mika, right! :lmao:


IF ANYTHING - I feel MORE dedicated as a fan!

I cannot WAIT until he comes back to America! I don't care what part he goes to..I am going to be there! Even as great an experience as I had....there were some people at the show that made me *let's just say....embarrassed for them* BUT, as far as I could see NONE of them were from the MFC! All of the MFCers were fantastic! Even if we never get recognized for it - we are special...that is apparent at any Mika gig! ....not to say that MFCers n-e-v-e-r get out of hand, cause they have been known to from time to time!


I love and respect Mika more now - then I ever thought was possible!

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I just seem to have gotten worse since meeting him. :boxed: I want to meet him again so bad so I don't get jelly brain like I did last time. I know exactly what I want to say. I plan to write it down and memorize it. :blink:


I'm the same way. I was sooooooooo nervous and excited when I met him I pretty much just stood there smiling until he asked me how I was. I just want to meet him again to prove I'm not ALWAYS a giggling fangirl :wink2:

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Does anyone else feel this way?


I feel like (marked by the last Mika concert I went to in NY) my priorities as a fan are changing. I'm not necessarily less of a fan, just a different kind. Maybe my eyes were opened? Maybe we're evolving (with Mika)? I'll probably add more as the thread develops, but does anyone else agree/ had similar/ dissimilar feelings?


I don't even know if I want to be the Leb. Lollipop Girl anymore...


*I don't think I necessarily changed because of the concert, but I just realized it after witnessing the experiences firsthand (It wasn't my first show, either). It didn't have anything to do with the concert itself.


I don't get what you're trying to say!!!

Perhaps you are over-satified with the show??

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The Terminal 5 'experience' was so powerful..... it left ALOT of people with feelings that they had never felt before - some for the better and some for the worse.......... regardless of how that experience was for each person...ONE thing is clear..... it was LIFE CHANGING! ....and I think ONLY people who were there could ever TRULY get what all the fuss was about! Our gig was extremely unique in so many ways......

even watching Mika look around in awe himself.... it was amazing!

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I definately know where you are coming from Kate. And since I was at the same show - I REALLY know what you are talking about :naughty:


Terminal 5 WAS my first Mika show..... and it changed my life, in SO many ways! ....I too feel that my whole outlook and priorities have changed; but I went in the opposite direction!


I feel totally stronger in everyway. Not that I am any better or more a fan now, then I was before...it is just different! I was SO scared that meeting Mika would be a bad experience....well, not so much that - but just a 'let down' in general. I need to keep Mika overrated, and I thought perhaps after meeting him such a thing would not be possible.


BUT - Mika totally blew my mind! He was a million times more then I ever thought he would be. So my experience was not anything but positive to the 10th degree. Here it is 2 months later and I am still in awe!~


I think one reason it was so good....is because of everyone's behavior when Mika came out to meet us before the show. Everyone was so calm and conducted themself so well. I was suprised at myself I never thought I could contain all of the emotions - but I did SO WELL in his presence! ...and as anyone who was there knows....as soon as Mika went in to do sound check I busted out crying! :naughty: Better in front of the MFCers then in front of Mika, right! :lmao:


IF ANYTHING - I feel MORE dedicated as a fan!

I cannot WAIT until he comes back to America! I don't care what part he goes to..I am going to be there! Even as great an experience as I had....there were some people at the show that made me *let's just say....embarrassed for them* BUT, as far as I could see NONE of them were from the MFC! All of the MFCers were fantastic! Even if we never get recognized for it - we are special...that is apparent at any Mika gig! ....not to say that MFCers n-e-v-e-r get out of hand, cause they have been known to from time to time!


I love and respect Mika more now - then I ever thought was possible!


I have been to five gigs and feel stronger to seeing him again and again and again and again. Do you get my point??!

HOLLY, I hope I didnt' emabarrassed you or myself??:blush-anim-cl:

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I see what you're coming from. Now that Mika has been in our lives for about a year, we get more used to him. For me personally, I don't like him less, it's just that I used to have this feeling of OMG MIKA IS SO AWESOME I CANT BELIEVE IT, now he's just one of my favourite artists, someone I really really admire, someone who's such an amazing live artist that I'd go see him a 10000 more times if possible, and someone trough who I made some amazing new friends.

I've seen him live 4 times now, I gave him the fishbag, got my copy of LICM signed and stuff, and it was awesome, but the whole 'meeting Mika' thing is not really important to me anymore now. If I would get the chance to really have a chat with him then that would be amazing, but if it's just everyone standing around a backstage door waiting for him to sign some stuff and then run off, then I'll pass.


Also, this might sounds weird, but recently the old members of my all time favourite band above anyone, The Darkness, have formed a new band called Stone Gods, and I fell head over heels in love with them again. Now there is more then enough room in my heart for both them and Mika, but I had to dedicate a bit of my time and money to them :naughty: Also, meeting them still meant the world to me, because they actually know who I am and I can have real conversations with them, unlike with Mika...

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It's funny, from the first ime I saw him at the Culture Show filming, when I was kind of in the turning to jelly in his presence stage right through to the aftershow party at Brixton where I felt like we'd turned into a comedy double act, it does seem like there has been a change.

But I still do get the feeling of excitement going to the shows, and meeting after. Although, I don't feel the need to get his autograph now (getting the flag signed is something for everyone to do now, as far as that goes Mika is just one of us), I would much rather chat to him, joke around , have a laugh with the random questions. I think I'm beyond the starstruck phase with him now.

I know this, 'cause meeting Jo Whiley at Brixton made me more starstruck than seeing the big guy.LOL!

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