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The Australian Thread: Part Nine

Rainbow Sky

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So where are all the Aussies tonight? oh, that's right, i just remembered... it's Saturday night, they're probably all out having RL's. Catch you round Aussies, i'm gonna go try and think of something to spam Mika's page with....


I was sleeping.... true story. I'm coming down with my standard back to school cold.


*points to quoted post above* What SHE said!!!


Happy Birthday JJL! I hope you don't get any crappy presents, but remember you can always eBay them! Enjoy!




What HE said *is therefore not copying dc by quoting him instead*


That's so funny, because public school means the EXACT opposite of private school here. To me, Mika's so NOT public school.




It's the same here. Public is the schools anyone can go to, and private are the ones that are expensive to go through and are 'better'.


The equivalent to our public schools in england are community schools According to wikipedia of course







Happy belated 1000th post to you :punk:


I shall post a present in the halliwell thread... one for you, one for Liz belatedly, and one for JJL (who can venture if she dares :wink2:)

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Nico, you've gone already but.... I keep meaning to ask you about this slash. Where would one get their hands on it, if one was so inclined? And how detailed/explicit are we talking here?


One would have to contact the purveyor of fine literary smack (ie, me!) and ask very nicely for said purveyor to send the stories to them...


We're talking about 3 chicken scenes in 5 chapters... and we're not even halfway through the story... we're looking at slash and hetero chicken in the story...


You can help me study (read: skip uni) when you come down to Melbourne.


As for slash, must you even ask?


But of course Scut... anything to help you study...


I know I didn't need to ask, but thought I'd better anyway...


Aww, that kinda sucks, but then again ... cool hats ...

Our school owns the full set of plain robes (I saw them in room off the bus shed once lol) and then they just give us a different colour sash for each year that we keep, and we didn't pay anything. I think there was actually a professional photographer there, but I am a cheapskate, though in hindsight I should probably have gotten one taken, because instead this is what all my photos from graduation look like:


because it appears I am not particularly normal


You know, come to think of it, I don't remember ever using those special card much, I think there is only very few of them in the pack. Boobies ... random lol. Um .. no? Elaborate?


Well... that was uni graduation... I can show you exactly what I wore for high school grad...


Well... it seems that my friend's husband likes my boobs... anyway, we were playing uno one day, and all of a sudden it was decided that we would say boobies... I had no say in it... just like I had no say in the slideshow another friend made of my boobs...


Which makes page 43 such a let down



Afternoon all (and no, I haven't just got up, I've been up since 10. We went to the market to get fruits and vegies


I was up at 8:30 yesterday... and was up at 10:30 today... but mostly to tell the parentals that I didn't bring the orange witches hat home with me... but I did walk home barefoot... Even though that's prob not such a good idea with all the drunken people out for the football..


Hoopla Teegs!!! Boobies.. lol..

No never heard of the jump in rule..


Yep... boobies... my friends are weird...


And TBH, I didn' expect anyone to know the jump in rule... it seems no-one outside the people I went to school with know it... and no-one knows who started it with us...


Nope, just you.. that's your burden to bear for living in beautiful QLD

*gulp* the sun just come out.. wonder how long that will last..


*pats randomly*

Did you get some sorbolene?

I'm doing better, thanks.. Ensure is a god-send..

(says she who was naughty and just ate sausage rolls)


Kobiiii's coming to stay tonight.. *hides red cordial*


Ooooh... sausage rolls... I could so go for one of those...


Someone has a bit of a hangover ATM...


Ohh,, thanks that helped.. Clue, Rent and Hair.. haven't seen them.

is Jay and Silent bob in Clerks 2.. cos if they aren't in it I am NOT watching it

*worships Jay and Silent Bob*

Which reminds me of my Uncle Bob and his friend Jay.. Jay comes out on our family dinners.. and is pretty much family now because of this.. most the time Uncle Bob rattles on and on about something computer related and then Jay will summarize the topic quickly and to the point..

this led my Brother and I to dub them "Jay and Silent Bob in reverse"





They're not actually Jay and Silent Bob in Clerks 2... but the same actors... Kevin Smith and... damn... Can't think of the other guys name...


*smells rice* yummy... and mother is making me bacon and eggs... mmmmmmmm... greasy food... we don't have any sausage rolls though


That he does. I loved clerks II....


And clue is basically a movie based on cluedo. Someone gets killed and the question is who did and where.



The dvd has different endings


I really must see Clue... sounds intriuging... I like the game... we have a computer version (which we got when KFC was doing computer games with the kids meal)


Personally, I like a movie with a bit of eye candy.


My collection features some pretty ****e flicks, but I have them because my boys are in them.


Don't we all Liz...



I love Bruce Campbell... but there is no way in the world I'm getting Bubba Ho-Tep... it's possibly the sh!test movie I've ever seen... though I did buy The Majestic cause Bruce is Roland the Intrepid (and has about 5 minutes of air time)...


*randomly pops into thread*


So my best friend came down yesterday to visit me at college since he was on his break this past week. :wub2: Definitely a much needed visit this week. He brought his Wii. Have you guys ever played one? They're a little hard to get used to. We were sitting right next to each other on the couch and we were playing the sport games. When we were going to play tennis he scooted down to the other end of the couch and I couldn't figure out why at first. I realized that you have to move more to play the game....


I uh.. still kind of came really close to hitting him in the face when I was swinging the remote to hit the ball. My jaw dropped and we laughed and I moved over to the love seat couch.


Oooh and we also played a game that was I think called Chicken Shoot. You had to shoot chickens and the chickens were all doing something different and they could egg you. What really got me was that one chicken had head phones on listening to music and another one... get this... was knitting something. I have a feel an MFCer created that game.


I'd love to get a Wii... but I really should make do with my xbox360...


I want that game...


While you're at it, please join me in slapping Mika's Lollipop for being distracting.




*dirty thoughts enter Tegan's head* :das:




I'm drunk. Thought youall should know.;


OMG!!! I missed that!!!


Admittedly, I was too last night... and Rob owes me a drink... I totally lost him last night so next time I see him out he'll have to buy me one...



Okay... don't mind me...


Andrea wanted to get rid of the alcohol before her dad comes to visit next weeked, lo.l.

So here we are.....ten shots of 80 prooof odka later...EACH!


It's been qwuite good fun. Especially our Fleetwood Macc dance partyy.


OG woman!! 10 shots??? I'd be completely f... erm... I don't think I'll finish that word...


Like your typing?


Well that is pretty amusing...


NO, but we'll correct the problem as soon as possible.

I asked Andrea why were no;t taking pics, and she said she had no idea, but she wanted to ask you if you were gay, and I said you weren't, and she said "WELL TELL HER TO BE GAY AND WE'LL SEND HER DRUNKO TIT PICS."


So there.


You still could've... I certainly wouldn't have minded.. :das:


*packs Bec into a box with bubblewrap and sends her to LA via Raffa Post*


Wonder where Raffa is..


She'll get lost if you do that...


And now I'm off to eat my weight in corn dogs....it's a good night.


After a night out on the town, you should have a kebab... of if you're like me and don't like them, have a meat pie... or a sausage roll (damn, I didn't get one last night... should've...)


In England "public schools" are what we call "private schools" i.e. you pay to go there. By describing someone as "public school" it means that they're upperclass and privileged or, more insultingly, snobby and sheltered. I'd have to agree with your friend, Mika is very public school, and doesn't even realise it.


Hmmmm... you learn something new every day!














Of course not, I was just being discreetly obscene.


I didn't want to quote this.. .but Scut... I'll have to say... your deleted message... can't believe you said that without me here...


Oh look, here we go...


*dances like an irishman*


Diddily-dee, potatoes.


I can totally hear that in my head... twas Danny Bhoy was it not?


8,000 posts!!




*parties like it's 1999*






Awwwwwww... the kitties!

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And for part 2... :naughty:


'Tis my Birthday tomorrow!!!


I'm getting some coloured jeans!!!


*now has most of the stuff needed for outfit to wear to future Mika concert*


*laughs herself silly at the sight of those two snogging and goes to find Luke to snog him better*


More story... *hasn't even seen this story even though she is the list apparentally*


1. very good... you're almost ready to go!


2. But... but... okay.


3. No-one else has seen the story... will send it off today...


this is on the parody thread,,,,but anyone you guys know?????




I like that!!!


Drink with me! Drink with me!


That one's stupid...


So where are all the Aussies tonight? oh, that's right, i just remembered... it's Saturday night, they're probably all out having RL's. Catch you round Aussies, i'm gonna go try and think of something to spam Mika's page with....







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So one of my bestest friends has begun the paperwork to do a 1-2 year SWAP program - like a working holiday - in Australia.


He's not sure what part of the country he's interested in, though. Anyone have any Aussie advice?


PS: He's 23, single, and according to my mother, looks like Mika. :das:

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So one of my bestest friends has begun the paperwork to do a 1-2 year SWAP program - like a working holiday - in Australia.


He's not sure what part of the country he's interested in, though. Anyone have any Aussie advice?


PS: He's 23, single, and according to my mother, looks like Mika. :das:


Hmmmmm... Eastern part for sure... Sydney is nice, but expensive... Apparently Melbourne is very nice... I don't know cause I've never been there...


If he really wants, he can come to Orange... but there's bugger all here...





Really... a Mika lookalike... :das:


*doesn't tell nico that kelzy thinks she is avoiding her as well*


Well that's just downright weird...

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Hmmmmm... Eastern part for sure... Sydney is nice, but expensive... Apparently Melbourne is very nice... I don't know cause I've never been there...


If he really wants, he can come to Orange... but there's bugger all here...





Really... a Mika lookalike... :das:




Well that's just downright weird...

*doesn't tell nico she is sad and misses her kel kel*

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Heya, Aussies. I'm excited (said in Big Kev voice), I cut my hair short and tonight I'm gonna dye it purple (I hope it'll be visible, I'm worried it won't because my hair's dark brown). If it doesn't turn out horribly I'll take a pic with my new camera phone which I'm picking up on Monday (yay, finally getting my birthday present from the 'rents). :biggrin2:


I didn't want to quote this.. .but Scut... I'll have to say... your deleted message... can't believe you said that without me here...

Shhh, I deleted it, you can't use it against me. :fisch:


So one of my bestest friends has begun the paperwork to do a 1-2 year SWAP program - like a working holiday - in Australia.


He's not sure what part of the country he's interested in, though. Anyone have any Aussie advice?


PS: He's 23, single, and according to my mother, looks like Mika. :das:

It depends:

* Is he gay? If so, Sydney.

* Does he love the big city lifestyle (especially nightlife)? If so, Sydney.

* Is he an art-fanatic? If so, Melbourne.

* Is he a fashion fanatic? If so, Melbourne.

* Does he love sunny tourist destinations? If so, the Gold Coast.

* Does he love cold weather and hiking/rainforests/etc.? If so, Tasmania.

* Does he love the Aussie outback? If so, Alice Springs.


I don't know in what cases I would recommend the other capital cities of Perth, Adelaide or Canberra. Maybe someone from those cities could help?


Also, feel free to correct me, anyone.

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