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The Australian Thread: Part Nine

Rainbow Sky

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Hello everyone:punk:


Ive just woke up and Im having a coffee


Ohhhhhhhhhh I found a phone!!!!


5 english pounds .... 2.5 pence per minute :punk: :punk: to aussie land


I feel close already :thumb_yello:

:shocked::thumb_yello: OOOooooo ... YAY !!! Does that mean you may call us one day ... ???!!! :naughty:

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Okay, I did it, mum. :sneaky2:


Nothing bad!, just I was a pure red-head to start off with...


Suuure. :bleh:




Good evening everyone , hoping your all fine and dandy


'evening :P


I found this on a paprazzi site! It's an exclusive sneak peak at JJL's chocolate factory taken by a spy that disguised themself as a friend to get into the birthday celebration!




Not as snazzy as I would've pictured it but hey.. If snogging sprees take place there then I guess it's good enough!


Ooooh, nice. *wants to attach mouth the the end of that pipe that gushing out melted chocolate* :wub2:


Moving house. The house we're renting got sold and would you believe the cheek of it, the new owners want to live in it!



Where are you moving to?


The sustain button is just a button with the word sustain under it! I can't believe I never noticed it before It's in the middle section where the buttons for fingered chords and recording etc are, if that helps you any. I don't know what your keyboard looks like tho.



*goes to look*

OMG! I have one too!

*tries it*

But - but ... it doesn't do anything :tears:

The notes last exactly the same if I turn it on or not ... am I missing something here?

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Okay, I did it, mum. :sneaky2:




Suuure. :bleh:




'evening :P




Ooooh, nice. *wants to attach mouth the the end of that pipe that gushing out melted chocolate* :wub2:





Where are you moving to?





*goes to look*

OMG! I have one too!

*tries it*

But - but ... it doesn't do anything :tears:

The notes last exactly the same if I turn it on or not ... am I missing something here?


Good girl *huggles her good little daughter*

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Sorry, I just checked my e-mail as opposed to what you pm'ed me and found more there. Woohoo!! This should keep my busy for a little while.


Yeah, those are the first 3 I wrote last year... Confessions was written in around the end of June... Sweet Dreams in July, and All Good Things was finished in October... when I wasn't staying up till 5am talking to Freddie... :naughty:

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Howdy everyone


So one of my bestest friends has begun the paperwork to do a 1-2 year SWAP program - like a working holiday - in Australia.


He's not sure what part of the country he's interested in, though. Anyone have any Aussie advice?


PS: He's 23, single, and according to my mother, looks like Mika.


*agrees with Scut's points*


Though if his cute, even though I'm younger I could 'tour guide' :fisch:



I also like the game called Crazy Taxi where you're a taxi driver.


That used to be one of my favourite games (because I was the best at it in my family :mf_rosetinted:)


Well... let's say there's you, then me, Scut and Kelzy... sitting in a circle...


Anyways... we're going clockwise... if I put down a red 4, and if Scut has a red 4 as well, then she can put her card down (if you haven't already), call out "Jump in" thn it goes to Kelz... In a way it's another way of skipping people... but you can only do it if you ave the exact same card as someone else... and you put it down before the next person does it...


Does that make sense?


Sounds interesting *feels left out of hypothetical uno game*


And yes I am MQ queen... Soa likes trying to take it off me... I'd like to see her try now!!! *evil laugh*


Of all the days to pick to say this, you pick one where I'm gone all day and have 15 pages to catch up on.


It's on


I honestly don't remember... but I'm sure someone else has more... maybe its the Dutch thread?



I think the argentians might be ahead of us as well


I just remembered a song they played last night... they played Sweet Dreams! It was a remix too... I sang along and thought of Mika when he did it in Sydney


I used to hear Sweet dreams out all the time, and used to love it. Oh the memories *reminiscing face*


Though I wouldn't have gotten a fringe... but that might be because I hate fringes... if anything, they should have done a side fringe...



*loves her side fringe when it looks good* Except, last time I got it cut, the hairdresser didn't do it right :sneaky2:


the difference is noticeable. i have some hd channels, you can see a hugeeeeee difference, but its not like thats what i care about. just gimme my shows, im happy i dont care if its all fuzzy


I'm the same.... I'm happy with digital at the moment, don't need HD. Though dad was watching the wrestling the other week, and I got annoyed with how often they mentioned they were now in HD. That, and the announcers kept saying things like "wow she looks so much hotter in HD" and I felt like yelling "you're there live, you're not seeing how it looks in HD" at the tv (they did it that much)


Oh, just lovely... unfortunately for me, I get headaches and don't feel like eating the next day... until I have something full of fat or sugar... likethe bacon and eggs I had for lunch, or the 3 chocolates I just had (which weren't nice)...


It's maccas cheeseburgers that are my hangover weakness.


Of course, you're body doesn't really want fatty food.... just try telling my body that at 10.30 on a morning after.



I guess I just don't know the difference because I've never watched anything on an HDTV before haha.

*hasn't either*

Our tv doesn't get hd




I was thinking about getting my hair done before the gig but I didn't have the money and sadly still don't. It costs $60-$80 to get it done. :thumbdown:


*wonders why she used to pay that much to get her hair done every few months.*


Yeah, I figured once I get a career going I can do whatever I want with my hair. For now though with the college I'll be going to I have to look professional because I know sometime I'll be doing wedding photos and what not. Who's going to want to hire someone that has pink highlights in their hair to photograph their special day haha.



Me.... after all, you want your photographer to be creative (unless you want the whole traditional thing, which so isn't me)


*doesn't mention the time her hair melted and she got a chemical burn on her scalp*





Oh, and anyone who asked for it, I've sent stories!


I look forward to reading it :wink2:


Head On is supposed to be some stuff to put on your head when you have a headache.



I am still skeptical about that stuff.....how would rubbing it on your forehead help with a headache at, say, the back of your head.



Aww. Well they are not normally funny, just painful. Started with rug warehouses a few years go, and now it's weird sales at the convention centre. They shout about how they are definately closing TODAY, for a few months, over and over.


And every few days they would slash the prices even more, and claim that it really will end that weekend, no extensions, no more. And you watch and think 'yeah right'



*pats hair protectively*

Although, having small children staring IS fun. I remember once, I had a mustache drawn on my face (I forget why) and I was washing my hands in the bathroom. A little girlcame in, took a look at my face, and walked out again.



*has an amusing photo of her with a drawn on moustache from a friends fancy dress dinner*


Hey, the last one reminds me...what do Aussies do for Christmas trees? Cause you don't get fir trees there, do you?


Do so get firs *crosses arms like a pouting two year old*


But my family go for the plastic trees.... so much easier to just drag it out of the shed and put it together.




Hey guys, found another folder of pictures, from my dog shelter, help me come up with actually funny things to loldog onto them, so if they go up i can link to the shelter for free get-a-dog!spam And plus, these are just asking for something hialrious to be attached to them .. but I lack creativity.




"What.... iz my rope... mine"

Lame, but hey... I tried *winks*




Hey Nico! Any more?:mf_lustslow: That was really good. I've written some Mika stuff like that with someone else from the forum but never slash. Which is quite odd when you come to think about it... Anyway... I have a question but I think I'll pm you.


If you're interested in stories, I have one (non fan fic but interesting) I could send you.





And a general hello to everyone.............



And I know its not as long as yous teegs, but I got bored.

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The dye is now in, I'm gonna wash it out in an hour or so.


Yep... I have another 5 chapters... maybe about halfway through the story... I still haven't decided what will happen at the end...


And PM away!

Another 5 chapters? You only sent me one...


Yeah, those are the first 3 I wrote last year... Confessions was written in around the end of June... Sweet Dreams in July, and All Good Things was finished in October... when I wasn't staying up till 5am talking to Freddie... :naughty:


Wait, is 'All Good Things' a Mika fic? Have I read that one?


I found this on a paprazzi site! It's an exclusive sneak peak at JJL's chocolate factory taken by a spy that disguised themself as a friend to get into the birthday celebration!




Not as snazzy as I would've pictured it but hey.. If snogging sprees take place there then I guess it's good enough!



Ewww, that reminds me of the tub they use in Turkish hot oil wrestling. True story: a friend in L.A. invited me to go watch lesbian hot oil wrestling next week - forgetting that I'm in Oz. The bitch must have done it on purpose to rub it in that nothing happens in Oz... most especially not Mika concerts. :sneaky2:

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Sounds interesting *feels left out of hypothetical uno game*


Well, I used names of people who were on...


Of all the days to pick to say this, you pick one where I'm gone all day and have 15 pages to catch up on.


It's on


Bring it!


Keep in mind I wasn't on all of yesterday as well...


I think the argentians might be ahead of us as well


Yeah, they might be too...


I used to hear Sweet dreams out all the time, and used to love it. Oh the memories *reminiscing face*


It's great... I was singing along...


It's maccas cheeseburgers that are my hangover weakness.


Of course, you're body doesn't really want fatty food.... just try telling my body that at 10.30 on a morning after.


I thought of it this morning... I really wanted a sausage roll... but we didn't have any... and there was no way I was going anywhere (I was still in my pjs at 5:30pm!)


I look forward to reading it :wink2:


It's good... if I do say so myself...


And I know its not as long as yous teegs, but I got bored.

*smug grin*

Fair enough...

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Hi again everyone!


Oh, I didn't know you could get pedals for a keyboard! Actually, after dinner i was trying to show my hubby what i was talking about and found that I have a sustain button that i'd never noticed before. It sounded a bit better but... It just sounds so electronic and there's no depth, no timbre. i don't know how to explain it. and mine is not a good keyboard, it's a cheap piece of crap, but it's the only one i've got and it's better than nothing when the urge to play overtakes me.


I know exactly what you mean. I really dislike the sound of an electronic keyboard. It doesn't have the same depth as a regular piano. I would love to have a baby grand in my room if I could fit it. But sadly I don't have enough room and seeing as I hate keyboards, I made a compromise and bought an electric piano. I love it!!


Okay, I am going to have an attempt at LOLdogs because I have a funny photo of my dog.

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SoA, yes please!!


I haven't finished yet, but I just popped in to say I'm loving Confessions so far. I'm getting shivers!


Ooooh good!!! I iked Confessions... Sweet Dreams wasn't my fave, but it's grown on me...


And I love All Good Things...


The dye is now in, I'm gonna wash it out in an hour or so.



Another 5 chapters? You only sent me one...




Wait, is 'All Good Things' a Mika fic? Have I read that one?


I only sent you one, cause I'm sending it to you by PM... if you want the other chapters straight away, I'll email...


Yep it it... part 3 of the Steph/Mika saga (No Freddie, different Steph)... you should have, I did send it to you... I can send it again if you like...


I really like getting character names off people in here... I've christened Martin's wife Iona :naughty: ...

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SoA, yes please!!


I haven't finished yet, but I just popped in to say I'm loving Confessions so far. I'm getting shivers!


Just pm me and I'll email it :wink2:


Well, I used names of people who were on...



I thought of it this morning... I really wanted a sausage roll... but we didn't have any... and there was no way I was going anywhere (I was still in my pjs at 5:30pm!)




It's good... if I do say so myself...



*smug grin*

Fair enough...


I figured as much :naughty:


Slack *pretends she isn't as bad some days*


It is good... I want more

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Good girl *huggles her good little daughter*




I think the argentians might be ahead of us as well




*loves her side fringe when it looks good* Except, last time I got it cut, the hairdresser didn't do it right :sneaky2:


Do you know which sidefringe I really like and want? The one in one of the banner ads on myspace. And it's the top half of a blonde girl's face looking up to a corner. No idea what the ad is for, and I always forget to screen capture it, even though I think I would feel far to foolish bringing in an internet banner to a hairdresser :naughty:


That, and the announcers kept saying things like "wow she looks so much hotter in HD" and I felt like yelling "you're there live, you're not seeing how it looks in HD" at the tv (they did it that much)


How stupid! :blink:


And every few days they would slash the prices even more, and claim that it really will end that weekend, no extensions, no more. And you watch and think 'yeah right'


So you guys don't get them anymore? People try and dump random crap at the convention centre every month or so and they use the exact same advertising style. Last month they had artwork.





Next day: " '' '' '' '' ''

Next day: " '' '' '' '' ''

Next day: " '' '' '' '' ''

Next day: " '' '' '' '' ''




etc, etc, etc.


"What.... iz my rope... mine"

Lame, but hey... I tried *winks*


lol lol, no, is not, I likes. :naughty:

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Ooooh good!!! I iked Confessions... Sweet Dreams wasn't my fave, but it's grown on me...


And I love All Good Things...




I really like getting character names off people in here... I've christened Martin's wife Iona :naughty: ...


Confessions was the best one.



And I may have stolen a few names (or even character ideas) off here.


There's an Amy in the story I'm working on at the moment....

And a Mike :naughty:



I'm waiting to write a bit more before I send any though..... especially since my last story has yet to be finished due to the great computer crash of 2008 :naughty:

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Byeee everyone


*hugs everyone*




The dye is now in, I'm gonna wash it out in an hour or so.




Okay, I am going to have an attempt at LOLdogs because I have a funny photo of my dog.


Yay, can't wait to see it


I'm waiting to write a bit more before I send any though..... especially since my last story has yet to be finished due to the great computer crash of 2008 :naughty:


"The Great Computer Crash of 2008" - I love that :naughty:

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Confessions was the best one.



And I may have stolen a few names (or even character ideas) off here.


There's an Amy in the story I'm working on at the moment....

And a Mike :naughty:



I'm waiting to write a bit more before I send any though..... especially since my last story has yet to be finished due to the great computer crash of 2008 :naughty:


Hehe... Mike's in mine too! :naughty:


Guess who's getting lucky with Mike! :das:


And who's at least hinted to getting lucky with Luke? :das:


All Good Things was quite Bold and The Beautiful to me... I just didn't like Sweet Dreams at all..


Actually, that reminds me... Zo wrote a prequel to Confessions... wanna read?

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Sending it now...


Thanking you in advance





"The Great Computer Crash of 2008" - I love that :naughty:



I'm glad.


And I'm tempted to upload some pictures of my cats that I took these last few days and make my own lolcats... might do tomorrow though, after half a dozen errands

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Hehe... Mike's in mine too! :naughty:


Guess who's getting lucky with Mike! :das:


And who's at least hinted to getting lucky with Luke? :das:


All Good Things was quite Bold and The Beautiful to me... I just didn't like Sweet Dreams at all..


Actually, that reminds me... Zo wrote a prequel to Confessions... wanna read?

Ohhh.... who and who


And all good things was a touch B&B in the best possible way of course.



And do I want to read... what sort of question is that :naughty:

Of course.


Mike's gets to use and abuse one of my two female leads in mine :wink2:

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