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The Australian Thread: Part Nine

Rainbow Sky

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Woo! Didn't fall asleep during any chats or miss any... probably because everyone left. *coughkelz,artsy,soycough*



Yeah, sorry about that. Crashed and slept for almost twelve hours.

Morning everyone.



So what am I doing up at 7am on a weekend when I can't even get up this early on a normail day.



Well funny story abou.... okay not funny :naughty:

I'll leave it at my body is inhibiting me from sleeping

Morning, Soy!


Sorry you can't sleep. Peej and I will keep you company if you want.

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I really shouldn't be here right now. :fisch:


I was dragged out of bed because I have to go around and play photographer today and look like a darn tourist around these darn towns. :naughty:




That's one thing I can't quite get over just yet. How touristy I must look with a some-what good sized film camera and a small digital one. I don't take too many pics around campus because photography isn't a major so I just look like some weirdo who has never seen mountains and snow before when believe me... I think I'm ready to be done with snow for probably the rest of my life. :naughty:


Maybe I'll find something cool today... or maybe I'll just look like a tourist. :mf_rosetinted: Maybe I'll look like a photographer if I'm listening to my iPod at the same time. Ooooo multitasking. :naughty:


*snaps pics of you two and runs off* aac.gif

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I really shouldn't be here right now. :fisch:


I was dragged out of bed because I have to go around and play photographer today and look like a darn tourist around these darn towns.




That's one thing I can't quite get over just yet. How touristy I must look with a some-what good sized film camera and a small digital one. I don't take too many pics around campus because photography isn't a major so I just look like some weirdo who has never seen mountains and snow before when believe me... I think I'm ready to be done with snow for probably the rest of my life.


Maybe I'll find something cool today... or maybe I'll just look like a tourist. Maybe I'll look like a photographer if I'm listening to my iPod at the same time. Ooooo multitasking. :naughty:


*snaps pics of you two and runs off* aac.gif


Have fun, Peej!:naughty:


Take a tripod with you. Even if you don't use it, it'll make you look more professional.:wink2::naughty:

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Maybe I'll find something cool today... or maybe I'll just look like a tourist. :mf_rosetinted: Maybe I'll look like a photographer if I'm listening to my iPod at the same time. Ooooo multitasking. :naughty:


Do you find that you need 'inspiration' or to feel creative before you can really get into the groove of taking great photos? I have to be feeling creative before I even contemplate it or else mine do end up looking like touristy snaps!

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Morning, Soy!


Sorry you can't sleep. Peej and I will keep you company if you want.


Company is good. I could go back to sleep now thanks to painkillers... but since I'm up may as well enjoy the morning :wink2:


Soy, I am up as well but in QLD it's 6:30am....I'm worse :naughty: but I can't sleep...


I was up at 5.45 but still able to fall back asleep then. It was at 6.45 that I rewoke... took me awhile to realise sleep isn't happening. I never see this side of 9am unless I have work :naughty:

Looks like we can be up ridicolously early on a weekend together.


*clucks like your mother and sends you both to bed with a glass of warm milk*


Pft... it's totally a normal time to be up..... if you're not me :naughty:

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*clucks like your mother and sends you both to bed with a glass of warm milk*


I've never had warm milk... okay maybe as a kid but I can't remember. I'd think warm milk would taste nasty. Although that's coming from me, the one who doesn't drink milk because I was lactose and tolerant for years when I was young and had to take a pill each time I wanted to eat something that was dairy.


Have fun, Peej!:naughty:


Take a tripod with you. Even if you don't use it, it'll make you look more professional.:wink2:


I forgot my tripod at school. :naughty: Oh well. I'm doing abstract/up close photos so I normally have to get in funky positions so the tripod would hold me back. :naughty:


Do you find that you need 'inspiration' or to feel creative before you can really get into the groove of taking great photos? I have to be feeling creative before I even contemplate it or else mine do end up looking like touristy snaps!


Hmm... lets just say when you feel really lazy you don't want to do anything. :naughty:

It's hard to tell though, because sometimes I do go out with just my camera to take pictures but most times I just try to bring my camera along when I go somewhere and not force myself to finish the roll of film just because I need to get it done. I find that generally when I'm walking along something will stand out and I'll investigate it and sometimes it just calls to me to take a picture - or if I don't have my camera and it's something that'll be there for a while I'll take a mental note to bring my camera back.


If you were to ride in the car with me you'll notice that there's times where I'm talking but then for miles I might be really quiet. Generally if I'm driving I pay attention to the road and listen to the music but if I'm the passenger a lot of the times I'm looking out the window thinking, "oh that would be a good picture..... oh that too... oooh if only I could take a picture of that right now... that's pretty... I should try to get a shot like that sometime.... I should drive down here and stop off on the side of the road a lot and get these pictures... etc. etc. etc."


Sooo sometimes I feel like I need inspiration but the main thing that gets me inspired is just me getting behind the camera and walking about. Once I go out today, which is after I'm done this post, after I take the first picture the roll of film will go fast. I'm also not one of those people who take a half hour to photograph something. My style seems to be point and shoot which has worked well. I find something, get the angle I want, focus on it, tilt the camera, make sure it's focused and snap it. It's going to drive me nuts next year when I have to spend hours taking a picture of something. :naughty:


I now leave you with one of my favorite photos...



Ooooh btw... last semester when I was in my photography class I saw a picture and instantly thought that someone was trying to copy one of the photos that I did. As it turns out a boy in my class really liked one of my photos and he told the professor and I that he tried to do what I did but it didn't work hahaha.


*Runs out into the cold*

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1. Yay! One of the comedians tonight said he used to work at constable care - reminded me of you.


2. Yay! I have been watching on and off. Did you ask him how far he got?


3. :shocked::boxed: What is he going to do there?


Awwwww... That's so cute!


No... He was getting served by someone else, and I was serving a customer... I looked up briefly and thought, "Wow, that looks like Michael", then I looked up again and thought "That is Michael!" You can really see it around the face... Apparently his father told someone a few weeks ago that he lost around 33kg... would be more by now...


He's going to help pack up...


Howdy everyone!


(Teegs, will add Nathan to our Iraq wall at school and he'll be in our prayers.)


Thanks Arts...


Hey Guys!

It feels like ages since I last posted on here, have been trying to keep up to date but RL keeps getting the way.......


Anything exciting been going on?


Not really..

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