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I have one similar...


It annoys me when people on the bus (or in public in general) feel the need to talk so loud on their cell phones so I can hear every word of their conversation. Come on. Okay, maybe be a bit loud, whatever but when you yell so loud the whole bus can hear you...then you can shut your pie hole.


My mom and sister are both like that. I constantly have to tell them "shhhh"



So embarrassing :lmao:

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My mom and sister are both like that. I constantly have to tell them "shhhh"



So embarrassing :lmao:


At least you are considerate and ask them to be quiet.


Sometimes those loud people are with other loud people and it's even louder than if there was only that person by themselves.

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At least you are considerate and ask them to be quiet.


Sometimes those loud people are with other loud people and it's even louder than if there was only that person by themselves.


My whole family is loud but I'm extremely quiet. I think it's because I don't want to be like them haha :naughty:

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My mom and sister are both like that. I constantly have to tell them "shhhh"



So embarrassing :lmao:



I know! And Beatriz is from Spain and people from Spain are insanely loud. Seriously, they yell every word so that everyone in the vicinity of a mile can hear them. So when ever we're in the movie theater, she yells "OH MY GOD that's SO FUNNY!!!!" or random "NO! DON'T GO THAT WAY! TURN AROUND!"

It's so annoying :hair: And her laugh is insanely loud so at awkward or embarassing or not funny parts in the movie, her laugh echoes everywhere.

It's funny though hahah.



listening to my sister talk on the phone


Yes yes yes yes yes!


Oh my goodness, you too?!?


One time I made brownies. Let me clarify. I made 9 freaking brownies. after they were finished, I took one to eat downstairs while on the computer. After I finished it, I went back up to get another because they were quite good. Guess how many were left?!? None!!! Between my little brother and my dad, the other 8 were gone!!! And my mom didn't even get one...


Gaahh! That's so annoying! I feel annoyed just reading that... :hair:

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μεγαλο=exaggerated + μανία=obsession

like Mika's magnetic power transformed in weakness for too many grandeur ambitions :kaf:


... not necessarily Mika's delusions. :mf_rosetinted:


(In fact I doubt he's as delusional as he wants to make people believe :bleh:)

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They don't know what we have to deal with, just let them talk and don't really listen. You and I know best what is good for us...They once tried to prescribe me some antidepressiva,because otherwise I probably would get depressed..... WHY on earth should I take that rubbish if I don't need it? Do you know the answer??? Stupid fools....


When I learn some more of her, you'll be the first to know. It's the least I can do for you:roftl:

Yes, I know, I do the same. Antidepressants: happened to me, too...............


Ok, thanks........... pls let me know.......... I knew I could count on you! :roftl:

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Hi Marina!

Guess you want to learn something from that nice old lady, won't you:naughty:

Well; if you want to get healthy again; stay positive. Always. You can't allow yourself any bad days. SHE can have them, but I don't. I am a young and healthy girl with the world at her feet. If I stay positive I'll be raising my childs within years. Only a pity that it's more likely I won't have any childs, or I have to quit all medications. And in that case I'll die, so that doesn't help a lot. You remember my planning not to die yet I guess:bleh:

Also very important: Go for a walk every single day. Don't mind how much pain you've got, or how less air. Just neglect it and walk walk walk. Okay, I know it's important to keep on moving, but there are days on which that is simply impossible. When you've got a saturation of around 85% you have other worries then going out for a walk... But she doesn't know anything about that. She says she's got pain, she's not able to sleep or relax. If that's true then I wonder why she's snoring all night.... I don't know other people who snore when they are awake....:blink:


About half an hour ago I asked for an extra spray because my lungs were filled with crap. Her opinion in this is that I have to do more excercises so my lungs will become very strong....If I do so, I won't have to take all those sprays..... Great advice, I'm so grateful:roftl:



Getting advices you didn't ask for is like being out in a hailstorm!: naughty:


Have you tried to cheer her up with some good music?

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megalomania in secondary positions :bleh:




μεγαλο=exaggerated + μανία=obsession

like Mika's magnetic power transformed in weakness for too many grandeur ambitions :kaf:


Oh, now it's all coming to me, clear as a bell!:naughty:


... not necessarily Mika's delusions. :mf_rosetinted:


(In fact I doubt he's as delusional as he wants to make people believe :bleh:)


Welcome to VS and G.s secret society!:thumb_yello:

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Yes, I know, I do the same. Antidepressants: happened to me, too...............


Ok, thanks........... pls let me know.......... I knew I could count on you!

I have to say I'm sorry my dear. Haven't learned any wise lessons yet today. Maybe it's because of the fact I don't listen anymore. Mika is with me now, mp3players rule!!! I prefer Mika much better then her annoying voice and advices....She's been snoring the whole night:boxed:


Getting advices you didn't ask for is like being out in a hailstorm!: naughty:


Have you tried to cheer her up with some good music?

Not yet, can't do that here, this laptop hasn't even got Mediaplayer on it, I can't play things from Youtube.... How bad is that?



Another very annoying thing here:

When someone at night calls for a nurse and the nurse thinks you'll appreciate it when she put on the lights at once..... Use the bedlights you fool, being waked up by things like that are very bad for my mood....:badmood:


Snoring old people are very annoying too:thumbdown:


I want to go home:crybaby:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Know what really annoys me????????????????????????


People in positions of authority (i.e. medical profession, more specifically, doctors) who don't believe me, listen to me or give me any credit for my knowledge and experience. They not only do not take any of my ideas into consideration, they break their primary rule of "DO NO HARM" by prescribing the wrong treatments and/or medications. AND THEN once the proverbial s**t hits the proverbial fan, when they finally realize they were wrong and I was right all along, they don't even apologize!!! But by then the damage is done, the die is cast and I finish last. :thumbdown:


Now aren't you sorry you asked????? LOL!:naughty::wink2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's another thing that annoys me...


People who feel the need to make lots of noise late at night/early in the morning. I don't need to hear you rev up your Harley, start up your lawn mower, hear your conversation nor do I need to hear the music blasting from your car...

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people that hit my car and then try to argue that they didn't annoy me!

some grandma hit my car while i was sitting in it today. when i stepped out and told her in a really nice manner that she just hit my car she started yelling at me that i'm talking nonsense. i was like duuuh, what is wrong with you?

and that happened two minutes after a bird's poo landed on me while i was in the car. the window was open but still how the hell did that happen??

what a lovely day :mf_rosetinted:

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people that hit my car and then try to argue that they didn't annoy me!

some grandma hit my car while i was sitting in it today. when i stepped out and told her in a really nice manner that she just hit my car she started yelling at me that i'm talking nonsense. i was like duuuh, what is wrong with you?

and that happened two minutes after a bird's poo landed on me while i was in the car. the window was open but still how the hell did that happen??

what a lovely day :mf_rosetinted:


poor you:huglove:I hope you feel better now



but it'd be a great comedy scene:roftl:

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  • 1 month later...

I hate the old grandma who told me 'Do you want to get yourself killed you idiot!?' when I was riding my bike. So random and unexpected. :shocked: I just stood there shocked and didn't know what to say. :raygun: :lightsabre: :furious: And after that I kept thinking of insults to say back :naughty: But too late. :roftl: It was funny..


And I hate when I'm hungry but am too lazy to get up from MFC and eat something.

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It annoys me when I am drawing with pencil crayons and they get dull. I reach for the pencil sharpener (which I though I had) only to find it isn't there. Then I have to go searching for a pencil sharpener.


I hate when that happens.

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It annoys me, when the holidays are over:thumbdown: It's so hard to get up early in the morning again and not be able to do, what you want. I hate it! We have only 5 weeks of summerholidays. I think, it's not enough! At the beginning, you think "oh, cool, I have now 5 weeks off", but at the end your just like "WTH are my 5 weeks???!!":shocked: But okay, every beginning is hard, and I know, that many people don't even have summerholidays... so I guess, I just should be lucky with what I have:wink2:

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