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The Australian Thread: Part Eleven

Rainbow Sky

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You don't have to get close to catch something these days. People wipe their germy noses with their hands then touch door handles.. then you touch the door handle because you have to and TAAADAAA you catch it too.. :thumbdown:


Nothing worse than feeling sick when you have to do something.. Especially when it involves kids!! Hope they are behaving for you. I'd be putting them in front of the idiot box and laying down on the couch and practice my snoring.. :naughty:

YEP !!! ME TOO !!! *snores*

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No to Maury Povich but Mark Harmon is a hottie for an oldie!

Yep we get them too...in the house and car *shudders*


I haven't had one in my car yet... had them on the outside though... the crapmobile (aka mum's ford escort) has them on the inside all the time...


Obviously I'm still here.. I haven't missed the big announcement have I??



guess not or everyone would be in here talking instead of it being so quiet you could hear a fairy fart..


A fairy fart??? :lmfao:


try it:

So quiet you could hear a fairy fart *schwish*




Am half watching the lamest movie ever made...Basilisk: The Serpent King....so tragically bad that I can't stop watching!


I can think of one movie that is sh!t... called Bubba-Ho-Tep... about a mummy who sucks the souls out of oldies through their arses... and Elvis apparently swapped with the best Elvis impersonator in the world, and the impersonator was the one that died, not Elvis... he's stuck in the old folks home.. and he's helped by an old African American man who thinks he's JFK... :blink: <- I spent the whole movie with my face like that...



Bad news... Bruce Campbell stars in it...


Good news... ummm... *ponders*





























No... wait... I'll think of something good about that movie eventually...


Poor Freddie, he's worked so hard and is copping it from every direction isn't he?


Freddie's a big boy.. he can look after himself...


*feels sick everytime she types high-five as hi-five accidentally*


Hehe... Hi 5... I used to watch that with my niece...

I was perving on Tim okay??? He's hot!







OG, I'm Paris Hilton.. :shocked:


Lets talk Mika-footage dvds


Now... what would I know about DVDs featuring Mika's interviews and MTV footage in Oz? :fisch:

Can do...

I was 8





Hang on... *counts*



I'm only 6 years older than you... tis all good!


I'm the youngest in my generation, and the oldest is 38


Hmmm... wow... a lot of people I know are the younger cousins... hang on...




I'm 9th out of 16 in mum's family.. well really, I have 2 cousins who are the same age as me, so technically that makes me equal 7th...



Damn.. I'm making it a race!


He's copping it for saying "*definately today*" THIRTY TIMES!

I understand it takes time and there are set backs and it's difficult - but OMFG! STOP SAYING IT'S GOING TO BE TODAY WHEN IT'S NOT!!!!

[/pychopathic explosion]


Are we alking about Freddie again?


If so, I've said it before... he's a big boy, he can handle it!



If we're talking about Jerry...








He's a big boy, he can handle it...


Broken record much?


Boomer.. well done.. I'm gonna read all of that tomorrow!!





Coach Boomer...



Sonic Boom...



Sky High...



Bruce Campbell...






Aaaaaanyways... :fisch:



Right; I'll come back and do a scary MQ, but not right now...I'm sick and going back to bed.


*crickets chirping*








*comes in like Taz the Tasmanian Devil in a mad cleaning spree.*

*picks up empty bottles*

*dusts you all off*

*grabs suitcase*

*Leaves thread like Taz*


*in Taz voice* "Lemony Fresh..."





I think I've watched Space Jam a few too many times...


Computer virus - obvious






The sad thing is... I actually did laugh at that... someone must be tired...


G'day (as I know you don't say). I thought I'd post here while this thread is at my mercy, as I can't get a word in edgeways on the Oldling thread, and the bar is full of people drinking ... coffee! (spit)


*swigs from bottle of tequila and leaves*


Whoa... hang on a minute..


People... drinking coffee... in the bar?






I thought people drunk alcohol in bars?



Hello Oz !


I've been to Perth and Sydney on my travels!


Hello Scottish chicky!



Never been to Scotland myself... but will be going to Oz's little piece of Scotland this weekend...







That being Bundanoon of course...


A bold attempt from this promising young author, but one feels that it could have been longer.


Oooh... harsh..


*shocked* OMG, I can't believe I missed that reference!!!! *slaps self*


OMG... slacker...






Go and watch RHPS 50 times! Go on!


Just popped in to see if we're official yet!


Silly thing to do...


Admittedly I checked the internet on my phone (which prob cost a fricking fortune) to see if we were...


*rolls eyes* << We need an eye-rolling smiley...MSN has got one, for Christ's sake


Shall we make a petition about it?


Couldn't be any worse than OD's....OMG don't take that as a challenge though, my brain hurts when I have to read those!


Have you read any of mine???


Ugh I have been packing and cleaning all day today.

and I'm quite ticked that we're not official. I wanted to see this before I left... but nope. It's going to be announced once I leave for the trip so ugh. I'm never going to catch up with this board ever again it feels like once I get back. FT.


I'm in the same boat... I swear we'll become official when I go to Bundanoon... I have absolutely no access to internet (well actually...)...


Now, what should I do with the refund.....? Spain to see Mika, Australia to see Mika (which is such a gamble), or baseboards for my house? I really need baseboards. LOL!


Hmmmmm... tough choice...



Might have to phone a friend I think...


Hi SD !! Yes .... I thought it was time for a reprise ...


Oh yes... looks good!




Hey there!


Oooh look, it's Gerry!


Which one is Bruce?


You mustn't have been around when Kelz and I have gone on our Bruce loving moments...


Who? I have no idea.


*pats RBSKY*


Never mind dearie...




Kelz is going to have a c*ck-sucking cowboy on Bec's behalf.


Ooooh... Heath Ledger... yummy...


*Suzy dons glasses that let's her see "invisible" MFCers*


Ha! Found 'em! There you are Aussies! Knew you'd be here at this time.

Have a c*ck-sucking day on me! I on the other hand, have to go to work now.


I may have to quote you later Suzy... I like that comment!


Drats...we need better invisibility... no good hiding if you can be found


I know how you can hide on invisible and not be found...

It's called not posting *zhhz*

6,000 posts.








Holy f**king sh!t.









Now... if you all haven't figured out by now... I'm going to Bundanoon tomorrow for the highland gathering... So I likely won't be on till Sunday arvo... so, if you're going to post lots of pages while I'm gone, be warned...










I will be MQing it all.

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Now... if you all haven't figured out by now... I'm going to Bundanoon tomorrow for the highland gathering... So I likely won't be on till Sunday arvo... so, if you're going to post lots of pages while I'm gone, be warned... I will be MQing it all.


Yes I have read yours and you're another one that makes my brain hurt:naughty:


Challenge accepted:wink2: .....there will be a new Aussie thread when you get back....

Now I am definitely going!

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Yes I have read yours and you're another one that makes my brain hurt:naughty:


Challenge accepted:wink2: .....there will be a new Aussie thread when you get back....

Now I am definitely going!

But... But...


That weren't a challenge... :tears:

BTW... challenge accepted...

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WOOT ! Sold some tix on ebay ... WOOT ... YAY !:wub2:


At below half price ... lost a grand ... still ... better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick ....... :naughty: :wink:


Oh, that's gotta hurt....


I am still (barely!) awake, might post some yummy pictures of Adam Levine on here to keep me awake....

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Okay, the other kids have been picked up I am going to take some more medicine and then I am off to bed.


I think I will drop the kids off tomorrow and come back home and sleep....


Night all!

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Wtf ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q41_pMe8mvQ


6,000 posts.




WOOT ! Sold some tix on ebay ... WOOT ... YAY !


At below half price ... lost a grand ... still ... better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick .......


A GRAND!? OMFG! How many tickets did you buy?? :shocked:


Now... what would I know about DVDs featuring Mika's interviews and MTV footage in Oz?

Can do...


Oh damn.:thumbdown:





Hang on... *counts*

I'm only 6 years older than you... tis all good!


Hmmm... wow... a lot of people I know are the younger cousins... hang on...


I'm 9th out of 16 in mum's family.. well really, I have 2 cousins who are the same age as me, so technically that makes me equal 7th...

Damn.. I'm making it a race!


I don't know any of my cousins, they all live on the other side of the world, except for two that live on the other side of the country, but I don't know them either.


Now... if you all haven't figured out by now... I'm going to Bundanoon tomorrow for the highland gathering... So I likely won't be on till Sunday arvo... so, if you're going to post lots of pages while I'm gone, be warned...


I will be MQing it all.


Have a good time :roftl:


I totally could have been asleep by now, except it took 2 hours to put that MQ together...


The joys of needed to comment on everything, huh?



:punk: Good work! (except I can't see in the car :tears:)


I've spent the evening looking up random things on google earth. And have decided I want to write soemthing really big in my dad's paddock...


And my computer has thrown a spasm and is stuck playing some vocal-only version of big girl on repeat for the past 3 hours with no way of turning it off. :mad3:

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LOL - on late news just now - they were talking about what a fabulous song writer john williams is for writing a song that got a frog to number 1 (rainbow connection - kermit).


... I wouldn't call getting a frog to number 1 a fantastic amazing acheivement.


*shudders at the thought of crazy frog*

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Well...aren't we all on fire tonight:naughty: c**k s**king cowboys left right and centre!



"Oh I wish I was a cowpoke, go round poking cows all day":bleh:

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