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P.E.T.A People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

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Man, I've been making alot of threads lately (you can tell summer is coming)


Yes, I am a member of P.E.T.A


I practice animal friendly living, to the extent of what I wear and what I buy, product wise.


My next goal is to become a full on vegetarian. :)


I've attempted this before, (I made a thread about that!) and it's been rough. I've tried taking little steps, but food in the midwest, well it's alot of LIVESTOCK!


So, I was wondering if anyone else feels as strongly about the prevention of the abuse of animals...ALL ANIMALS




*Puppy mills (other types of animal mills)

*Animal testing for drugs, medicines etc

*Animals for food

*General abuse in general like neglect

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I'm all for animals. Every thing you have listed, I am against. Animals aren't brainless beings. Just because we don't speak their language doesn't mean we can go ahead and kill them and test chemicals and such on them. And one thing that really bothers me is when I see roadkill. If a person gets hit, ask them if they're ok and get them to a hospital, but if an animal gets hit, people just keep on driving.

I hate humans. :thumbdown:

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I do also, but probably don't always practice what I preach in terms of the things I buy, but I do try.

I am also a member and contributor to the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) who do some great work here in the UK.




They also do one of those donation schemes where you can give as little as £1 a month by direct debit, and most people with a bank account can afford that - or more. :wink2:

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I am. I always can't get the point why people have to do such kind of things. Cause animals are life as we all do.


I'm trying to be a vegetarian after watching the video "Meet your meat".

It's disgusting and inhumane to eat meat. And we won't die without eating them.


But I admit that being a vegetarian is rather difficult in my family. I mean my family and my friends don't really support me.

I had tried to go veg for a whole month. The first 2 weeks were hard. Those meat did looks delicious, but then I'd think of that video and I found it was disgusting. So, eat it or don't eat it. Kind of a self-fighting.

And now I try to make it easier. Only very little meat a day or only little meat within a few days. I think I can eat fewer in the future.

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I am. I always can't get the point why people have to do such kind of things. Cause animals are life as we all do.


I'm trying to be a vegetarian after watching the video "Meet your meat".

It's disgusting and inhumane to eat meat. And we won't die without eating them.


But I admit that being a vegetarian is rather difficult in my family. I mean my family and my friends don't really support me.

I had tried to go veg for a whole month. The first 2 weeks were hard. Those meat did looks delicious, but then I'd think of that video and I found it was disgusting. So, eat it or don't eat it. Kind of a self-fighting.

And now I try to make it easier. Only very little meat a day or only little meat within a few days. I think I can eat fewer in the future.


I watched Meet your Meat when no one was home, because they "couldn't bare to watch..." So I forced myself, and the entire time tears were just rolling down my face...it's a very disturbing video, but right after you watch it, you don't even want to look at packaged meat much less really eat it.

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I don't mind eating animals, just as long as they're not sick and were put down humanely. For the most part, around where I live, it's done as humanely as possible. Or at least it was when I went to a slaughterhouse nearby.


Maybe it's 'cause where I live we buy our own animals, take them to fair, send them off, and then eat them.


Of course, I don't believe in animal cruelty and not even animal testing, but sometimes I feel PETA does more bad than good.

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I think PETA does great things...without them laws would not have been passed on certain issues pertaining to the humane treatment of animals...


Like the whole KFC scandal... the chickens that were tortured, brutally...it was sick, I watched a video a few years back... Well something happened recently, after like a five year battle...


I mean I can see how they're EXTREME and are really passionate about what they want...but somehow I think without that outspoken nature it would be hard to bring awareness to these issues.


I considered getting my meat from free range farms because I thought it was more humane... I guess it is, but somehow I just always go back to the idea of becoming a vegetarian. It is sooooo freakin difficult!

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I mean Peta is a bit...hardcore. Its too much for me.

So i stick with Peta2, though run by peta, its a lot more chill and makes more sense.


I got involved with peta2 in 2004, before i was a vegetarian. I helped my sister in her activities and with an animal rights clubs she and my (then vegan) best friend had. But a year into that i became a vegetarian myself, and course was already against the killing, abusing, and exploitation of animals.


I dont do so much activism now as i used to.

We held KFC demonstarions and had a club at my high school where we did stuff like petitions to stop dissection and when that went over bad with the school we just passed out flyers and had signs telling kids just not to do it and telling them thier rights. The best thing about that club was the vegan parties. "tofutti cuties for everyone!"

But it died because no one cared to show up! Sad times!


I really want to do something dealing with the circus next time it comes to town.


oh yeah "meet your meat" pretty much did it for me. I just couldnt eat any animal anymore without wanting to kill myself after. It wasnt hard, becasue i didnt want it at all. I guess the only thing i missed were marshmellows, im a fat kid...with no marshmellows.


I did veganism for a year but it didnt last. But i still only drink soy milk because my body now rejects cow milk after that year off of it.



wow that was long

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I don't like Peta :naughty: I don't like their tactics and I think they can be pretty hypocritical.



http://www.furisdead.com/pdfs/mommykills.pdf - they actually give this to little kids...

http://www.newsweek.com/id/134549 - they support and spend donations or whatever on killing shelter animals...

And their campaign methods are just stupid and make them look stupid instead of actually achieving things. Not ALL their campaigns obviously, there are good ones, but then there are stupid ones, and they just make them look crazy, so they lose all credibility for any other campaigns. I'd rather not be associated with them...


Oh yeah, btw, I've been vegetarian for .. like a year. I dunno .. it wasn't hard for me at all... I just decided meat was gross and stopped eating it, and so my mum was like "Oh right ... well there's no point cooking it for you if your not going to eat it anyway..."


I really want to do something dealing with the circus next time it comes to town.


I had a fantastic class last year (Bioethics) and we had the most interesting guest lecturers and everything, I loved it, but anyway, one was from this guy, who lead a successful campaign to ban exotic animal circuses from Perth, who talked about how to run a campaign like that. It's really interesting, I could totally send you the powerpoint and lecture recording if your interested. :original:


I haven't actually done any campaigning or anything like that. But there's this girl I met on a local veg*n forum who wants to start an animal rights group at our uni and we've met a bit, but this semester's been really hectic, so we haven't really done anything yet, but it looks like we'll be tryign to sort something out of the holidays now :bleh:


Personally I guess I have a bit of a thing for pet-species animals, like shelter/stray animals and especially racing greyhounds... :sad:

Oh, and the use of animals in education :thumbdown:


*inserts some random quotes*


"But for the sake of some little mouthful of flesh, we deprive a soul of the sun and light and of that proportion of life and time it had been born into the world to enjoy." - Plutarch


"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Mahatma Gandhi


"The question is not; Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?" - Jeremy Bentham

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I am probably one of the biggest animal lovers in the world, but i am undecided on some things.

I went vegetarian for 3 years, but i got such a bad iron deficiency that i couldnt even get out of bed (which was because i wasn't eating the correct things), the thought of eating "dead flesh" just disgusted me. Now i try to block it out of my mind when i do eat it; i hate to think about it.


Fur i am totally against - it just looks totally tacky - i don't even like fake fur.


I am totally against testing cosmetics on animals - its just plain wrong, but i do agree with testing some medicines on animals in some cases. Doing that has provided significant progress in the treatment of so many illnesses and diseases that i don't think we can afford to be against that.


As for cruelty to animals, i cry even when i kill a spider by accident when i'm trying to put it outside so, i would never ever be mean to an animal!

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I agree with the fact PETA is hardcore.

Moreover, I don't think eating meat has anything to do with cruelty to animals. It's just how nature works. Animals eat animals... that's the rule. Moreover, meat contains proteins which are essential to us.


Secondly, as far as I'm opposed to cosmetic-testing on animals, I would sacrifice 10 000 mice myself if it allowed scientists to find a cure against diseases such as Alzheimer or leukemia. If searchers keep testing medicines on animals, they do have a reason to do so - and no it's not just about the money.


Oh and for those who might think I'm heartless after reading this post... I bring food to animal shelters on a monthly basis, I myself adopted 3 kittens because they were about to get drowned, and I also adopted a dog I found on the street, and spent huge amounts of time , money and patience healing her because she had been badly tortured :blink: So I kinda do consider myself as an animal-lover ;)

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Is it wrong for the eskimos to wear fur?? , they dont have access to clothes or shops ...


*Animal testing for drugs, medicines etc


If you had rats in you home would you kill them?? .. , its subjective ....


*Animals for food


Of course!! .. Its nature .. we are animals and we eat meat , go pick on a lion or a tiger .. they are animals too ....


*General abuse in general like neglect


This is wrong .. we should care for animals , starving and kicking them and all the nasty stuff we see is bad

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I have 4 adorable cats. Not as fond of dogs, but I do like them.

I hate seeing or hearing about people being cruel to animals.

I made a scene recently. A (stupid drunken idiot) friend of my grandfathers tags along to most of our family get-togethers, and, without fail, makes a joke at me about giving my cats to his chinese friend because they are out of dim sims.. This year he got a mouthful of abuse from me. He made me so mad. If he does it again.. *shakes fist*


Not too sure about PETA. I always thought they "meant well". I do agree about being blunt to get the point across. People shrug things off otherwise. I'm not agreeing with things they've done because I don't know exactly what thing's they've done, so please don't misread me.


Here, we have the RSPCA, which is where lost or unwanted animals are taken and, after a certain amount of time if the owner doesn't come looking for them, they are sold to good homes. "Sold" because they get immunized, fixed and chipped and it covers the cost of the vet and care given also..


IMO, what would be good is if people allowed 1, or 2 litters at the most, then got their pet fixed, rather than continuously allowing them to breed.


As for animal testing.. ick.. That just makes me cringe.

*edit* for cosmetic reasons.

For cure reasons: I'm gonna need to think a little about that.. I'm very yes and no about it.


I am still a meat eater.. please, don't stone me.. :blink:


Anyway, I would like for the human race, as the stronger of the 2 species, to take greater care of all our furry friends. :wub2:

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I am still a meat eater.. please, don't stone me..


Firstly, this is not me stoning, or attempting to convert, just clearing misconceptions. :bleh:


I went vegetarian for 3 years, but i got such a bad iron deficiency that i couldnt even get out of bed (which was because i wasn't eating the correct things), the thought of eating "dead flesh" just disgusted me. Now i try to block it out of my mind when i do eat it; i hate to think about it.


If you have to try hard to eat meat, it might be easier to try to eat more balanced vegetarian. When I donate blood they tell me I have a ridiculously higher than normal iron level :naughty:


Moreover, I don't think eating meat has anything to do with cruelty to animals. It's just how nature works. Animals eat animals... that's the rule. Moreover, meat contains proteins which are essential to us.
*Animals for food

Of course!! .. Its nature .. we are animals and we eat meat , go pick on a lion or a tiger .. they are animals too ....


In nature humans might eat animals, but it's not 'how nature works' to factory farm animals in the cruel ways that we do. It's not really comparable.



Is it wrong for the eskimos to wear fur?? , they dont have access to clothes or shops ...


Even Peta doesn't go and protest to eskimos, lol. It's wrong for us in our 'fashion' to dress in dead animals (that were killed in countries with no animal welfare laws), when we could be dressing in synthetic fabrics just the same.


*Animal testing for drugs, medicines etc

If you had rats in you home would you kill them?? .. , its subjective ....


People who are against animal testing for drugs wouldn't kill pest rats :naughty: A lot of medicines are tested on higher animals too you know, so we're not just talking about rats here (eg: monkeys, dogs, etc).


Here, we have the RSPCA, which is where lost or unwanted animals are taken and, after a certain amount of time if the owner doesn't come looking for them, they are sold to good homes. "Sold" because they get immunized, fixed and chipped and it covers the cost of the vet and care given also..


*cough* The RSPCA isn't all sunshine and daisies either. It's different in different states, WA is no-kill, but some of the others (can't remember, at least Sydney) put down all their animals once they've been there for 30 days. :thumbdown:

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*cough* The RSPCA isn't all sunshine and daisies either. It's different in different states, WA is no-kill, but some of the others (can't remember, at least Sydney) put down all their animals once they've been there for 30 days. :thumbdown:

There's no need to cough as if I was praising them to be "ALL Perfect."


I was simply pointing out something I think they do which I strongly agree with. And I do believe they might actually put the animals down after 30 days here in Victoria too, which I find incredibly sad.


But that's not the RSPCA's fault. That goes back on what I wrote about pet owners allowing for 1 or 2 litters then getting YOUR pet fixed. The RSPCA isn't wildly breeding animals so they can put them down.


They are trying to avoid such situations by selling pets already fixed.


I didn't mention it because I'm not 100% sure about the finer details and don't feel like debating/discussing what I'm not sure on.


Despite my arrogance, I don't actually believe I know everything.. :naughty:

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Except, you're more of a puppy person.. :naughty:

That I am Kelz ... as you know, I live in the Aussie bush so .... having a cat here would be detrimental re: our bird & lizard life .... we have trained our dogs not to chase/harm wildlife .... anyway, that being said ... I grew up in an outer suburb of Melbourne & I lived in an animal menagerie !!!


My mum had been a vet assistant in her early years & she was pretty animal 'crazy', so as a kid, at one stage we had 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 sheep, (suburbia remember) a cockatoo, a budgie, goldfish & a terrapin or two !!! (occasional guinea pigs etc. as well) AND we used to go on holiday w/them all in a VW Combie !!!!! :lmfao: ....... *no wonder hk is still crazy now* ... hehehehe !!


Soooo .... I love cats... just can't live with them here ! :thumb_yello:

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That def explains it !! :lmfao:


*sighs* That would've been awesome though..

:naughty:Hehehe ... yeah, it was .... except dodging the sheep poo whilst getting in & out of the van was always a tad 'rubix-cube-ish' .... (not that that cube existed then :wink2:) .... also, we had to revive the budgie after one particularly cold trip to the snow .... :shocked::naughty: *truuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeee !!!!!*

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Firstly, this is not me stoning, or attempting to convert, just clearing misconceptions. :bleh:


In nature humans might eat animals, but it's not 'how nature works' to factory farm animals in the cruel ways that we do. It's not really comparable.


People who are against animal testing for drugs wouldn't kill pest rats :naughty: A lot of medicines are tested on higher animals too you know, so we're not just talking about rats here (eg: monkeys, dogs, etc)


We've eaten meat for milleniums and animal-farming has existed for thousands of years. I remember this speech I had to translate when working as an interpreter.Not my ideas, thus, but I thought it was funny enough. The guy, a scientist, was saying that if humans didn't eat meat, loads of animal species would have disappeared a while back , like pigs. That some sorts of species would have never appeared (like dogs, because their first aim was to watch over the herds, which led to their domestication) etc etc etc. Quite ironic.


And it's not just about fur... think of leather, it's animal skin after all.


And my reasoning about killing a thousand mice myself for the benefit of medical progress remains the same with any kind of animal. When science is ready and tests can be conducted on lab-grown tissues or organs, it will of course be very different, but these techniques aren't advanced enough yet so...


Oh and if you allow me to use very far-fetched arguments, when you think of all the pesticides used to grow a single lettuce, and all of the insects that get poisoned in the process + the damage it causes to the environment, I don't really think being a vegetarian is more animal-friendly :bleh: Unless you are a bio-vegetarian of course :naughty:

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*Puppy mills (other types of animal mills)

Stupid thing, and I have no idea why people do it.:blink:

*Animals for food

I'm a vegetarian. But that's just because I don't like meat, is it as simple as that.:original:BUT there are 2 things that I really hate about people who ARE and who AREN'T veggies. I hate when some non-veggie tries to convince me how unhealthy it is not to eat meat and that I'm gonna day within 1 year, and vice versa- when veggies are being pain in the ass when trying to convince one un-veggie.

*General abuse in general like neglect

Arghhhhhhhh...I could just kick some asses when I think of how some people treat animals.:rolls_eyes:


Is it wrong for the eskimos to wear fur?? , they dont have access to clothes or shops ...

Even Peta doesn't go and protest to eskimos, lol. It's wrong for us in our 'fashion' to dress in dead animals (that were killed in countries with no animal welfare laws), when we could be dressing in synthetic fabrics just the same.

Agree with OakieDoke.:thumb_yello:For me fur is a big no go!! I can understand the eskimos but no matter how hard I try I just can't understand those people who live in some environment, where there's no real need for them to wear it.

IMO fur is worn only by some complete heartless morons who just want to cure their complex, be pompous and show off.

And it's not just about fur... think of leather, it's animal skin after all.

I agree in some way, but yet the leather is mainly just the side product of meat industry, right? And IMO that's quite different than fur.:wink2:

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