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So - I have to ask the obvious:


How did you get your MFC name?




What's your favourite colour?


What possession would you save if your house was on fire?


Which four people would you invite to dinner?


Wallet or purse


What's your favourite fruit

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Who was the first person you ever had a crush on


When did you last cry


What's the worst trouble you've ever been in...


Thanks for asking questions haha


1.) A boy in first grade named "Erik"....I still have a crush on him, but at least I talk to him online a lot now :naughty:


2.) I cried while reading "New Moon" :blush-anim-cl::tears:


3.) I don't think I've ever been in trouble...:blink: I'm a very good girl :wink2: (excluding my swearing and perverted mind)

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So - I have to ask the obvious:


How did you get your MFC name?




What's your favourite colour?


What possession would you save if your house was on fire?


Which four people would you invite to dinner?


Wallet or purse


What's your favourite fruit


1.) Freddie Mercury (Fm) and Brian May (Bm) combined :wink2:


2.) Oooh I have a lot so I'm going to list them haha. Silver, Purple, Red, Blue, Green, and Black. Basically, the whole rainbow.


3.) My cat, my Zune, and my Mika painting that my friend did. And also his signature.


4.) I'm assuming they are aloud to be dead and live, so I'd pick Mika, Freddie Mercury, Robert Pattinson, and Mika's brother :das:


5.) Wallet


6.) Pineapple :biggrin2:




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hey fmbm!


who is the guy in your avatar?


do you like watermelon? :bleh:


do you have a pet?


what is your favorite movie?


- favorite song?

- favorite place you been to?




have you seen mika?


if you could do anything in the world with mika what would you do?


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hey fmbm!


who is the guy in your avatar?


do you like watermelon? :bleh:


do you have a pet?


what is your favorite movie?


- favorite song?

- favorite place you been to?




have you seen mika?


if you could do anything in the world with mika what would you do?


Hello :biggrin2:


1.) That is Robert Pattinson (he's also in my siggy :wink2:). I'm cheating on Mika with him :naughty:


2.) I have to be in the mood.


3.) Yes I have many. 6 cats and 4 dogs.


4.) I have a lot of favorite movies, but my top favorites are "Tommy," "the Parent Trap," "Edward Scissorhands," and "Young at Heart"


5.) I will never be able to pick a favorite song -- too many!


6.) Well the only other place I've been is Las Vegas, and that's no fun, so I guess I'll choose Hollywood.

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Nono! :D


hmm...let's see....


1. Do you like hot dogs?


2. If you could live in any other state in the U.S., what would it be?


3. Which one of the Mika gigs (aside fromt the ones you went to) would you have wanted to go to?


4. When did you first become obsessed with Queen? (i'm going on my 3rd year. xD)


5. Mountains or rolling hills?


6. Country or City?

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Nono! :D


hmm...let's see....


1. Do you like hot dogs?


2. If you could live in any other state in the U.S., what would it be?


3. Which one of the Mika gigs (aside fromt the ones you went to) would you have wanted to go to?


4. When did you first become obsessed with Queen? (i'm going on my 3rd year. xD)


5. Mountains or rolling hills?


6. Country or City?




1.) I don't really eat meat, so I guess that would be a no haha


2.) Hmm...probably Washington. (can you guess why? :naughty:)


3.)That's a good question....hmmm...I think I'd have wanted to go the gig at the Koko.


4.) I first became obsessed when I was in 5th grade, so I was around 10 or 11 years old, which means I've been obsessed for about 7 years.


5.) Is there a difference?


6.) City. I like to to shop and it's closer to concert venues :naughty:

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:naughty: We're both home early!!! Haha


What was the worst thing you've ever said to someone?


If you could live in any other time period, what would it be?


What's the grossest thing you've ever done?


If you could have any other name, what would it be?


Chocolate or Ice Cream?


What's your favorite color skittle?


If you had to have one piece of music softly playing in your mind for the rest of your life, what would you want it to be?


What sport would you prefer to play? (Don't say "none")


If you could choose the way that you die, how would you want to die?


If you had to sell your soul for one thing, what would it be?


What room in your house do you spend the most time in?



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1.) I don't really eat meat, so I guess that would be a no haha


2.) Hmm...probably Washington. (can you guess why? :naughty:)


3.)That's a good question....hmmm...I think I'd have wanted to go the gig at the Koko.


4.) I first became obsessed when I was in 5th grade, so I was around 10 or 11 years old, which means I've been obsessed for about 7 years.


5.) Is there a difference?


6.) City. I like to to shop and it's closer to concert venues :naughty:


oh yes, there is a VAST difference. xD

mountains are big and rocky, and covered either in trees or sagebrush.

and go over 2000 ft high.


hills....well, if you want an example of those, go to Virginia.



I missed the mountains when I was out there. :bleh:

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:naughty: We're both home early!!! Haha


What was the worst thing you've ever said to someone?


If you could live in any other time period, what would it be?


What's the grossest thing you've ever done?


If you could have any other name, what would it be?


Chocolate or Ice Cream?


What's your favorite color skittle?


If you had to have one piece of music softly playing in your mind for the rest of your life, what would you want it to be?


What sport would you prefer to play? (Don't say "none")


If you could choose the way that you die, how would you want to die?


If you had to sell your soul for one thing, what would it be?


What room in your house do you spend the most time in?



Awesome! Hey! ;P


1.) I'm sure I've said a lot, but the most recent one went like this:


Me: "Nick, shouldn't you get dressed?"

My brother: "No. All I have to do is throw a shirt on."

Me: "Um, not with those socks with sandals.":naughty:


2.) I would want to live in the mid-seventies, because that's when a lot of good music emerged.


3.) I guess it was when I ate a random piece of popcorn that was lying in muddy water.


4.) I would want my name to be Floyd.


5.) My favorite is the red (typical) one and the yellow one.


6.) That's like, impossible to answer. It'd probably be a Mika song though because I never manage to get sick of him. :lol3:


7.) Football or billiards


8.) In my sleep or by a vampire :das:


9.) Freddie Mercury's voice.


10.) The living room (for the computer) and my room for reading and sleeping.

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oh yes, there is a VAST difference. xD

mountains are big and rocky, and covered either in trees or sagebrush.

and go over 2000 ft high.


hills....well, if you want an example of those, go to Virginia.



I missed the mountains when I was out there. :bleh:


Oh, then I'd choose hills :naughty:

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What is the worst vacation you ever took?


Do good things come to those who wait?


You're driving your car late at night and come to a red light. If there are no cars in either direction, would you stop?


If you could take a one-month trip anywhere in the world and money were not a consideration, where would you go?


If you could star in a love scene with any living actor or actress, whom would you want to act with, and where would you want it filmed? (I think I know the answer to this one :fisch:)


If you could spend one year in perfect happiness but afterward would remember nothing of the experience, would you do so?


If you could read the private diary of any person in the world, whose would it be?


What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?


If you could possess one supernatural ability, what would it be?


Hands or Feet?


Baths or Showers?

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What is the worst vacation you ever took?


Do good things come to those who wait?


You're driving your car late at night and come to a red light. If there are no cars in either direction, would you stop?


If you could take a one-month trip anywhere in the world and money were not a consideration, where would you go?


If you could star in a love scene with any living actor or actress, whom would you want to act with, and where would you want it filmed? (I think I know the answer to this one :fisch:)


If you could spend one year in perfect happiness but afterward would remember nothing of the experience, would you do so?


If you could read the private diary of any person in the world, whose would it be?


What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?


If you could possess one supernatural ability, what would it be?


Hands or Feet?


Baths or Showers?


You have good question :naughty:



1.) It was when I went to Palm Springs one time and our car broke down on the way so we were stuck in some creepy little town where it was really hot.


2.) Yes, they do.


3.) Probably. I always abide by the law.


4.) London!


5.) I think you know too :das:(Robert Pattinson)


6.) This is a toughy...I would say no, because there would be no point to the happiness if I didn't remember it.


7.) Mika's. He has so many secrets haha. I'd also steal his song ideas :naughty:


8.) I'd like to change most peoples minds.


9.) I would like to teleport. Hello? Free Mika concerts everyday! :punk:


10.) Hands. Feet are disgusting.


11.) Showers. Baths are such a waste of time.

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You have good question :naughty:



1.) It was when I went to Palm Springs one time and our car broke down on the way so we were stuck in some creepy little town where it was really hot.


2.) Yes, they do.


3.) Probably. I always abide by the law.


4.) London!


5.) I think you know too :das:(Robert Pattinson)


6.) This is a toughy...I would say no, because there would be no point to the happiness if I didn't remember it.


7.) Mika's. He has so many secrets haha. I'd also steal his song ideas :naughty:


8.) I'd like to change most peoples minds.


9.) I would like to teleport. Hello? Free Mika concerts everyday! :punk:


10.) Hands. Feet are disgusting.


11.) Showers. Baths are such a waste of time.

And you have good answers :naughty:

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What colour are your eyes?


Can you play any instruments? If, so which ones.


When was the last time you cried?


Is it fun to ride on ferris wheels?


Are you a vegan/vegetarian?


Do you plan to travel in the future?

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What colour are your eyes?


Can you play any instruments? If, so which ones.


When was the last time you cried?


Is it fun to ride on ferris wheels?


Are you a vegan/vegetarian?


Do you plan to travel in the future?



1.) Hazel, but people just say brown.


2.) I can play piano and a little bit of guitar


3.) This has been asked, but I'll say it again since I like you :naughty:. The last time I cried was when I read "New Moon" a few days ago (for the 8th time or so haha)


4.) I'm sort of a vegetarian. I'll eat fish if my mom buys it for me, but I don't eat beef or pork or turkey. I do eat chicken mcnuggets on Saturdays though, but only oce on Saturday. I'm so weird haha.


5.) Yes I do :biggrin2:

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What's up?


How are you?


How are finals going?


:naughty: Those are questions


Btw I LOVE your siggie quote!! That part is hilarious :lmfao: He's so funny :wub2:


1.) Not much


2.)I'm pretty good, thanks.


3.) I'm pretty sure I failed my math final, but I think I aced my english final, so they cancel each other out haha



I just saw the entire "making of Love Today" video today. I'd only seen the edited version! At least I finally saw the whole thing :naughty:

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1.) Not much


2.)I'm pretty good, thanks.


3.) I'm pretty sure I failed my math final, but I think I aced my english final, so they cancel each other out haha



I just saw the entire "making of Love Today" video today. I'd only seen the edited version! At least I finally saw the whole thing :naughty:

Hahah, It's so funny :aah:


Did you study?

The new Coldplay album comes out TOMORROW! Are you excited? :blush-anim-cl:


(P.S.: I'm eating ice :naughty:)

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Hahah, It's so funny :aah:


Did you study?

The new Coldplay album comes out TOMORROW! Are you excited? :blush-anim-cl:


(P.S.: I'm eating ice :naughty:)


Nope :naughty: I'm hoping my teacher just doesn't look at our tests as usual :naughty:


Um, I'm excited for you :biggrin2:. Katy Perry's CD comes out tomorrow too.




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