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Let's help Mika write his blog!


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So, as we have all noticed, Mika wants to write a daily blog :yay: It's a tought job though. To write something interesting on such a blog, he obviously has to do a lot of crazy stuff that he can write about. And when he has to do so much crazy stuff, it's hard for him to find the time to write a blog. So let's all help him out :wub2: What do you think Mika did today?

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Sunday 29.06.08

Woke late.

I've not long had a new kitchen put in and I didn't want to dirty it, so I sent out for costa coffee and burger king for breakfast.

My mother went and got it for me while I stayed in bed - I'm going to need my rest with all of these festivals and gigs coming up!


After a good lie in I decided to go out for a walk and take in the sights of London as I am going to be away for a while and I will miss it.

As I strolled down towards Downing Street I saw the policeman guarding the door of number 10 and I just couldn't help myself! I picked up a handy rock and chucked it right at his head! Bullseye! Knocked his helmet right off.

Hahahaha it made me laugh so much I ran off giggling.

Well it wasn't long before I heard the sirens and realised they were after me.

I looked to see where I could hide and the only place was a strip club.

In the back door I went, straight onto the stage!

Fortunately I was wearing my pink boa and thong so I fitted in quite well, but no way was I going to take anything off for these punters! They looked well rough!

So I slipped off the stage and out of the front door.

Straight into the arms of the local fuzz.

Because I am famous, they let me have my laptop in the cell. It's quite boring in here so I will probably be blogging a lot more!

I knew that would make you all happy!



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he will have got up, perhaps had a good scratch as only a man does, demanded his breakfast in bed as only a star could, got dressed in really amazing if slightly wacky clothes as only Mika can, went to church with his mummy like a good catholic boy should, and chilled the rest of the day like all of us do lol.:naughty:

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haha - thats funny!:thumb_yello:




woke up at crack of dawn...so eager to eat my favourite cereal, cocoa rocks:thumb_yello:

then i went shopping with my sister, no luck on finding bright yellow skinny jeans though - i wanted to wear them to my upcoming gigs...not to worry...

had a nice lunch out with my sister, where we were both asked for autographs - quite busy there you know...

stuck on my flashy new ipod - guess what was the first song...only my grace kelly...haha

finally we went home and tucked into a nice big bowl of my mums spaghetti...mmm...delicious...

had a nice bubble bath and now i am on here...writing in my blog...

a typical mikaish day as you lot call it...

night night...x


hev x

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29/6 - 08


I had planned to install a swimming pool in my appartment today. Yes, I am afraid of water, but only on mondays. Today is Sunday. I think. Didn't get the swimming pool installed. For some reason noone managed to read my mind, so it didn't happen. Maybe I should fire someone. Spent some time planning my upcoming gigs. Then I replanned them. Then I planned to replan them again, but I replanned that plan and planned to plan it later. All this planning is exhausting. I need coffee. Where's my mother when I need her? Think I'll work on my website now. I have big plans for my website. There's gonna be a clown and all. I think. Might have to plan it a bit more. Oh here comes my mother with my coffee :cool:

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Today I have done some drawing. I drew a clown it has a hat on and funny shoes my sister helped me because I couldn't get the arms right. And then we went to McDonalds for dinner. At McDonalds we saw a clown his name was Ronald McDonald and we saw the Hamburglar as well and he was funny so when we got home we drew some more clowns and showed mum she said they were very good. And then I said I would like to look like a clown so she said she would help me make some clothes to look like a clown for some shows that I am doing but I'm not supposed to tell anyone about the clown bit.

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29/6 - 08


I had planned to install a swimming pool in my appartment today. Yes, I am afraid of water, but only on mondays. Today is Sunday. I think. Didn't get the swimming pool installed. For some reason noone managed to read my mind, so it didn't happen. Maybe I should fire someone. Spent some time planning my upcoming gigs. Then I replanned them. Then I planned to replan them again, but I replanned that plan and planned to plan it later. All this planning is exhausting. I need coffee. Where's my mother when I need her? Think I'll work on my website now. I have big plans for my website. There's gonna be a clown and all. I think. Might have to plan it a bit more. Oh here comes my mother with my coffee :cool:




You need more Mika magic in your life........:mf_rosetinted:

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11.30: got up really late cos i was on my laptop into the wee small hours reading all those things they say about me on MFC. I wont say what my ID is cos I am not daft, but I wanted to know if they all wet themselves in excitement after seeing my gawjuz face, I know they don't hear what I say when they see my pretty face and sexy curls, it works every time, (well apart from those apples, think I need to work harder to sweeten em up).

12.45: Yazmine curled my hair after my shower while I ate a pot noodle for lunch (well mum was at church).

2.30: got chauffeur to drive Yazimne, Paloma and my secret lover into town to the posh shops to get some really really seriously big shoes for Cherisse for the show cos I know the fans are gonna think it's soooo funny that she wears them and is STILL not as tall as me ( I like being tall cos it makes the girls go all week at the knees ha ha).

5.00pm: came home again cos we got stuck in a traffic jam and its Sunday and the shops close early so no big shoes for Cherisse yet,(oops that was a secret lol oh well never mind), looks like I'll have to use that swa-nky shoe bloke I mentioned on my blog after all (I don't really want to use him but I have been "advised" to from the powers that be :furious: pah NOT HAPPY BUNNY about that).

7.00pm: got all dolled up and I know I looked hot cos secret lover asked me to marry them....ha ha as if..... we went clubbing and I did the best big fish little fish cardboard box dance ever it was awesomeness.


11.30pm: came back home after getting tipsy on shandy (again :blush-anim-cl:) then cuddled up in bed with cocoa (I'll be in trouble too cos it's bad for my vooice but so.... I wanted it so I had it), took my teddy collection to bed too the ones I got of mfcers, need to chuck some out really to make space for the million new ones I will get on Friday.

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Today I have done some drawing. I drew a clown it has a hat on and funny shoes my sister helped me because I couldn't get the arms right. And then we went to McDonalds for dinner. At McDonalds we saw a clown his name was Ronald McDonald and we saw the Hamburglar as well and he was funny so when we got home we drew some more clowns and showed mum she said they were very good. And then I said I would like to look like a clown so she said she would help me make some clothes to look like a clown for some shows that I am doing but I'm not supposed to tell anyone about the clown bit.


Fabulous! :naughty:

You lurk too much but when you post, you make it worthwhile. :naughty:

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29/6 - 08


I had planned to install a swimming pool in my appartment today. Yes, I am afraid of water, but only on mondays. Today is Sunday. I think. Didn't get the swimming pool installed. For some reason noone managed to read my mind, so it didn't happen. Maybe I should fire someone. Spent some time planning my upcoming gigs. Then I replanned them. Then I planned to replan them again, but I replanned that plan and planned to plan it later. All this planning is exhausting. I need coffee. Where's my mother when I need her? Think I'll work on my website now. I have big plans for my website. There's gonna be a clown and all. I think. Might have to plan it a bit more. Oh here comes my mother with my coffee :cool:



You need more coffee in your life!

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You need more Mika magic in your life........:mf_rosetinted:


Not sure what this means?

I'm sure you know that this is not a thread for Mika magic.

There are plenty of those, here is one that might be more suitable?


There's even a poll about how negative we all are. About 90% say we're not too negative, but hey.

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need to chuck some out really to make space for the million new ones I will get on Friday.


Oh God, you make a good point. We're going to get a crazy number of newbies out of these July shows! :shocked:

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There's a lot of bitterness in the air.........:mf_rosetinted:


Is there any chance we can just agree to live and let live instead of calling other members grumpy fairies and bitter?


As Bab pointed out your own poll shows that the overwhelming majority of MFCers don't have a problem with the Mika talk on the board. There are plenty of threads to discuss Mika in as glowing terms as anyone could ever ask for.


I like Mika - a lot - as I'm sure just about everyone here does. I don't see the need to be at odds when we express it in a different way from one another.

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