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rock werchter : mika a gazelle with guilty pleasures


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The Lebanese Brittisch singer MIKA was in the past year , the top salesman in guilty pleasures.

How can we else explain that the differently combination of camp, kitsch and cabaret (three notorious enemies of good taste ) us effortlessly conquered on rock Werchter

Mika came hopping on stage as if he was a gazelle, and guided everyone through a gay party.

Dancers dressed up in bunnysuits , big girls dressed in Moulin Rouge-suits

and a frontal public attack with lollies s and overtime twisting confetti guns was part of that.


The singer started its set with the überhit ' Relax, Take It Easy' and an indestructible fight plan in his head: each trick was used to let the audience swirl more than a wirlpool.

Songs as ' Big Girl (You are Beautiful') and ' Grace Kelly' pressed yourself thus violenter on than the crying trailers on TMF, so you couldn't drowse for a moment.

when the party seemed to be spoiled by the rain , mika just took his shirt off and played the 80s-classic 'Just Can't Get Enough', but it was the turbofunk 'Love Today',with a falsetto which could pulverise kristal spontaneously and a solo on trashcans that eventually ensured the peak of the show.

(Gunter Van Assche)


the set


Relax, Take It Easy

Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

Billy Brown

Any Other World

Ring Ring

Stuck in the Middle

Just Can't Get Enough

Happy Ending

Love Today

Grace Kelly


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The Lebanese Brittisch singer MIKA was in the past year , the top salesman in guilty pleasures.

How can we else explain that the differently combination of camp, kitsch and cabaret (three notorious enemies of good taste ) us effortlessly conquered on rock Werchter

Mika came hopping on stage as if he was a gazelle, and guided everyone through a gay party.

Dancers dressed up in bunnysuits , big girls dressed in Moulin Rouge-suits

and a frontal public attack with lollies s and overtime twisting confetti guns was part of that.


The singer started its set with the überhit ' Relax, Take It Easy' and an indestructible fight plan in his head: each trick was used to let the audience swirl more than a wirlpool.

Songs as ' Big Girl (You are Beautiful') and ' Grace Kelly' pressed yourself thus violenter on than the crying trailers on TMF, so you couldn't drowse for a moment.

when the party seemed to be spoiled by the rain , mika just took his shirt off and played the 80s-classic 'Just Can't Get Enough', but it was the turbofunk 'Love Today',with a falsetto which could pulverise kristal spontaneously and a solo on trashcans that eventually ensured the peak of the show.

(Gunter Van Assche)


the set


Relax, Take It Easy

Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

Billy Brown

Any Other World

Ring Ring

Stuck in the Middle

Just Can't Get Enough

Happy Ending

Love Today

Grace Kelly



Yeah, It's great, I hope we could have videos and more photos....... And also to see him singing Just can't get enough!!! :mf_lustslow::wink2:

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The Lebanese Brittisch singer MIKA was in the past year , the top salesman in guilty pleasures.

How can we else explain that the differently combination of camp, kitsch and cabaret (three notorious enemies of good taste ) us effortlessly conquered on rock Werchter

Mika came hopping on stage as if he was a gazelle, and guided everyone through a gay party.

Dancers dressed up in bunnysuits , big girls dressed in Moulin Rouge-suits

and a frontal public attack with lollies s and overtime twisting confetti guns was part of that.


The singer started its set with the überhit ' Relax, Take It Easy' and an indestructible fight plan in his head: each trick was used to let the audience swirl more than a wirlpool.

Songs as ' Big Girl (You are Beautiful') and ' Grace Kelly' pressed yourself thus violenter on than the crying trailers on TMF, so you couldn't drowse for a moment.

when the party seemed to be spoiled by the rain , mika just took his shirt off and played the 80s-classic 'Just Can't Get Enough', but it was the turbofunk 'Love Today',with a falsetto which could pulverise kristal spontaneously and a solo on trashcans that eventually ensured the peak of the show.

(Gunter Van Assche)


the set


Relax, Take It Easy

Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

Billy Brown

Any Other World

Ring Ring

Stuck in the Middle

Just Can't Get Enough

Happy Ending

Love Today

Grace Kelly



i waant videos :fisch:

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Another article:


Mika zorgt voor ambiance op Rock Werchter

03/07/2008 21:27


Op de eerste festivaldag van Rock Werchter heeft de hitmachine Mika zoals verwacht voor grote ambiance gezorgd met zijn talrijke hits. Eerder brachten op het hoofdpodium ook Air Traffic en Counting Crows knappe concerten. Rond deze tijd treedt Lenny Kravitz aan gevolgd, door R.E.M. Het is met afsluiter The Chemical Brothers dat de bijna 80.000 festivalgangers de nacht zullen ingaan.


In de vooravond regende het een uur lang stevig in Werchter. De festivalweide is echter voorzien van een drainagesysteem om regenwater af te voeren naar omliggende grachten en dat heeft er volgens burgemeester Dirk Claes van Rotselaar mede voor gezorgd dat er op dit ogenblik nog weinig problemen zijn op het terrein zelf. "Met zo'n massa valt natuurlijk her en der modder niet te vermijden", aldus Claes. (SER)


Mika takes care of the ambiance on Rock Werchter

On the first day of Rock Werchter hitmachine Mika has, as expected, brought big ambiance with his numerous hits. Earlier on the mainstage, Air atraffic and the Counting Crows brought good concerts.



The rest is not about Mika

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Mika takes care of the ambiance on Rock Werchter

On the first day of Rock Werchter hitmachine Mika has, as expected, brought big ambiance with his numerous hits. Earlier on the mainstage, Air atraffic and the Counting Crows brought good concerts.


Nice, looks like Mika likes to take control! :cool:

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On the site of Oor.nl (Which is a highly respected music mag)


Om meer pit hoef je MIKA (openingsfoto) niet te vragen. Zijn optreden is het best te omschrijven met uitbundig, uitdagend en… blij. Vanaf opener Relax, Take It Easy is het een groot feest. Zelfs de enorme regenbui die vlak na Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) op het publiek neerdaalt kan daar geen verandering in brengen. Sterker nog: de eerste regen van de dag wordt met gejuich onthaald. Er gebeurt van alles op het podium: danseressen, achtergrondzangeressen – waarvan er natuurlijk eentje een ‘big girl’ is, een goede band met uitstekende vrouwelijke drummer, ballonnen, bloemen. Het kan niet op. De hits Grace Kelly en Lollipop bewaart de magere Mika tot het laatst. Zelfs de stoerste heteroman kan de verleiding niet weerstaan en zingt uit volle borst mee.


For more power you don't have to ask Mika. His performance is best described as extravagent, challenging and...happy. At the start of opening Relax, Take it Easy it's one big party. Even the rain that descends right after Big Girl on the audience can't change that. On the contrary: The first rain of the day is accepted with a lot of cheerings. Many things happen on stae: Dancers, backgroundsingers - with one of them obviously a big girl, a good band with excellent female drummer, balloons, flowers. It can't be stopped. The hits Grace Kelly and Lollipop skinny Mika saves for the end. Even the tough straightguy can't resist temptation and sings along

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For more power you don't have to ask Mika. His performance is best described as extravagent, challenging and...happy. At the start of opening Relax, Take it Easy it's one big party. Even the rain that descends right after Big Girl on the audience can't change that. On the contrary: The first rain of the day is accepted with a lot of cheerings. Many things happen on stae: Dancers, backgroundsingers - with one of them obviously a big girl, a good band with excellent female drummer, balloons, flowers. It can't be stopped. The hits Grace Kelly and Lollipop skinny Mika saves for the end. Even the tough straightguy can't resist temptation and sings along

That's fantastic! I am so happy to read such compliments directed to Mika! :thumb_yello:

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Another review I liked:


Het duurde gisteravond tot Mika voor Rock Werchter 2008 écht begon. Hij gooide de eerste echte bom. De Britse Libanees toonde dat een rockfestival nog leuker is als het af en toe een popfestival mag zijn. Zelden zoveel vrolijkheid op het podium in Werchter gezien. De regen viel met bakken uit de lucht, maar geen mens die stopte met dansen. Als we maandag een round-up maken, dan staat Mika zeker bovenaan. Relax, take it easy , zong hij. Niemand die gehoorzaamde.


It took Mika for Rock Werchter 2008 to really get started. He threw the first real bomb. The British-Lebanese showed that a rockfestival can be more fun if it can be a popfestival now and then. Seldom has there be so much happiness on the stage in Werchter. The rain fell down, but no one stopped dancing. If we're gonna make a round-up this monday, Mika will surely be on top. Relax take it easy, he sang. But nobody obeyed

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You'll find it there :wink2:


Mika was really good, think everyone in the audience liked him. There was a girl next to us who didn't know what to think of him .. think she's a fan now :naughty::mf_rosetinted:


Bienie, thank you so much for your videos, they are absolutely brilliant!:wub2:

I haven't had time to read the whole review thread about Werchter but I have really enjoyed your videos!


Good work!:thumb_yello::wub2:


I just thought I should take the opportunity to thank you when I saw your your post in here!:thumb_yello:

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Bienie, thank you so much for your videos, they are absolutely brilliant!:wub2:

I haven't had time to read the whole review thread about Werchter but I have really enjoyed your videos!


Good work!:thumb_yello::wub2


I just thought I should take the opportunity to thank you when I saw your your post in here!:thumb_yello


Thanks :blush-anim-cl:


I'm glad that people are enjoying them, even if the quality is :thumbdown:

It's great to have them on my laptop to (better quality :bleh:) because it was my first Mika-gig :wub2:

It's a good thing that I didn't stop filming when I was freezing because of the rain :roftl:

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Thanks :blush-anim-cl:


I'm glad that people are enjoying them, even if the quality is :thumbdown:

It's great to have them on my laptop to (better quality ) because it was my first Mika-gig :wub2:

It's a good thing that I didn't stop filming when I was freezing because of the rain :roftl:


Don't worry about the quality; it's so much better than the other clips taken from the same gig.

You were rather close to the stage and from that position it gives a nice perspective of the stage. You can see him jumping up and down the steps and close enough to see his facial expression. :wub2:

Even close enough to get a good look at him shirtless…:naughty:


And oh, the rain, it must have been really wet and cold!:boxed:

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Ok, it's nice to hear that, thank you :wink2:


Yes, actually it was just terrible :boxed:

Had a jacket but it rained so hard ... and I couldn't take my rainjacket because then I had to stop filming and I didn't want to do that, so ... :roftl:

My hands and arms were frozen .. or actually: I was completly frozen (my jacket wasn't good enough :roftl:) but it was worth it :mf_rosetinted:

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