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Your welcome. :naughty: I feel it's my duty to share the sexiness of America with you all.


I was trying to find the cover of the magazine with just Phelps and his golds that looks exactly like Spitz, but that last one was the closest I could find, lol.


The sexiest American Olympic swimmers :das:


haha yes


i know a few ppl that were suppost to be swimming in the olympics this yr.

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Brownies running circles round poor lil' (bald) eagle (Me). wot u bin up 2 m8?

well its after 8, and i just got home from a golf match and my friend is calling it the stupidist sport, and anyone can do it and that its probally as easy as hell, and im telling her its not and yet she claimes only nerds do it and im like "wtf are you talking about. none of us are nerds on the team" and shes like "whatever"

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  • 4 weeks later...

you guys.....how are you all buying the new dvd?


when it says it will be available on the 11th, does that mean that in like FYE and BEST BUY that it will be there that day? or no.....just available that day online.

cuz the first mika DVD is sold at FYE, so do you think that on november 11th the new one will PHYSICALLY and TANGIBLY be in the store? or is it just available that day online?!



And can anyone send me a link to the NTSC version that actually works? the one on mikasounds doesnt, as you probablly already know.


And i really want to preorder it!




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  • 4 weeks later...
Whoa...blast from the past to see this topic in the front page. ahaha..


I'm about. How are you, sweet lady? :)


hahaha just like the good ole days! :wink2:


I'm quite bored to be honest. haha How have you been??? I feel like we haven't talked in ages. :( Sorry for falling off the face of the earth. hah

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Yeah, really!


I'm sorry you're bored....must be cos you had a good time yesterday, ehh??


And yeah, it has been a while! That's okay...I feel off the face of the earth too. :) Honestly, my life has been crazy...and when I say crazy...I really mean it has been CRAZY. lol oh well. :)


How about you???

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Yeah, really!


I'm sorry you're bored....must be cos you had a good time yesterday, ehh??


And yeah, it has been a while! That's okay...I feel off the face of the earth too. :) Honestly, my life has been crazy...and when I say crazy...I really mean it has been CRAZY. lol oh well. :)


How about you???


I did! I am so blessed. My Youth Group hosted a Thanksgiving feast for the poor people of my community yesterday, it was such an amazing, humbling, eye opening experience, and I was honored to spend my birthday with the people there. I could see Christ shining so clearly through them, and spending time with them made me realize how ungrateful I can be for all the things I have.

And it was so sweet, someone made my friend and I a cake (we share the same birthday) and everyone sang happy birthday to us. haha


Aww, I hope it's a good kind of crazy!

My life has been crazy lately, also. Not sure if it's a good crazy or bad. haha

Remember when I asked you guys to pray for my sister over the summer? Well, she's pregnant and at the time was contemplating having an abortion, even made the appointment to get one, but canceled the day before. God is so good, and thank you for your prayers, because I'm going to be having a niece in April!

And on top of all this excitement, I have college stuff galoreeee going on, quire stressful, but all shall be well.


So that sums up my life as of right now. haha

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Aw, wow that's sounds like an amazing experience! I have been considering getting involved in helping our community. Our church is creating a lot of opportunities to do thhings to help people in need, so getting involved is something I've been thinking about. I'm so glad that you got to experience that and to have had such a great time for your birthday as well!


Wow...I didn't know your sister was in that type of situation, but I must say God is certainly good to have helped her make that decision. What a blessing for your family, even if it wasn't a planned out thing! You must be excited to be an aunt. I'm still waiting for that blessing myself. :)


Aw, college stuff is never fun, but once you actually start going it will not be nearly as stressful. It's starting out that is the worst part.


Well, things with me are a bit confusing lately. I've had two guys for my church shown a lot of interest in me. One guy even asked me out and I declined because of my uncertainty about where my relationship with Chris is right now. We still have feelings for each other and I'm basically waiting to see if I "hear" anything about what I should do. :) It takes patience and I'm not the best with being patient, honestly.


Anyway...the other guy is my friend, but today he told me he would ask me out if I wasn't in a relationship with Chris. So yeah, my life is very confusing lately and I'm considering becoming a hermit. :)

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Aw, wow that's sounds like an amazing experience! I have been considering getting involved in helping our community. Our church is creating a lot of opportunities to do thhings to help people in need, so getting involved is something I've been thinking about. I'm so glad that you got to experience that and to have had such a great time for your birthday as well!


Wow...I didn't know your sister was in that type of situation, but I must say God is certainly good to have helped her make that decision. What a blessing for your family, even if it wasn't a planned out thing! You must be excited to be an aunt. I'm still waiting for that blessing myself. :)


Aw, college stuff is never fun, but once you actually start going it will not be nearly as stressful. It's starting out that is the worst part.


Well, things with me are a bit confusing lately. I've had two guys for my church shown a lot of interest in me. One guy even asked me out and I declined because of my uncertainty about where my relationship with Chris is right now. We still have feelings for each other and I'm basically waiting to see if I "hear" anything about what I should do. :) It takes patience and I'm not the best with being patient, honestly.


Anyway...the other guy is my friend, but today he told me he would ask me out if I wasn't in a relationship with Chris. So yeah, my life is very confusing lately and I'm considering becoming a hermit. :)


I hope you get the chance to become more involved, it is such a humbling experience. I have such a strong passion for serving others, yesterday reassured me that my calling in life is to serve others, and the money I make really isn't an issue for me like it is for my parents, but I understand where they are coming from, they want what's best for their child.


Yes, it was pretty scary, but I am so proud of her. She's only sixteen years old, but she is making a lot of selfless, mature decisions, and I'm so proud of the young woman she is becoming, and I can't wait to hold this baby in my arms. :) You should be an aunt soon, eh? Didn't your sister recently get married? Are they planning on having children any time soon?


Ah, I see. So things are still up in the air with Chris? Has the situation gotten any better since we've last spoken?

This must be a very confusing time for you, but I'm sure you'll get through it. Seems to me like someone's testing you. :fisch:

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