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The Australian Thread: Part Sixteen

Rainbow Sky

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Hey guys :)


I was about to post the link to the new uncle norm movie, but someone already found it :P I finished it today and uploaded this arvo!


And i cant believe ive missed all of part fourteen! Any exciting Mika news happened lately???


Cheers :thumb_yello:

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Hey guys :)


I was about to post the link to the new uncle norm movie, but someone already found it :P I finished it today and uploaded this arvo!


And i cant believe ive missed all of part fourteen! Any exciting Mika news happened lately???


Cheers :thumb_yello:



Yeah! I love it! :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:


Your Uncle Norm is absolutely adorable!!!


Ummmm, have you been keeping up with MikaSounds?? That's about it really :naughty:

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Yeah! I love it! :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:


Your Uncle Norm is absolutely adorable!!!


Ummmm, have you been keeping up with MikaSounds?? That's about it really :naughty:

"That's about it"? I thought he was engaged to Adele and she was pregnant and stuff! What have you guys been telling me??? :sneaky2:

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I hope I'm not getting on anyone's nerves but I simply NEED you to check out the following:




They are AMAZING. Check out Sinners & Winners!


The Holloways supported The Kooks last June and they were fantastic and so much better than all other support acts I have seen before *coughYellecough* and they just added new songs on their profile.


They are FANTASTIC, really! Those guys are GREAT!!!






Thank you for listening to me :cheerful_h4h:.



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Bianca is not here and so I have to talk to myself. As this is quite a stupid idea in an office, I'll just post here.


Is this here necessary? Why don't the people that are tired/bored/hate him/whatever just leave?

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Bianca is not here and so I have to talk to myself. As this is quite a stupid idea in an office, I'll just post here.


Is this here necessary? Why don't the people that are tired/bored/hate him/whatever just leave?

Hiya Petra !! :wub2:


Considering your link .... yep !!! WHY ... ???!!! Pfffttt .... I sincerely ... just .... don't .... know ...... :blink:

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Hiya Petra !! :wub2:


Considering your link .... yep !!! WHY ... ???!!! Pfffttt .... I sincerely ... just .... don't .... know ...... :blink:

Oh, someone is here! :woot_jump:


I just mean... his album is at least 1,5 years old and it is CLEAR (at least to some) that you cannot listen to the very same album with the same excitement for the whole time. I just.. I just don't get why people need to post stuff like this but that's just my opinion.


Luckily we have more bands in the world :blink::naughty:.


Go check out the Holloways! :wub2:


And you just destroyed my attempt to fill the complete page with my posts :naughty:.

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Why does everyone sing that song around me?


You just mentioned kissing a girl...*shrug*


Hello Everyone.

I don't have the patience to MQ. But I read everything.

Thanks to them lovelies who said get better.

I'm trying.. I've been exposed to too many colds/flus/bugs this winter and my immune system is flatter than flat. I'm trying to reserve my energy. If I don't rest, I'll wind up in hospital. And I don't like that idea obviously


Uuuuugh, you poor thing...*gives you a nice healthy bottle of Bailey's, but not before drinking half of it*


Random and obnoxious intrusion on conversation to offer her own, self-absorbed angle:


I have to read half of Beowulf by 10am the day after tomorrow.




Hello Aussies. I just wanted to say that I watch Australia's Next Top Model, religiously.

It's a million times better than America's Next Top Model. I feel like Tyra sugar coats everything, where as on Australia's Next Top Model, it's more real.



Canada's Next Top Model is crap.


Well on my own self-absorbed angle I have to read 6 philosophical articles (plus another 8 philosophical articles that are "introductory texts" on the topic) by asap (preferably before friday afternoon), so that I can write an essay... and then I get to write another essay the second I finish that one. The good note is I finished the first draft of the essay I was working on the other day (which is essay one of 3 due the same weekend (one the friday, two the monday)).

It's no wonder I've caught the flu





On a plus side... I got to make sherbet and play with bi carb and vinegar (and coke) at school today (on placement... in the kids science class)



I was quite looking forward to going back to school...and then I remembered just how much homework I'll be getting this year.


Science used to be so much fun...we grew beans in the window...*sigh*


That's okay... I wouldn't mind him poking me


I bet you wouldn't :das:


I have to find an uninterruptible power supply for the server, complete some questions on RAM, look at the organisationl requirements for a disaster recovery plan, complete a preliminary investigation report for remote help desk management software,the functions of HTTP, POP3, IMAP, FTP, the media that works with Appletalk, ATM, FDDI and Token rings, look that the network card on my laptop and screen cap what's written in DOS another activity on uninterruptible power supplies and complete an assignment on working effectively in an IT environment...


And that's not including readings and sh!t...





(forever in your debt)




Oh! And today I played with moo cows! *pbs*

Learnt different ways of tying them up, checking their teeth, checking their milky-wilk and taking their bloooooooooood.




"That's about it"? I thought he was engaged to Adele and she was pregnant and stuff! What have you guys been telling me???


:lmfao: Isn't Adele only 17 or something?


I forgot to share this here - Ana and I found it on Holloway Road in London:





And I just found this in my photobucket and I felt the need to post it




I keep seeing MFC-related things everywhere...one of my concert tickets had MFC written on it...and I saw a cleaning company that had Bec's surname for its name :P


AND 'BEC construction' or something.


And...PHWOARRRR. :das:


Bianca is not here and so I have to talk to myself. As this is quite a stupid idea in an office, I'll just post here.


Is this here necessary? Why don't the people that are tired/bored/hate him/whatever just leave?


I agree. It's stupid. Can't she confine it to the Apple thread, where nobody will resent her for it? :annoyed_h4h:

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Bianca is not here and so I have to talk to myself. As this is quite a stupid idea in an office, I'll just post here.


Is this here necessary? Why don't the people that are tired/bored/hate him/whatever just leave?


Talking to yourself is good - we Oldlings do it all the time.:naughty:


Jack's thread wasn't intended seriously but some people have interpreted it that way and commented accordingly. And then it has just gone off at a tangent the way MFC threads do and developed a momentum of its own.


I would have commented on it myself but it's not a place I want to be. :mf_rosetinted::ap_rosetinted:

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Talking to yourself is good - we Oldlings do it all the time.:naughty:


Jack's thread wasn't intended seriously but some people have interpreted it that way and commented accordingly. And then it has just gone off at a tangent the way MFC threads do and developed a momentum of its own.


I would have commented on it myself but it's not a place I want to be. :mf_rosetinted::ap_rosetinted:


I haven't even looked at anything but the first post. :rolls_eyes:

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Oh god ... this is worse:



*is slightly weirded out by the fact that the poop and the food are the same*



Is this here necessary? Why don't the people that are tired/bored/hate him/whatever just leave?


I actually kind of agree with the thread.... I am tired of the blogs and yet feel the need to check them to keep up.....(I may have liked one or two though :naughty:). I just never mention it in here because I know the majority of people like the blogs


And I've managed to stay on here despite being tired of Mika for awhile (its probably an of and off thing)..... but thats because I stay for the people here...


And I know that whenever he releases a new album or tours here or something like that I'll probably be interested again (yes I am that fickle :naughty:)...


I think I would still class myself as a fan too... I'm just not listening to his album 100xs a day, or saying how much I love everything he does etc....but deep down I still like him... as tired/bored as I am :wink2:



But hey.... I can leave if you want me to :mf_rosetinted::bleh:




I keep seeing MFC-related things everywhere...one of my concert tickets had MFC written on it...and I saw a cleaning company that had Bec's surname for its name :P


AND 'BEC construction' or something.


And...PHWOARRRR. :das:



Is my name stalking you ER? :naughty:

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Well on my own self-absorbed angle I have to read 6 philosophical articles (plus another 8 philosophical articles that are "introductory texts" on the topic) by asap (preferably before friday afternoon), so that I can write an essay... and then I get to write another essay the second I finish that one. The good note is I finished the first draft of the essay I was working on the other day (which is essay one of 3 due the same weekend (one the friday, two the monday)).

It's no wonder I've caught the flu





On a plus side... I got to make sherbet and play with bi carb and vinegar (and coke) at school today (on placement... in the kids science class)


God damn it... I made the effort to chase Jarrad, and sweet FA happened with him... I'll probably end up asking Joel out though... eventually...


I hate doing the chasing, cause I think "What if he's not interested?"



Oh well, I'll have to get over that...



Ouch... that would be hard... I tried reading it, and I got a couple of pages in and my brain decided it wasn't going to go on...


I have to find an uninterruptible power supply for the server, complete some questions on RAM, look at the organisationl requirements for a disaster recovery plan, complete a preliminary investigation report for remote help desk management software,the functions of HTTP, POP3, IMAP, FTP, the media that works with Appletalk, ATM, FDDI and Token rings, look that the network card on my laptop and screen cap what's written in DOS another activity on uninterruptible power supplies and complete an assignment on working effectively in an IT environment...


And that's not including readings and sh!t...




Hey ya Freds...



Is there any chance you could answer two things for me:


Why do men think I would be good to be a girl for a day?


Why is it that men won't ask a woman out on a date?

Ok, ok....****ing aussies....YOU WIN.:naughty:


And Teegs, although being of the missing-a-Y group, I think I can answer your questions. (because I've asked men about them myself and have collected a consensus.:naughty:)


First: They aren't thinking in terms of childbirth or menstruation.(unless they're the curious type) They're thinking in terms of not having to act tough all the time, being able to talk about feelings without being judged, being the person who gets protected instead of being the person expected to do the protecting (sexist, yes, but society does impose subtle expectations of men when they're around women.).


Second: Some do, I promise.:thumb_yello: But they've got their own set of insecurities as well and sometimes they're just too nervous to make the first move. Maybe he experienced a female Jarrad situation. Maybe he's worried that you're not interested.

(although, I know, we DO try to make it completely obvious sometimes...whatever. Boys are thick.)

So I was writing an in depth reply to this when I had a near heart attack as I heard a voice over my shoulder saying "No, no, you're doing it all wrong". Scared the crap out of me. Thank god he wasn't ACTUALLY reading what was on the screen, because if he saw the "mikafanclub.com" he would certainly have taken the piss. It was a friend btw, if I didn't make that clear So yeah, I had to close the window in a hurry and didn't get to post the reply.


Okay, so remembering what I wrote....


Yes - I totally understand! I am exactly the same! (And I'd be quite scared to say "Okay, lets go meet my MFC friend!") It's really just one friend, but I couldn't say we wouldn't also be with other people we met on the trip..

Maybe we can go out at night though!


I love America's one, they are so bitchy it is hilarious. I saw some of Australia's on youtube (yeah, it's only on pay tv :P) and I thought it was just as funny but because of how un-professional they all are.

Hahahahaha! Close one.


It's up to you.:thumb_yello:

I'm just trying to think up a mode of transportation, since I don't have daily access to a car anymore.


The earlier seasons are better; they used to have Janice Dickinson as a judge, ("I just don't see a plus-size girl being America's Next Top Model.", "Fat is NOT sexy, it's sad.", "You look like a whale! Seriously.") but she got booted off because of her "narrow standards of beauty".:naughty:

Bianca is not here and so I have to talk to myself. As this is quite a stupid idea in an office, I'll just post here.


Is this here necessary? Why don't the people that are tired/bored/hate him/whatever just leave?


To be fair...she didn't say she HATED him...just that he's a little boring/annoying lately. And I don't completely disagree with her.:boxed:


And people will always try to put their opinions in your face, no matter what. That's where the mystical powers of ignoring are incredibly useful.:thumb_yello:

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Ah, no I didnt say I want you to leave :crybaby:, I'm just wondering why some people spread their.... hm... I don't know how to say it in English (sorry). Their boredom, whatever. And I just stumbled over the thread because Bianca wasn't there (:crybaby:) and so I had to do something else as nothing was happening in my subscribed threads :crybaby:. :naughty: *shuts up*


And his art-blogs are boring (to me; my sister would love them though) and I stopped checking mikasounds *shrugs*.



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But Bec, I thought you weren't really interested in the blogs to begin with. I'd assume the majority of people who posted in that thread in favour of the original post weren't really interested to begin with either. Remind me next time Mika performs a concert to start a thread titled "I wish Mika would stop performing - I'm kinda sick of it because he's not doing it in my lounge room"

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But Bec, I thought you weren't really interested in the blogs to begin with. I'd assume the majority of people who posted in that thread in favour of the original post weren't really interested to begin with either. Remind me next time Mika performs a concert to start a thread titled "I wish Mika would stop performing - I'm kinda sick of it because he's not doing it in my lounge room"

I agree *toothless grin*


That doesnt belong anywhere, let alone fanclub.


We dont have the right to bug anyone because of their opinion.


I'm stuck in the middle XD

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