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The Australian Thread: Part Sixteen

Rainbow Sky

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Hello everyone !! :bye:

I'm not on much at the mo. 'cos , I have a very dear friend old visiting who I haven't seen in YEARS !!! Unfortunately, two years ago he was struck down with a crippling disease (overnight) :tears: & now he's here in a wheelchair :shocked: .... BUT, he's handling it BLOODY WELL & we are having lot's of laughs :lmfao:

..... tonight we are having a dinner party for him aaaaaaaaaannnnddd guess what we are having ??????????????? :cheerful_h4h:
















P's pot rice !!!!! :licks_lips:

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Hello everyone !! :bye:

I'm not on much at the mo. 'cos , I have a very dear old visiting who I haven't seen in YEARS !!! Unfortunately, two years ago he was struck down with a crippling disease (overnight) :tears: & now he's here in a wheelchair :shocked: .... BUT, he's handling it BLOODY WELL & we are having lot's of laughs :lmfao:

..... tonight we are having a dinner party for him aaaaaaaaaannnnddd guess what we are having ??????????????? :cheerful_h4h:
















P's pot rice !!!!! :licks_lips:




o thats cool. o not good. at least its going fine so far


haha excited?!

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Surds? Auteurism? Are you making words up now? :naughty:


And - what kind of a weird essay is that? :boxed::blink:


I wish I was. The best way I can explain the topic of surds is like algebra using those square root symbols instead of letters. When something is in surd form it is the exact answer.


And auteur is author in French I think. I haven't started the assignment yet so I don't know much about it, but the word 'auteur' refers to film directors who have a lot of artistic input into their movies and have very distinctive stylistic characteristics eg. Alfred Hitchcock and Frederick Fellini.


We haven't been given the essay yet because it's going to be an in class one with one lesson to do it. But I assume the question/topic sentence is going to be something along the lines of 'Discuss how the creator of a text gives a sense of good and evil to its audience. Use specific examples from Psycho and Macbeth as evidence for your arguments.' In it we will not only have to use quotations from both but also film techniques that Hitchcock used to portray good and evil as binary opposites!


Confused? :naughty:





well im sick, and even tho ive only been up for *counts*9 hrs today, i may fall asleep at anymoment, cuz i am tired 24/7 when im sick so if u notice i dissapear, thats why


Thanks for the warning. :naughty:

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wow thats cool

is it urs?


It's Wendi's!


Ummm WTF? Was that for real? I can't read the whole conversation...just at the point where Mika and Andy left?


Yes! Well apparently! Yeah me too, I fricking want to see what they said to establish for myself whether or not it really was them / to perve on what they said :crybaby:


Maybe she'll post one


:woot_jump: Ommmmmmmmmmm..... :naughty:


I actually really love that everyone is starting blogs now, that crazy singing guy in Linde's was awesome! Hurry up and post something!


Are you amused by my utter public humiliation?:sneaky2::naughty:


Yes of course!


Hello everyone !!

I'm not on much at the mo. 'cos , I have a very dear old visiting who I haven't seen in YEARS !!! Unfortunately, two years ago he was struck down with a crippling disease (overnight) & now he's here in a wheelchair .... BUT, he's handling it BLOODY WELL & we are having lot's of laughs

..... tonight we are having a dinner party for him aaaaaaaaaannnnddd guess what we are having ???????????????

P's pot rice !!!!!


Have good time with your dear old! :naughty: *pbs*

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I wish I was. The best way I can explain the topic of surds is like algebra using those square root symbols instead of letters. When something is in surd form it is the exact answer.


And auteur is author in French I think. I haven't started the assignment yet so I don't know much about it, but the word 'auteur' refers to film directors who have a lot of artistic input into their movies and have very distinctive stylistic characteristics eg. Alfred Hitchcock and Frederick Fellini.


We haven't been given the essay yet because it's going to be an in class one with one lesson to do it. But I assume the question/topic sentence is going to be something along the lines of 'Discuss how the creator of a text gives a sense of good and evil to its audience. Use specific examples from Psycho and Macbeth as evidence for your arguments.' In it we will not only have to use quotations from both but also film techniques that Hitchcock used to portray good and evil as binary opposites!


Confused? :naughty:




:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:


Why? Why does anyone think it will be helpful to life to know about surds, auteurs and the way Macbeth and Hitchcock did whatever. And they are still the most ridiculous two things to put in an essay together :roftl:

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I actually really love that everyone is starting blogs now, that crazy singing guy in Linde's was awesome! Hurry up and post something!


New blog! :das:


On Nonosounds :naughty:


EDIT: I'm posting another one right now too :naughty:

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Why? Why does anyone think it will be helpful to life to know about surds, auteurs and the way Macbeth and Hitchcock did whatever. And they are still the most ridiculous two things to put in an essay together :roftl:


We always ask my maths teacher why we need to know these things and she always gives really pathetic answers. :naughty:


Ah, but you see.. Psycho and Macbeth both have a main character that is essentially good but has a number of flaws! That's a good enough reason to combine them. Sort of.


And they both have multiple murders!

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