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'thirteenturningfourteensoonandallMikaobssessives' PART 4


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They do!!

Oh!! I meant, what are you following, your career. But you're still in the 8th grade, have two years to decide.. I'll have to pick it in the end of this year.. God it's so hard:boxed:


Till the end of this year?!:shocked: Whoa,that really sucks. I've already decided what will I do in future (at leats I think so :boxed: ),and I know which high school will I go to...our highschool lasts four years,so after those four years I'm into faculty. And that's the final choice,enrolling the faculty I'm starting my career.



what did her son do ? :shocked

did he kill someone ?


Noooo! I meant on the drawing she's done. On mikasounds.

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awww im sorry


eww i hate going to the doctors



i gave them all the info and stuff saying how long my stomach and stuff has been hurting and what not, and they think its Gaulstones. and now i have to get an Ultrasound on November 4th, and if it comes up w/ nothing then i have to get all these blood tests (like getting tons of blood drawn) and its not really gonna be fun. and then since i was their they game me my secong HPV (cervical cancer) shot, and my flu shot


Whaaaaaaaaaaat??! :shocked: you're ill? What's happening,what blood tests,what stomach illness??

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wtf ...




Oh my god :shocked: what's happening? Will you be better? :tears: how did you get that desease??!

its ok. i had something like this when i was in 4th grade, but w/ my liver. if it IS gallstones, theyll just remove my gallbladder

ok girls its late, ig2g to sleep :bye:

it was fun here again after long times :thumb_yello:

love you :huglove:


night night!

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ok girls its late, ig2g to sleep

it was fun here again after long times :

love you :huglove:


Love ya too,SD :huglove:






how are you guys??

what do we daydream about?


Hiii Marie,how are you??





its ok. i had something like this when i was in 4th grade, but w/ my liver. if it IS gallstones, theyll just remove my gallbladder



Just that???!! :shocked:

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:yay: :yay: :yay:


how are you guys??

what do we daydream about?


They ignored me my try . :tears:


Oh my god.

Will you get better????



Mafa, acho que são pedras do Fígado!!!:shocked:


Eu nem em portugues sei o que é . . . mas não me parece bom de todo . Explicaçãozinha ? :lmfao: Sabes que sou meio croma . . .

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hi keti! i just got back from school. again, they gave me too much homework.

how are you?


i know devin "THEY'LL JUST REMOVE MY GALL BLADDER"!!!! :shocked:


http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7693386.stm ::


I'm bad,I'm sick :thumbdown:


Wtf is that?!?:roftl:



haha ya xD



hehe ya, basically thats it xD it means id have to go threw some surgery if i do have it


"Haha ya","Hehe ya" :sneaky2: seems like you're completely comfy about that!!

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hmmmm...what do you wan to dream about? :naughty:


Yeah well... I dunno .


Another all together daydream ? :naughty:


Não faço a mínima também sinceramente:lmfao:


Somos tão incultas . :glasses3:

Apenas sabemos que é mau... que conhecimentos tão de aldeia . :lmfao:




Something magic is going to happen. i know it is ;)


The part that's going to be magic it's the fourteen part . LOL


Did you like my introdution to that thread

"We are all already fourteen but..."



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Yeah well... I dunno .


Another all together daydream ? :naughty:




Somos tão incultas . :glasses3:

Apenas sabemos que é mau... que conhecimentos tão de aldeia . :lmfao:




The part that's going to be magic it's the fourteen part . LOL


Did you like my introdution to that thread

"We are all already fourteen but..."




i'm thirteen. :mf_rosetinted:


but only for like 2 more weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!

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