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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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For me, that little button is a pain! If I come on here, but don't read all my threads straight away, but attend to some pm's first, depending on how long that takes me it sometimes resets itself. And so instead of showing where I hadn't read from since I was last here, it shows what I haven't read since I logged on today which may have been an hour ago. And if you haven't been on for a couple of days, you then have to go back and manually find where you were up to! Grrrr....

Ah... it always works for me... even when I check other threads first... but then I guess it depends on how long it takes to check other threads/reply to pms.


You could always right click it and open it in a new tab/window when you first log in, then read when you have time.

Sorry ... *hasn't read back fully yet ...*


SOMETHING WITH NUMBERS is guest programming RAGE tonight ... just started ... at 12:20am !!


*resumes catching up on thread*



Dc told me..if I didn't pass out just after midnight I would have watched it. As it is, the sleep was the best thing for me,




And now may I just announce that RAGE tonight is FAN-BLOODY-TASTIC !!! ... (so far ! ) ... WOOT !!!

D.Bowie & M. Jagger


Duran Duran




Tom Petty


Chris Isaccs ....



If I had been awake it sounds like i would have enjoyed it



I'm in a bit of a pickle. I need to punk up by next Saturday ft. Punk friends birthday and being in the presence of about 100 mohawks. None of my old clothes fit or look good enough anymore, so I need to design that Tartan Dress I spoke of making a few months back. Except, Tartan is rarely at my spotlight. But there is a grey tartan print. Anyway, rambling out loud here. But has anyone seen any nice dress designs lately? *bolds part that matters*

I could go as myself, but I absolutely adore punking it up like the old days *pbs*


On the subject of 'fashion' .... I have it on good 'reco.' that pinafores are coming back in to fashion... so a grey tartan pinny ...over smth. black or white ... anyway, one solid colour ... & you'll be not only hawt :naughty: .. but also the belle of the ball !!! :wub2:


I was going to go with a Pinafore too... they look good in tartan


Hi Aussies

I haven't posted here before... but since I just came back from one of the best gigs ever... I thought I would share the joy with you..


Saw Kylie last night... she put on a great - correction - an amazing show!

she made every Aussie proud what an artist... what a show...


Glad you liked it. Some of us are seeing her in less than a months time :wub2:


Love your review btw

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Glad you liked it. Some of us are seeing her in less than a months time :wub2:


Love your review btw


glad you enjoyed the review... whoever is going to see her live will have a blast :thumb_yello:

just make sure you have enough space to dance and those who haven't bought seats close to the stage don't need to worry much cause her show can be seen from anywhere - but it would be better if the location is standing so you can dance to the music :thumb_yello:

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glad you enjoyed the review... whoever is going to see her live will have a blast :thumb_yello:

just make sure you have enough space to dance and those who haven't bought seats close to the stage don't need to worry much cause her show can be seen from anywhere - but it would be better if the location is standing so you can dance to the music :thumb_yello:

Don't know about room to stand/dance... the entire venue is seated, but there might be some room to move about maybe.


I'm centre stage, but many rows back, whereas the others are to one side of the stage and fairly close. Either way, it should be a good show

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Being able to sew must be so much fun...

I wish I could sew too.... or follow a pattern.


The only thing I've ever sewn was a single bed patchwork quilt spelling out my baby brothers name (I'll have to take a photo of it one day, its one of my greatest accomplishments), but that was for a textiles class.

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I wish I could sew too.... or follow a pattern.


The only thing I've ever sewn was a single bed patchwork quilt spelling out my baby brothers name (I'll have to take a photo of it one day, its one of my greatest accomplishments), but that was for a textiles class.


That's pretty impressive :thumb_yello: Yes, take a photo!


My greatest sewing achievement would have to be sewing a button onto my pants... And I'm lucky that I even managed that.


It sucks because I have this cool idea for a shirt... I want to take all my colourful old odd/holey socks, cut them up and turn them into a patchwork shirt. It probably sounds kind of weird but I actually laid them all out and it looked really good. I just have no idea how to go about making it so it will most likely forever remain just an idea.

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That's pretty impressive :thumb_yello: Yes, take a photo!


My greatest sewing achievement would have to be sewing a button onto my pants... And I'm lucky that I even managed that.


It sucks because I have this cool idea for a shirt... I want to take all my colourful old odd/holey socks, cut them up and turn them into a patchwork shirt. It probably sounds kind of weird but I actually laid them all out and it looked really good. I just have no idea how to go about making it so it will most likely forever remain just an idea.

It'll be ages before I take a picture, since its at my mums in QLD.



Sewing buttons onto shirts and fixing holes in clothing I can do but when it comes to a sewing machine things end up crooked.


Sounds like an interesting idea

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To all Kylie lovers......


the overall experience is amazing... she obviously out a lot of effort in the audio-visual side of the show... the whole mix of wardrobe,dancers, animation in the background, the music... it was full of glam... just make sure you have enough space to dance along...

Thanks for the report, it sounds amazing. I'm glad you had a great time, I hope that the others that go do too. :thumb_yello:



I know that expression, it's the "I'm innocent :angel_not: (:devil:)". :sneaky2:


Why won't this weekend end? Yesterday someone ran into my car while I was at the supermarket and left a huge dent in it and then just drove away... The dog threw up all over the carpet, twice... Husband decided to be angry at me all day because I bought the DAAS DVD and he was supposedly planning on getting it for me for Christmas, even though he had never mentioned it and he never ever gets me anything without asking first to make sure I want it... Then there was a party next door that kept me awake all night and now I wake up to discover that my bathroom is full of ants for some reason. At this rate by the end of the day all my teeth will have fallen out, my house will have collapsed and Luke will have won Australian Idol. Hooray


I think I will try to sleep all day.

I'm sorry to hear that you're having one of those weekends, I've also had a week that started well and has now gone from bad to worse. :thumbdown: But sleep is good, "sleep that knits the raveled sleeve of care, the death of each day's life, sore labour's bath, balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course, chief nourisher in life's feast" to quote ol' Will. :wink2:

Edited by SuperTwat
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It'll be ages before I take a picture, since its at my mums in QLD.



Sewing buttons onto shirts and fixing holes in clothing I can do but when it comes to a sewing machine things end up crooked.


Sounds like an interesting idea


Ah, oh well. It sounds cool anyway :wink2:


I wouldn't even attempt to use a sewing machine. I am almost certain that I'd end up sewing my hand into whatever I was attempting to make.


Well, I'm off to Subway for lunch. Catch you all later :bye:

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So I did this enormous MQ yesterday, and I was halfway through typing replies when the internet died :sneaky2:

All I can really remember is: a) OKD: I WANT THAT CARPET CAR

and b) Has anyone noticed how on the family tree, Mike hasn't actually fathered any children? :shocked::roftl:



God, my throat is like *makes dying noises*


Mine is too, now. I hate being sick. :mad3:


So, getting back on topic. Who needs updating on the family tree?


Meeeee :naughty: I'm pretty sure DC is my fathahh (or mothah, either way), and that Nono and I are twinzz.

I'm sure there are affairs as well, but I can't remember with who...:fisch:

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