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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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Waaahhhh time to go to sleep :crybaby:


Tomorrow I have to do MORE shopping. And I have to go to my friend's house to pick up a bag of stuff that she forgot :roftl:

She must have emailed her dad with a list of things other than the pillow case she told me about. Because I'm not allowed in her room ("it's hideous!"), so she forced her dad to collect the items. And he emailed me to tell me :naughty:

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Not even JBJ? :shocked:

I know.....I crack me up!

Pffftt!! That goes without saying! :das:



I made 11,000 posts tonight. Yae me.


OkD, do I see condoms or not in that spread of goodies from Tan. I'm sure she's got a good supply.


Hey y'all, night y'all. Have sent something off for the banner comp. So I wish Me, Mzee, Nono, Twatty and DC gudT luckT! :punk: (and anyone from here I forgot)

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I'm so upset and angry at the moment..



I was just reading about how Mika sent the people at the Christmas party all the booze and the message... and what really got to me was the fact that people saying how wonderful he was and crap...


I feel so left out and stuff... I would've loved to have been there... :tears:


Teegs - the thank you from Mika was for the support from the whole fan club, not just the people at the party. And we all wished everyone could have been there too :tears:

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I think need to take back all my nay-saying about the Diva $5 sales. I got all this stuff yesterday for $12, most of it was only $2 or $3. Woo hoo!




Although looking at that photo does make me wonder if it's time that I started wearing "grown up" jewellery... :blink:



That's gotta suck. You don't have much luck around there

I have no idea, tbh. I googled and found smth called "Runaway" that was recommended. Maybe we have it here, maybe we don't.. I haven't heard of it though. I also saw a page that recommends two teaspoons of vinegar in one litre of warm water. *shrug*


No, I really haven't had a lot of luck lately. He's usually well behaved, really! Just the last few weeks he's discovered how much fun it is to make Mummy's life as difficult as possible :crybaby:

I haven't heard of runaway either... I'll give the vinegar a try. Thanks :huglove:


Congrats on the 11,000 posts! :punk:

True. It wasn't the most amazing movie ever. But in 45 minute Xena version, it's damn good. *is biased*


I've not seen the episode but I do not doubt you for a second. That movie was a disaster. It's the only movie I have ever walked out on and I even managed to sit through the entire Tim Burton version of Planet of the Apes (what was he thinking?). I think I lasted about 20 minutes before deciding that I'd rather peel my toenails off with rusty tweezers than waste another 70 minutes of my life watching such crap.




I've heard of Runaway... it's usually used to stop colours running in the wash...


I got all excited for a second but I don't think stopping colours from running is going to help me :crybaby:

...Although it does give me an idea. My Mum was in America earlier in the year and she brought me back these little tissue like things that you put in the washing machine to soak up excess dye from clothes. Maybe if I wet the carpet and blot it with one of those it would soak it up. Maybe...

Oh well, it's something to try if the vinegar doesn't work.


Ooh! I saw Tim on TV last night! I was so excited that I kept yelling out to the husband "Look Tim's of TV!! LOOOOOK!" Of course, by the time he paid any attention to me, Tim wasn't on anymore and I'd missed what he was talking about :blush-anim-cl: He was on that show Bert Newton hosts on channel 9.

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Another lazy girl :thumb_yello:

Oh, I like your son!!!!

Oh yes, the laziest!


:roftl: You want him?





Okay, another one. Shortly after my dad went on holiday I decided it would be a good idea to have a go on his treadmill, accompanied by some music. All was going reasonably well (on something like setting number 2 :naughty:) until mid Generator by the Holloways (a particularly cheerful tune) I was gripped by the sudden urge to attempt a treadmill-pirouette, attempted a treadmill-pirouette, failed miserably at my attempted-treadmill-pirouette, grasped desperately at anything I could reach and pulled over the ironing board initiating a cascade of events resulting in a glass of water shattering throughout the living room and kitchen. And I still landed on my arse.


Treadmill accidents are never pretty. A while back the husband was on ours and I decided to go and feed the cat. I had been at the computer and the treadmill was blocking where I had to walk but instead of jumping over it, I stepped on it without thinking (obviously) and was catapulted head first across the room into the bookshelf which shocked Daniel who then went flying off the back of it into the wall.


Those things are dangerous :naughty:

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Does that include having deducted living expenses? (shopping/concerts) :naughty:




Holy cow man... part eighteen, I didn't think I was gone for that long...


JULIA! *huggles*


Why, what thread were we on when you left?


Funny, I had the same craving myself :das:



*hi-5's*....a girl with class and taste, just like me!


Now there's a paradox if I ever heard one...perverts with class and taste? :roftl: *zhhz*


*does not take responsibility for any distress the following picture may cause* :naughty:



Dayum, that's got to be uncomfortable...y'know, with the salt and all...

(note the pained look on his face :naughty:)


Speaking of Christmas rushes, did anyone hear about the security guard that got trampled to death in a Walmart the other day (Black Friday)? Sick.. Sick sick sick.. And so, so sad.



Yeah, I heard. It's so sick. That made me lose most of the (minimal) faith I hold in humanity.

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yes, we also write yogourt, but i thought that it was just in french :naughty:

and since we were speaking in english, i didn't mention it.

now i'll go to bed smarter tonight (or less dumb, depending if my glass is 1/2 full or 1/2 empty lalalala)


Son, don't ask, neither how full or empty is your glass...




Like what???


I'm thinking hard liquor or drugs.


Hoopla Teegs!! I was watching RHPS last night, might watch ST tonight.


*joins you*


Oooooh fun!



I'm so upset and angry at the moment..



I was just reading about how Mika sent the people at the Christmas party all the booze and the message... and what really got to me was the fact that people saying how wonderful he was and crap...


I feel so left out and stuff... I would've loved to have been there... :tears:






I'm getting off here for now... can't stand the sh!tting rainbows and such...


I haven't caught up on that yet, but I heard about the message. Wouldn't it be more tactful to send a message to the fanclub itsself, if that's really where it was directed??



Are we taking over from ER with the entrances:wink2:


OMG, I haven't done one of those in ages...

Maybe when I'm not so tired...:naughty:



Ambrose wouldn't wake up no matter how much I poked him, so I had to work around him. All $20, which isn't SHOCKINGLY cheap, but I did need them, now, and it's cheaper than anywhere else basically.




:shocked: All that was $20?! (Aussie dollars, to boot) JEALOUS!

and I love the "bathers" (that had me confused for a while, we say bathing suit) you got. *steals*

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Sounds good. You do spoil me!



Well you are my only daughtah (that I know of :fisch:)




I was re-blu-tacking some of my posters today and looking for something flat and hard to flatted out the bluetac lumps with, spotted the bottle of deoderant I had just bought specially for Costa Rica, tried to pick it up, pushed it off the top of my bookshelf instead, and watched as it shattered on the floor.

Moral of the story: I am now going to buy a PLASTIC packaged deoderant


Even more skills



Also, I was given the task of putting up the Christmas tree today (yes, a day early :boxed:) as punishment for skipping Christmas. I broke at least 40 ornaments (not a big deal because Margaret is an obsessive ornament buyer so 40 isn't too large a fraction out of 400,000,000), and she even managed to take a picture of me at the exact moment that one started cascading it's way through the branches :naughty: *schemes to nick her camera and get that photo, because my D: face must be hilarious*





Okay, another one. :naughty: Shortly after my dad went on holiday I decided it would be a good idea to have a go on his treadmill, accompanied by some music. All was going reasonably well (on something like setting number 2 :naughty:) until mid Generator by the Holloways (a particularly cheerful tune) I was gripped by the sudden urge to attempt a treadmill-pirouette, attempted a treadmill-pirouette, failed miserably at my attempted-treadmill-pirouette, grasped desperately at anything I could reach and pulled over the ironing board initiating a cascade of events resulting in a glass of water shattering throughout the living room and kitchen. And I still landed on my arse.





And more skillz...


Tanya, you better have the video camera ready when OkD comes to stay, if you want to win funniest home videos.


Awesome bathers.





I made 11,000 posts tonight. Yae me.


Hey y'all, night y'all. Have sent something off for the banner comp. So I wish Me, Mzee, Nono, Twatty and DC gudT luckT! :punk: (and anyone from here I forgot)


Congrasts on the posts and good luck on the banners.


Now I am going to hunt down some ice cream, because my uvula (I had to google a mouth diagram to find the name :bleh:) is slightly swollen, which makes it feel like I have something stuck at the beginning of my throat, giving me an irressitable urge to swallow every 5 seconds


But before that, I'll check out the party thread

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I made 11,000 posts tonight. Yae me.


OkD, do I see condoms or not in that spread of goodies from Tan. I'm sure she's got a good supply.


Hey y'all, night y'all. Have sent something off for the banner comp. So I wish Me, Mzee, Nono, Twatty and DC gudT luckT! (and anyone from here I forgot)


Hello Aussies I'm back.


I didn't get drunk and I did sing and hopefully there is no evidence.

Hello ! :bye: Party animal !! :naughty:


:shocked: and who's looking after my grandson?

:lmfao: MONDO !!!

Hello All !! :bye:

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I made 11,000 posts tonight. Yae me.


Hey y'all, night y'all. Have sent something off for the banner comp. So I wish Me, Mzee, Nono, Twatty and DC gudT luckT! :punk: (and anyone from here I forgot)


Congrats on the 11,000 Melzy! :punk:


If anyone can chew their face off, it's you! :wub2::wink2:


gudT™ luck to all those that entered, indead! *drapes us all in doilies* :naughty:

Bec, add that to the list! We must bring doilies to GC! :zhhz:

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Too much south park for you!


haha :naughty: i know :cool:




I think need to take back all my nay-saying about the Diva $5 sales. I got all this stuff yesterday for $12, most of it was only $2 or $3. Woo hoo!



OMG OMG OMG OMG, ive been looking for that lego man necklace evreywhere! :woot_jump:



did it have anything to do with you singing "home among the gum tree" as well? :bleh:

haha nahh, it was more of a "Pink - Sober" Incident, which is sort of ironic :mf_rosetinted:

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BUt I download it and watch it Wednesday rather than waiting a few weeks foBr whatever episode our tv is up too


Hahaha. We're doing that with Heroes but not Bones.


As a fan of the Lord of the Rings extended editions (which are almost 4 hours long each) a 2 and a half hour long film doesn't phase me at all.


:tears: We loaned out our extended editions of all 3 of the LOTR movies and we only got one back and we have no idea who we loaned them to!


Hmm. It was all just generally pleasant. The museum was interesting, as was the tour of the MCG. And the markets were good because I bought an awesome hippie-ish dress for $25 and a Beatles t-shirt for $20.

There were ten different groups, consisting of 10-15 students each. I was very happy with the people who I got in a group with (particularly a certain somebody).


Glad you had a good time.

Cool purchases. I always loved the Queen Vic markets:wub2:

So... nothing happened in your group?:fisch:


Falling asleep in a Peter Jackson film would be sacrilegious.


Do you include King Kong in that assessment? *hasn't actually seen it yet herself so is just asking...*


Goodnight lovely's

I'll catch you all tomorrow/today.


I managed to ignore the other post, but that one got me cos of what Silver says below....


Not only a word not needing an apostrophe but incorrect plural form anyway.


You've been hanging round too many greengrocer's.


Music moves me to tears more often, there's less distraction and the emotion comes across more directly. Especially classical music, if I'm feeling down 5 seconds of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" or Chopin's "Revolutionary Etude" are enough to get me bawling. Or Portishead's "Glory Box", Michael Hutchence's acoustic version of "Never Tear Us Apart" :tears:, Tori Amos' acoustic version of "Losing My Religion", Rufus Wainwright's "This Love Affair", I Am Kloot's "Avenue of Hope", and George Harrison's "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". It's those minimalistic songs performed emotionally that really get to me.



It's Es'. The apostrophe is in the possessive sense but since her name ends with s you put the apostrophe after it.


I found Tori's acoustic version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" incredibly moving, considering the original version didn't do a lot for me. *is not really a Nirvana fan*


I had to think about what you'd written ("in the possessive sense") before it made sense to me, cos I've just always looked and gone "OK. Who has the ownership or is it just a plural of the word?" which I think is what they taught us at school. Can't think why possessive didn't meant the same thing in my head as ownership. Can too much sugar make your cranial synapses stop firing?

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I don't see many of the Aussies on, though. But I can't imagine there's much to do on a Saturday afternoon - the weather's cold, the good shops are closed, and there's nothing interesting on TV.


We were out shopping at Fyshwick... and before you all jump to conclusions, we were at Officeworks, Fisher Discount (looking in the model train section), and Bunnings. Then it was off to Toys'R'Us out at Brand Depot, out near the airport.


I'm watching Xena Season 3. I think you'd like the one on now called "Here she comes.. Miss Amphipolis."


Hahaha. Saw that one recently. Started my 12yr old back at the beginning of Season 1, and saw "Been There, Done That" the other day, which is essentially "Groundhog Day". Anyway, "Sleep now, it'll hurt less in the morning" is from that episode, not from Baldur's Gate! Well, I know it from Baldur's Gate, but only cos hubby made his own characters sometimes and used little voicecaptures from Xena. *is glad it all makes sense now...*


What about:


'Das-da-one' :das:




'FlirtyDirty31' :mf_lustslow:




"Canstralian" (where a Cool Canuck meets an Awesome Aussie) :naughty:


That reads too much like Castration to me!!:roftl:


:roftl: Gawd. I cry at everything. I'm not as bad as my mum though, she cries during previews sometimes.


Wurgh...first day at a new and rather grueling job...:boxed:

Still, at least there's money coming in now.


I'm like you. I cry at everything. The curse of being a Pisces... I even teared up earlier when my toddler was watching "Mary Poppins" during the bit where Julie is singing "Feed the birds, tuppence a bag". That song has always been so sad to me.

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Wow! Sometimes I'm one of 5 online. Normally around 4pm.


Hey! It's nearly 4pm now, and I'm online! Actually, that's usually the time of day when I get turfed off the pc so that DS12 can do his homework...


Work finished at 12, I stopped in briefly, then got tv watching. Then at around 4ish I was called into Frankston to check out the shops and then the Festival of Lights.


So we scoped things out, located toilets, identified the mc as being the channel 10 weather guy ft brother becster wanting a photo (he watches a lot of news apparently.. he didn't get the photo), watch some guys sing, debate the fun house then decide $5 is too much to have to justle with little kids, watch a theatre group dance to the grease megamix to promote their putting on grease, go to maccas/subways for dinner (cos the food at the festival is overpriced), then go back and catch Code 01 (the police band... who are pretty good). Followed by some dodgy Madagascar show, some dipping dots *licks lips*, a quick trip to the pokies for better toilets, soft drinks (and beer for dad) and to escape the madagascar show, and then back (around 9pm now) to secure some nice seats for the tree lighting and fireworks.


(of course, after we got the seats brother becster and I had to locate and buy the cheap but totally awesome light up lightsabers all the kids had)


We then waited until 9:30 and watched these guys climb poles and pull balls over themselves. Then a count down, tree being lit, and an amazing pole top show by the people in the balls. Really amazing, I have some photos to share when we get faster net (as well as photoshoots from the last few days), with awesome music, and fireworks. All in all, despite the lameness of the Festival of Lights, it was a pretty good time, and the pole top show was really amazing and made everything totally worth it.


Then it was fighting the way to the car, and trying to get home via a little detour, only to have dad steal my carpark (we went in separate cars because dad was already down there working for the local council election)


And thats my story of why I wasn't here today. Tomorrow we're off to computer swap meet and I have plenty of pride and prejudice to watch, so may be absentee then a bit too


I'm glad you enjoyed yourself after all... I was a bit worried when you described it as lame, if you'd manage to find something worthwhile about it.


You had a nap. I was the one who postwhored all over the forum out of sheer boredom. :naughty:


Does this mean that you're going to be around a bit more, now that exams are over?


Holy cow man... part eighteen, I didn't think I was gone for that long...


Ju-Ju!!!! I've missed you sweetie!


No such thing as too much Andy!....and thank your lucky stars I didn't post the one of Hamish naked and covered in chips :naughty:


I was going to say that I wouldn't have minded seeing the one of Hamish...


Luke improved so much over the journey that I think he might be ok.


He really did, didn't he?


Nope.....NCIS and Supernatural girl!


But I watch them as well!:tears:


Don't you start! Everyone knows that Andy is the one with the beauty, brains and comic genius :naughty:


In your dreams, darling...

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*does not take responsibility for any distress the following picture may cause*



Oh. Dear. Lord! I think I've changed my mind. Although I love Hamish's comic wit, I think Andy looks better naked and covered in chips. Or maybe it's just the angle of the photo...


*points out that ER based her assessment exclusively on looks since she hasn't heard their show*


Agrees. *humph*


I'm too tired to read back more than two pages...


Does anyone know how to get black paint out of carpet? My lovely child decided to imitate Pro-Hart yesterday which was really very thoughtful and creative of him :mf_rosetinted: It's water based so I scrubbed it with soap and water but that just spread it around. Then I tried Preen Powershot which was only slightly more successful. I don't know what else to do


How's it going with the black paint? I have a couple of books which may have some hints in them, if you still need help and I can find the books...


I'm so upset and angry at the moment..



I was just reading about how Mika sent the people at the Christmas party all the booze and the message... and what really got to me was the fact that people saying how wonderful he was and crap...


I feel so left out and stuff... I would've loved to have been there...


I'd probably be angry too, if I could find the damn thread! I thought I knew where it was but I can't find it!:crybaby:


I got a B on my piano exam. :groovy:


An A would have been better (duh) but I'm happy with a B. It's the same as what I got last year, so I'm keeping the consistency!


Congratulations SD!! Well done! Are you continuing on to Seventh and Amus and all that stuff?


I made 11,000 posts tonight. Yae me.


Congratulations on 11000 posts!


I think need to take back all my nay-saying about the Diva $5 sales. I got all this stuff yesterday for $12, most of it was only $2 or $3. Woo hoo!




Although looking at that photo does make me wonder if it's time that I started wearing "grown up" jewellery...



I got all excited for a second but I don't think stopping colours from running is going to help me :crybaby:

...Although it does give me an idea. My Mum was in America earlier in the year and she brought me back these little tissue like things that you put in the washing machine to soak up excess dye from clothes. Maybe if I wet the carpet and blot it with one of those it would soak it up. Maybe...

Oh well, it's something to try if the vinegar doesn't work.


Cute jewellery. But, if you start wearing "grown up" jewellery, does that mean you have to start acting like a grown up?


We actually have the little tissue things here in Australia. The brand we have are called Colour Catchers. I use them. They're good!


Actually, if we're going to be picking on someone about their grammar, why is it that nobody mentions Soy's troubles with there/their/they're?:naughty:

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I'm glad you enjoyed yourself after all... I was a bit worried when you described it as lame, if you'd manage to find something worthwhile about it.



Lame can sometimes be enjoyable :naughty:


We got free I heart Frankston drink bottles from it. Its been a few years since I've been able to go, the last two the election has been on and I've worked for it and not got home until late due to counting votes.


And the acrobats were amazing *must still upload pics*





Actually, if we're going to be picking on someone about their grammar, why is it that nobody mentions Soy's troubles with there/their/they're?:naughty:


Twatty would, but she's still trying to get me to use brought and bought correctly :wink2:


As for there/their/they're.. the sad thing is I know the correct use of the words, use the words correctly in essays and stuff but in anything else I just use the one I feel like (which is normally their :blink:)

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I've just finished watched the BBC Pride and Prejudice...


My verdict... Colin Firth is an excellent Mr Darcy, who will probably now be my favourite Mr Darcy. I enjoyed this version.


And now I want to watch Quarantine, but on the xbox it has major syncing problems.. it'll start out with video and sound in sync and then 5 seconds later its out of sync. If you stop it and then press play from where you stopped were its still the same, in sync then out. Might have to watch it on the ps3 which is difficult to kick the brother off of.


Tomorrow I'm hoping I'll feel like cleaning my room, since its probably the only time before the weekend that I have spare to do it

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Lame can sometimes be enjoyable :naughty:


We got free I heart Frankston drink bottles from it. Its been a few years since I've been able to go, the last two the election has been on and I've worked for it and not got home until late due to counting votes.


And the acrobats were amazing *must still upload pics*




Twatty would, but she's still trying to get me to use brought and bought correctly :wink2:


As for there/their/they're.. the sad thing is I know the correct use of the words, use the words correctly in essays and stuff but in anything else I just use the one I feel like (which is normally their :blink:)




:roftl: My toddler has a tongue-tie and I'm having lots of fun trying to get her to say things like "Yellow" instead of "Lellow" and "Rabbit" instead of "Wabbit". I know that these words are physically hard for her to pronounce and yet it's driving me batty. (And I have had her assessed to maybe have it snipped, but this was about a year ago and they said she should be OK. I'm thinking she needs re-assessment.)

I can't wait until she's old enough for me to add grammar issues to the mix!

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Do you include King Kong in that assessment? *hasn't actually seen it yet herself so is just asking...*

I haven't seen King Kong actually. But Heavenly Creatures is another one of his which I like. :thumb_yello:


I found Tori's acoustic version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" incredibly moving, considering the original version didn't do a lot for me. *is not really a Nirvana fan*

I love Tori Amos' acoustic version of Smells Like Teen Spirit. I love anything she does acoustically. Or actually anything she does at all. :naughty:


Not a Nirvana fan? :shocked: I also love them to bits.


Does this mean that you're going to be around a bit more, now that exams are over?

I have exams in January. :thumbdown: But I will try to be around more than usual anyway.


I've just finished watched the BBC Pride and Prejudice...


My verdict... Colin Firth is an excellent Mr Darcy, who will probably now be my favourite Mr Darcy. I enjoyed this version.




P.S. Congrats, Kelz, on the 11000. Postwhore. :yay:

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