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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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Hello Aussies I'm back.

I didn't get drunk and I did sing and hopefully there is no evidence.

There is evidence. I just have to wait for them to get online.. :fisch:

Teegs - the thank you from Mika was for the support from the whole fan club, not just the people at the party. And we all wished everyone could have been there too

Well, I think it was amazingly sweet of him. I know other countries get more than us, and this is another example, but removing that aspect, and taking it for what it is it's an incredibly sweet gesture and one that Mika didn't have to make. I don't drink champagne, but I would've made an exception if I had been there. :roftl:

Although looking at that photo does make me wonder if it's time that I started wearing "grown up" jewellery...

Just wear what you want to wear.

I've not seen the episode but I do not doubt you for a second. That movie was a disaster. It's the only movie I have ever walked out on and I even managed to sit through the entire Tim Burton version of Planet of the Apes (what was he thinking?). I think I lasted about 20 minutes before deciding that I'd rather peel my toenails off with rusty tweezers than waste another 70 minutes of my life watching such crap.


Now I am going to hunt down some ice cream, because my uvula (I had to google a mouth diagram to find the name ) is slightly swollen, which makes it feel like I have something stuck at the beginning of my throat, giving me an irressitable urge to swallow every 5 seconds

But before that, I'll check out the party thread

What a strange name to call something in your mouth. *zhhz*




Congrats on the 11,000 Melzy!

Thanks for the younger female attention.

If anyone can chew their face off, it's you!

I learnt from Dannii. *MMF*

gudT™ luck to all those that entered, indead! *drapes us all in doilies*

Bec, add that to the list! We must bring doilies to GC! :zhhz:

Doilies!! *FG*

I managed to ignore the other post, but that one got me cos of what Silver says below....
Well it was obviously intentionally done to annoy - considering I normally do say "Goodnight Lovelies". I was just showing how annoying I can be. *cheesy grin*
Hahaha. Saw that one recently. Started my 12yr old back at the beginning of Season 1, and saw "Been There, Done That" the other day, which is essentially "Groundhog Day".

Love that ep!

Hey! It's nearly 4pm now, and I'm online! Actually, that's usually the time of day when I get turfed off the pc so that DS12 can do his homework...

You don't miss much. Nothing ever happens at 4pm here.

Oh. Dear. Lord! I think I've changed my mind. Although I love Hamish's comic wit, I think Andy looks better naked and covered in chips. Or maybe it's just the angle of the photo...

Or the strategically placed mound that gives the illusion that it would indeed be satisfying.... to eat some chips that is.

I'd probably be angry too, if I could find the damn thread! I thought I knew where it was but I can't find it

It's on the home page.

Actually, if we're going to be picking on someone about their grammar, why is it that nobody mentions Soy's troubles with there/their/they're?

Yeah! Why me when Bec's here.. *hmph*

Tomorrow I'm hoping I'll feel like cleaning my room, since its probably the only time before the weekend that I have spare to do it

I've managed to put mine off until Wednesday atm.

P.S. Congrats, Kelz, on the 11000. Postwhore.

Thanks to Everyone for the Congrats!:wub2:

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Yeah! Why me when Bec's here.. *hmph*


I've managed to put mine off until Wednesday atm.



I'm a pedant's worst nightmare :fisch:


I cut the quote for it... but I know... Uvula is such a strange word for something in your mouth. Mine is back to normal size though


And I said I'd clean my room tomorrow, meaning I clean it next week or later due to procrastination, but somehow I got the urge to clean my room and so now I sit in my clean room :shocked:


All I have to do is change my sheets and its done (and wait for posters to arrive to change the cupboard walls)


I am amazed..


All to the sounds of Something with Numbers, a Year to Remember x2 (I finally listened to the EP I brought, its awesome) and the Kylie concert when it downloaded. Yes... it took that long that I could listen to all that (well halfway through the kylie concert now, but still)

Edited by soangel
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Hello all! I've been at my old primary school today doing work experience, which I'll be doing all week. Little kids are so gorgeous!


*looks at signature and faints*


(and not just because Rod Thomas is so awesome )


:shocked: How did it get to be one day?! I swear last time I looked at that it was at least 15 days. *is confused*


Well you are my only daughtah (that I know of)




Glad you had a good time.

Cool purchases. I always loved the Queen Vic markets

So... nothing happened in your group?


Yeah, they were really fun. But I was feeling kind of sick on the second day, which made it slightly less enjoyable. :naughty:


Not really. He did come and stand really close next to me a couple of times, which was cute. But of course, I was too shy to do anything about it. Grr. But (I know I'm a stalker) I still know his phone number from the photography excursion so I looked him up in the phone book and had a look at the address. And he lives really close to me - about a 15 minute walk! So if I get bored some time in the holidays.. :fisch:


He would probably find that pretty creepy though. :naughty:


Congratulations SD!! Well done! Are you continuing on to Seventh and Amus and all that stuff?


Thankyou! I am doing Seventh Grade next year (I've already been to look at the books in the shop and one of them has Elton John's 'Your Song'!). Forgive my ignorance, but what is Amus?


I've just finished watched the BBC Pride and Prejudice...


My verdict... Colin Firth is an excellent Mr Darcy, who will probably now be my favourite Mr Darcy. I enjoyed this version.


Mmm, Colin Firth! *now feels like watching Pride and Prejudice again*





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And I said I'd clean my room tomorrow, meaning I clean it next week or later due to procrastination, but somehow I got the urge to clean my room and so now I sit in my clean room :shocked:


All I have to do is change my sheets and its done (and wait for posters to arrive to change the cupboard walls)


I am amazed..

Is there photographic evidence? :shocked:

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Hello all! I've been at my old primary school today doing work experience, which I'll be doing all week. Little kids are so gorgeous!


Hey how was your day?


i suppose one of the joys of going to a school that has both primary and secondary in the same school is little kids. Although they try to sit in practically the same area as you and that gets annoying.:bleh:

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Hey how was your day?


i suppose one of the joys of going to a school that has both primary and secondary in the same school is little kids. Although they try to sit in practically the same area as you and that gets annoying.:bleh:


Hello! It was fun. I helped with the year twos, threes and fours, as well as going to swimming lessons with the kinders. Some of them are so tiny! :naughty:

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Now there's a paradox if I ever heard one...perverts with class and taste? : roftl: *zhhz*


:mf_rosetinted:I'm a pervert with taste and class



Dayum, that's got to be uncomfortable...y'know, with the salt and all...

(note the pained look on his face :naughty:)




Now I am going to hunt down some ice cream, because my uvula (I had to google a mouth diagram to find the name :bleh:) is slightly swollen, which makes it feel like I have something stuck at the beginning of my throat, giving me an irressitable urge to swallow every 5 seconds


Medicinal ice cream - thoroughly recommended :thumb_yello:


Well it was obviously intentionally done to annoy - considering I normally do say "Goodnight Lovelies". I was just showing how annoying I can be. *cheesy grin*


And I knew it was on purpose too :wink2:


ah, ah, ah,


is there anybody home?


Good afternoon/evening/ whatever :bleh:

Edited by silver
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:shocked:SILVERINI !!!!! :shocked: You're online !!!! :clap::huglove:


Only for a little while, HK :huglove:


Got the day off because (select any one)


(a) have housework to catch up with

(b) need to recover from weekend

© am going to watch PdP DVD at last

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Only for a little while, HK :huglove:


Got the day off because (select any one)


(a) have housework to catch up with

(b) need to recover from weekend

© am going to watch PdP DVD at last

I tick (b) & © !!! Ooooooohhh .... we are watching it at the same time then !!! JC_Hi5.gif

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Haz returned ....


Waz missed! :huglove:


Also, I was given the task of putting up the Christmas tree today (yes, a day early ) as punishment for skipping Christmas. I broke at least 40 ornaments (not a big deal because Margaret is an obsessive ornament buyer so 40 isn't too large a fraction out of 400,000,000), and she even managed to take a picture of me at the exact moment that one started cascading it's way through the branches *schemes to nick her camera and get that photo, because my D: face must be hilarious*


Okay, another one. Shortly after my dad went on holiday I decided it would be a good idea to have a go on his treadmill, accompanied by some music. All was going reasonably well (on something like setting number 2 ) until mid Generator by the Holloways (a particularly cheerful tune) I was gripped by the sudden urge to attempt a treadmill-pirouette, attempted a treadmill-pirouette, failed miserably at my attempted-treadmill-pirouette, grasped desperately at anything I could reach and pulled over the ironing board initiating a cascade of events resulting in a glass of water shattering throughout the living room and kitchen. And I still landed on my arse.


*photoshoots her sale item purchases*



Ambrose wouldn't wake up no matter how much I poked him, so I had to work around him. All $20, which isn't SHOCKINGLY cheap, but I did need them, now, and it's cheaper than anywhere else basically.


Thanks! I brought my bag back to the store to get the straps fitted properly, because after hours of fiddling it was still crap/uncomfortable. Now it's good!


I wear tops over my bathers because bathers are just like lycra underwear and I feel naked in bathers

And that makes sense because at the beach you are in constant full on sun.


You are a disaster and are definitely not driving my car or using any electrical appliances.


Don't poke Ambrose!


Those bathers are brilliant.


Waaahhhh time to go to sleep


Tomorrow I have to do MORE shopping. And I have to go to my friend's house to pick up a bag of stuff that she forgot

She must have emailed her dad with a list of things other than the pillow case she told me about. Because I'm not allowed in her room ("it's hideous!"), so she forced her dad to collect the items. And he emailed me to tell me


Couldn't be any worse than your room used to be! I've been cleaning mine for 4 weeks now...it's nearly finished!


*looks at signature and faints*


(and not just because Rod Thomas is so awesome )


*has Luke and Paul recusitate OKD*


Pffftt!! That goes without saying!


I made 11,000 posts tonight. Yae me.


OkD, do I see condoms or not in that spread of goodies from Tan. I'm sure she's got a good supply.


Hey y'all, night y'all. Have sent something off for the banner comp. So I wish Me, Mzee, Nono, Twatty and DC gudT luckT! (and anyone from here I forgot)


You had me worried for a moment!


Congratulations :punk:


You do not.....I'm a good girl!


Good luck guys!


Hello Aussies I'm back.


I didn't get drunk and I did sing and hopefully there is no evidence.




*makes mental note to check out Oldings thread and Party thread*


OKD - Costa Rica time already! You'll have a great time


missing you already


and who's looking after my grandson?


*whispers* I'm going to miss her too but don't tell her that!


his grandfather....and he better not put that horrible collar on him.


I think need to take back all my nay-saying about the Diva $5 sales. I got all this stuff yesterday for $12, most of it was only $2 or $3. Woo hoo!


Although looking at that photo does make me wonder if it's time that I started wearing "grown up" jewellery...


I love Diva sales!


Bugger that....do what I do, wear both!


You want him?


Absolutely...coz I know I can hand him back :wink2:




Dayum, that's got to be uncomfortable...y'know, with the salt and all...

(note the pained look on his face )


Nope...that's just His natural expression!


OMG, I haven't done one of those in ages...

Maybe when I'm not so tired...:naughty:


*taps toes impatiently*


Tanya, you better have the video camera ready when OkD comes to stay, if you want to win funniest home videos.


Now I am going to hunt down some ice cream, because my uvula (I had to google a mouth diagram to find the name ) is slightly swollen, which makes it feel like I have something stuck at the beginning of my throat, giving me an irressitable urge to swallow every 5 seconds


I'd win the grand prize! I've already folded up the treadmill and put it out of harms way :naughty:


Congrats on the 11,000 Melzy!


Hi :bye:



Oh. Dear. Lord! I think I've changed my mind. Although I love Hamish's comic wit, I think Andy looks better naked and covered in chips. Or maybe it's just the angle of the photo...


Andy looks better period!:bleh:


My verdict... Colin Firth is an excellent Mr Darcy, who will probably now be my favourite Mr Darcy. I enjoyed this version.


Colin Firth is gorgeous!



My toddler has a tongue-tie and I'm having lots of fun trying to get her to say things like "Yellow" instead of "Lellow" and "Rabbit" instead of "Wabbit". I know that these words are physically hard for her to pronounce and yet it's driving me batty. (And I have had her assessed to maybe have it snipped, but this was about a year ago and they said she should be OK. I'm thinking she needs re-assessment.)

I can't wait until she's old enough for me to add grammar issues to the mix!


Are you sure she's not doing it to make you nuts!


andy 9from rove) covered in chips?

ew or what.. i haven't watched rove in a few weeks.. i always seem to be out on friday nights.


Definitely not ew!


Rove has finished for the year now.


Hello all! I've been at my old primary school today doing work experience, which I'll be doing all week. Little kids are so gorgeous!

Mmm, Colin Firth! *now feels like watching Pride and Prejudice again*


Of course they're gorgeous, you can hand them back!


*huggles* for the picture of Colin!




Is there photographic evidence?


What a frightening thought!

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Is there photographic evidence? :shocked:


There could be... given time :fisch:


I'm charging batteries and uploading photos at the moment, so can't take any photos


Hello! It was fun. I helped with the year twos, threes and fours, as well as going to swimming lessons with the kinders. Some of them are so tiny! :naughty:


Hanging out with little kids is fun.

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There could be... given time :fisch:


I'm charging batteries and uploading photos at the moment, so can't take any photos


God I'm stupid! I thought Twatty was talking about the Christmas party!:blush-anim-cl: Your photos are not a frightening thought :naughty:

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