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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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So in that case, it was the reverse. You took her son.:shocked:



Well done.:naughty:

Well, yes reverse but she loves me more :mf_rosetinted: and we used to exclude him all the time. I'm sure he hates it when I ring him just to find out how she is and couldn't give a rats ass about him. :naughty:


Oporto do normal chicken burgers and Nando's do herb chicken too. But there's always the tried and tested Maccas next door too. :bleh: Sorry to hear you're a maybenono. Let us know tomorrow how you feel. :thumb_yello:

Maccas is last resort. As long as there is chicken I'd be ok. Anyway, I have to get there first. :wink2:

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How sweet. Did you have to clean up?


I didn't have to.. but I did anyway.


So for Friday: meet at Melbourne Central at 1pm, have lunch (maybe Nando's or Oporto?), get some stuff at the Original Lolly Store, then see the film at 2.30pm? How does that sound? I'll be catching a 5.30pm train home.


Doesn't Kelzs trains get in on the half hour? And you might be cutting it a bit close with the train when you add previews and what not :fisch:


But otherwise sounds good


Hopefully you feel better tomorrow/friday Kelz :thumb_yello:

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Doesn't Kelzs trains get in on the half hour? And you might be cutting it a bit close with the train when you add previews and what not :fisch:


But otherwise sounds good


Hopefully you feel better tomorrow/friday Kelz :thumb_yello:

Yeah, her train will get in at 12.30pm at Southern Cross and you can meet her there as usual then catch a train to Melbourne Central. I would meet you at Southern Cross but can't since I'll be tramming it up to Melbourne Central from the Brunswick direction because I'll be running errands in the morning. I also can't change the train I'll be catching home because I'll be catching it with my sister (trust me I tried to move it to later but even World War IV didn't help). We'll wait to see, though, how Kelz will be feeling tomorrow. :thumb_yello:

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Yeah, her train will get in at 12.30pm at Southern Cross and you can meet her there as usual then catch a train to Melbourne Central. I would meet you at Southern Cross but can't since I'll be tramming it up to Melbourne Central from the Brunswick direction because I'll be running errands in the morning. I also can't change the train I'll be catching home because I'll be catching it with my sister (trust me I tried to move it to later but even World War IV didn't help). We'll wait to see, though, how Kelz will be feeling tomorrow. :thumb_yello:

Okay sounds good then.


Hopefully the movie will finish in time to catch your train, you only need to run down to the station in the same building so that should be alright at least.


We'll see how Kelz feels tomorrow

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*streaks through thread for your entertainment*




Does Dishpig know you did that?


where was the champagne and the front page stuff for HK's verrandah meetup? That's what I'm starting to wonder...


Dunno... I'm a bit curious about that!


I do however have good news for everyone! I can categorically state that Mika WILL be here next year, next August to be exact and I can be even more specific in saying that he will be in Melbourne on or about the 14th. Why? He will do it to spite me. That is why. I have good luck like that.






So much for what I said in the petition thread

And now I will go and continue my freak out.






Yay! First Mini Mikamite!!!


You could always hold off for 4 days and have baby on the 18th.. :fisch:




And if he did, we'll bitch slap him... and make him visit you and buy you lots of expensive pressies and do a special concert in the hospital!


Actual occurance:


Mothah Dishpig: "You know, you should come over a couple days before New Year's and help me make holiday fruitcake. I'd love to have you and I'll reward your labor with food."

Me: "That would be great! I'll ask my parents if I can come."

Dishpig: "Umm....Mom, I won't be here a couple days before New Year's...remember that Ben (Brothah Dishpig) and I are going with Dad down to Mexico?"

Mothah Dishpig: "What does that have to do with anything? I don't remember inviting you anyways."

Dishpig: :boxed:

Me: :naughty:






I like Mothah Dishpig...


I agree... he is cute when he has hair. And Christa Miller


Oh yeah! I defo know I'm not weird now!


If it's a boy don't call him Mica or he'll be bullied, stop talking and be pulled out of school, become an opera singer then write camp music to vent.


and... be successful all around the world but only tour Australia because his Aunties *wink wink* taught him that that's the way it should be done.


Noice! :naughty:


I need to recount what happened in church on Sunday... And yes, it is very Mika related...


During the service two young brothers were going to be dedicated (a ceremony where the parents essentially thank God for the gift of their child, symbolically give him/her back to God and promise that they will raise the child in a Christian way and try to keep them from harm).


It's usually done on babies, a bit like a christening, but these boys were a little bit older. I teach one of their aunts (who is only 12, cos there's a big age spread among the children from adult, all the way down to 7). I got her into Mika at the beginning of the year and assisted her to get the album. She got her older sister (the boys' mother) into Mika to a degree. And the boys, particularly the older one (ie 4 yr old) are also into Mika. As part of the ceremony, there was a multi-media presentation of pictures of the boys up on the screen where we usually have the song lyrics.


I'm sitting there thinking how poignant it is that this ceremony is happening cos the older boy is extremely ill, when, to my horror, I hear "HEY! WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?" "YO MIKA!!"


I had to cover my face with my hands to stop from busting out laughing out loud. My shoulder's are shaking and there's muffled sobs coming out and my son goes "Mum! Why are you crying?" "I'm not crying, I'm laughing!!!"


At that point the aunt turns around and looks at me and gives me this pleased smile and then looks puzzled cos I'm killing myself laughing.


They played the whole song. I kept praying that they would only use a small segment of it, but they used the whole thing. I was also praying that nobody in the congregation would work out what the lyrics are about. A friend sitting next to me asked me why I was laughing and I'm like "The words of this song!!!.... It's about sex!!!" The look on her face was priceless as, with this piece of enlightenment, she proceeded to work it all out as the song played.


I haven't been game to ask whose idea it was to use that song. Whether it was the aunt, who at 12, may not have worked it all out yet, or whether it was the boys' mother's idea, as "Lollipop" is a huge favourite with the kids. But I can't believe that she hasn't worked out what it's about! She's not exactly some innocent, she's been around the block a couple of times. And if she does know what it's about, did she consider the possible inappropriateness of playing that in church for her children's dedication?


Gee but it gave me a good laugh!





I wish I had that much fun in Church!


Righto... quick visit, gotta finish off an assignment...

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Speaking of children, last night while watching Love Actually I decided that I want to call my first daughter (if I have one) Aurelia.

Very nice!

I like Callisto for a girl.

:plane: Hi/bye Aussies, off to work I go

Hi Bye Silver :bye:

I didn't have to.. but I did anyway.

Funny how people will clean up when they don't have to, but if they have to....

Doesn't Kelzs trains get in on the half hour? And you might be cutting it a bit close with the train when you add previews and what not

But otherwise sounds good

Hopefully you feel better tomorrow/friday Kelz

I'll check my timetable and get back to you both on MSN. :wink2:

And hopefully, I'll be having early nights to try and help.

Hello everyboday !!

StuckZ is in school. :biggrin2:

How is everyone??

Hello StuckZ!!!!!!! :huglove:

Are you on MFC instead of concentrating in class?? :naughty:

Hopefully the movie will finish in time to catch your train, you only need to run down to the station in the same building so that should be alright at least.

We could kick her out early, film the ending and youtube it for her.. :naughty:

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I won't MQ everyone separately because it would take all day but Thanks for all the congratulations :wub2:



Apart from that being too close to his birthday for me to believe that he would actually be in Australia then.... you could be right! And




Yes... It did occur to me that I could possibly be saved by his birthday but then I then I started thinking that just to piss me off, he would decide that the best way to make up for being so mean to us up until this point would be to come down here and throw a massive birthday party show.


Don't like the chances of that ever happening though, so I might be safe :thumb_yello:






If it's a boy don't call him Mica or he'll be bullied, stop talking and be pulled out of school, become an opera singer then write camp music to vent.





Considering that the first thing my husband said to me when we got a cat was "You're not calling him Mika" (Not that I was going to anyway because he was so obviously a Bowie), I don't think there is much chance of it happening to the child :naughty:


Actually, if it's a boy, husband wants to call him Jonas but there is no way in hell any child of mine is going to be named after a boy band. He insists that he got the name not from the Jonas Brothers but from a character on Stargate... Like that is going to make me say "Oh, that's ok then".



I need to recount what happened in church on Sunday... And yes, it is very Mika related...


During the service two young brothers were going to be dedicated (a ceremony where the parents essentially thank God for the gift of their child, symbolically give him/her back to God and promise that they will raise the child in a Christian way and try to keep them from harm).


It's usually done on babies, a bit like a christening, but these boys were a little bit older. I teach one of their aunts (who is only 12, cos there's a big age spread among the children from adult, all the way down to 7). I got her into Mika at the beginning of the year and assisted her to get the album. She got her older sister (the boys' mother) into Mika to a degree. And the boys, particularly the older one (ie 4 yr old) are also into Mika. As part of the ceremony, there was a multi-media presentation of pictures of the boys up on the screen where we usually have the song lyrics.


I'm sitting there thinking how poignant it is that this ceremony is happening cos the older boy is extremely ill, when, to my horror, I hear "HEY! WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?" "YO MIKA!!"


I had to cover my face with my hands to stop from busting out laughing out loud. My shoulder's are shaking and there's muffled sobs coming out and my son goes "Mum! Why are you crying?" "I'm not crying, I'm laughing!!!"


At that point the aunt turns around and looks at me and gives me this pleased smile and then looks puzzled cos I'm killing myself laughing.


They played the whole song. I kept praying that they would only use a small segment of it, but they used the whole thing. I was also praying that nobody in the congregation would work out what the lyrics are about. A friend sitting next to me asked me why I was laughing and I'm like "The words of this song!!!.... It's about sex!!!" The look on her face was priceless as, with this piece of enlightenment, she proceeded to work it all out as the song played.


I haven't been game to ask whose idea it was to use that song. Whether it was the aunt, who at 12, may not have worked it all out yet, or whether it was the boys' mother's idea, as "Lollipop" is a huge favourite with the kids. But I can't believe that she hasn't worked out what it's about! She's not exactly some innocent, she's been around the block a couple of times. And if she does know what it's about, did she consider the possible inappropriateness of playing that in church for her children's dedication?


Gee but it gave me a good laugh!




That is so funny. Interesting song choice for church indeed.

One time we were in Toys R Us and it was playing which I found slightly strange but it was even better when my son started singing at the top of his voice and he sometimes gets the words wrong. So he was running around the shop screaming "Sexy haaaaaaaard lollipop!"

It's cute at home but in public with all the rod up their back side mothers starting at me, not so much.


Nah, actually it was still pretty cute :naughty:

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I want kids now, after spending the past three days at primary school!


Really? I spent two hours volunteering at kinder yesterday and walked away thinking "I'm having another one of them? I must be insane" :shocked:










Yay! First Mini Mikamite!!!


You could always hold off for 4 days and have baby on the 18th..




And if he did, we'll bitch slap him... and make him visit you and buy you lots of expensive pressies and do a special concert in the hospital!



No one else has had a baby while on here? In that case, I'll will indeed try and hold off until the 18th. I'm already freaked out about the mid-August thing. My son's birthday is August 16th so as long as it doesn't decide to arrive on that day, I'll be happy. And I guess if it is the first MFC baby the 18th would be appropriate :bleh:


You are always one step ahead of me :wub2: I was going to say that if it did work out like that you guys would have to kidnap him and bring him to the hospital for a special concert but I didn't think of the expensive presents. Now you mention it though... After nine months, including Christmas and New Years with no alcohol. A couple of bottles of his expensive champagne would go down nicely :naughty::thumb_yello:

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Noone posted since I did last night :shocked:


Hi/bye Silver


Hi/bye - - night, morning, all the same to me :naughty:



No one else has had a baby while on here? In that case, I'll will indeed try and hold off until the 18th. I'm already freaked out about the mid-August thing. My son's birthday is August 16th so as long as it doesn't decide to arrive on that day, I'll be happy. And I guess if it is the first MFC baby the 18th would be appropriate :bleh:


Certainly the first Mikamite baby, but the first MFC baby arrived a little while ago - Miek's baby Isabel (who attended her first concert while still in the womb).

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Dunno... I'm a bit curious about that!




Yeah and what about the L.A meetup? Mana was there.


Because I only got on for one post then had to go to work.:wink2:

I know, but everynow and then a reply would get through. Frustrating :roftl:


Yeah Mika! What she said!


*nods head eagerly*


But then again, i guess he can't do it for everyone. And it was an awfully lovely gesture. :wub2: I'm just afraid that if I had a toronto meetup with christine there as our mod, we wouldn't get the champagne either, and I'd be a bit jealous.


I'm shocked I'm jealous for all of you aussies, and you're all very mature. :roftl:

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Hi/bye - - night, morning, all the same to me :naughty:





Certainly the first Mikamite baby, but the first MFC baby arrived a little while ago - Miek's baby Isabel (who attended her first concert while still in the womb).


Ah, of course. I missed the Mikamite bit :thumb_yello:

With so many people here I thought surely I couldn't be the first to get knocked up :naughty:

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Wow, it has been quiet here.


Considering that the first thing my husband said to me when we got a cat was "You're not calling him Mika" (Not that I was going to anyway because he was so obviously a Bowie), I don't think there is much chance of it happening to the child :naughty:


Actually, if it's a boy, husband wants to call him Jonas but there is no way in hell any child of mine is going to be named after a boy band. He insists that he got the name not from the Jonas Brothers but from a character on Stargate... Like that is going to make me say "Oh, that's ok then".

Jonas Quinn from Stargate SG-1... *wipes away tears of laughter* :lmfao: You must revoke his naming rights. :naughty:

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I won't MQ everyone separately because it would take all day but Thanks for all the congratulations


That is so funny. Interesting song choice for church indeed.

One time we were in Toys R Us and it was playing which I found slightly strange but it was even better when my son started singing at the top of his voice and he sometimes gets the words wrong. So he was running around the shop screaming "Sexy haaaaaaaard lollipop!"

It's cute at home but in public with all the rod up their back side mothers starting at me, not so much.


Nah, actually it was still pretty cute



Just curious ... how did you arrive at your username , Zoidy ?


:lmfao: at your story re: Toys R Us !!!

Jolene - picture



Hi/Bye Silvestra !!


:boing::drool::licks_lips: at Mika pic .....


Hurro All !!! :bye:

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I love 6 white boomers :naughty:


On the topic of Rolf Harris .... one of the comedy acts we performed on Saturday night was Rolf's 'Court of King Carracticus' (sp?) ... with a bunch of us being 'Rolfs' ' , miming wobble boards & making wompah-wop noises in the background !! :lmfao:





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