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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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Home from work *dies*


One of the kitties has gone to a new home, another is waiting a week or so for collection and so that leaves 2 we have to find homes for now.


And now I'm off to the post office... I shall chat when I get back if anyones on :bye:

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Home from work *dies*


One of the kitties has gone to a new home, another is waiting a week or so for collection and so that leaves 2 we have to find homes for now.


And now I'm off to the post office... I shall chat when I get back if anyones on :bye:

Aw, goodbye pussehs. :sad:


When you get home hop on MSN, there has been change in plans for tomorrow.

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Just curious ... how did you arrive at your username , Zoidy ?


:lmfao: at your story re: Toys R Us !!!


Hi/Bye Silvestra !!


:boing::drool::licks_lips: at Mika pic .....


Hurro All !!! :bye:


Hurro HK :bye:

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Didja like my Rolf pic. ??!! :naughty:


Looks like you had a good night :naughty:


I'm not really here, waiting for someone to come about my boiler, but I've got Tanya's Mika Mail to get ready for posting.

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On the topic of Rolf Harris .... one of the comedy acts we performed on Saturday night was Rolf's 'Court of King Carracticus' (sp?) ... with a bunch of us being 'Rolfs' ' , miming wobble boards & making wompah-wop noises in the background !! :lmfao:








I saw him on Sunrise the other week when they had a Kylie interview on.


I'll have to try that some time.. ft. kate bush mask.. *skips to the verandah*


P.s. is it just me or is that guy on the guitar familiar?

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I saw him on Sunrise the other week when they had a Kylie interview on.


I'll have to try that some time.. ft. kate bush mask.. *skips to the verandah*


P.s. is it just me or is that guy on the guitar familiar?


Ooooohhh YEAH !!!! If you come ... we'll do a Kate Bush * Perhaps even ft. moi doing Babushka ... * !!!! :das::punk:


Heheheh ... erm, yah ..... that's Zuludog's fellow ... :wink2::kachinga:

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Ooooohhh YEAH !!!! If you come ... we'll do a Kate Bush * Perhaps even ft. moi doing Babushka ... * !!!!


Heheheh ... erm, yah ..... that's Zuludog's fellow ...


:naughty: alll yourssss babooshkaa babooshkaa babooshkaaa yaaa-yaaa! :punk:


Wuthering heights was on Rage late saturday/early sunday morning. :wub2:


Ah yeah, thought it was him. *throws amy toris at yous* :zhhz:




One more day of primary school. :tears:


They want me to play piano at the assembly tomorrow. :shocked:




Do it do it! :das:


..and youtube it.. :fisch:

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Do it do it! :das:


..and youtube it.. :fisch:


:roftl: Another Oakie Doke.


I will probably do it, unless I mysteriously break my wrist. :naughty:


Hi/bye SD


Playing the piano at assembly - what an honour :naughty:


I know! You know that your career as a musician is well on its way when you are asked to play for kids aged 5-12 at their weekly assembly. What an honour!

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DAAS FANS!!! I got a copy of Icon!!! You want? :das:


I won't MQ everyone separately because it would take all day but Thanks for all the congratulations




Yes... It did occur to me that I could possibly be saved by his birthday but then I then I started thinking that just to piss me off, he would decide that the best way to make up for being so mean to us up until this point would be to come down here and throw a massive birthday party show.


Don't like the chances of that ever happening though, so I might be safe.



Considering that the first thing my husband said to me when we got a cat was "You're not calling him Mika" (Not that I was going to anyway because he was so obviously a Bowie), I don't think there is much chance of it happening to the child.


Actually, if it's a boy, husband wants to call him Jonas but there is no way in hell any child of mine is going to be named after a boy band. He insists that he got the name not from the Jonas Brothers but from a character on Stargate... Like that is going to make me say "Oh, that's ok then".



That is so funny. Interesting song choice for church indeed.

One time we were in Toys R Us and it was playing which I found slightly strange but it was even better when my son started singing at the top of his voice and he sometimes gets the words wrong. So he was running around the shop screaming "Sexy haaaaaaaard lollipop!"

It's cute at home but in public with all the rod up their back side mothers starting at me, not so much.


Nah, actually it was still pretty cute


You never know... I doubt he'd go that far away from home for his b'day, so you might be safe..


I wouldn't call my kid Jonas... would remind me of the Jo Bros... *shudders* But if we're going with the Stargate theme, what about Teal'c? :naughty:


I like the name B'Elanna... but of a Star trek person here, but it's cool!


I just thought of something... if it's a boy, don't call him Zowie... that would just be cruel... and it would rhyme with Bowie :naughty:


I love your kid Pammy! Adorable!


No one else has had a baby while on here? In that case, I'll will indeed try and hold off until the 18th. I'm already freaked out about the mid-August thing. My son's birthday is August 16th so as long as it doesn't decide to arrive on that day, I'll be happy. And I guess if it is the first MFC baby the 18th would be appropriate


You are always one step ahead of me. I was going to say that if it did work out like that you guys would have to kidnap him and bring him to the hospital for a special concert but I didn't think of the expensive presents. Now you mention it though... After nine months, including Christmas and New Years with no alcohol. A couple of bottles of his expensive champagne would go down nicely


Nah, first Aussie baby, as Silver said, already first MFC baby..


I'm shocked I'm jealous for all of you aussies, and you're all very mature.


Us? Mature?



About what?


On the topic of Rolf Harris .... one of the comedy acts we performed on Saturday night was Rolf's 'Court of King Carracticus' (sp?) ... with a bunch of us being 'Rolfs' ' , miming wobble boards & making wompah-wop noises in the background !!




Is that you third from the left?


I saw him on Sunrise the other week when they had a Kylie interview on.


I'll have to try that some time.. ft. kate bush mask.. *skips to the verandah*


P.s. is it just me or is that guy on the guitar familiar?


He was on the show with Larry Emdur too...



And that guy kinda sorta looks like John Butler (of the John Butler Trio) to me..


I'm probably the last person to say it.. but speshull congratu-ma-lashuns from me, fertile myrtle!


If it's a girl, what do you think about Raffa?


I loike that!


One more day of primary school.


They want me to play piano at the assembly tomorrow.


Hey, I made a habit of playing the drum at school... I lead my house on a march past at the athletics carnival in yr 11, played at Sheahan Day (a day where we get to dress up and do a big walk) in full band uniform no less, played at uni for a music assessment, played at the school I was at during internship, and lead the march past they had at a small schools fun day (again in full band uniform)... which we won BTW.. :naughty:




Naaaaahhhh... I don't enjoy walking around in a kilt at all.. :fisch:

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alll yourssss babooshkaa babooshkaa babooshkaaa yaaa-yaaa!


Wuthering heights was on Rage late saturday/early sunday morning. :wub2:


Ah yeah, thought it was him. *throws amy toris at yous* :zhhz:

Hehehe ... yah ... woz him ...


btw HK - have you looked in the banner thread lately?

:shocked: Noooooo !!! ???!!! :shocked: ... :wub2: *hopes* :wub2::original:



Or did I .... ??? :lmfao:

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