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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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:blink: So you don't care about sex predators then??


If there are sex predators sturking in the aussie thread :naughty:

:rolls_eyes: Fiiiiine *goes to edit*


Well the post office deciphered it well enough to send it to you so you can safely assume that at least one person exists that can read it.


Good point :roftl:


:-D why thankyou.


ill be back later for those concerned, i need to refuel. i havnt eaten in about 10 minutes :shocked:


:shocked: TEN MINUTES? How are you still alive? :naughty:

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i know. i was wasting away to nothing. but all is good now!


Thank goodness! :thumb_yello:


*gives up on study again*


My exam is at 9.30 tomorrow morning


I don't wake till 10 at the earliest lately


*worries about sleeping through exam*


My mum will be giving me wake up calls. :cheerfull_h4h: It's usually my dad's job to give me exam wake up calls :naughty: I sleep through things that I am supposed to go to ALL the time *coughschoolandworkcough*


I have English at 9am. And then Science starting at around 1pm.


Two in one day :tears:


Blame OKD :poke:


Sorry :blush-anim-cl:

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Oh yeah, I came here to ask something. (as per usual)


I was downloading lots and lots of word documents, and getting bored of the whole routine and then noticed a little "always ask for this type of file" box on the "open, save or cancel" pop up, which I decided it would be a good idea to uncheck, because surely that would save me some time/effort. Except ... the default is to open. And I want to save. And now there's no popup to re-check it on... :blink:

How do I get it to ask me if I want to save again? :crybaby:

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Drink a V Black tomorrow - normal V has just guarana and normal Red Bull has just taurine but V Black has both. :thumb_yello:


*makes note to stop and buy one on way to train station*


:blink: That sounds like something that'll knock a few years off your life...


Sometimes you need to knock a few years off your life to get through things :naughty:




My mum will be giving me wake up calls. :cheerfull_h4h: It's usually my dad's job to give me exam wake up calls :naughty: I sleep through things that I am supposed to go to ALL the time *coughschoolandworkcough*



I've had a few wake up calls from work because I've overslept and ran late.


My dad is supposed to ensure I wake up tomorrow and I have my sisters phone to serve as an alarm as well as my alarm (still haven't taken mine in to get fixed... I plan to tomorrow or tuesday). But Dad's version of waking me up is opening my door and telling me to wake up. I just go back to sleep :boxed:

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Ohh good luck then :wink2:


2 exams in one day... totally not cool


I know. Especially different subjects. If it's the theory and practical of the same subject it's okay-ish. Both last semester and the semester before I had the Physiology and Anatomy theory exams on the same day, and on the very first day of the exam period (Saturday, which shouldn't even be a part of the exam period :sneaky2:)


My schedule this semester isn't too bad, but bunched up in under a week :no:

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I've had a few wake up calls from work because I've overslept and ran late.


My dad is supposed to ensure I wake up tomorrow and I have my sisters phone to serve as an alarm as well as my alarm (still haven't taken mine in to get fixed... I plan to tomorrow or tuesday). But Dad's version of waking me up is opening my door and telling me to wake up. I just go back to sleep :boxed:


My work doesn't have my number/don't call and just decide I've died instead. I was 3 hours late last weekend and they didn't even say anything to me. Then I was an hour late today and they totally freaked out :blink:


Yeah, that completely sucks. Same with wake up calls, there's no secondary calls :no: But what I usually do for exams is to make posters telling me to get up because I have an exam, and stick them everywhere within view of my bed :roftl:

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My work doesn't have my number/don't call and just decide I've died instead. I was 3 hours late last weekend and they didn't even say anything to me. Then I was an hour late today and they totally freaked out :blink:


Yeah, that completely sucks. Same with wake up calls, there's no secondary calls :no: But what I usually do for exams is to make posters telling me to get up because I have an exam, and stick them everywhere within view of my bed :roftl:


So maybe your work does need your phone number :naughty:


And yeah, there need to be repeat wake up calls.


Though normally when I have an exam/work I tend to manage to wake on time, though not always. Its the not always that worries me.


I know. Especially different subjects. If it's the theory and practical of the same subject it's okay-ish. Both last semester and the semester before I had the Physiology and Anatomy theory exams on the same day, and on the very first day of the exam period (Saturday, which shouldn't even be a part of the exam period :sneaky2:)


My schedule this semester isn't too bad, but bunched up in under a week :no:


I haven't had 2 exams on the same day since high school, which tended to be different subjects, though apparently there is the freak chance of getting two on the same day.


Anyways, good luck SD

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:blink: That sounds like something that'll knock a few years off your life...

Nah, it's pretty softcore stuff, the caffeine probably has a bigger effect than the other two combined. :naughty:


2 exams in one day... totally not cool

My sister has 3 exams per day for the next 3 days then two exams per day for the two days after that, and she already sat two last week. :boxed:


Oh yeah, I came here to ask something. (as per usual)


I was downloading lots and lots of word documents, and getting bored of the whole routine and then noticed a little "always ask for this type of file" box on the "open, save or cancel" pop up, which I decided it would be a good idea to uncheck, because surely that would save me some time/effort. Except ... the default is to open. And I want to save. And now there's no popup to re-check it on... :blink:

How do I get it to ask me if I want to save again? :crybaby:

Do you use Firefox? If so it should be under 'main' in settings.

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So maybe your work does need your phone number


And yeah, there need to be repeat wake up calls.


Though normally when I have an exam/work I tend to manage to wake on time, though not always. Its the not always that worries me.


Once they called my mum and went ahead and freaked her out too :naughty: No idea how they got HER number.


I don't :no::naughty:


I haven't had 2 exams on the same day since high school, which tended to be different subjects, though apparently there is the freak chance of getting two on the same day.


What annoys me/us the most is that it's not some freak chance, they MAKE it that way. We don't get a choice in our subjects, we HAVE to do these ones.


And just to show how much study I've done (Hey, I'm waiting for someone to tell me how to be able to save word documents again, I need those!)

This is from a Kooks article:

He added: "On the downside I had this disturbing incident where a fan came up to me convinced I was her brother.

"She was in tears and told me that her mother said that she had a fling with my dad. I was a bit freaked out but knew it just couldn't be possible.

"My dad died when I was three and the maths just didn't work out. I felt very sorry for her though."


Which is completely hilarious because I KNOW that person, and I said exactly the same thing. His dad died when he was 3, her mum must be into necrophilia or something. And she has been saying that she spoke to Luke and he said it was true :rolls_eyes:


And this is completely hilarious. Luke, Luke Luke :no:


He said: "America has been crazy. Crazy good and crazy bad. The girls are very cute and you could say I'm taking advantage. You can't control the urges."


Despite admitting he's been shagging his way around America, Luke reveals is ready for a relationship with a little more substance.

"I do realise it's better to be single when on tour but it would be nice to have something a little more serious. It can get frustrating as you only have a few hours to spend with someone its very hard to get to know them."



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My sister has 3 exams per day for the next 3 days then two exams per day for the two days after that, and she already sat two last week. :boxed:



Do you use Firefox? If so it should be under 'main' in settings.


No, explorer :naughty: But okay, I'll have a look in the settings. Even though I was having so much fun procrastinating :sneaky2:

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It's a long story, that went on during the last concerts, and during the summer ones, but the upshot is, they are want to get me drunk and naked at the party


Sounds like my kind of Christmas Party!


Remember: "just say no".


There's a word you don't often hear in the aussie thread!


Just be glad you won't be there, naked penguins are NOT pretty


Aaaahhh, now I know who you are!


I have a problem saying that word.

Especially to Da Mastah




They'd probably say it doesn't exist even after you've grabbed the copy off the shelf and waved it in front of their faces


Funny you should say that! JB did that exact thing to me....I grabbed it off the shelf went up to the counter and asked him if it was out yet. Obviously they told me it didn't exist so when I waved it under his nose, you can imagine his delight....he runs out the back as soon as he sees me coming now:naughty:


Wes Carr. Yes, he was great. And I loved how they completely embarrassed him on the Monday night show by talking to his Mum! But here's another man with yummy facial hair. I've seen him without a beard and he's an attractive guy, but the beard just really works on him.


And there's nothing wrong with Mark, I just prefer Wes. I think Wes has managed all of the different musical genres better than Mark as well. There's only been about one song that he's sung that I've thought was not real great (Fernando on Abba night), whereas the rest of the time he manages to pull it off. And Luke has been surprising me by how versatile he's been considering his voice has such an obvious musical place.


Iz ok CD, I was just winding OKD up because she only mentioned Wes....I think Wes should definitely be at the Opera House if there's any justice!


I didn't mind Fernando but I'm not sold on when you were young from tonights show...but what a wonderful world was beautiful! Luke has been such a revelation and just keeps getting better....now if only we can finally get rid of Teale, I will be a happy girl!


Tan .... no, I don't have a really clean house !! I mean, it's not filthy but ... I live in the bush , the house itself is about 20 yrs. old & made of timber ft. some of my late dad's antique furniture ... we have dogs that are allowed inside ... & a woodfire ... (dog fur, dust , cobwebs etc.) ... & a fair few sort of 'collectibles' around ... I share the house with a few other adults who are into doing 'stuff' so ... there is usually cooking bit's & pieces, paper work , comps, a creative project or 2 lying around ... it's a fairly large house & a great party house ... just think Addams family !! Hehe ... & I don't have enough storage space for my clothes so my b'room ft.'s a floor wardrobe of clean clothes !! We also often have friends passing thru' & staying over so ... there are a couple of spare rooms to maintain (with stuff in 'em also) ... I'm sure you are getting the picture !!


Basically, I'm not exactly anal about keeping a place like this perfect like an uber modern unit apartment in the city or smth. ... thus, when we have an event ... it takes a bit to clean & tidy the joint !!


*is tired from just describing & now goes off to actually do it * *sigh*


P.S. Glad you came back to visit again Rose !! *gigglesnorts at naked penguin visual*


Your house sounds awesome HK....*whispers*....I didn't do any cleaning at all this weekend...just for something different...I had the best intentions but I'm a lazy, lazy, girl!


And it is quiet. You don't think rl has claimed them do you


You make it sound like something out of Supernatural!...Mind you, I wouldn't mind being "claimed" by Dean!



(Ugly people)


Oh damn, I thought it would be JB. *instructs/orders you to ring JB*


Who's Mark? You're going to have to describe them, I'm not good with names


Ouch! That's harsh!

If you bothered to read my posts properly, you would have seen that both Sanity and JB are still claiming it doesn't exist:bleh:

Mark is the one that did S*x on Fire by Kings of Leon:wub2:


I agree about the dishwater bit... but Neighbours is crap!

(If you can't work it out by now, we're a H&A household)...


Sure is... at the moment I'm not in pain *knocks on wood* so there's no real reason for me to whinge... Though if I do get more pain again (I have had a little bit of pain, but it goes away quickly) I just drug myself up and live with it...


I'm tempted to make a surprise visit to the UK if they do those unspeakable things to you!


Home & Away = :puke:


Nah....we'll just make sure that they film it ready to upload to YT!



*stares at avvie for a while*

righto, I'm gonna head off... geez, my clothes smell like a fire! (and that would be because I was getting warm near a wood fire tonight and the smoke was blowing near me... guess smoke follows beauty after all!!!)

Night all!


Yet another action packed post!


Yep. I have the flu and have spent most of the day asleep on the couch. I also had to reformat my comp.

Anyway, only Demazin's working. So to cold and flu tabs without pseudoephedrine in it.. **** I really am a 18yoCW when it comes to tabs.

How are you?


I can't believe I'm doing this! *huggles you*....I hope you're feeling better!


British India are really quite dorky, aren't they?


That's one word for them!


Hello Tanya


OKD - why aren't you studying


SILVER! :bye:

Because it's a day ending in ay!


WOW, it's quiet here!

Guess everyones still asleep.

I'll tiptoe out quietly.


That's not our style....you need to crash and bang and make as much noise as possible....just like ER and Artsy!


Hey Kelz! And everyone else! *Waves*

So sorry you're sick, Kelz...

I've had a bit of an itchy throat myself, but nothing like the flu.

Hope you get better soon


*I can kiss you 'coz it's virtual and I won't catch your cooties*


Hey Suzy :bye:




Hows this for irritating.


My metal allergy is acting up again, but whats setting it off this time is the underwire in bras


And since I'm not exactly small, I can't wear non underwire bras comfortably, so its time for me to dose myself up on allergy meds again


That's not good...and even if you get the plastic coated ones, it doesn't take much for the plastic coating to peel off!


Okaaay, so I've uploaded the pictures from my dad's wedding because (I guess) you can't see them even though I can.


This is them making gifts for monks (I honestly have no idea why)


And presenting the gifts to some monks:


Getting a kiss from an elephant (Margaret's one and only goal in life)


Tee hee hee, they look funnies (sorry about it being sideways, I'm taking these straight from the email :P):



Traditional hot air balloons (again, I have no idea):


It looks like it was awesome! Wow! I had no idea it would be so well organised like that!


Those photos are beautiful OKD!




Look what I got in the mailbox today:





How rude....I hope Ambrose bites 'em on the bum!


Whats a sonic bark collar? *googles* Oh, right, yeah I would like that better. Or the citronella ones or something. These ones really fricking hurt (*cough*Iwasn'tplayingwithoneoranything*cough). I don't know why my dad insisted on getting them, but yeah, they're not my dogs so it's not really my choice. And there's no way he's putting one of those on my/Tanya's Ambrose


You are 100% correct...they are absolutely not putting one of those on our Ambrose!


HI Yall!

i was so bored today i made a clock and im so excited i just have to tell someone!


Brilliant clock Olivia!


Blame OKD [/quote]


Suits me! I blame her for everything else anyway!

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