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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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Suzy can be Minister for Sport as she want to do squats







I should have qualified that definition with "diddley".


Edited by Suzy
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Ministerial appointments



Actually I though you might like to be Minister of Justice. Plenty of scope for smiting wrongdoers with lightning bolts







Minister for Trade and Industry then


Nice posts for Tan... and Trade and Industry.. does that mean I'll have to do something *bites nails*


Or can I continue to sit around the house doing nothing


HK is of course Minister Da Shizz



And Kelzy is Minister of Home Affairs ( as I can see from the family tree she has lots of experience in that area ).


Mike is of course a shoe-in for Minister of Culture :bleh:



Suzy can be Minister for Sport as she want to do squats



Among us slackers she's one of the least slack so it makes sense. :naughty:


A fact that still worries me


How about Education? You can punish people who can't spell or use apostrophes :das:




I think OKD deserves a post too - maybe Finance (:floor:) - or is there a post where things have to be done straightaway?


Finance is fitting... but for things that have to be done straightaway you'd probably be looking at something like defence (nothing like procrastinating stopping an invasion *zhhz*)

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Take a picnic... thats funny considering I'm one of the people involved. I don't even take a packed lunch to uni, unless we have something particular at home. Its a good suggestion, but given whose involved, not likely to happen.



I should start taking lunches to uni though, it would save me money.


You'd be amazed at how much money you would save if you took food from home instead of buying it while you are out. But I'm not gonna start a lecture....


Haha, it's okay to be a hoarder... I am!

I keep everything... I think I still even have school stuff from grade 1...


My accident prone pony has managed to get himself another hoof abscess... He always gets them this time of year. Poor boy, he's locked up in the concrete stall, cos he can't get his foot wet, and he's crying out for the others.


What is it about this time of year that means he always gets foot abcesses at this time? Just wondered if it was something that was easy to pinpoint and therefore avoid?


Where has everyone been today?


I only got 4 hours of study done today.


Having a life (kinda). Plus MFC was being stupid.


OMG there's nobody on AMF either.....there's nobody anywhere:


Well, there was me on Facebook! Or was that the next night...??


I am Vivien Leigh. Just thought I'd let you know.


:blink: I'm thinking about this and I've still got no idea....


HK - scrunchy smile :thumb_yello:




That's a really odd photo of him isn't it? It nearly doesn't look like him.


I just made the big mistake of watching a bit of the US version of Kath & Kim......now I can see why some US critics were apologising to the Australian people....


If you view it as an American version of Kath and Kim, it's dreadful. But I treat it like a completely different show in my head and I'm actually enjoying it.


Oh you have summer!:boing:


It’s comforting to read that there is some hot weather somewhere…in my country it is -12 degrees (Celsius), we’re struggling through the winter.

Sorry about your heavy burden though!:wink2:


-12? Can we swap, just for a little bit? It's supposed to be 34 here today and tomorrow's supposed to be 37. I don't like hot. Warm is good for me, not hot.


What would you like? The world is your lobster.


I thought it was "The world is your mollusc". Or am I getting the quote wrong again? I can't remember which book it was in....


my mom bought me a terry's chocolate orange today.:das:


Which makes me think immediately of Dawn French. I got her autobiography for Christmas. It was good.


I'm back! Phew, that was fun! I got some excellent shopping done.





I'm not leaving for another half hour now.


Yes... You were bloody quick, weren't you?

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I think OKD deserves a post too - maybe Finance (:floor:) - or is there a post where things have to be done straightaway?




I thought it was "The world is your mollusc". Or am I getting the quote wrong again? I can't remember which book it was in....


Or possibly the world is your oyster...

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That can be arranged if you like .....Shine, At Last, Bring Ya To The Brink etc.....


I thought you'd like Madonna Whore!


Take a bow....you have contributed to my ;das; education


I have that episode from start to finish as well as the full interview (not Australian) where Ace was off his face and couldn't stop laughing ;roftl;


I like Madonna but Cyndi has her beat six ways from Sunday ;naughty;


Absolutely *sings* "my grandma and your grandma were sitting by the fire".


I really love Sally's Pigeons....it makes me cry!


Ohhh! Ohhhh.. Oh. 2 days. Yikes.

I do like it! You know me well, oh Master of all things whorish.

*bows - Is pleased*

Hahah! I have seen that one. Ace was spacin that day.


"My grandma said to your grandma I'm gonna set your flag on fire"

Aww, that's beautiful.

I just do one coat a day on my legs. My arms are already several shades lighter than my legs naturally and don't need the extra, except maybe on my t-shirt tan line

and hey everyone.

2 coats today. *zhhz* I'll catch up *shakes fist*

Oh you have summer!;boing;

It’s comforting to read that there is some hot weather somewhere…in my country it is -12 degrees (Celsius), we’re struggling through the winter.

Sorry about your heavy burden though!;wink2;

Yep! And I have a little fan on right now.

OUch.. I couldn't handle anything that cold. *shivers*

Greetings subjects *royal wave*

We are not amused.

I shall deal with the correspondence first:

He's been taking lessons from Mike

Must've been a short course. :naughty:

Actually I though you might like to be Minister of Justice. Plenty of scope for smiting wrongdoers with lightning bolts


Minister for Trade and Industry then

And Kelzy is Minister of Home Affairs ( as I can see from the family tree she has lots of experience in that area ).
Mike is of course a shoe-in for Minister of Culture
Suzy can be Minister for Sport as she want to do squats
HK is of course Minister Da Shizz
How about Education? You can punish people who can't spell or use apostrophes


What will my punishment be then ?? Yaaaay!

Shredder duties.

I'm back! Phew, that was fun! I got some excellent shopping done.





I'm not leaving for another half hour now.

Photoshoot!! AMF..

Finance is fitting... but for things that have to be done straightaway you'd probably be looking at something like defence (nothing like procrastinating stopping an invasion *zhhz*)

:naughty: If that involves controlling ebola outbreaks then it's perfect.

What is it about this time of year that means he always gets foot abcesses at this time? Just wondered if it was something that was easy to pinpoint and therefore avoid?

Dry grass.

Having a life (kinda). Plus MFC was being stupid.

You found a real life? What was it like? I thought it was just a myth.

I'm thinking about this and I've still got no idea....

It's explained on AMF in the Myspace emails section.



Hoopla Teegs!! I got your texts really late and wasn't sure if replying at 2am would be good for you or not :naughty: How was it? Is OkD with you still?

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Hoopla Teegs!! I got your texts really late and wasn't sure if replying at 2am would be good for you or not :naughty: How was it? Is OkD with you still?


Hoopla Kelz!


I was still up at 2am... I was watching a movie called Half Baked... it was a stoner movie...

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:blink: I'm thinking about this and I've still got no idea....

Kelz said that she doesn't need people to pretend to be famous to be friends with them so I sarcastically claimed to be Vivien Leigh (Gone With The Wind, A Streetcar Named Desire) who also happens to be dead.

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Oh you have summer!


It’s comforting to read that there is some hot weather somewhere…in my country it is -12 degrees (Celsius), we’re struggling through the winter.

Sorry about your heavy burden though!


I'll swap with you!


Greetings subjects *royal wave*


I shall deal with the correspondence first:


Ministerial appointments

Actually I though you might like to be Minister of Justice. Plenty of scope for smiting wrongdoers with lightning bolts


OMFG I love my post....can I hand out other punnishments as well? ....and can I hand them out in advance *looks towards Kelzy*



And Kelzy is Minister of Home Affairs ( as I can see from the family tree she has lots of experience in that area ).


That was an obvious appointment :naughty:


I think OKD deserves a post too - maybe Finance - or is there a post where things have to be done straightaway?


Make her the minister for processing applications for citizenship....and they have to be processed within 24 hours :naughty:


Nice posts for Tan... and Trade and Industry.. does that mean I'll have to do something *bites nails*


Or can I continue to sit around the house doing nothing




Well, there was me on Facebook! Or was that the next night...??


If you view it as an American version of Kath and Kim, it's dreadful. But I treat it like a completely different show in my head and I'm actually enjoying it.


Which makes me think immediately of Dawn French. I got her autobiography for Christmas. It was good.


That was the next night!

I couldn't separate them in my mind.

I love Dawn French, I think she's brilliant!



Ohhh! Ohhhh.. Oh. 2 days. Yikes.

I do like it! You know me well, oh Master of all things whorish.

*bows - Is pleased*

Hahah! I have seen that one. Ace was spacin that day.


"My grandma said to your grandma I'm gonna set your flag on fire"

Aww, that's beautiful.


Why are you Yikesing 2 days :blink:

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not :naughty:

I am ready for further education oh mistress! :das:

I know but you can't help laughing :roftl:

It's a beautiful song

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Photoshoot!! AMF..


:naughty: I didn't buy any clothes. It's way too hot to be trying things on. I just went to the jewellers to swap my bracelet thing I got for Christmas for a smaller one.. and I got another charm/link/whatever for it.


Speaking of AMF.. what is the web address again? :blush-anim-cl:

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Oi.. Tanya :sneaky2: You can't punish me for something I haven't done..... yet.


I can do whatever I want....I'm the Minister for Justice :naughty:...almost said Minister for Magic....too much HP :wink2:

I never thought you'd resist punnishment!

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I can do whatever I want....I'm the Minister for Justice :naughty:...almost said Minister for Magic....too much HP :wink2:

I never thought you'd resist punnishment!

Too much Hewlett-Packard/Happy Pills :naughty:

And you can do whatever you want (It would be unpolly-like for us not to do anything we want). Just remember I can do whatever I want to and you can be erased out of my little black book. Yes. I threaten to take your smut-access away!

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Too much Hewlett-Packard/Happy Pills :naughty:

And you can do whatever you want (It would be unpolly-like for us not to do anything we want). Just remember I can do whatever I want to and you can be erased out of my little black book. Yes. I threaten to take your smut-access away!




NOOOOOOOOOOO :tears::crybaby:

I'll be good.....uhuh a really good girl :das:

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