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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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Thanks, I must admit I stole nearly half a boxfull when I left work, I thought they would last me the rest of my life, sadly no :(


My brother bought me some when he was at Uni, he said they were the only sort they sold. Time for me to look for myself lol.


Hahaha :naughty: Yeah, uni is your best bet I think. Our's only sells one kind, but there are a bunch of international students in my class and they have a lot of trouble finding the right kind for their handles. But you obviously have the default kind :original:


What colour did you decide on Bianca ?? :biggrin2:


Raspberry. Of course the second I clicked yes I changed my mind to Purple :naughty: Oh well, raspberry it is. And no doubt Ambrose will be posing with it to show it's true colour as soon as it arrives.

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Raspberry. Of course the second I clicked yes I changed my mind to Purple :naughty: Oh well, raspberry it is. And no doubt Ambrose will be posing with it to show it's true colour as soon as it arrives.

I liked the raspberry one too !! :thumb_yello:


Ooooh ....can't wait to see 'Brosey in Raspberry !! :cheerful_h4h:

... & Mondo says " :das: "






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Geez... don't I feel loved : tears:



*waves to non existent silver*


*waves back*


Hi Teegs - of course we love you :huglove:


Yeah, I was starting to lean towards this one too. It's quite a nice bright colour but doesn't look cheap or anything.




I really like this colour though, very nice looking. Although maybe not as stand-outy crazy coloured. But this is the one my dad is getting. Which isn't exactly a big issue or anything. It's not like we are going to be walking aorund togetehr with our matching stethoscopes. It's just a bit weird to hve the same taste in anything : naughty:



But then ... 90% of my class is girls, and they TOLD us to get this stethoscope, and then told us to get it online, so the are all going to see this same site and they are all going to want to get a coloured one (I didn't even post the plain coloured pictures because I so don't want a boring one : naughty:), and something tells me that those two colours are the one MOST people would be immediately attracted to. So then I thought maybe I should get a slightly different-to-normal but still bright colour, and this one seems like it fits that. BUT it might look a bit cheap-ish? Because it so ISN'T cheap-ish, but it kinda looks that way. Like a toy or soemthing.


Was going to say which one I liked, but I see you've gone for raspberry anyway so too late :naughty:




Ambrose is sorry he took so long



Despite your loving pats and wub2s Brosey is still unsure and worries about whether Silver will ever be able to forgive him. Either that or he hates when I use the flash right up in his face, it's hard to be sure.


*huggles Ambrose*


I did a trade as a compositor - sort of graphic artist but more specifically preparing the artwork for printing.


And we did a lot of the art by hand (the trade was still based on pre-desktop-publishing lol they have updated it now I hope)


So anyway, it was for my job that I had it.


And I have never found anything similar that I felt I could use with that much control, I love it.


I worked as a proofreader for a while - and use to help out in the graphics department when they were shorthanded. The days when cut and paste really meant cut and paste. And I took my scalpel with me when I left :naughty:


I would have liked to have had the lightbox as well.


I used to get my scalpel blades in an art shop, but when that closed I found I could get them in WH Smiths (newsagents/stationers).

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Okay its official.. I'm tired of holidays. I want to go back to uni.


Just one more week to go, and then it'll be back to complaining about essays and classes and readings again, and wishing for holidays.



Oh, and I think I'm going to quit maccas (if I have no shifts next week I'm quitting) because I have had no shifts since the week I got back from QLD (the first time) and there's no point having a job in which you get no shifts (plus not having a job should hopefully inspire me to get a new job)

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I'm sort of the same about Franklins... they've been giving me **** all shifts since I've come back from GC, and this week I don't have anything... but funnily enough, they give me 4 shifts that I can't work while I'm on holidays...



I've put in an application to work at NRMA...

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Awwwwwww... I feel loved now... :wub2:




Man, I'm liking No Line on the Horizon so far... there;s one slower song that's okay, but the title track and Magnificent are truly... well... magnificent! :naughty:


Haven't heard anything of it myself yet (:shocked:) but I see it's got some excellent reviews.

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Are ya' lookin' all pirate-y with a schmexy black eye patch ??!! :das::roftl:


No - no eye patch at all :no:


I have an eye shield to wear in bed at night, but that's transparent. I just have to wear dark glasses when I go out, because of the sun.




:lmfao: Sun! In February, in England! :floor:

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I'm sort of the same about Franklins... they've been giving me **** all shifts since I've come back from GC, and this week I don't have anything... but funnily enough, they give me 4 shifts that I can't work while I'm on holidays...



I've put in an application to work at NRMA...



Hopefully you get it.


They used to give me shifts the one day I was available when I went on holiday, now nothing despite weeks of availability. So time for something new.


Have fun at u23d

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Raspberry. Of course the second I clicked yes I changed my mind to Purple :naughty: Oh well, raspberry it is. And no doubt Ambrose will be posing with it to show it's true colour as soon as it arrives.


:yay: That's the one I liked!!! :punk:

Looking forward to the photos!!

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I worked as a proofreader for a while - and use to help out in the graphics department when they were shorthanded. The days when cut and paste really meant cut and paste. And I took my scalpel with me when I left :naughty:


I would have liked to have had the lightbox as well.


I used to get my scalpel blades in an art shop, but when that closed I found I could get them in WH Smiths (newsagents/stationers).


Thanks. and LOL yeah, I sliced my finger pretty bad one day trying to get a rush job done, but I didn't get blood on the artwork so all was good.


We had to proofread too, it was pretty crazy cause we did all the menus for the qantas flights and a lot of the time I was reading French and German which I can't speak, I bet they went out riddled with mistakes.

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WOW :shocked: Seriously? No one has been on all day? (before 12 on a Saturday doesn't count )


I finished Breaking Dawn :sad:

(and I started last night)

I liked the raspberry one too !!


Ooooh ....can't wait to see 'Brosey in Raspberry !!

... & Mondo says " :das: "


:das: !


Was going to say which one I liked, but I see you've gone for raspberry anyway so too late


So which one did you like?

*huggles Ambrose*



:biggrin2: Ambrose is relieved and happy.


Okay its official.. I'm tired of holidays. I want to go back to uni.


Just one more week to go, and then it'll be back to complaining about essays and classes and readings again, and wishing for holidays.


*tries to convince you otherwise*

Cling to what little nothingness you have! :crybaby:


I've put in an application to work at NRMA...


Oooh, what's that?

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