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The Australian Thread: Part Twenty

Rainbow Sky

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You're joking aren't you? OMG, I think you're the first one to come in here and say you heard Blue Eyes on Aussie radio. Which station? Was it Hamish and Andy?


Did you really?:shocked::wub2:


In my country it's absolutely Mika-quiet on the radio!:blink:


sorry for my quick reply.

and YESHH :biggrin2: it was on nova and i thought i was imagining it at first (i tend to do that alot) but my dad heard it too, so it MUST've been real :aah:

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Hi HK :huglove: I'm feeling a bit down today.


:tears: The MFC without Wendi. Hard to imagine


Hi Silv & Olivia & anyone else who may be lurking ... :huglove::bye:


Yes ... I'm really sad about that too , I truly am ... :tears:


They usually all come back. :boxed:

(I still don't really get it (obviously) - it was because of something that happened in the Openness-thread, right?)

Make her come back at once! :shun:



I added little planes btw :naughty:. It looks quite lovely :wub2:.

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I got an email today which told me that I had a new private messaage waiting for me at Mikasounds. I wasn't even aware I had registered :naughty:. It's either my oldoldold account or I really managed to register somehow in the early days of new Mikasounds when the site always screwed up my entire internet.

Anyway - :naughty::


Sent from cindyforall | July 13th, 2009 at 10:37 am





my name is magiret i saw your profile today and i became intrested in you and i will like to know more about you and if you can mail an email to my mail address i will give you my picture.here is my mail address (magiretsam@yahoo.co.uk) i hope we can move from here.waiting for your mail to my mail address above.




What the heck? :lmfao:

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I got an email today which told me that I had a new private messaage waiting for me at Mikasounds. I wasn't even aware I had registered :naughty:. It's either my oldoldold account or I really managed to register somehow in the early days of new Mikasounds when the site always screwed up my entire internet.

Anyway - :naughty::



What the heck? :lmfao:


Oh Petra!:das::das::lmao:


Finally something funny in this gloomy place!:wink2:

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HAHAHAHA!! Ok, quite random but I know there are U2 fans around here:

Kaiser Chiefs just wrote on Twitter that "Ricky is still excited that Bono sang 'I Predict A Riot' at the end of 'Vertigo' last night..."

30 minutes ago from web


OMG!! I need to find a video of that!!!


Hi Sienna :bye:!

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I'm annoyed. I've just texted all of my friends to see if they can come and see Harry Potter tomorrow night and hardly any of them can. I told them all about this weeks ago and they all seemed like they were able to go and now they tell me they can't. Grr.


But I will still go with the few who can come because I really want to see it! :naughty:

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Awww, you are back, that's so great! :cheerful_h4h:!


I'm sorry I asked so stupidly if it was actually ok to tell everybody here about what happened. It's just that my parents/ family/ most friends have NO ****ing clue about my online life and I would much rather have it that it stays that way. Ok, they don't really care but I guess that, if my father for instance ever really started bothering and googling and searching, he'd end up knowing far too much. (But anyway I managed to receive colourful MikaMails without anybody wondering /being arsed, going abroad to gigs with lots of foreign people that I most surely did NOT meet in my local sports club :naughty: and then I even lived together with an MFCer when I was in London for 6 months. It was like "Where do you know her from?" - "The internet." - "Ah. :dunno:".) It's just that I would threaten everybody to not say a thing or do a thing because it would only end up in my parents getting really really nosy & far too interested in my life (which is a VERY scary thought :boxed:).


That's okay! I don't mind people knowing, and I'm sure someone would have been concerned if I disappeared without warning...


Mine are nosy too, but just roll their eyes at me...


Tegan! *squeezes you so hard you need to be hospitalised* :huglove: Oh wait... :naughty: It's so good to see you back. :pinkbow:


Please don't do that... I'm planning a jail break tomorrow!


Oh how much I wished I had someone to sum up the 92 pages of the openness-thread :fisch::crybaby::naughty:.


Edit: I just had another look and I'm very angry now. :mad3:


So do I... But I read a few pages and got the general idea...


HAHAHAHA!! Ok, quite random but I know there are U2 fans around here:

Kaiser Chiefs just wrote on Twitter that "Ricky is still excited that Bono sang 'I Predict A Riot' at the end of 'Vertigo' last night..."

30 minutes ago from web


OMG!! I need to find a video of that!!!


Hi Sienna :bye:!


****... you just reminded me that I missed out on the start of the U2 tour...


I feel even more miserable now :tears:






Probably wont be online for a few days because my angel 3yo nephew is in hospital with a 41 degree temp so gonna spend the day with my angel ... Have a great few days and probably be back soon-ish




Thaks for letting us know... Hope your nephew is okay...




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*is home*


For those who don't know, Dc, Kelz and I spent the last few days annoying Teegs :bleh:


We got to hang out in her hospital room, watch a mini jail break, and just hang around during visiting hours (and a bit afterwards, punctionality isn't our thing :naughty:)


It was good to see her again, and generally be around annoying her :naughty:

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**** **** ****


I just pressed backspace and it went back to the previous page and deleted my entire massive ****ing MQ. ****. I was almost finished. I WAS UP TO BECS POST!



I guess I will type it again, I spent so long on it, and it's soo late :mad3:Oh well, ehere's a frustrated version of my previous mq

I said I would get onto it. I didn't say it would be finished though I have another question... Do you eat fish, eggs and dairy and do you eat pulses, legumes, canned beans etc?


What about tofu and vege-links and stuff like that?


No fish, yes to everything else, don't know what vege-links are.

You really do live under a rock


But NOW I live in an awesome house! Which is where I am right now! But it's 1.30 and I have to sleep at the house I am hous esitting at, which is over an hour drive away!


Oh! I also got into a music thing called Kool Skools. I wrote a song involving vocals, piano, acoustic guitar, violin, bass and drums and it got chosen to be recorded at a professional music studio next term!


Awesome! What kind of song? I love violins!


*sings* "The hills are alive....with the sould of music"


The what of music/

Is anyone else planning on watch the Michael Jackson Memorial? I'm so happy it's on my first night of holidays. 3am..


I watched an hour of a herse(?) driving along a blocked off freeway, and thn turned it off and went to watch some scrubs.

ahh, finishing work early to get into the car, and hear blue eyes on the radio, there is a god.




I have just planned my future.


I want to get a reasonably good UAI at the end of year 12. I will then apply for a Bachelor of Education (I'm not sure whether I want to do primary or high school yet) at the local Charles Sturt University. If I get accepted I'm going to defer for a year and apply for this teachers aide thing my school does. At the end of each year they give finishing year 12 students the opportunity to apply to be a sort of assistant at school, which I think I would really enjoy. And apparently the pay is really great! When that finishes I'll apply for a job at a number of bookstores and DVD rental places (my top two choices) and do that for money while I'm at uni for four years. And I'm going to stay at my parents house throughout all of this, because I am currently too dependent upon them to give that up.


awesome! Teachers aid thing sounds interesting, I wouldnt want to go back to my high school though, but the again, my high school is full of psychos who are very un-accepting of teachers :naughty:

You're lucky you have to opportunity to stay at home. Where we're looking at moving to is about an hour and a half at the least from Brisbane. So unless I go do Vet science or something at QU Gatton, I'm living on campus! I don't like the idea, but I've gotta become independent at some stage!


I always thought i'd stay with my parents till the end of uni, but now i have my own house i'm excitedddd to live on my own :biggrin2:

Today my Dad said he's going to take me to look at cars this weekend!


I really don't have the strength.


Apparently strokes are that much like headaches it's hard to tell the difference


What the crap IS a headache?


Okies, just a quick update... and prob repeating stuff...



They have me on anti coagulants cause my blood has a tendency to clot, so on warfarin for the rest of my life. Have to get blood tests every month to check anti coag levels. Clots still there, not really clearing but not getting worse either.


Currently working on getting me off heparin (IV stuff) and making sure the levels are good.


Also, I have an MRI on Monday.


And apparently meeting with a haematologist on Monday as well..


Oh, And getting poked and prodded all the time by med students, interns and meeting with retired neurologists cause I'm an unusual case.


Arm and leg are still pretty weak and struggling to walk, but getting there slowly.


Once I go home, will be in rehab for a while.


I think that pretty much covers it, so I best go to bed...




TEEEGAAAN! Very glad you are online. Also that you seem to be recovering really quick, can already start to use your arm and leg again. Sucks a lot about drugs for the rest of your life, is there still a chance of getting more strokes in your life even with them? Why aren't you going to be on RPA-tv-show if you're such a freak? :sad:


I missed saying goodbye to CD Hope it doesn't take her too long to get on the Internet at the new house.


Gosh yeah i hope its not like last time!


I actually had 'My Interpretation' stuck in my head this morning and then I really went to put LICM into my CD player


So I'm working on the layout of that Mika Birthday thingy - what do you think? (yes, the text is apparently still missing (=still unwritten ))




Very pretty.

Shouldn't we be making one of these for the aussie thread?

and YESHH it was on nova and i thought i was imagining it at first (i tend to do that alot) but my dad heard it too, so it MUST've been real

Ooh, we can/should request it on nova online, I've been oing that for other streetteam-thingy bands, even though i dont listen to nova :naughty:

I got an email today which told me that I had a new private messaage waiting for me at Mikasounds. I wasn't even aware I had registered . It's either my oldoldold account or I really managed to register somehow in the early days of new Mikasounds when the site always screwed up my entire internet.

Anyway - :



I'm annoyed. I've just texted all of my friends to see if they can come and see Harry Potter tomorrow night and hardly any of them can. I told them all about this weeks ago and they all seemed like they were able to go and now they tell me they can't. Grr.


But I will still go with the few who can come because I really want to see it!

Oooh, Harry Potter! I forgot! Crap, I might have to go by myself :tears: We can both go by ourselves, but synchronise it so we're at the same time and pretend we are watching it together!

Mika just talked about being naked...


Say what? Where?

Thank ye...


As much as I enjoy watching the good looking people, I want to go home... even though my puppy dog won't be there anymore...

Your puppy dog?? What's happened to Pugsley(i think?) ?? :tears:

*is home*


For those who don't know, Dc, Kelz and I spent the last few days annoying Teegs


We got to hang out in her hospital room, watch a mini jail break, and just hang around during visiting hours (and a bit afterwards, punctionality isn't our thing :naughty:)


It was good to see her again, and generally be around annoying her :naughty:


Aww!!! :cheerful_h4h:

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Can I interest anyone with some pictures of a random house I found? :fisch:

Don't mind the strange angles, my house isn't really an optical illusion, that's what the wide angle lens of my camera does, although the roof is really on an angle, it's really tallll, I love tall roofs :cheerful_h4h:

And these photos are pretty bad, taken just now, so in the dark, and just plain bad.


Dining room, corner of kitchen, entrance to hallway to my room, 2 of many living rooms. (not the real dining room, but the real dining room has carpet on the floor, which is stupid, so we put the dining table in this stupidly large space next to the kitchen)



Living room (inc ambrose) and stupidy carpetted dining room in background. The house was supposed to be furnished but then they tried to raise the price and long story short we ended up with getting to keep one lounge suite and the fridge, so that means we have to keep this one lounge suite dog-free, which is impossible so I covered it with quilts and blankets and such until I can go and get some nice matching blankets or material or something.



My bedroom. There's no shelves in the cupboard and 98% of my clothes are shelf-clothes so until I can get one of them hanging-shelf-things my clothes are residing in small mountains on ym bed and desk







Looking down from hallway-to-my-bedroom (there are steps everywhere in this house, i am going to die an un-gracefull death) - pseudo-dining room, kitchen, some kind of tiled living room (i don't know, there are like 5 living rooms, what are we to do with them?)



Kitchen with a few licing rooms in the background



Looking into main lounge room (with lounge suit, my tv and ambrose) from stupid-carpetted-dining room



Entrance hallway



The carpet and paint in the whole house is definitely brand new, as is just about anythign you could possibly replace. They obviusly renovated everything just before us moving in. I'm terrified of making it dirty or braking something. In our contract it actually says no posters and no drilling holes in the walls, but i'm going to ask if we can anyway lol. Otherwise I might just die.

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Thank ye...


As much as I enjoy watching the good looking people, I want to go home... even though my puppy dog won't be there anymore...:tears:



Anyways, I better get to bed... night!


Welcome back Teegs :biggrin2::huglove:


*is home*


For those who don't know, Dc, Kelz and I spent the last few days annoying Teegs :bleh:


We got to hang out in her hospital room, watch a mini jail break, and just hang around during visiting hours (and a bit afterwards, punctionality isn't our thing :naughty:)


It was good to see her again, and generally be around annoying her :naughty:


:sneaky2: Punctuality.


Nice that you could all go visit :naughty:

Edited by silver
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Living room (inc ambrose) and stupidy carpetted dining room in background. The house was supposed to be furnished but then they tried to raise the price and long story short we ended up with getting to keep one lounge suite and the fridge, so that means we have to keep this one lounge suite dog-free, which is impossible so I covered it with quilts and blankets and such until I can go and get some nice matching blankets or material or something.



Ambrose :wub2:


My bedroom. There's no shelves in the cupboard and 98% of my clothes are shelf-clothes so until I can get one of them hanging-shelf-things my clothes are residing in small mountains on ym bed and desk



Kitchen with a few licing rooms in the background



:floor: Licing rooms? Does the landlord provide the lice?:wink2:


The carpet and paint in the whole house is definitely brand new, as is just about anythign you could possibly replace. They obviusly renovated everything just before us moving in. I'm terrified of making it dirty or braking something. In our contract it actually says no posters and no drilling holes in the walls, but i'm going to ask if we can anyway lol. Otherwise I might just die.


They are usually pretty strict about no holes/marks on walls. So what you do is get a free-standing screen and put this as close to the wall as possible, and pin all your posters to that :wink2:


And you can probably get away with posters on the door if you use Blu-tack (which is probably called something completely different in Australia :naughty:).

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