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The Australian Thread: Part Twenty

Rainbow Sky

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So as I only have two out of four wisdom teeth, does that make me a halfwit?


I haven't gotten any wisdom teeth, I must be a nowit.


Umm, it's sort of a ballad-y thing. It's quite hard to describe but it's called 'The Fox and the Eagle' and it has slow and melancholic verses with a more upbeat chorus. I think my music teacher wants to make the violin part a bit more interesting thought, so I'm getting the new guy in my music class to sort that out (he's the violinist).


I love interesting violin parts! Make him make it like

or like
or like this Okay, I don't actually care as long as it has violin in it.

When I very first started highschool, in like the first week of year eight there was a start-of-year little music-students performance in the library and this year 12 guy played his violin .. like really fast and really awesome and it is the most genious thing I have ever heard and I've loved violins ever since :naughty:


This may sound odd, but I love my school. The majority of the kids are friendly and all of my teachers are brilliant. However, there are a few teachers that I really dislike but thankfully they teach the younger years. So yeah.. I'd prefer to stay there, with familiar faces and surroundings, than having to go and get a real job. But I shouldn't get ahead of myself, you have to apply and then be selected by the principal.. But I think he is quite fond of me (probably because we are both huge nerds).


I loved my school too, but they all despised student teachers. Even I did :naughty:


I can definitely see the appeal of owning your own house. I'd love to have my own space where I can just do whatever I want. But then again, I think I'd probably get scared if I was living on my own. I would probably go around making sure every single door and window was locked at least five times before being able to go to bed.


We didn't really get to look at the cars for as long as I would have liked because my Dad was working on the weekend. But we did (as my Dad puts it) have a bit of a squiz. There were two cars that I really liked. One was a little white Proton and the other was a really cute red Volkswagen Beetle. They're both a little expensive, but my Dad said that "we will see".


I'm not too worried security-wise as this is a very upper-class neighbourhood so not many dodgy folks around, and I grew up in the dodgiest neighbourhood in WA. There are deadbolts all over the house and there's even an alarm. And last night I kind of left the front door unlocked and the keys in the front door :lmfao: But I have Ambrose, and as wimpy and lazy as he is, he does bark, and visciously, at strangers who are over a metre away from him :cheerful_h4h: Mostly I'm worried about moneyyyyyy. Yuck. Groceries are EXPENSIVE. And mice, there are mice here, I know it. I came and cleaned all the mouse poo up a week ago and now it's all over the surfaces I already cleaned again. Yuckkk, I want them gone but I don't want to hurt them :naughty:


That's awesome, keep us updated! Is he paying for it? "We will see" sounds promising! :biggrin2:


Harry Potter was great! Perhaps lacking a little bit of action at some stages, but overall it was a really well done film. For the first time since he came into them in The Prisoner Of Azkaban, I actually thoroughly enjoyed Michael Gambon's portrayal of Dumbledore. I've always been extremely critical of him because Dumbledore is probably my favourite character within the books and he just really frustrated me with all the over-the-top anger, etc. But I think Gambon pulled him off really excellently in this one. Everything else was great.. Tom Felton really showed the deeper aspects of Malfoy's character, the romance was funny and well done (except for that stupid scene with Harry and Ginny in the room of requirement), Daniel Radcliffe was both serious and hilarious at the right moments and the cave scene, although a little bit shorter than I would have hoped, was brilliantly frightening. And as always, Alan Rickman was amazing as Snape (my other favourite book character).


I saw Harry Potter today! My friend came over and we went to a big cinema in Garden City very near here and it turned out our viewing of HP was in the "EXTREME SCREEN" and the entire time through walking to it/the previews/the movie we kept making comments on the extremeness of the screen, but really, it WAS extreme. It was awesome, and the movie had heaps of cool bits that looked good with the extra-extra big screen, especially the beginning with the death eaters flying around and the fire-cave bit. I totally agree with you. My friend thought it wasn't that great but I've finally let go of my need to whine about differences between book and movie and can look at them as two separate entities, like the live and album version of a song. It was an AWESOME movie, the mood and everything was very good, acting very good, special effects very good, lots of funny things, lots of intense/scary things, but jesus - WHY THE BURROW BIT AND NOT THE HOGWARTS FIGHT SCENE WHICH IS THE CLIMAX OF THE ENTIRE BOOK? At the end of the burrow bit I turn to my friend and go "what the **** was that?" haha. And after the bit at the beginning with the death eaters flying to diagon alley we both turned to each other and went "woah, that was EXTREME!" :lmfao:


And I know everybody mentions this but the worst moment of all the films so far (even worse than Dan's crying in Prisoner of Azkaban, bless him), is when Gambon's Dumbledore strangled Harry while shouting "DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE?!?!?"


There is no way I could hate any part of any movie more.


If I'm trying to impress I'll say "Oz-stray-lee-ahr"

If I'm in my bogan mockies I'll just say "us-trayl-yah" :naughty:


I think the biggest difference between the way Australians pronounce Australia and foreigners is that we actually say Ah-stralia, and American/Canadians say Oz-tralia and others say Oh-stralia.

(I'm not the only one, though... virtually the entire class is complaining about it on facebook...lol)


Literally :lmfao:


Haha, I've just remembered my dream last night when Mika mentioned Australia (his performance of 'Blue Eyes' was great!). In the dream the MFC was given the songlist for the album and one of the songs was called 'I'm coming to Australia'.


:lmfao: Nice.


I did. =]



I had nothing better to do than my Biology... which happens to be very nearly finished! Only have to put in my in-text referencing now! =D


Edit- Ah, I was beaten to it! lol


No no no noooooo, it stops just after Blue Eyes and BEFORE ANY MENTION OF AUSTRALIA OTHER THAN AUSTRALIANS TWITTERING HIM :mad3:


Thanks for that Blue Sky ! How odd tho' ... saying that out of the blue, it seemed so matter of fact ... like there was another place up the road called 'Sydney' or smth.& not even mentioning Australia ... don't you think ?


I agree, very strange, it doesn't fit the conversation, you wouldn't say Sydney to europeans, you would say Australia, and they asked where THEY could see him, very strange.

And also, it sounds like something that is happening very soon, like in the next few weeks kind of soon, but apparently this is not what it sounds like in the radio interview, but i wouldn't know as I havent heard it yettttttt.


I heard we are golden while at work today on Nova... had to stop myself singing along I'll be turning into fangurl again soon if this keeps up



So I listened to it again a few times and I still don't like it. Or I'm not impressed by it. There are too many things I dislike about it. His pronounciation is weird. The whole song is too cheerful and emotionless (I realise cheerful is an emotion but it's not a deep one, it's a fake one). The line "When you're young and you want some" needs to be shot. It is the worst lyric I've ever heard, worse than anything that could ever come out of Hannah Montana or Jonas Brothers or even Patience's mouths. The Chorus is too repeditive and takes up too much of the song, the verses are slightly better. But most of all, I dislike the topic. There is nothing wrong with writing a song about highschool ... if you are in highschool, but if you are 2 years old (pretty much), then it's just weird and creepy and annoying. I know he's Mika and he's different and writes songs about gay men leaving their wives and lollipop girls, but I just feel like songs should be about what you feel strongly about at that time and you feel strongly enough that the emotions become a song, and not some recollection of a period in your life. And if he is still thinking about highschool then he must be a bit ****ed up. However, it is catchy and I've listened to it about 15 times tonight, it has potential as a ****ing annoying overplayed radio song and it has potential as a fun live song if he gets the crowd to sing along and such.

Oh lookie what my wombat paul has ben doing recently




Awww! Paulll!!

Edited by Oakie Doke
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aaah.. how have I missed you?? Anyway, how are you? I'm thinking for a change, maybe I should see Mika in Australia when he tours there. Would be good to meet up with you all.


Yeahh, you should! My friend is going to Kuala Lumpur soon, she got really really cheap tickets, like $80 each way!




I really love that he wears that naked mutant doll in public, makes a really good impression, that does.


What are headaches??? Sh!t things that I hate and hope I never get another one ever again...


But what ARE they? What is their purpose and what causes them?


Pugsley had to be put down... the vet found fractures in his legs, fluid on his lungs and he was depressed (:lmfao:)... The amusing thing is (apart from a dog being depressed... it is slightly funny) dad said he looked like he was snarling when he buried him... and according to Zoe, he growled at the vet...


:lmfao: Sorry, I laughed out loud at the snarling bit. Awww :tears:


Oh, and no being on RPA... I might be an interesting case, but I'm not a flashy one... according to one of the neurologists, the surgeons get all the airplay...


Psshhht, they should have cut your skull open or something, that kind of crap gets tv play :naughty:


Teegs is technically still in rehab, but is currently in her bedroom...

Awesome! You're at home! That's great news :biggrin2:

Oh, and what does everyone think about participating in this?


Hmm, I think it's not for us.


"This is a thread for the MFC'ers who care about how Mika is heard and seen in their countries. Countries where Mika wouldn't come to do promo for obvious reasons."


Mika has done promo here, and he has absolutely no problems being heard and seen here. The petition book was about telling Mika about us, the complete opposite. We could go and request We Are Golden on all the websites like I said a while ago but MY opinion is that he will certainly get more than enough airplay here without our help and the worst thing for him is to be overplayed. Every single person I know hates Mika because his stupid annoying over-catchy songs are played ALL the frucking time. :smth:

Inspired by your cakes, I think, OKD :wink2:






Hahaha! Love it! :biggrin2:

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Last day of the holidays. :tears:


Back in the jug agane (to quote Molesworth)


I haven't gotten any wisdom teeth, I must be a nowit.


Better than a knowitall :wink2:


: Mostly I'm worried about moneyyyyyy. Yuck. Groceries are EXPENSIVE. And mice, there are mice here, I know it. I came and cleaned all the mouse poo up a week ago and now it's all over the surfaces I already cleaned again. Yuckkk, I want them gone but I don't want to hurt them :naughty:


Humane traps then. Peanut butter is a good bait.


I agree, very strange, it doesn't fit the conversation, you wouldn't say Sydney to europeans, you would say Australia, and they asked where THEY could see him, very strange.


:sneaky2: Amazing as it may seem, some of us Europeans have heard of Sydney.


:wink2:(It's the Americans who need geographical locations explained to them)



So I listened to it again a few times and I still don't like it. Or I'm not impressed by it. There are too many things I dislike about it. His pronounciation is weird. The whole song is too cheerful and emotionless (I realise cheerful is an emotion but it's not a deep one, it's a fake one)....yadda yadda .....a bit ****ed up. However, it is catchy and I've listened to it about 15 times tonight, it has potential as a ****ing annoying overplayed radio song and it has potential as a fun live song if he gets the crowd to sing along and such.


:naughty: I think you mean shout along - but yes.

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So I'm in my new house now :cheerful_h4h: Today Dani came over and we went for a walk with Ambrose before going to see Harry Potter and we found that around the corner is a really nice park. Like across the road is an oval, but there were all kids playing soccor on it and stuff, and Ambrose would steal their balls, and it's right next to a main road (our road :pinkbow:). But right around the corner we found an AWESOME park made for dogs, its massive and it's got a really big pine forest area and big grassed area and its totally with secluded dead end streets around, perfects for dogs to run around in, and there were heeaaps of dogs there when we went, Ambrose loved it :biggrin2:


My farm prac. Hmm, where do I start? I have lots of mixed feelings about it. The whole time I was there I just wanted to leave and move into my new house, but I did enjoy it overall and I was sad to leave. The people were really nice and friendly, and I liked them. Their grandson was staying with them because his baby brother was born with a rare illness and his mum is in Perth with him full time. I have ZERO experience with children of any sort, let alone a very exciteable 3 year old that followed me around everywhere and made me watch the same spectacular superman dvd nine thousand times in a row. I can now recite every line, but it wouldn't be neccessary because he does it, 2 seconds before each character does anyway. As well as a running commentary on everything that is going, and ALSO (no idea how he manages) asking why everything is occuring, and why and why and why to every answer I give :naughty:


But then another side of the farm prac was the fact that it was SO FRUCKING MUCH WORK. We got up at 4.30 everyday and finished at 9.30-10, then had dinner and fell asleep with the plates still on our laps. HOW CAN THEY LIVE LIKE THAT? Being so tired every day. It is impossible for them ever to get more than 6 hours sleep, it's horrible, awful, labourous, disgusting work, and they barely scrape by an average of some sort of breaking even throughout the years. I don't understand why anyone would do it.


And then the last side was that I took in everything that was going on objectively, and it took me a few days to decide, but then I really couldn't deny it, and I have decided I am very not happy Jan with the dairy industry and I'm going to turn vegan. Well, try, slowly. There is wayyy too many snackfood or easy meal food or restaurant foods with trace amounts of dairy :naughty: But this was a GOOD dairy farm, a very good one, those people CARED about each and every one of those cows, they had NAMES!! NAMES! But still, by the pure concept of farming, those animals were being forced to do something they didn't want to do, constantly, and their welfare was being severely neglected for the sake of monetary value, and they were being treated as machines and not living creatures. The cows are smacked, kicked, wacked, shouted at, scared into moving into the dairy and then to squeeze into each other, and if any one of them remotely does anything slightly wrong, even if it's something like getting their head stuck or accidentally stepping on someone, they get totally abused, and at LEAST a third of them were sporting serious lameness and were still being forced to walk 1/2-1 km to and from the dairy twice a day. I don't like it, frankly :dunno:


But here are some pictures :cheerful_h4h:





Time stamp: 4:37am - it was pitch black for about 3 hours AFTER we started work.



Cats sneaking some milk (milk for calves, not humans). There were roughly 50 un-managed farm cats running around. And I thought Bec was bad at feline birth control hahaha.



Calves waiting to get their milk (The last calf was born the week before I arrived. Great.)




So yeah, sorry, the lighting in like all of the pictures is really bad because they were literally all taken at either sunrise or sunset, and I only started taking pictures on the last two days so there's no a lot/many good ones.


Is there any way I can turn off the annoying thing photobucket started doing where everytime you upload it turns into a new page where it asks you to give a name and tags and crap?


And do you still have that website with the cheap internet providers Kelzy?

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Better than a knowitall :wink2:




Humane traps then. Peanut butter is a good bait.


So is that like a trap that doesn't kill them? But then i have no where to release them and they will just go into someone else's house who will be nasty to them :tears: And I like peanut butter!


:sneaky2: Amazing as it may seem, some of us Europeans have heard of Sydney.


No, some of you Europeans have heard of Sidney :naughty:


:naughty: I think you mean shout along - but yes.


Yes, that's what I mean, of course :naughty:




Mind you it doesn't matter if you're not as it will take me hours to read what you've posted :naughty:


Never fear! I've added a few more hours reading material, ever thoughtful person that I am :pinkbow:


And I have a LOT more pictures of cows but photobucket is being a slag so I'll do it some other time. Stupid farmlag is making me tiiirrreeeeeedddd.

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And I have a LOT more pictures of cows but photobucket is being a slag so I'll do it some other time. Stupid farmlag is making me tiiirrreeeeeedddd.


Farmlag :floor:


Will read post in detail later. Get some sleep, OKD :huglove:

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Okd you post far far too much.


I'm feeling guilty about missing uni today, since I missed it last week, but the class isn't until 1, so who knows, just before 12 I may decide I can manage it (horrible breath from the stitches and all...these things make my mouth taste eugh)


But on the other hand, its only the second week, and I'm sure I can catch up next week, and I should be able to make the rest of my classes this week.

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Howdy all! I made it back. I'm not even gonna try and MQ, there's just way too much. I'm a tiny bit excited about Mika saying he's coming to Aus.....!!!!!!!!!!!:aah:


I've been looking at the latitude clips on youtube where Mika is at the piano by the lake and everyone is just jamming and singing together...:wub2: How COOL!!! I would love to do something like that!


Can someone please direct me to a place where I can hear the whole of WAG? I've only heard the little snippet on MS, and I listened to Bonza's recording of the radio interview but it doesn't have WAG. I'm going to reserve judgement until I've heard the whole thing.

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Howdy all! I made it back. I'm not even gonna try and MQ, there's just way too much. I'm a tiny bit excited about Mika saying he's coming to Aus.....!!!!!!!!!!!:aah:


I've been looking at the latitude clips on youtube where Mika is at the piano by the lake and everyone is just jamming and singing together...:wub2: How COOL!!! I would love to do something like that!


Can someone please direct me to a place where I can hear the whole of WAG? I've only heard the little snippet on MS, and I listened to Bonza's recording of the radio interview but it doesn't have WAG. I'm going to reserve judgement until I've heard the whole thing.


Go to




or PM me.


My sister just emailed me from Melbourne, and said the response to Nova's first play of WAG was not good. She said the consensus was he should be on Hi-5:sneaky2::aah:

Edited by Blue Sky
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Go to




or PM me.


My sister just emailed me from Melbourne, and said the response to Nova's first play of WAG was not good. She said the consensus was he should be on Hi-5:sneaky2::aah:


Thanks BS. I'd found it in the meantime in the July 2009 Mika Media Mania thread and listened to the Jo Whiley interview.


I think I love it. I certainly really enjoyed it, and I wasnt sure if I would, cos I didn't like the snippet on MS much. It's a shame it didn't go over that well on Nova. I wonder what kind of listening demographic they have? I don't really know anything about Nova.

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Okd you post far far too much.


I'm feeling guilty about missing uni today, since I missed it last week, but the class isn't until 1, so who knows, just before 12 I may decide I can manage it (horrible breath from the stitches and all...these things make my mouth taste eugh)


But on the other hand, its only the second week, and I'm sure I can catch up next week, and I should be able to make the rest of my classes this week.



I should try to go anyway - it's harder to catch up on things you miss than you may realise


Thanks BS. I'd found it in the meantime in the July 2009 Mika Media Mania thread and listened to the Jo Whiley interview.


I think I love it. I certainly really enjoyed it, and I wasnt sure if I would, cos I didn't like the snippet on MS much. It's a shame it didn't go over that well on Nova. I wonder what kind of listening demographic they have? I don't really know anything about Nova.



Welcome back CD :bye:

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Hi guys ! :huglove::bye:


You may all remember me mentioning ages ago about the birthday present book that Avoca is organising ? Ppl are writing little kinds of bit's & pieces about threads that they frequent or are interested in ... & I put my name up as someone who could help to get smth. together re: the Aussie thread ... the deadline is tonight (our time ) :aah: !!! Avoca reminded me in the wee hrs. of this morning ... :boxed:


Soooo ... does anyone object to the front page intro. of our thread going into the present ?? It's really humorous (thanks Liz ! ) & it's ready !! :wink2:


Also ... here we talked about maybe adding some little in-joke-y stories, like Bogan Mika etc. ...:lmfao:

So sorry this reminder is sooo last minute .... :aah: ... but I've told Avoca I'd run it by you guys ... & get back to her later tonight .

If we don't participate, we don't ... but I would like to try to get the front page in there if poss. ...


Thoughts ... comments ??? :blink:

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Hello all! The first day of school was as good as could be expected. I'm going to be pretty stressed out with music in the next couple of weeks though.. I have to play at assembly on Wednesday, play in the Eisteddfod next Wednesday and get the song I wrote completely ready by next Thursday, when we go to Melbourne to record! I got the marks back for that composition, and I got an A (10/10)! I was very happy with that, less so with the mark for my performance of 'Going North' by Missy Higgins at the end of last term (16/20), but I knew that it wasn't great. And I also did my speech in English Extension, which was okay.


Now I am extremely tired, but determined not to have a nap.


I love interesting violin parts! Make him make it like
or like
or like this Okay, I don't actually care as long as it has violin in it.

When I very first started highschool, in like the first week of year eight there was a start-of-year little music-students performance in the library and this year 12 guy played his violin .. like really fast and really awesome and it is the most genious thing I have ever heard and I've loved violins ever since :naughty:


I loved my school too, but they all despised student teachers. Even I did


That's awesome, keep us updated! Is he paying for it? "We will see" sounds promising!


Bad news! The guy who plays violin has gone back to his previous school in Dubbo! I was devastated when I found out because there is nobody else in the entire school who can play violin! I don't know what I'm going to do.. We will probably just record it without the violin, but my teacher did suggest replacing it with flute. I'm not sure.


I think most people at my school tend to like the student teachers. At least, they have in my experience. This year there is an absolutely awesome one who plays many instruments and is just an overall cool guy.


Bad news about the car as well! It seems that the red Volkswagen has been sold (but it was doubtful that I would ever get that one). I think the white Proton is still okay though. My parents will probably pay for it, but I'll most likely have to pay them back when I get a job after finished high school.


Hi guys !


You may all remember me mentioning ages ago about the birthday present book that Avoca is organising ? Ppl are writing little kinds of bit's & pieces about threads that they frequent or are interested in ... & I put my name up as someone who could help to get smth. together re: the Aussie thread ... the deadline is tonight (our time ) !!! Avoca reminded me in the wee hrs. of this morning ...


Soooo ... does anyone object to the front page intro. of our thread going into the present ?? It's really humorous (thanks Liz ! ) & it's ready !!


Also ... here we talked about maybe adding some little in-joke-y stories, like Bogan Mika etc. ...

So sorry this reminder is sooo last minute ... but I've told Avoca I'd run it by you guys ... & get back to her later tonight .

If we don't participate, we don't ... but I would like to try to get the front page in there if poss. ...


Thoughts ... comments ???


I'm happy with using the front page, it's always been great and hilarious! :thumb_yello:

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Hi Silver:bye: Hey, I read what you said before about WAG sounding like Heaven is a Place on Earth... I kind of disagree. When I was singing it in the kitchen before, the song that started to come out of my mouth was a Belinda Carlisle song, but it was Summer Rain, not Heaven etc. I just think it fits the tune more.


HK, I have no problems with the front page being used, but I don't really feel it's my call. I think that Liz should be consulted as she made it.


SD, bummer about the violinist, bummer about the volkswagon but well done on 10/10 for your composition!! Woohoo!!


Oh, Sen, I nearly missed you! How's it going? Have you got a nursing job? Graduate program or something?

Edit: Just re-read your post. Your oldies huh? Sounds like aged care to me... how are you finding it?

Edited by chickadee
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SD & CD : Thanks for getting back to me re: the front page being offered to Mika's b'day present book . :thumb_yello:


Yes CD, Rainbow Sky did make the front page ... & I'm trying to get in touch with her atm ... (don't have a ph. # tho' ) ... so depends if she'll check msgs. on FB or here . :boxed:


However, my way of thinking atm is that it has been a 'publicly viewable' page for a long time now ... (who knows, Meeks has prob. read it anyway :naughty: ) ... :dunno: ... I'll wait for more responses ... still have time tonight . :wink2:

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Use the front page. I'm 99% sure Liz won't mind since it's MFC related anyway - and hasn't always been in the members only section.


I wrote smth up about Bogan Mika a few threads back.. I can find it and repost it here, but for some reason I think it was written in the petition, so, no point doubling up?? :dunno:

I'll check though. :biggrin2:

Otherwise, I can go see what the deal is in the thread and write smth new up now..


I'm not long home from my uncles funeral. Was really beautiful. In a church. I got a blessing actually.. Such a long day.. Spent 5 hours talking to relo's I haven't seen for years. Isn't it a pity we only ever meet up at funerals..

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Hi guys ! :huglove::bye:


You may all remember me mentioning ages ago about the birthday present book that Avoca is organising ? Ppl are writing little kinds of bit's & pieces about threads that they frequent or are interested in ... & I put my name up as someone who could help to get smth. together re: the Aussie thread ... the deadline is tonight (our time ) :aah: !!! Avoca reminded me in the wee hrs. of this morning ... :boxed:


Soooo ... does anyone object to the front page intro. of our thread going into the present ?? It's really humorous (thanks Liz ! ) & it's ready !! :wink2:


Also ... here we talked about maybe adding some little in-joke-y stories, like Bogan Mika etc. ...:lmfao:

So sorry this reminder is sooo last minute .... :aah: ... but I've told Avoca I'd run it by you guys ... & get back to her later tonight .

If we don't participate, we don't ... but I would like to try to get the front page in there if poss. ...


Thoughts ... comments ??? :blink:

IMO, there shouldn't be any problem with it. As it's been said, it has been publicly viewable before, and it's not like it has personal info in it or anything.


If you need any help with putting something together, I, as usual, have nothing better to be doing, so let me know. =]

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Use the front page. I'm 99% sure Liz won't mind since it's MFC related anyway - and hasn't always been in the members only section.


I wrote smth up about Bogan Mika a few threads back.. I can find it and repost it here, but for some reason I think it was written in the petition, so, no point doubling up?? :dunno:

I'll check though. :biggrin2:

Otherwise, I can go see what the deal is in the thread and write smth new up now..


I'm not long home from my uncles funeral. Was really beautiful. In a church. I got a blessing actually.. Such a long day.. Spent 5 hours talking to relo's I haven't seen for years. Isn't it a pity we only ever meet up at funerals..


BIG HUGS to you Kelz :huglove:

Sorry to hear about your uncle .... but I'm glad you are able to speak of beauty & blessings ... I too experienced both of those words/ feelings at the passing of my parents . :wub2:


Thanks for your feedback re: the front page ... I have PM'd Liz & sent a msge. on FB ... but I'm fairly sure she doesn't get on the comp. late (like now being late) ... I think I will run with it ... but still have time to wait a bit longer .... ( a few more hours. :wink2: ) ... yes, I remember your wonderful Bogan Mika rave ... tho' I didn't save it as I think it wasn't in relation to 'this' project ... but rather explaining what some of our 'in-jokes' are ... :dunno: ... I really wish I had kept it tho' ... sorry ... :boxed:

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IMO, there shouldn't be any problem with it. As it's been said, it has been publicly viewable before, and it's not like it has personal info in it or anything.


If you need any help with putting something together, I, as usual, have nothing better to be doing, so let me know. =]


Thanks EJ !!! :wub2::biggrin2:


I, as usual, am doing this at the last minute ! :aah::teehee:


I'm hoping to at least email Avoca our 'front page' ... & just write a little smth. about how great it's been to make new friends here, that we may never have met ... were it not for Mika & his music :blush-anim-cl:... & of course , our AUSSIE THREAD !!! :kachinga:

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Thanks EJ !!! :wub2::biggrin2:


I, as usual, am doing this at the last minute ! :aah::teehee:


I'm hoping to at least email Avoca our 'front page' ... & just write a little smth. about how great it's been to make new friends here, that we may never have met ... were it not for Mika & his music :blush-anim-cl:... & of course , our AUSSIE THREAD !!! :kachinga:


Sounds good to me! =D

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