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The Australian Thread: Part Twenty

Rainbow Sky

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Haha, like I'm doing now. =]

I can see the TV from where I'm sitting. Rove is distracting me! :aah:

I've done my critical path networks, and all that's left to do is write something that'll convince my teachers that my diagram makes sense..lol


I can't believe the year is more than half-way through already! 11 weeks 'till I graduate. The thought makes me nervous!


Yep, the last semester ALWAYS goes quick! School will be over before you know it! Dont be nervous.........be excited i reckon :thumb_yello:

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Yep, the last semester ALWAYS goes quick! School will be over before you know it! Dont be nervous.........be excited i reckon :thumb_yello:

I just like school far too much for my own good! lol

And then I'm gonna miss all the people, and all my teachers, and school itself! We're moving to around Brisbane after I graduate, you see. So really, the end of school is like looking at the end of my time in Townsville. I've never stayed somewhere for so long. (nearly 10 years now!)

That and I don't like the cold! =P

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Argh, this entire weekend I've been stressing about school and next year! I really want to drop physics and maths extension but all these websites are making me feel like my UAI/whatever it's called now is going to be horrible without doing them! :aah:

You'll be fine. Your (I think it's ATAR now...) is based on your performance in the subjects you do compared to the other students in the state who take that particular subject, I believe, not what subjects you take. Our school advised us to take the subjects that we knew we could do well at. Even if you need physics or maths extension for what you want to do at uni, you can always do a bridging course. I do Maths A, and some of the courses I'm looking at if I don't get into IT require Maths B (which I think is the equivilant of extension maths). I've talked to our schools careers advisor, and she told me that bridging courses are designed for exactly that reason. =]

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I just like school far too much for my own good! lol

And then I'm gonna miss all the people, and all my teachers, and school itself! We're moving to around Brisbane after I graduate, you see. So really, the end of school is like looking at the end of my time in Townsville. I've never stayed somewhere for so long. (nearly 10 years now!)

That and I don't like the cold! =P


Hehe yes you will have to get aclimatised (did i spell it right?? LOL) to brisbane.......personally, i dont know how you witheld living in the tonwsville summer for so long! Ive been there once in summer, and never again! LOL

I'm sure you will like brisbane though....i wouldnt mind moving there myself and get out if this hole! LOL



Argh, this entire weekend I've been stressing about school and next year! I really want to drop physics and maths extension but all these websites are making me feel like my UAI/whatever it's called now is going to be horrible without doing them! :aah:



Ick! I did extension maths (although we call it Maths C here) and HATED it, and dropped out after the first semester.........was the best thing i ever did, as it was a big weight off my soulders and gave me more time to concentrate on other subjects!! But good luck with whatever you decide to do! :thumb_yello:

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You'll be fine. Your (I think it's ATAR now...) is based on your performance in the subjects you do compared to the other students in the state who take that particular subject, I believe, not what subjects you take. Our school advised us to take the subjects that we knew we could do well at. Even if you need physics or maths extension for what you want to do at uni, you can always do a bridging course. I do Maths A, and some of the courses I'm looking at if I don't get into IT require Maths B (which I think is the equivilant of extension maths). I've talked to our schools careers advisor, and she told me that bridging courses are designed for exactly that reason. =]


Yes, ATAR!


I don't need them for what I want to do. I want to be a primary or high school teacher, but I still want to do well because I'm also interested in health, etc. I think I'll be doing English advanced, English extension 1 and 2, mathematics (advanced), chemistry, studies of religion 2 and music. I'm a little bit worried about music dragging me down because I've heard the scaling is really harsh unless you do spectacularly.


Also, my friend's really clever older sister did the exact same subjects as those and got a pretty horrible UAI (not enough to get into teaching). But I don't really know the specifics of her marks, so maybe she was just unmotivated.. Anyway, why am I stressing about this now?! I'm not even in year 12 yet! :naughty:


Ick! I did extension maths (although we call it Maths C here) and HATED it, and dropped out after the first semester.........was the best thing i ever did, as it was a big weight off my soulders and gave me more time to concentrate on other subjects!! But good luck with whatever you decide to do! :thumb_yello:


I actually don't mind extension maths and I'm not too bad at it (I got 87 for the first semester). But I want to drop it and physics so that I can have more time to focus on the subjects that I enjoy more.

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Haha, I only remember it was ATAR, because all the NSW uni apps I filled out were asking whether I was planning on receiving one this year. =]


My maths is finished! *Victory dance!*

Before midnight, too! :kachinga:

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Haha, I only remember it was ATAR, because all the NSW uni apps I filled out were asking whether I was planning on receiving one this year. =]


My maths is finished! *Victory dance!*

Before midnight, too! :kachinga:


Well done!! :biggrin2:


I think I'm going to stick with the plan of dropping physics and maths extension. I'm just going to have to work really hard next year and limit my time on the internet/MFC!





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Well done!! :biggrin2:


I think I'm going to stick with the plan of dropping physics and maths extension. I'm just going to have to work really hard next year and limit my time on the internet/MFC!






True :naughty:

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Okay, okay! I'm doing it!

It's just, every program I load crashes within two minutes of opening it. Not helpful, since I'm doing critical path diagrams, and using photoshop programs to draw them... *waits for Firefox to crash*


Sorry... but I just had to do it... I think I harassed Bianca into doing stuff a fair bit so I may as well start on you! :naughty:



I've never heard of Firefox crashing... then again, I hardly use it... :dunno:


LOL i remember plenty of times being up all night the night before an assignment was due.......i'd even often come on here too to give myself a break form it


We were your approved study break, right? :naughty:


I just like school far too much for my own good! lol

And then I'm gonna miss all the people, and all my teachers, and school itself! We're moving to around Brisbane after I graduate, you see. So really, the end of school is like looking at the end of my time in Townsville. I've never stayed somewhere for so long. (nearly 10 years now!)

That and I don't like the cold! =P




Do you want to come to Orange to visit? It's plenty cold! :naughty:


Argh, this entire weekend I've been stressing about school and next year! I really want to drop physics and maths extension but all these websites are making me feel like my UAI/whatever it's called now is going to be horrible without doing them!


They changed it again??? I was the first year to have UAIs, and before that was TERs... dunno before that...


Yes, ATAR!


I don't need them for what I want to do. I want to be a primary or high school teacher, but I still want to do well because I'm also interested in health, etc. I think I'll be doing English advanced, English extension 1 and 2, mathematics (advanced), chemistry, studies of religion 2 and music. I'm a little bit worried about music dragging me down because I've heard the scaling is really harsh unless you do spectacularly.


Also, my friend's really clever older sister did the exact same subjects as those and got a pretty horrible UAI (not enough to get into teaching). But I don't really know the specifics of her marks, so maybe she was just unmotivated.. Anyway, why am I stressing about this now?! I'm not even in year 12 yet!


Scaling was pretty harsh when I did it... Apparently Drama was scaled down more than Music...


If it's still the same, Music will be scaled down and the maths based subjects scaled up, but as you say, you have to do spectacularly well in music...


I have faith in you! You can do it!




Would you like a cheer squad? :naughty:

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I have to report in here about this dream I had last night. I could write it in the Dreams about Mika thread, but since it concerns you lot I thought I'd put it here....



Last night I had a dream that Silver won the gig-in-your-loungeroom thing from Mikasounds. I went on to the forum to read her report etc, hoping that there would be pictures and all of a sudden I went "That's my house!" Not that the gig was at my house, but there was a street shot and Silver's house was about four houses away from my house.


My house in this instance was the house I grew up in, ie my parents' house. Which meant that Silver was living in WA! Boy, was I ever surprised when I worked that out, as I had been pretty sure she lived in England.


But being a dream, this meant that instead of just reading her report on MFC, I "travelled back in time" slightly and actually turned up at her house. I'd missed the beginning of things, but turns out the beginning was everyone all having dinner together, then sitting round watching television. I'm not quite sure who exactly was there....


I remember Bianca was there, cos I called her OD instead of OKD and she got very hurt until I called her Bianca. I'm pretty sure Kelz was there and SoA, but I really don't recall who else.


Then after watching TV for a while, everyone wanted to play games. Probably what would have been called "parlour games" way back when. Stuff like charades and riddle games and cards etc etc. It was so much fun cos everyone was just sitting round hanging out with Mika, just having a very relaxed time.


I remember saying to Mika "I didn't think this could possibly be real. It couldn't possibly be in Perth, cos you're supposed to be on holidays in the French Alps! Or did you fly straight over here after a day or two there?" He nodded and I said "You must be wrecked!" He ignored that for some reason.


Eventually it looked like Mika was going to leave cos we'd all had a great time etc when I piped up with "But what about the gig? Aren't you supposed to do a gig for Silver in her lounge room?" So we all trooped in to this bigger room next door and we all sat on the floor and Mika sang songs (don't remember what) and chatted to us. And I specifically remember when he was almost finished someone said to him "See you in two weeks then?" and he said "Yeah", and I'm like "WTF???? What's happening in two weeks?"


And everyone just looked at me like I'd lost the plot and Mika says "The gig in two weeks" in a does-that-ring-any-bells kind of a way. And I'm like "But I didn't know!! And I don't have tickets and it will be too late to get any now!" and Mika said "Why don't you look on E-bay?" and I said "I've just bought a house! I can't afford to buy tickets off E-bay!" and he kind of smirked at me.


Then my sister turned up and I introduced her to Mika (she lives in Canada btw, but considering I was living at my parents' house, it kind of makes sense that she was too. We must have been teenagers again.)


And then I asked Mika some other stuff that I remembered when I first woke up and have now forgotten, but I just remember that he wouldn't answer me. It was kind of like he was ignoring me or something, like I'd already asked my "quota" of questions.


Then Mika had to go, and went outside to some sort of van and hopped in and they drove away and I realised that he'd pretty much been there all night, as the sun was about to rise.


So I snuck home and tried to get back in quietly without waking my parents, but Dad heard me and wanted to know where I'd been, so I explained about the gig at Silver's and he wanted to meet her so we went over there and I started to introduce them and realised that I didn't know Silver's real name, only her forum name and I couldn't very well introduce her as Silver. My Dad asked what her name was and for some reason she wouldn't tell us. So Dad didn't want me to have anything to do with her.


But then Dad suddenly wasn't there and I said to Silver "I didn't know you lived near me!" and she said "Yes you did. Don't you remember, a long time ago we worked out that we must live near each other but we never exchanged addresses so we hadn't worked out how close we were living to each other" and I was sad because all this time we could have been catching up with each other on a regular basis and we'd wasted that time. And then I looked at her house and it wasn't a house anymore but a block of units and I thought "No wonder I'd never worked out where she lived, there's so many of them" and Silver went back up the external stairs to her floor and waved to me from her balcony and then went back inside.


And I think that's when I woke up. It really was a fantastic dream and I was so happy and excited but also so relaxed at the same time.:biggrin2:

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The thing that was the best was just the fact that it was so much more than the gig in the lounge room. Mika wanted to be there, wanted to hang out, wanted to just relax and catch up with people and there was no time limit of "Well, you've got 45 mins and then Mika has to go somewhere else."


Just reading back through it, if I was a teenager at my parents' house, why would I worry about the fact that I've just bought a house and have no money? Ah, the internal logic in dreams is always screwy.



I do think one thing that affected that was the fact that there's a rumour that Fleetwood Mac might be coming to Aus and I told hubby that he has to go and I think it made me think I wouldn't have any money to see Mika if he went to see Fleetwood Mac. Dunno.

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Fleetwood Mac are coming?? :shocked::woot_jump:


I'm so there... and tbh, would choose them over Mika anyway :naughty:



Nice Dream.. It makes sense that Silver lives here since she's the 2nd highest poster. :teehee:

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I have to report in here about this dream I had last night. I could write it in the Dreams about Mika thread, but since it concerns you lot I thought I'd put it here....



Last night I had a dream that Silver won the gig-in-your-loungeroom thing from Mikasounds. I went on to the forum to read her report etc, hoping that there would be pictures and all of a sudden I went "That's my house!" Not that the gig was at my house, but there was a street shot and Silver's house was about four houses away from my house.







:floor: well I only need about a million more points

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I feel truly honoured to have featured in your dream, CD :blush-anim-cl:


And I'm not even going to attempt to analyse it



However, I am prepared to consider moving to Australia if it means I get to spend the night with Mika :das:


and of course you guys :wub2:

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My firefox crashes lately.. it gets on my nerves. I keep saying I'll download google chrome to use but never get around to it


Well there you go... You learn something new everyday!







:floor: well I only need about a million more points


Get working woman!



I can't be arsed to work on getting the points...


Hey everyone ... been busy here last weekend .. my mum had a birthday dinner and it was good .. hopefully things will be back to normal now ... like it ever is hehehe ... whats been happenin ???


Sweet FA, that's what's been happening...




Actually, there was an interesting story on the front page of the paper... a man went to Emergency dept in Orange, and got sent home after being told to take some painkillers...


He had a fractured skull... :shocked:


F***ers... I really could be a better doctor than the ones in Emergency...

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They changed it again??? I was the first year to have UAIs, and before that was TERs... dunno before that...


Scaling was pretty harsh when I did it... Apparently Drama was scaled down more than Music...


If it's still the same, Music will be scaled down and the maths based subjects scaled up, but as you say, you have to do spectacularly well in music...


I have faith in you! You can do it!


Would you like a cheer squad? :naughty:


Yeah. I think ATAR is pretty similar to the UAI with scaling and everything, except that it's no longer possible to get 100.. The highest possible is 99.95 now (from what I can gather).


Yeah. Mathematics and chemistry will be my highest scaling subjects. The English extensions are pretty good, but no where near as highly scalled as the maths extensions.


Haha thanks! And yes please! :naughty:


Great dream chickadee!! :roftl::biggrin2:

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*dresses up in cheerleading outfit and puts on blonde wig*


GO SD!!!





Oh crap... I look like Hayden Panettiere on Heroes... which means that Sylar will be after me :das:




Sorry... ignore my weirdness...


*goes back to looking for flashing hearts and badges*

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Okay, I know I said people shouldn't get too excited and start organising stuff, but I was thinking...



Do people like the idea of wearing flashing hearts or something that shows us as MFCers?


I still have my badges from the first concert and those of us who went to the first one wore flashing hearts that RBSKY got... So do we want to do flashing hearts or something else?





EDIT: I found this... It's something Sunny Monkey (the original owner for anyone who doesn't know) put together...


Or maybe we can put together some ones that say Aussie Mikamites? :dunno:

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Fleetwood Mac are coming?? :shocked::woot_jump:


I'm so there... and tbh, would choose them over Mika anyway :naughty:



Nice Dream.. It makes sense that Silver lives here since she's the 2nd highest poster. :teehee:


Well, it's only a rumour so far.... Hubby heard on the radio that the Dixie Chicks were coming, and then there was something about Stevie Nicks and then Fleetwood Mac. He hasn't checked for confirmation on any of these yet, he just told me the rumour and I chose to spread it on here:biggrin2:


I feel truly honoured to have featured in your dream, CD :blush-anim-cl:


And I'm not even going to attempt to analyse it



However, I am prepared to consider moving to Australia if it means I get to spend the night with Mika :das:


and of course you guys :wub2:


Well, we ALL spent the night with Mika:das: but it was a fabulous night. And of course Australia would welcome you with open arms.


I mean, we'd have to, considering you're our ruler and all:sneaky2:



Thankyou SD, it was a great dream and so vivid. And so much fun! I haven't had fun like that in ages. I'm sure it's being a parent that does it.

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Okay, I know I said people shouldn't get too excited and start organising stuff, but I was thinking...



Do people like the idea of wearing flashing hearts or something that shows us as MFCers?


I still have my badges from the first concert and those of us who went to the first one wore flashing hearts that RBSKY got... So do we want to do flashing hearts or something else?





EDIT: I found this... It's something Sunny Monkey (the original owner for anyone who doesn't know) put together...


Or maybe we can put together some ones that say Aussie Mikamites? :dunno:


I don't see anything wrong with this sort of planning. I think it's a great idea. I like the flashing hearts idea, cos it seems traditional, but I also like the idea of us having our own Aussie MFC tradition.


I remember those badges from Sunny Monkey... I think I remember him saying something about it being a way for his wife to try and make some money!


I've seriously considered having a t-shirt or "shirt" shirt, with the MFC logo on it and my Mikamite number and my Oldling number and my Mother's Club number and any other group I've joined that I've been assigned a number in. Oh, and with my username on it.


Then again, I've also considered the fact that I try to preserve some anonymity on here and I don't know if I want to broadcast these things all around the place.


But YES!!! We should do something. Remember how we were planning to give Mika a goodie bag at one stage? Like a show bag? With Aussie lollies and biscuits etc in it.


*drifts off into remembering the long distant past, when this group was not so hardened and bitter and disappointed....*:teehee:

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Okay, I know I said people shouldn't get too excited and start organising stuff, but I was thinking...



Do people like the idea of wearing flashing hearts or something that shows us as MFCers?


I still have my badges from the first concert and those of us who went to the first one wore flashing hearts that RBSKY got... So do we want to do flashing hearts or something else?





EDIT: I found this... It's something Sunny Monkey (the original owner for anyone who doesn't know) put together...


Or maybe we can put together some ones that say Aussie Mikamites? :dunno:


Omg i never thought about that! Ive never met anyone form MFC before!


I have a flashing heart somewhere i once got to wear to the V festival when i thought Mika was coming.......i must look for that!

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I personally think that the badges and flashing hearts are a great idea... and I like the idea of a little package as a group, and if people want to give Meeks something separate then that's okay...



Oooh HK... are you going to make up another farmyard necklace?






I remember making up a list of t shirt slogans that we could use when Mika came back... a lot couldn't be used cause of copyright, but the others maybe... I'll see if I can find them...



EDIT: Technically this is something RBSKY should organise cause she's world rep, but she's not on very often...



If possible, we should make one large order for the badges and for the hearts...

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