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*runs around the room hugging everyone*


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Helllllooooooooooo im not here much latley....so much school stuff and work! (not complaining tho) its just suck that i dont have too much time to be here.....


I MISS U ALL..... soooooo how is everyone!? give me updates ;)


Im still in LA.... going to college (have math, graphic design and spanish classes. btw if you speak spanish...help me practice ;) )


and im working on few websites now... got some new clients so im happy about that.


I moved this week closer to my school and with my parents (dont have enough money to go live by myself now =P but its ok!)


thats it from me.... ofcourse waiting for mika's new album and TOUUUURRRR!!!


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que bueno ver que estas por el mfc de nuevo :thumb_yello:

espero que tus lecciones de español anden bien ^^

suerte con la universidad :)


WHAT?!?!? lmao i guess i have a lot morw to learn ;)


ok tell me what exactly it all means now :):blush-anim-cl:

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nice to see you in the mfc again :thumb_yello:

i hope you`re doing fine in your spanish lessons ^^

luck with collage :) "



thanks! ;)


Hey Sivan - my Spanish is non-existent I'm afraid.


Glad to hear the website biz is going well.


What happened to that guy in your school you wanted to talk to?


Hey christine... :) that guy disapeared one day! like he stopped coming to his class...i dont know! and i never saw him again.... :boxed:

and this semester....no hotties... :blink:

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welcome back! :bye:


heello :)


my uncle gave us an old tv he had.... HUGE screen... and it didnt work few days... my brother came and suddenly it worked when he tried...


first thing i did is put mika dvd on.... :D it was like being there! :punk:

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Hey Sivan, how are you? How are things going...better I hope? I'm glad you got some clients, that's a great start! I was in LA a few weeks ago visiting USC, it was cool :wink2:

Let me know if you need help with Spanish (I'm not a native speaker, but... nearly :wink2:)

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Hey Sivan, how are you? How are things going...better I hope? I'm glad you got some clients, that's a great start! I was in LA a few weeks ago visiting USC, it was cool :wink2:

Let me know if you need help with Spanish (I'm not a native speaker, but... nearly :wink2:)


hey :) thanks!

u plan on going to college here?

thanks for the spanish offer.... i have a test this week.... ill start studying tomorrow :thumbdown:

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hey :) thanks!

u plan on going to college here?

thanks for the spanish offer.... i have a test this week.... ill start studying tomorrow :thumbdown:



Yep, if all goes according to plan, I'll be starting at UT at Austin in August :woot_jump: can't wait!!

Ooh good luck with the test!!! :thumb_yello:

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SIVAN! YOU'RE BACK! you probably don't remember me :boxed: but oh well, i was a newbie when you started disapearing. but i remember this big thing over this guy you liked.


*gives you a big hug anyway*


LOL thanks!!! i never left just dont have too much time to post here... there were days i was on here most of the day... lol



Yep, if all goes according to plan, I'll be starting at UT at Austin in August :woot_jump: can't wait!!

Ooh good luck with the test!!! :thumb_yello:


thanks! it went ok.... :) ill probably know the result in about a week and a half...

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