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How do you feel right now?

Dark Angel

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I'm feeling alright. Queer As Folk will be on in 6 minutes and I have no school tomorrow. I sense a win. :punk:

Lucky. I could only find that on LOGO and we don't get LOGO anymore.:tears:

Don't think that! :sneaky2:




And OH MY GOD, where've you been? :dunno::huglove:


Yes ma'am!:naughty: I'm trying not to, but it gets to me sometimes.


I had some very bad drama concerning school and whether or not I was kicked out of it for good, and that took a lot of time and energy. But it's recently been cleared up and I'm trying to be online more often.:thumb_yello:

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Lucky. I could only find that on LOGO and we don't get LOGO anymore.:tears:



Yes ma'am!:naughty: I'm trying not to, but it gets to me sometimes.


I had some very bad drama concerning school and whether or not I was kicked out of it for good, and that took a lot of time and energy. But it's recently been cleared up and I'm trying to be online more often.:thumb_yello:


Yeah, I watch it it on Logo.



Oh, well I'm glad it's behind you now. :thumb_yello:

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I sweaar everytiime i write on this one i'm not paticulary great?

My friend was cheated on by her boyfriend.. with me :boxed:


Worst mistake i've actually ever made, don't balme her if she doesnt forgive me:sad:


&At the same tiime.. alright, had a good day, people stopped asking me questions and didn't go to school cos of this rememberence day thiingg.


&At the same tiime bummered, a boy is in love with me and i dunno what to do :shocked:

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I feel.....empty, useless...like I need to do something. Like I'm wasting my time by sitting around and listeneg ti this crap music and doing crap that no one cares about and going to school and doing homework. There are sooo many other things I could be doing! I could be using my time to help people or change the world or help with equality for all people. But no one takes you seriously when you're young and don't have any experence or a college degree. I'm never going to get anywhere until I get at least an Associates. But that's two years of my life that I have to spend doing nothing important! I just have to sit around wasting my youth because society deems it necessary for young people to have schooling. And then when we're old and weak and useless to society they complain that we've never done anything. Do you have any idea how long it takes to get a Ph.D? 12 more years or school, not including the 2 years it'll take you to write your thesis! And with a Ph.D you can do almost anything but by the time you have it you'll be old and decrepid! The Peace Corps won't even take you without an Associates anymore. Andthey want an Associates in computer technology so you can help developing countries hook up to the internet. I don't care about that!!! I want to spend my time worrying about the people who don't have FOOD!!! The people who haven't eaten in a week because they're giving all the scraps they find to their sick dying children! Why would I want to connect them to the internet? They haven't got houses to put a computer in! And if they did do we really need to have more people addicted to doing nothing? That way all of the world can sit around wishing something were happening and talk to each other about what should happen then do nothing?!?! Might as well give it to them because they'll never be taken seriously without a college degree and most of them haven't ever gone to a school and definitely can't afford thousends of dollars a year to have some old indifferent man telling you things that don't effect the world anyway and really don't matter to the quality of life for anyone!



That's how I feel.

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I...I dont know...I REALLY need to say how I feel, express everything somehow but there are something I wouldnt say in thi thread...

and if I talk to some(particular)body I know what will be the answears for all of my questions, worries, problems. I've heard it alllll before

Say what you can here if you want and tell that somebody the rest. I'm sure that person will try their best to give you what you want :wink2:

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I feel.....empty, useless...like I need to do something. Like I'm wasting my time by sitting around and listeneg ti this crap music and doing crap that no one cares about and going to school and doing homework. There are sooo many other things I could be doing! I could be using my time to help people or change the world or help with equality for all people. But no one takes you seriously when you're young and don't have any experence or a college degree. I'm never going to get anywhere until I get at least an Associates. But that's two years of my life that I have to spend doing nothing important! I just have to sit around wasting my youth because society deems it necessary for young people to have schooling. And then when we're old and weak and useless to society they complain that we've never done anything. Do you have any idea how long it takes to get a Ph.D? 12 more years or school, not including the 2 years it'll take you to write your thesis! And with a Ph.D you can do almost anything but by the time you have it you'll be old and decrepid! The Peace Corps won't even take you without an Associates anymore. Andthey want an Associates in computer technology so you can help developing countries hook up to the internet. I don't care about that!!! I want to spend my time worrying about the people who don't have FOOD!!! The people who haven't eaten in a week because they're giving all the scraps they find to their sick dying children! Why would I want to connect them to the internet? They haven't got houses to put a computer in! And if they did do we really need to have more people addicted to doing nothing? That way all of the world can sit around wishing something were happening and talk to each other about what should happen then do nothing?!?! Might as well give it to them because they'll never be taken seriously without a college degree and most of them haven't ever gone to a school and definitely can't afford thousends of dollars a year to have some old indifferent man telling you things that don't effect the world anyway and really don't matter to the quality of life for anyone!



That's how I feel.


wow im speechless!!!! :shocked: But you should be glad that you can do something in the future... theres some who cant. i dont have an education, never went to college cos i couldnt (so went to theatre school) and now i have to live with i cant work too or go back to school (dont wanna go back anyway) Been like that since i was 20. lIm "doomed" enough to they want me to have a nurse to check up on me each day... the thought of that makes me feel old!!!! (but ive said no to one)

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wow im speechless!!!! :shocked: But you should be glad that you can do something in the future... theres some who cant. i dont have an education, never went to college cos i couldnt (so went to theatre school) and now i have to live with i cant work too or go back to school (dont wanna go back anyway) Been like that since i was 20. lIm "doomed" enough to they want me to have a nurse to check up on me each day... the thought of that makes me feel old!!!! (but ive said no to one)

Aww, I'm sorry. :huglove:


But that's my problem, I don't think I really can do something. there is no way I'm going to waste my time with much more schooling and I'm only in college now because someone who means a lot to me asked me to go. but the things I believe in and the way I think things should be done will never be taken seriously unless I have a high education and somehow get into politics or something of the sort. I hate politics! I'm going to end up being a dowdy old school teacher that works for the system she hates so much.

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I know it does....and I'm not getting into the second bit.






No it is not only about what you think it is...

But it doesnt matter :huglove: youve your problems and all I can say about it: Chase your dream.

By now I barely believe I will sing in future but I still try and train my voice, learn piano etc....

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No it is not only about what you think it is...

But it doesnt matter :huglove: youve your problems and all I can say about it: Chase your dream.

By now I barely believe I will sing in future but I still try and train my voice, learn piano etc....

I haven't got a clue what it's about :blink: Not exactly anyway.

Yeah, I've got my problems: I haven't got a dream to chase!!!!!!!

Just don't give up :huglove:

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I haven't got a clue what it's about :blink: Not exactly anyway.

Yeah, I've got my problems: I haven't got a dream to chase!!!!!!!

Just don't give up :huglove:


Well its realated but not the same thing

You do! You want to help people! You want to have a voice in this would dont you? Dont give up on it cuz in 20yrs youll say: What if. and it will be too late then. You can do it! I know it! :huglove:

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