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I've been lurking as a guest for a while and you all seem lovely and friendly so I thought I'd join!


I'm Jen, I remember hearing Grace Kelly when it came out and thinking 'this is catchy!' and then the same with Love Today and Big Girl, but for some reason I never really payed any more attention than that, except to buy a pair of black and white striped trousers because I saw Mika on tv in a pair once and fell in love! :biggrin2:


Then I started to have a bit of a rough time at school and needed something more cheery-sounding than my usual rock groups, found my LICM cd hidden away in a drawer and suddenly everything seemed better! TBWKTM has done much the same and I really appreciate Mika's music for being able to help me along in some tricky times


Also, I'm off to the London show in February and it'll be my first Mika gig, and my first time at a gig alone, so I'd love to get to know some people who might be there!


Wow, this is much longer than I intended...sorry about that!

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Hey Jen, welcome to the MFC.


Sad to hear that things haven't been great but really pleased that Mika's music has helped you, it helped me greatly during some dark times too.


I'm 99% certain to be in London in Feb so I hope to see you there. In the meantime enjoy the MFC :wink2:

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