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The 'RAIN' experience


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Yesterday i 'had' to go home on my bike when it was raining cats & dogs. It was really raining f***ing hard. So first i was very :badmood:, but very soon there was Mika on my Ipod with RAIN and i had the best bike ride of my life. This song is so energetic and it has a perfect ' bikebeat' ....The wind, the cold, the RAIN on my face made me feel more alive than ever. I was cycling as hard as i could and singing my lungs out especially on the part 'More than this, I HATE DAYS LIKE THIS!! After 10 times of playing, I came home, totally soaked through, but with a huge smile on my face and i was so happy with my life. My boyfriend was like :confused:


So for everyone who's living in a country where RAIN is a common thing, you should try the RAIN experience....It is the best thing ever!! :roftl:


*important note: a hot shower an dry clothes are needed afterwards..:wink2:


Sorry, but I HAD TO share my euphoric feelings from yesterday and this is probably the only place where peoply actually understand.....


Are there people with sort of same experience/special moment with a MIKA song?? Would be nice to read!!

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Oh, I totally recognize that!


There's rain all the time over here in Holland. And I have to bike or hockey everyday. But when you turn on Rain (or any other song) time just goes so fast! :biggrin2:

Big Girl and Touches You are also very Bike-able. :naughty:


And I also love to bike to my work at the weekend in the morning. It's right in the middle of nowhere, and you only see cows and fields with a little bit mist, when the sun goes up. Like this:


Then I always put on Happy Ending. One time I felt so happy, I could nearly cry. :wub2: You really get this feeling like: Woow, I am alive!

That view, with a dreamy song like Happy Ending, I See You, or By The Time, just makes you feel so good! :thumb_yello:

Edited by Mika_Addiction
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We've had a lot or rain lately, and my husband blames Mika!

He's only joking though. He thinks Rain is a great song, as do we all!

My son Steve says that Mika looks like a vampire in the rain vid, and he wonders if Mika has been wtrching True Blood.


I hope he has, it's a really good series!:thumb_yello:


Rain is a perfect walking song, good energy...and we have a lot of rain in my country!:naughty:

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Big Girl and Touches You are also very Bike-able. :naughty:

I will 'bike' them next time!!


And I also love to bike to my work at the weekend in the morning. It's right in the middle of nowhere, and you only see cows and fields with a little bit mist, when the sun goes up. Like this:


Unfortunatly my computer can not 'read' the picture, but i know how it must look. It's beautiful.


Then I always put on Happy Ending. One time I felt so happy, I could nearly cry. :wub2: You really get this feeling like: Woow, I am alive!

That view, with a dreamy song like Happy Ending, I See You, or By The Time, just makes you feel so good! :thumb_yello:


Yeah i love that feeling too! Especially when it's very early in the morning, everybody is still sleeping, it is cold and only you are awake...... and some cows :naughty:

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I hadn't an experience with rain but last year when I went with the dog the shuffle on my iPod played the LICM songs. The atmosphere was undescribable!

It was dark and cold outside, nobody was out on the street but then the songs came and I was dancing on the dark street, singing lollipop and all the other ones.

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i had a similar experience with rain, but before i even knew who mika was. :naughty: it can just feel damn good to be outside in the pouring rain, if it's not too cold, though of course you wouldn't choose it - but if it happens, enjoy it! :biggrin2:

the problem is, that most times when it rains like that AND is warm enough, it's a thunderstorm, and i'm scared to be outside then. :rolls_eyes:

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And Love Today is very "let's all jump around in a field and act like geeks!" :roftl:






It was taken in 2007 and I don't really look like that now LOL :roftl:

Hahaha, that's so great! :roftl:


Seriously, Mika sometimes makes you doing some really freaky stuff.

I've been dancing around with a friend, dressed up as retards, singing/(screaming :teehee:) along to WAG, right in the middle of a busy train, when we were going to a Mika gig. The conductor told us he would kick us out if we didn't shut up. :naughty: It was great, haha

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This morning I brought my laptop in the bathroom with me and what I did is I turned off the lights so the only light in the room was my laptop screen (which is a really cool effect through glass doors) and I turned on Rain. I proceeded to take a shower in the dark (my laptop looked like the moon in the video) and let the water fall down on me as I sang along to the song.


Coolest shower ever. :naughty:

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One day I was totally freaking out, cause I was going to job interview, and Relax was on the radio... Does that count? :naughty:


I was like "this must be a sign...relax Mary, relax... :hypo:"


Ok, this last part was made up, but the rest is true! :roftl: I thought it was funny, I love when the songs that are playing on the radio have something to do with what you're feeling at that exact moment!

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