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Oh Good Morning! Why don't you welcome a newbie?


Hello! I'm Seatown, from Seattle, Washington... fabulous place it is!

Currently I'm being a model student, the advanced procrastinator. I have a paper due in 6 hours and... don't you worry, dear. I'm almost done :teehee:


And if you love lots of animations in my text, I'll try!


I speak choppy french and an unwritten dialect of Mandarin Chinese (the last time I went there, no one spoke it anymore! Or; at least no one I wasnted to talk to could speak it. Only the elderly it seemed)


I most definetely heard of MIKA through a camping trip, and a fabulous camping trip it was. The most amazing falsetto just wrenched my heart out, haha.


Sooo, it's wonderful, it's wonderful. Wish me luck on my essay and my sporadic appearances on these boards... I hope to get to know some of you joys very well, very soon!


Love Always,


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:huglove:'s to you too!

Italy?! That's amazing! I've always wanted to go there. Actually all I've ever wanted to do was walk around Europe, just everywhere. For 10 years, scratch that 20.


Being a fan of fish food that market will stick with me forever


Yes! I love the Market! We do have good chinese here :P

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God I love your intro. You sound fascinating. Or I'm easily fascinated, one or the other:aah:


Hope you're not too sporadic on the boards, and good luck with the paper!




Oh, and welcome! God, I'd forget my head if it wasn't glued on:doh:

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Thank you for the luck! It's done and turned in now, but I'll make sure to go online later today (LOVE this place so much already!).


Aah, C'est une bonne journée. Je réside (vis?) aux Etats-Unis :)


Gaaah my french is not too good >.<

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Thank you for the luck! It's done and turned in now, but I'll make sure to go online later today (LOVE this place so much already!).


Aah, C'est une bonne journée. Je réside (vis?) aux Etats-Unis :)


Gaaah my french is not too good >.<


Not bad actually, you can say both :wink2:

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Oh Good Morning! Why don't you welcome a newbie?


Hello! I'm Seatown, from Seattle, Washington... fabulous place it is!

Currently I'm being a model student, the advanced procrastinator. I have a paper due in 6 hours and... don't you worry, dear. I'm almost done :teehee:


And if you love lots of animations in my text, I'll try!


I speak choppy french and an unwritten dialect of Mandarin Chinese (the last time I went there, no one spoke it anymore! Or; at least no one I wasnted to talk to could speak it. Only the elderly it seemed)


I most definetely heard of MIKA through a camping trip, and a fabulous camping trip it was. The most amazing falsetto just wrenched my heart out, haha.


Sooo, it's wonderful, it's wonderful. Wish me luck on my essay and my sporadic appearances on these boards... I hope to get to know some of you joys very well, very soon!


Love Always,



I love you already :biggrin2:

Welcome :bye:

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